2 minute read

Staying in Line

Ge t in the car and go. It is an American pastime. It is a personal freedom open to allthat prove they can handle the responsibility.

Only if it was so easy Assuming you had a car on campus oraccess toone, justgoing was neversimple Campustraffic was a problem that everyone faced and dealt with.

The problem was simple Too many people had to use the only campus entrance and exit at the same time The entire situation was complicated by traffic from the GE plant and a handful of poor drivers

The line to get offthecampus reaches back tothecircle side of campus. The line, close to a mile longand close to a half-hour wait,triedthe patience of drivers.

Itresulted in long,snail-paced linesthatcrawled,that inched, off campus

An immediate resolution was sought — another entrance,direct access to theexpress way — but never found. For now,drivers simply had to learn todeal with the situation and plan accordingly.


Dorm 21-3: FIRST ROW: Holly Aukland, Renee Humphries, K Hichelle, Peachy Dartt, Wendy Wood.SECOND ROW: KellySweet, Maryann Broderick, Susan Marks, KateHerr, MichellePoole, Kimberly Beams, Trac, Susan Strauss, Alene Entwisle, Sheryl Miers, Winni Poon THIRD ROW: MarthaWilliamson, Nicole Nichols,Heidi Cibik, Amy Freeman, Sharon Ali,Melissa Hilliard, RebeccaMartin, JennyGreen, FaithWells, JeanieMin,LoriKann, Michelle Blyth.

FOURTH ROW: Susan Markva,Wendy Powell,Renee Manuel,LoriTaylor,

Lynn Summerly,Sheryl Gee,Julee Mifflin, Sandra Martin, Cynthia Southall, Laura Lynn Powell, Wendy Sweet, Kimberly Price, ValerieSturgell, KellyJohn son,Heather Youst DORM LOCATION: Mountain sideofcampus DORM

FEATURE: Rooms with a view of Lynchburg DORM ACTIVITY:Cricket chasingand stair climbing. DORM CONCERN: The funnydoors in thelobbyo dorm 23 thateitherdidn't work or worked poorly

Dorm 22-1: FIRST ROW: James Yount,Edward Soden,Clarance Stanford, Malcolm Burgess, BrettHarvey, Brian Pratt SECOND ROW: MikeSorowice, BillWessner,Paul Kalimuzo,Darin Clarke,Hershel Dunne, Johnathon Smith, SethSong PRAYER LEADERS: Bill Wessner, Hershel Dunne,MichaelBrandenburg,Paul Kalimuzo, Craig Kamalakis,Denny Gerow SPIRITUAL LIFE

DIRECTOR: Malcolm Burgess. ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR : MalcolmBurgess.

TEAM ON FLOOR: Football— mainly senior members oftheteam DORM

PHRASE: "I'm burning one."


DORM: Nineteen DORM VERSE: Romans6:11 "Likewisereckonyealso yourselvesto bedead indeeduntosin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord." DISTIGUISHED ROOMS: Mostcrowded— 13,Quietest— 6, Loudest— 12, Neatest— 11, Messiest—19

RAs: Clarence Stanford,Jr., and Darin Clarke.DORM LOCATION: Onthe mountain sideofcampus DISTINGUISHING ACTIVITY: Climbing stairs

Al l was quiet A lone chirp of a cricket echoed off the empty stairway of the ravine There was an occasional squeaking of thesecurityguard'sshoesas he checked to make sure all the doors were locked. A few animals scurried into the night It was any night after curfew at Liberty University.

Campus was an entirely different world at night. Itwas a world ofsilence Itwas a world our absence created, a world we never saw Inside the dorms, we indulged in the campus's most popular activity, sleep. When the student body lay down in the evening,the campus did as well. Everything rolled to a gentle stop, waiting for the dawn

Nighttime Campus 373

Dorm 22-2: FIRST ROW:Mark Thomas SECOND ROW:Scott King, Jim VanBuren,Mark Zielke, TimWaddle, Wade Warren,Norbert Hennrich, Chris Vinson,Dave VanZanten THIRD ROW: Jeff Curtis, Clint Payne, SteveTrain, Jonny Shanton, KevinSoderland, John Park, ScottUria, ChrisUmstead, Bryant Johnson FORTH ROW: Paul Frazier, Phil Kearney, Keith Vinson,Robert Johnson (RA), Cary Tomlinson,Rob Walrich,Mike Wilson,Bryant Bowden, Thomas Tully, Dave Tuckwiller, Scott Touchstone SISTER DORM: 21-3

DORM VERSE: Mark 9:23 PRAYER LEADERS: Jonny Shanton,KevinSo- derland,Rob Shockley,Mike Wilson,Tim Saint,John Paris,ErnieAnatolik, Glen Carter,Wade Warren,Terry Tufford.SPIRITUAL LIFE DIRECTOR: Tim Saint ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR: Glen Carter DORM SENATORS: Robert Shockley,Scott Touchstone TEAM O N FLOOR: Football DISTINGUISHING ACTIVITY: Indoor soccer DISTINGUISHED ROOMS: Most creative — 219, Mostcrowded — 216, Quietest— 208, Neatest— 213, Noisiest 205,Messiest — 210.

Dorm 22-3: FIRST ROW: Mark Senter, Gerald Smith, Brian Soistmann, Kevin Scruggs, David Seager, JoePhillips, JamesSiwert, Eric Stabler. SECOND ROW: PeteHavens(RA),MikeCobb,Damond Nelson, KC Spiron, JohnSmith, JoeSummerall, Troy

Mearkle,Russ Russell, Tom Fox,JeffShatto(RA).

THIRD ROW: Chris Williamson, Daryl McGhee, Ken Moore. RESIDENT ASSISTANTS: Pete Havens, Jeff Shatto DORM LOCATION: Mountain side.

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