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A twice-injured Vietnam vet, Chef William Calloway putshis FocusonHelpingIndividuals
\ tfirst impression, he hasaloudboisterous voice thatbellows. Then younoticethe five-and-ahalf-foot-or-so-man, clad in black and white He wearsahatthatmarks him distinctly asthechef In, fact, he'sthehead chefat Marriott,thecampus food service.
But first impressions aren't everything. And, once you've gotten to know William Calloway Jr., you find a timeless quality that makes itimpossiblenottolikehim.
William has worked at Libertyforeightofhis 28year food service career, and he finds his job rewarding. He sayshe gets a personal reward each time he sees a smile or completesalargebanquet or meets another person The work he does atLiberty, though, isonly asmallpartofhis life
"I have a group of kids from the neighborhood that are between the ages ofnine and 15 Iwant toseejust one ofthem make good inthis world," William says.He livesintheTin Ridge HillareaofLynchburg. Hiskids, ashe callsthem,talkwithhimonadailybasis about school,home and the way their livesaregoing.
"Iwant tobe a rolemodel Iwant to seethem stay inschool,inaddition to doing theirbest. is William WOrks With the man behind ii c , • , LV foodservice. roughly 15 kids at a time. He estimatesthat since 1982 he has touched the lives of 200 ofthem.
The Vietnam veteran also has eightchildren of his own. Grown now,they range inage from 16to 27.
William was the
Champion Horseshoe
Pitcher of Lynchburg in 1988 Whileheenjoysplaying football, golfand tennis inadditiontohorseshoes,he also enjoys traveling and fishing inhissparetime. He feelsMarriottoffers the student body a wide selection of good quality food He says there is always something for someone, from thehotfood selections tothesaladbar
Marriott Food Service, which employes William, is responsibleforcampus food service It serves three meals a day through the cafeteria and the Deli, which fosuses on sandwiches and salads Marriott alsorunsFast Break,which isthe equivalent of a sidewalkcafe In 1988,Marriott Corp was resposible for a $50,000 donation for the construction ofthenew eatingfacilityinthe StudentUnion which opened Jan 22, 1989