3 minute read
And JustaPinchofCreativity
I t is lateintheevening You slept throughdinnerandyouarestarved. With high hopes,you make your way to the fridge for a slice of pizza, maybe some bread and peanutbutterorjustanythingedible.Withoutfail,therefrigeratorisemptyorhasonlybottlesof catsupandmustard.
Creativity and ingenuity was thekeytosuccessfuldorm cooking this year Old recipes and some substitutionusuallycould becombined withwhatever was onhandtoholdyouover
Some students turned dormroom cooking into anart. One, senior Tim Seetz, made smoked eeloncrackers
Otherstudentdelicaciesincludedfresh mushrooms and cold crab,cold cheese hotdogsorCheese-Whiz andcrackers.
To some,food was more importantthan delicacies Sophomore Holly Whitfield findtoeat. and some friendshad agritpartyoneevening,gritsbeingtheonlythingtheycould
"They allhate grits,"said Whitfield, "butlmadethemanyway.Theystilldon't likegrits,butwehadfun."
Otherstudentsfindthatsomeof their best memories come from dorm cooking. Senior Mark Brown remembered hisfreshman year. "Ihadroommates whoused tofrytunapattiesinapopcornpopper."
"My freshmanyear,"saidKelvin Olds,"wemadefriedchicken We took some Shake-N-Bake and used a hot iron tofry it with.It endedupbeingprettygood."
Dormroom cookingwasanartto some To others, it was a necessity For all,it required some originality and creativity in the useof ingredientsandutensils.
Some LU students modified recipesusing freeseasoningspickedupatfast-foodrestaurants and inexpensive food from the super market. This one,for example, was taken from ahealthmagazine
Red Chief
Lentil Salad
2 cups Red Chief Lentils (use lettuce—69 cents, on sale)
1 tsp lemon peel,shredded (use Hardy's lemon-likejuice, apack ortwo)
1/3 cup fresh lemon juice (use more of thelemon-likejuice,aboutsixpackets)
2/3 cup olive oil (use roomie's vegetable oilforhispopcorn popper)
2 cloves garlic (use either a salt and pepper mix, using McDonald's salt and pepper packets or use Wendy's Spicy Chili mix—depends on personal preference)
1 cup red, yellow or green pepper, chopped (use a packet and a half of Wendy's Taco Salad season)
1 cup cilantro leaves (unless you're a gourmet, don'tbother)
1/2 cup shallots, green onions or chives (useasmallonion—29centsatKrogers.)
In a medium sauce pan (use popcorn popper) overmedium heat(on) bringlentils(lettuce)and 1 quart water (use best judgment)toboil Reduceheat(off)tosimmer,cover and cook 7 to8 minutes until lentils are tender firm. Drain and rinse with cold water (remembering to clean out your sink before dumping lettuce into it) Turn in to large mixing bowl or salad bowl (usepopcorn popper top)
Combine lemon peel and juice (total 6-8 packages, depending on taste), oil andgarlic (remember to use Wendy's Hot Chili sauce sparingly) Add pepper.cilantroandshallots andstirtoblend Coverandchill(windowsill oron AC unit) severalhoursto blendflavors (oreatimmediately incaseofseverehunger)
Spoon (Wendy'shasnicespoons,aswellas forksand knives) intogreens-lined bowl (or eatwithfingersifyou've forgotten to getthe spoons) Or serve individual portions on leaves of mache, radiccho,red leaflettuce, romaineorkale(saltines work fine).
Makes 5cupsor20appetizerservings,140 calories each
An airshow disasterin West Germany killed 70 people inApril. During anair stunt called "Arrow through theHeart," thesoloplane attempting togothroughthe centerof the formation collided with another and crashed intothe crowd
Hurricane Gilbert wreaked havoc throughouttheAtlantic and Gulf ofMexico inSeptember, then swept across the Caribbean to Haiti and the Dominican Republic Gilbertfinallyveered toward Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula after hitting Jamaican and Cayman islands. The hurricane, which claimed 100 lives,was described by Jamaican Prime Minister Seaga as "the worst disaster in the country's modern history."
Enzo Ferrari, famous builder of race cars, died August 14 atthe ageof90 His car, theFerrari, became asymbol ofaura aswell as speed The company hasproduced about 1000 cars a year sinceits founding after World War II. "One must keep working continuously, otherwise, onethinksofdeath," Ferrari oncewrote
The Soviet Union launched its Soyuz TM-6 spaceshuttle totheMIR space station on August 29, carrying an Afghan crewman, a physician cosmonaut and a missioncommander.Two ofthe crewmen on board the MIR, Bladmir Titov and Musa Manarov, were in their ninth month oforbit.Afterleavingthe MIR,the cosmonauts' reentry into the earth'satmosphere was delayed for almost a day because ofmalfunctioning equipment in the SoyuzM-6
Students access to news was greatly increasedduring 1988/89 withtheadditionofCNN, CableNewsNetwork, to theschool'smonitors.More'in-depthstudyojtheissuescould be made through the useofthe library'speriodicalroom.
Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev announced a cutback of 500,000 red army troops during his Summit meeting with President Ronald Reagan on December7 inNew York. "We dohopethe U.S. and the Europeans willalsotake certain steps," said Gorbachev. Gorbachev spent his day sightseeing in the Big Apple.
Excitementmounted asthetorchwaslitat the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Seoul,South Korea, on September 17. The ceremony carried the theme,"Beyond All Barriers." After 16 days of competition, the Soviet Union came outthewinnerwith 132medals,55 of them gold. East Germany had 102 medals,32 ofthem gold, and the United States collected 94 medals,36 gold. A record237medalswereawarded overthe 16-dayevent,involving150countries.
A battle between Mother Nature and the lifeofthree whales was waged in Point Barrow, Alaska, in October The million-dollareffortrescuedPutu(IceHole), Siku (Ice)andKanik(Snowflake),named by the Eskimoes. President Reagan toldwhale-rescue workers theheartsand prayersofournationwerewiththem.
Terror shook NorthwestSoviet Arminia in December when an earthquake devestatedthe area.Anestimated 27,000persons were killed, 130,000 injured and another 500,000 left homeless. Some towns, such as the smallmountaintown of Spitak hadanestimated fatalityrate of 70 percent. People were reportedly found buried aliveintherubbleupto 35 daysafterthe quake.
The United States agreed to start talks with the Palestine Liberation Organization after Yasser Arafat's agreement to the terms of the Justice Department on December 14. Arafat acknowledged Israel's righttoexist, denounced terrorism and agreed to UN resolutions 242 and 338 which called for an international conference on the Middle East issue
Pan Am flight 103 was downed by a terrorist bomb over Lockerbie,Scottland on Decemberr 28 killing all258passengers and crew, plus 17 people on the ground. The flightwas headed forNew York from London and was flying at 31,000feetwhen the bomb dentonated