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In Revie
The country of Australia, which was founded by British prisoners,celebrated its200thbirthday.
There was little relieftobefound duringa drought thatswept thenation'sfarmbelt duringthesummer The corncropwashit the hardest,being reduced by 26 percent from theprevious year. The USDA esti- mated retail prices would rise no more thanfivepercent in 1988,citingreserves ofgrainsetasideduringprevious, bountiful years. "We cannotmake it rain," said President Reagan "But, we can ease the pain." Several drought reliefprograms were initiated for the affected farmers
The movie "The Last Temptation of Christ" was released in August against the wishes of the Christian community. ThecontroversialfilmportrayedChristas only a man and featured a crucifiction scene where Christ fantasized of sex with Mary Magdalene. At one point, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, with others, offered to purchase themovie in ordertodestroy it.
The space shuttle lifted off on Thursday. September 29 at11:37a.m. endinga 32month haltinthespaceprogram As millions of Americans watched with pride, welldeadling with feelingsofdoubtsand continuedfrompage 65 scepticism ofthespaceprogram. "Americais back inspace," President Reagan told an audience in the Rose Garrden "But,IthinkIhadmy fingerscrossedlike everyone else." The shuttlewasthe first launch since theChallenger exploded in January of1986,killingsevenastronouts, mostnotablyChristaMcAuliffe.
An artistsketch ofLibertyVilliage inSemptember gave studentsandLynchburg residentsan ideaofwhat theretirement complex would looklike. Thefacilitywill house upto 11,000 residents when the developement is completed.
The LA Dodgers beat the Oakland A's 4-1 in the World Series in October. The victory was credited inpart to Orel Hershiser, a Christian,who used video tapestostudy opposing hittersandcheck his owndelivery. He wasresponsiblefor a three-hit shootout in game two and a four-hit clincher in game five Kurt Gibson, alsoafactor, whoahomertowin game one TheDodger team visitedthe White House and met with President Reagan
Johnson announced he and fellow top managers would takecontrolofthe company by theway ofa leveraged buyout Johnson's managerial group planned to selloffsomeofthefoodcompany'sbrands divisonstofinancethedebtandruntheremaining company intheprivate sector.
It was nothing short of excitement during the 1988 Presidental Elections
George Bush was victorious over Micheal Dukakis on November 8, capturing 57percent of thepopularvote. Bush, whovowed tocontinuetheworkof President Reagan, promised thenation no new taxes and a "gentler,kindernation."
IntheVirginiaelectionson November8, Charles Robb became the firstDemocratelected totheU.S senate fromVirginiasince1966. Hebeatopponent Maurice Dawkins with 71 percent of the total vote. Democrats L.F.Payne and Jim Olin captured the Fifth andSixth District Congressional seats, respectively They topped Charles Hawkins and Charles Judd
The largest corporate takeover in history was announced in October when RJR Nabisco Chief Executive Ross
Awaited by an eager crowd of 2000, the United States Air Force unveiled its anti-radar Stealth Bomber in Palmdale, California on November 22. The bomber isdifficult todetectby radar mainly because ofitsexotic composite materials, which absorb, rather than reflect, radar waves. The bomber, priortoitsunveilinghadneverbeenflown and was shrouded in secrecy duringits development.
The Pari-mutuel Gambling Referendum, which wasrejectedbyVirginiavoters in 1978,claimed victory inthe November 8 election. The bill, which allowsfora lotteryandhorsetrackracingin Virginia, captured 56percentofthe total vote. Many conservative Virginians felt thebillwillmake lifeharderforthestate's poor,sincethey can notaffordto participateinthe lottery.
Random Drug Testing of Liberty Students wasannounced on April 22 by the Rev.Jerry Falwell. Theprogrambegan inthefallof1988andtested2000students. Students were required to sign awaiver uponregistering, consentingtothe test.
The Rev. Jerry Falwell announced to the student body in August that a new Student Union center would be constructed The funds forthe SU building were bequested by thefamily of Arthur S DeMoss, who also donated the DeMoss Learning Center. Marriott Corporation made anadditional$50,000 toconstructasnack shop inthebuilding
The building had formerly been used as the university's grounds building It opened January 22,1989.
A measles epidemic brought a self-initiated quarantine of Liberty University, starting September 7 The quarintine keptstudents who couldnotprove vaccination on the campus On September 10, more than2000studentsreceivedfree vaccinations.
The creation of Liberty Village, a retirementcomplex,was announced in October by the Rev. Jerry Falwell. The complex,which willincludearestaurant, shopping mall, abeauty parlorandtelevisionstudio, willeventually house 11,000 residents The villagebeganconstruction inthespringof 1989 inconjunction with the Southern Management Group, a Florida firm that develops retirement communities.
Miss Julie Harbot was announced Miss Liberty 1988 on October 22. The Eleventh Annual Miss Liberty Pageant featured 24 seniorgirls and the comedy duo of Stephen Hicks and Jerry Cohagan as hosts. Also during the evening, Miss Sue Parks was pronouncedMissCongeniality.
The Rev. Jerry Falwell announced in December through the donations ofanonymousdonorstheuniversitywouldconstruct a 12,000-seatfootball stadium and a 10,000-seat arena on campus Thedonors designated McDeavitt and Street Co in Raleigh, N.C., as the general contractorsfortheproject. The project's architects for the project were Hakan/
Corley and Associates of Chapel Hill, N.C Construction began in February, 1989.
John Carradine
Dan Daniels
Enzo Ferrari
Andy Gibb
Robert Heinlein
John Housman
Trevor Howard
Pete Maravich
John Mitchell
Louise Nevelson
Roy Orbinson
The front of the Student Union during its construction in thefallofl988. The half-a-milliondollarrenovationtothe former grounds buildingtookfivemonths.The buildingwas emptied when the grounds crew moved over to the North campus,acquiredfrom bankruptCraddock-Terry Shoe Co.
Kim Philby
Art Rooney
Deaths Actor President'sBrother
VA Senator
Science-Fiction Writer
Actor, Writer, Producer Actor
Ballet-troupeFounder Author BasketballPlayer
US Attorney General Artist
Singer Heiress
FootballTeam Owner
Barbara Woodhouse
Dog Trainer