3 minute read
Buz z one 6:15 a.m That's Cindy'salarm Shealways has to be first in everything, including getting up in the morning. She'sfrom Floridaand knows everything about waves, sand andblondehair Sheis very competitive, whether it's the volleyball team or math class;and strivestobe numberone
Buzz two. 6:30a.m. Mary is the nextone up. "MissPerfection"is what we call her At the first sound of her alarm she sweeps out of bed and neatly into her slippers and robe Her bed is made without a second thought and shecarries herbucket off to the shower Her wardrobe is perfectlycoordinated—earrings, shoes and a purse tomatch everything. Sheis the onewho is responsible forthe spotless room
Her day isruined ifshe spills a drop of her coffee, gets a B in French or, heaven forbid, messes up her hair
Buzz three 6:45 a.m Sheila springs out from under her covers with one great leap. Right into our metal trash can,inthe same placeits been all year Her only casualty is asoretoe Sheis ourlovable freshman — theone who gets allthe phone callsand dates. She neverbothers with such trivialthingslikestudying Sheis havingtoo much fun.
Buzz four...buzz...buzz. 7:00 a.m. Yeah, I hear it Does it reallymean I have toget up?
A m Itheonly one around here who believes in life's simple pleasures, like sleeping in, chocolateandstayinguplate? How aboutjust lyinghere...
That is until Cindy comes back from her shower. The door slams and thelightflicks on
"Oooohh," Igroan forherto hear.
"Annie, Ididn'tknow youwerestill in..."her
Rooms inthe morning can be a nightmare. It didnot matterhow wellroomatestriedtoorganize everything out. voiceis drowned outbythenoiseofher blow dryer.
So much forlife'ssimplepleasures. Iguess my dayhasbegun,likeit or not.
Cindy had tostand inlinefora shower and now sheisrunning late She'll be behind in getting ready which willmean Mary willbe late. That,inturn, willmake Sheila late and, yes, I'll belate, again
The challenge has begun Four lategirls, fourblow dryers, twosets ofhotrollers, three curlingirons, twooutlets, amirrorandasink.
W e kinda have a system to help though Mary standsrightinfrontofthemirrorandthe rest of us crowd around her. Cindy races around atafeverish pace to be finished first. Sheila and Ibump into each other and Mary stands by themirror, concentrating
Cindy and Mary blow dry first
Then Sheila plugs inas soon as Cindy pullsoutandI getthe outlet when Mary isdone. Cindy readies herselfwith herhot rollersand assoon asSheilais done, Mary gets hercurling iron done. Cindy dresseswiththehotrollers in and I convert to thecurling iron. The chaos continuesuntil each of us is dried, curledand primped
Of course, allof thisdiligent work wouldgotowasteifthiswas theendofit Butthencomesthe hairspray,something Idon't believe in However, my roommates areaddicts Thespraying lasts forseveralminutes,creating a cloud of sticky,lung-clogging glue
Departure one 7:45a.m Cindy scoops up her books and grabs her coat She gives a farewell wink, findingconfidencethatshe was once again thefirst oneout Departure two 7:50 a.m Sheilaopens the door and drops her books, letting out a mouse-like squeak Mary and Iscrambleto help pick them up Sheila,afterregaining herself, boundsoff.
Departure three 7:55 Mary leavesdisgusted. One piece ofherhairrefusestocurl rightandherlook is ruined fortheday And, totopit off, she'smisplaced herfavoriteperfume. The door slams inherwake.
Departure four...departure four...8:00 a.m. That late!Wow But I am finally ready, I think. Ilook longingly toward my wrinkled quilt Itwould beniceifI couldspendtheday there. But,hey, Ihave made it thisfar.Of course,thiscould be anightmare
Principles, Goals and Standards Were Each A VitalPartofStudentLife Chapel,Fall1988
/ ^ hapel was avi^-^ tal part of the student's life at Liberty The hour-long meetings took place every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. They consisted ofsinging, specialmusic and a message Speakers included Chancellor Jerry Falwell, President A Pierre Guillermin, Mr Vernon Brewer, and Dr. C. Sumner Wemp.
Occasionally,chapelswould featurespecial speakers--men and women who had impacted theirworlds inthe name of Christ. These included Dr. Al Henson , Josh McDowell, Jack Wyrtzen, Dr Jerry Vines, Dr. Ted Engstrom, Crawford Loritts and Dr.Richard Lee. These men shared principles they believed the students could use in their lives
"I established a principle totreat my date the same way some guy is treating the womanI will marry on the same night," said Josh McDowell, who travels the country with amessagecalled "Why Wait." Hevisited the Liberty campuson Sept. 9duepartially to strong student demand. His five-hour seminar, dealing with sexand marriage, spilled over from the chapel period into thenight sessions which were well attended A series ofchapels in September had a special emphasis, world missions. Wm. P. Dillion, Rick Amato, Wemp and Wyrtzen particS pated.
Seeking for the bestexpression ofhis diffucult subject material, Josh McDowell attemptsto answer aquestion concerning sex. McDowell spokeonthe subject ofpre - martial sex inhis series, "Why Wait,"which he gave during the second week ofSeptember.
"I wonder," sfl Dillion, speaking on Inner City Impaci "We talk of theinna city as we would talk of the forgotten people." He urged studentsnot to ignore or forget the people Sffl dentswere given an opportunity 1
Wendell Kempton uses hand and body Dr. Ronald Hawkins lifts his arm in a languagetostrengthen thepointhe's making, sweeping gesturethat capturesthe attention of the students. Students sometimes were not as attentive as the\ should have been.