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The Liberty University Measles Epidemic

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Mike Roach comforts Cheryl Nash after her shot. Sara saidthatitactuallydidn't hurtthatmuch,but the anticipation ofthepain brought hertears. A great part ofthe nurse's day was spentinconsolingworriedandfrightenedstudents.

Students reported to the Multi-purpose center on Saturday, Sept. 10, to verify their measles vaccinations or to receive the shot. Students were assigned a specific time to arrive, determined by their dorm floor. Off-campus residents were asked tocome inattheirconvenienceduring theday.


Infinity is the fund-raiser and club growth. It is renewed interestand life within the organization. Itis the College Republicans' dreams of the next president and SGA's drive for Student Union funds. It is theLight team'sfear as it smuggles Bibles. Itis the nervousnessofeach singer before he performs. Infinity is the untouchable partofeach organization. The hopes and the dreams.

Jelly doughnuts are the forgottenmeetings and undone bulletin boards.The late nights of work and planning.They are thehours spent washing carsand hanging up "Bush forPres." signs. They includethe parliamentary procedure and pizza parties.They are the time spent in cutting out red construction paper and officer elections. They are every hour spent on a bus to New York.

They arethe new members invited in. They arethetables in the courtyard during club night.They include constitution and theadvisor. They are thepeople that you meet.

We dealt with bothin 198889. We graspedatthe infinities and worked with the jelly doughnuts.

StudentsatWLBU LU-TV work atthe control board, making sure thatthe broadcastflows smoothly.

The stage fills with characters during the Liberty University Theater'spresentation ofSherlock Holmes inNovember. WellsCornelius as Holmes (center) studies Gavin Watson (right).

Alpha PsiOmega Honorary Drama Society

FRONT ROW: Sharon Weindorf, Jennifer Oberg, Michelle Meisinger - Secretary/Treasurer,Kim Harris-VicePresident, Pam Hurt-President,AnnLittleHistorian. BACK ROW: Brian Titsworth,PennyRasnake,Elisabeth DeMoss,Matthew Kerrick, Jim Hunt,Debra Purcell,Daryl Snow

ASCP American Society of Collegiate Parliamentarians

FRONT ROW: Don HarrisonFaculty Advisor, RebeccaAbbott, Misha Terrell, SharonMartin, Susan Johnson, Rachel Letke, Cynthia Fry BACK ROW: BrainHope, JohnJones, G Luke Luccas, Darryl Simmons, CraigBaker, VanFry

American Karate Club

FRONT ROW: Rudy Vaughan - Treasurer, Blair TalbertTrustee. BACK ROW: Charles Mayberry -Secretary,Greg Berry - Vice President, David Ferris -Founder, DonSloanPresident, Carla Sloan - Faculty Advisor

APLA American Society for Personnel Administration

FRONT ROW: Carla Anderson - Treasurer, Candice Anderson -Secretary. BACK ROW: Tammy Noell, William JacklinPresident, Edward Flynn

Th e Alpha PsiOmega was the national honorary dramaticfraternity. Members were involved insomeaspect ofdrama Itwascomprisedof students of any majorwho were actively involved in the theater. They focused on supporting drama and honoringtheLordthrough involvementintheater Membersparticipated inthe Libertyproductionof"SherlockHolmes" and variousotherdrama productions, including one-act plays. The club did not produceitsownplays.

The American Society of CollegiateParliamentarians sought to createproficiencyinleadershipandmanagementskillsthroughtheuse of Parliamentary Procedure. Club members attended the annual Parliamentary ProcedureseminarattheCollegeof William and Mary in Williamsburg,VA. ASCP held specialtrainingworkshopsfor campus leaders. Club membershave a commoninterest inspeechcommunications.

The American Christian Karate Club, whichbegan in 1985,triedto develop competent peoplephysically, mentally and spiritually. The artof karate was taughtin a Christian perspective. By learningthe techniques,members progressed from a white belt, thebeginners level, to a black belt which represented the most advanced proficciency.Theclubmetoffcampusatthe TRBC gym.

ASPA gave the business, studentsanoppportunity to practice what they were learning intheclassroom. By making contacts with professionals through theASPA,| they enhanced theirmanage-] ment skills. Membersa<9 vanced their membershipto Senior Chapter when they graduated. They held special events,featuring mock intei views, meetings and gam speakers from area businesses and organizations.

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