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Musical Ministry
Music has been a large part of the ministry of Liberty University sinceits beginningsin 1971 The purposeofthemusical ministryistoglorifyGod byusing the God-given special abilities and talentsofthe students
"Some people don't understand themusic we sing,"said Melanie Ross, a member ofthe Chamber Choir "Everyone has adifferent taste in music But this was our way of sharing Christ with others."
Several small traveling groups specialized insingingministries YouthQuest, Light Singers and the Sounds of Liberty are some ofthe more widely known.
Liberty also has the Chamber Choir and Concert Choir that minister and perform Although the larger groups primarily perform for the student body,they do have special tours and performances.
Articulationof Political and Legal Argumentation
FRONT ROW: Janet Pierpoint, Thomas Walker, Tim Wineland, Susan LingerfeltVice President of membership.
BACK ROW: Bonnie JonesPresident, Marilyn Troyer- Secretary/Treasurer, Melanie Hagy - Vice President,Bobby Bunn, Renee Rankin.
Black Student Fellowship
FRONT ROW: Michael Goode - President, JaniceFoster - Secretary, Cheryl Wilkes,Vice President, Gerald Smith
BACK ROW: Mahmoud Gasama,SebrinaSwindell, Katy Heer, Dr George Ogum - Advisor, Toyna Young, Ambrose Harris - Advisor.
Chamber Choir
FRONT ROW: Joanna Barlow, Judy Batiste, Tracey LaMar Parker, Melissa Green.
MIDDLE ROW: LisaMcVicar, Corinna Moyer,RichardAldret, Rodney Bish, Steve Jones, David Hasker,James Chapman, Erin McGuire, Patti Phalen, DeAnn Kelley, Mindy Parrish.
BACK ROW: WellsCornelius, Lonnie Long, Cris O'Bryan, Ernest Gardner, (Continued)
Christian Teachers of America
FRONT ROW: Shannon Snell, Sandy Wright - VicePresident, Amy Webster,Dawn SchmidtVice President, Sandie Sheetz -Treasurer,KristinLuthy-Historian BACK ROW: Kristine Moupin - Secretary,JulieBlosser -Secretary,David Beddingfield- President, Bobby Bechtel, Amy Estrada -Vice President, Karen Parker -Sponsor
ALP A offered students with different view pointsaplatform tobeheard from The club held debates and meetings which probed intotheworkings ofour societyanditsvariouspoliticaland legalsystems Memberstook sides proandconto argue socialissuesthatforcedthem to prove tothemselves and others why youbelieved in the system they did,forexample democracy vs. socialism The clubheldanannual pizzapartyforitsmembers.
The Black Student Fellowship was designed to helpstudentswithinthegroup toreachtheirpotential. Italso served to stimulate andpromote aburden to reach others for Christ.It was startedfor the increasing population of black students They met to sharetheirfaithandmaintain their cultural identity. They focused on glorifyingGod and building a strong unity among the black students at Liberty
David Stewart, Susan Hemenway, Amy Dillow, Melanie Ross,Dr WayneKompelienDirector.
In 1978, Prof. Kim Renas formed the Chamber Chior, theselectchoral group atLiberty Itwas comprised mostly ofjuniorsandseniors who had amajor orminor in music. They performedon sacred concert tours,forthe studentbody and community, singingforthe gloryofGod.
The Liberty Association of Christian Teachers startedinFebruaryof1983 It provided professionalgrowth for education majors. They had special activities which include Make-It & Take-It Workshops inSeptemberand January,atriptoMid-Atlantic Christian School Convention and teacher recruitment. Membership in 1988/89 was 130 people. They met once every month for trainingand professionaladvice.