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Concert Choir
FRONT ROW: Dale Bigger, Jeff Crum, James WheelerChaplin and Leader. BACK
ROW: Robin Leonard - Chaplin, Amy Thomas - President,Carlene Lewis, Danika Spaulding
Not pictured: Dr John Hugo, Director group often had extra rehearsals as concert dates approached.
One of the fun and exciting adventures ofthechoir was a song called "Jabberwocky" It was based on the characterin CarrollLewis' tale of Alice in Wonderland For the song,choir members played toy instruments, rattles and various
Celebration was as important as the rehearsals and the concert though It was a time for the members of the choir to get toghther and relax and revel in their performance.
Once such celebration was at Shaker's Restaurant The choir called in advance to let them know theywould bebringingin a
The choir was an excellent place to establish friendships, members said The tone was set by director Hugo "Dr Hugo was very personable and friendly,"saysBigger "And notjustinthecontextofthechoir large group After their concert, choirmembers headed overfora meal and fellowship Close to60 choir members packed into the River Ridge establishment.
Around school,at lunch or anywhere he saw you he'd be happy tosit down and talk I'dsay he is the greatest choir director that I've ever had."
Fellowship Gospel Choir
FRONT ROW: Pamela PerrySecretary, Eriuc CunninghamPresident,Toyna Young - Vice President ADVISOR: Ambrose Harris
FMA Financial Management Association
FRONT ROW: Maurice Zaffkz - Advisor,Barry Dahllof, Todd Atkins, SarahKessler, GinaLay, Jeff Melgeson, Dan Kramer
BACKROW: Fredrick Martin, Andrew Yorgey, Greg DePew, BrianSouther,PhilipSwicegood, EricStamps,DavidSmith,Robert Walkenhorst, James Carleton.
IABC International Association of Business Communications
FRONT ROW: Bobby BunnProgram Committee, Bonnie Jones - President, Melanie Hagy - Vice President, Julie SiertMembership and Publicity Committee.
IRB International Religious Broadcasters
FRONT ROW: Manny LasoTreasurer, CrisO'Bryon - Director of Recruitment, Tina FoxSecretary, Greg LontkowskiVice President, Chuck Wanamaker - President
Th e Fellowship Gospel Choirwas designed to be a gathering of minoritystudents.They sang music they felt relatedtothemselvesand their respective cultures By singing, they belieye, they could minister to the people around them4 as well as to themselves They descriBerJtheirtimeoffellowshipas uplifting. They alsohad theopportunity to gettoknow one another and further develop theirfriendshipswithotherminority students.
FMA provided an opportunity for students interested infinanceand the businessworld togainexperience and exposure. Members were primarily finance,accountingoreconomicsmajors. Itallowed studentstoincrease their awareness of the financial markets,methodsandopportunitiesinthefield They alsolooked atethicalresponsiblitiesinbusiness FMA was establishedatthebegininngof the1988/89schoolyear.
The International AssociationofBusinessCommunications club consisted of journalismandpublicrelations majors interested in professionalcommunicatingcareers. This professional society learned from direct contact with the professionals in the businessworld Professionals representing Babcock and Willcox,Leggett Advertising and Hooks Associates spoke to the club during the first semesteroftheschool year.
The International Religious Broadcasters was anorganizationthatpromoted professional broadcasting. It informed students about the importanceoftelecommunications There was avariety of members,mostofwhomeither were working on a majoror minorintelecommunications.
The IRB triedtokeep membersinformed ofbroadcasting news andto stimulatetheirinterestinthedifferentareas of broadcasting.