2 minute read
A Spoonful of Sugar and Som e Practice
I t won'thurt," saidonenursingstudentasshe gave her bestfriend a practiceshot They were standing in the departments new nursinglab
Injectionswere only one ofthe many thingsLU nursing students practicedinthenew nursinglabs. They also sharpened their skills in making beds, giving bed baths and taking people's blood pressure
Faculty member and advisor to theNursing Club,Dea Britt, re- ferred to the new lab as a minihospital. Ithad tenbeds, hospital equipment, medical carts, wheel chairs and lockers
The 102 people enrolled in the nursing program used the equipment to practice their hospital skills. They also spent one day each week working in localhospitals
Before students were allowed to work with patients, they had to give a demonstration to one of three faculty members. The nursing faculty consisted of Dea
Britt. Linda Miller and Sharon Rahilly.
Lab attendant Rebecca Crecelius said the lab was a definite help to the students "We have the lab topractice in. It helps us feel comfortable working with theequipment before we go into anactualhospital."
Students may begin to use the lab during their second year in thenursingprogram Lab timeis voluntary and comes out of the student'sfreetime.
Checking eyes, student Jamie Crain preformsoneofthemany routinecheckups. Nursing studentsgothands-on experience workingoneday a weekata localhospital.
Allison Pentecost checks and preparesan IV bottle. A partofnursing many peopleforgot was that of the equipment. Students learnedproper care and use of equipmentinthenursinglabunder thecarefulinstructionofLibertyfaculty members.
KristinBerryprepares apractice injection fi >rademonstration.Each nursing student was requiredtodemonstratehis ability with the variousequipment toafaculty member
Kappa DeltaPi Education Honor Society
FRONT ROW: Kim Crutchfield, Barbara Sherman, Lara Leonard. BACK ROW: Tracey Jessee, Darci Smith,Kevin Ullrich, Rachel McCarty, Lila Bruckner - Advisor.
Kappa Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society
FRONT ROW: Wendy Yates, Mary Grayson, MelissaDamonSecretary, Tammy Thomas, Julie Sitler, Sirena Rice BACK
ROW: LisaBarwick - Treasure, Katherine Guetterman, Kevin Rackley, Mike Gensler, Haoyung Chien, Shawn Parks, John Wilson -President, Arhter Grissinger- Advisor,RuthCook.
King's Players
FRONT ROW: Kristen Venlet, Damond Nelson, Russell Hall, Shawn Utterback, Rusty Hall, Amanda Barnett. MIDDLE
ROW: Steven Helmstetter, Penny Rasnake, Monica Royer, Matthew, Jimmy Hendricks, Todd Benson, Sarah Kessler, Annie Mecias, Phillip-Charlie Daniell
BACK ROW: Mike Novak, Sarah Simpson, Amy Colvin, Stephanie Weidemann, Wayne Gray.
LAA Liberty Association of Accountants
FRONT ROW: MartyGilmoreVice President of Membership, Janet Anderson - Secretary, Candy Allen- Treasurer BACK
ROW: Daniel Boreman - President, Geoff Mather - Faculty Advisor, TimLeep - Vice PresidentofSocialActivities, Wendy Semradek - Vice President of ProfessionalActivities
Kapp a Delta Pi was a branch of the International Honor Society inEducation. It served topromote educational professionalism Members sponsored a fundraiserinthefall of1988 for the Thai Elementary School The money they raised was used topurchase pens, pencils,markers,Biblesandother devotional materials KDP provided support foreducation majors asthey prepared for certification testing ona stateandnationallevel
Kappa Mu Epsilon, more commonly known as the Mathematics Club, was founded in 1987. It is composed primarilyof mathmajors andminors They were characterized as having a high intelligenence and as being hard workers. This club gave them the opportunitytodiscuss mathematicsin an informal setting. KME brought members together in regularmeeetingsforatimeof fellowshipanddiscussion.
The King's Players presenteddramatic works in churches and schools They had aspring tour, visiting 30 churches in Florida over spring break. They also presented a play, "Operation Omego," oncampus in January1989.Membersmettwicea week for rehearsals and toured two weekends each month. Theclubdescribesits members asoutgoing, with a lovefordrama andyouth.
Liberty Association of Accountants workedtoglorify God through theuse of members abilities The membersofLAA, accountingmajorsandminors,metonaregularbasisforsocial andprofessional activities andto learn more about the accounting profession. The club'sadvisor, Prof. Geoff Mather, earnedhis M.B.A.at the University of Michigan and started teaching atLiberty in 1985.