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The StationthatNo One Heard.
LBI^Radio had great music, free give-aways iandplotofvitalstudentinformation ifyoucould [ereve the signal inyour dorm.
>rthefirstmonth ofthefall semester,onlytwo irmscould tune into550AM. Attheendofthe
First semester, through the hard work ofthe station,50 percent of the dorms could recieve the signal
Station manager Steve Warnstrom said a lotof thedorms were in need ofnew transmitters. The funding forthenew transmiters were not apartoftheradio stationsbudget
Part ofthe problem thestation incured was with theirbroadcasting method. Thesignalwassentthrough thetelephone lines. Some ofthe lines were not properly conected Others were severed or badly worn The radio sought an alternative broadcasting system through the year
"Due to thetechnical problems we've had,it would be lessexpensive to install a new system rather than put thecurrrent system into working order,"said Warnstrom
Students generaly were interested inthestation. "Inthebegining of the year,when Iwent insome other dorms,they've had thestation
My dorm, eight, didn'tforawhile Once we started receiving it, I realized how great it was,"said sophomore Mike Sticker
LibertyUniversity AviationClub
FRONT ROW: Matt Opperman, Matthew Monie, PaulKarbley, Douglas Jeffreys,George Laurence, John Heath, MIDDLE ROW: Matthew Wolfe,JonPirrie,JohnPark, Bill Glass, David Carpenter, Rick Fairbrother, Benjamin Roberts, AllisonTroy,DorineSmith,Misty Farr, Deborah Sartor BACK
ROW: Ron Hoffman, Rick Cobb, Tim Pierce, (continued)
LU Band The Spiritof the Mountain
FRONT ROW: Stephen Maule -HeadFieldCommander,Daniel Watson - Vice President, Don Leonard - Field Commander
BACK ROW: Cindy MariagePresident, Dave Tuttle - Vice President,Cindy Church - Secretary, Mike Burgess - Tresurer, ScottGordon-FieldCommander (notpictured)
Liberty Champion Student Newspaper
FRONT ROW: Kip ProvostNews Editor,Megan BearderCopyEditor,BradTaylor-Editorial Editor BACK ROW: Donald Hayden -PhotoEditor, Stephen Sitzai - Copy Editor, Bruce A.Stanton -Editor, Keith Miller-SportsEditor
LHMA Liberty Human Ecology Association
FRONT ROW: Diane TuttlePresident, Jacqueline BollingerVice President BACK ROW: Mary Gamenthaler - Public Relations,Deborah Swartz - Historian,Tammy Majors - Secretary
Thayer Botham, Christopher Claus, Gary Spengler, Dave Carroll,JeffPeterson
The Liberty University Aviation Club provided social andrecreationalactivitiesforaviation studentsand licensedpilots.Theymetona regular basis inorder to update pilots onrecent regulationsandtrends Theclubhad several excursions like an eight-plane flightto Roanoke fordinneratChi-Chi'sRestaurantonOct.7,1988.
The Spirit of the Mountain" or the marching band was aunifiedgroup, whoperformed musically toentertain whiledemonstratingGod'stalents Theaverageband memberwasnotamusicmajor,but a studentusingthebandas an outlet formusical activity. Members performed inaprecision corp style marching The highlightofthe1988year wasthehalf-timeperformance duringtheN Y GiantsandDallasCowboys footballgame np he Liberty Champion -•- wasasix-to-twelve-page weekly newspaper of student events and concerns The editorial staffofthenewspaper consisted ofJournalism majors andminors. Students gained experience inofcopy writingandediting,layoutand desktoppublishing The 1988 Champion gained reconition through a new contreversial column called "Point: CounterPoint."
Th e Liberty Human Ecology Associationprovided studentstheopportunitytobecomeinvolvedinthe"mother" organization, theVirginia Home Economics Association andwithAmericanHomeEconomicsAssociation. Students learned of careers in Human Ecology and theopportunities that were available tothem. The club changed its namein 1988from home economicsto stressthefactthatitwasforall students,justnotfemales.