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Scaring the Life intothePeople

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Colopho n

Scaremare is believed to have begun in 1972 under the direction of Gordon Luff,who was serving as senior youth pastor of Thomas Road Baptist church No one is sure where Luff got his original idea from, but since its inception, Scaremare has become more than just another haunted house.

The 1988 Scaremare shattered previous records that the house held Total attendance for the nine-night event was 11,630.

This edged out the 1987 record of 11,613 The highest single attendance for one night was 2,126, compared to a previous recordof2,065

Dave Marston ofthe Youth officesaid 2100 was themost they could ever expect toput through thehouse inone night City fire codes only allow 10 people toa group, four groups in the house ata time. Keeping within these parameters,Marstonsaiditwould be extremely difficulttobeatthe 1988record.

The YouthQuest Club,the official sponsors of the house, counted 1,555 decisions for Christ Individualswho come out of the house are presented with thegospel afterfacing thereality ofdeath Thisalsowasanewrecord,exceeding the 1,332 people making decisionsin 1987 Evangelism was the primary function of theevent.

"Many people that ordinarily wouldn't consider entering a church go to Scaremare," says TRBC youth pastor Dave Adams "Then we can have a chance to share Christ with them."

Another function of the event thatrunsthrough October and up toHalloween was itsfund-raising potential Admission to Scaremare and the 15-minute tour of thehousecost$4.50in1988 The money was channeled into special projects like building and continuedon page 103

Make -up preparations began at 5:30 p.m.,twoanda halfhoursbeforeScaremare wasopened tothefirstgroup. Themake-up, which includedeffects likearuler emheded inaforeheadand asoldier with alevblown oil in battle, were describedas tei hnicaly excellent h\ a Roanoke


Liberty MarketingAssociation

FRONT ROW: Erin KochVice President of Advertising andPromotion,Tim Sailer-Vice PresidentofFinance,TinaNashExecutive Vice President

BACK ROW: Scott StephensPresident, Robert Danrils-Vice President ofPrograming, VincentAgustin -Vice Presidentof PublicRelations.

Liberty Players

FRONT ROW: Cami Todd, Michelle Meisinger, Missy Juarbe, Marcea Hall, Melody Stultz,Joanne Nogowski, Ryan Melvin. BACK ROW: Brian Titsworth, Teri Wicks, Darrell Kent,Athena Baghsarian, Daryl Snow,Dr AliceMawdsley-Faculty Advisor, Darlene Fedele, Dwayne Kent, Joel VanEaton


FRONT ROW: Renee KiddSecretary, Eduardo SoldesiChaplin. BACK ROW:Jeff Bailey -President, Jeff LilgeVice President, David ParmerDirector

LIGHT Internationals

FRONT ROW:Rodney Zimmerman, Mindy Parrish, Darci Davis, Howie Cruthers

MIDDLE ROW: SaraleeSoria, Asako Onishi, Cheri Toney.

BACK ROW: Jodi Cruz, Jeff Lilge-Team Leader, SoloTulua, Titus Chira.

TTh e Liberty Marketing Association'smainobjective was to give thestudents marketing experienceandexposure to marketing before entering the business world. They worked onvarious marketing research projects thoughout the year, sharping their classroom skills. They united inan effortduringthe 1988/89 schoolyear to raise money inordertosend LMA members to the American Marketing Association convention.

The Liberty Players was a group ofstudents who wished to bemore active in producing plays. They had the opportunity to develop theirtalentsinplaywriting,acting, directing and designing. The dramatic group worked together tocomplete all aspects ofproduction of an original playwrittenbyastudent. The clubofferedmembers anopportunity tolearn more about drama through hands-on experience.

The purpose of the Light Club wasto challenge, stimulate and promote a contageous burden to reachthe lost world Members attemptedtostartacampus-wide movement tostimulatepeople tobecome "worldChristians." They described their monthly meetings as action-packed and personal During their meetings they focus onenlightening the studentsto world needsand initiating actionthatwillhelpmeetthem

Light International was a division ofLight singers who traveledto foreign countries They described themselves asstudentmissionaries. Their concerts presentedthe gospel through their music to thousands people. They plannedtripstotheDominican Republic, Mexico City, Kenya, Africa, Europeand Britainfor the 1988/89 school year They alsopreparedfor theLight'89 SummerTourin SouthAmerica

Scaremare had many different featuresandcreatures. Zombie-likeguidesled visitorsfrom theadmissiontentstothehouse along a winding dark wooded path. Once insidepeoplewentfrom room to room,seeing the death meal and the blackandwhite room, complete withits stobe light effect.

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