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Scaringthe Lifeinto thePeople

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Continuedfrom 101 remodeling ayouth camp.

Scaremare has been established as a Lynchburg tradition Many in thelocalcommunity lookforward to the annual event Ithas also gained wide-spread fame Groups have traveled up to eight hoursfrom thestates ofPennsylvania, West Virginia and the Carolinas fortheevent.

Scaremare 1988wasfeaturedon a full page of the Roanoke Times newspaper and also received mention in USA Today

Marston explained some ofthe groups come with the hopes of starting a like program in their hometown He says there were another six successful Scaremares in the United States, based on the Lynchbur g model After Halloween passes, the house closes down for an- other year However, Scaremare goes on. Persons who claimed tohave made adecision, receive a follow-up visitby students.

"Follow-up isimportant," says theology professor John Morrison. "It is during follow-up that many people realize what acommitment to Christ means. That is the true moment of salvation.."

The names that are recorded during Scaremare,1,032in1988,aretypedand grouped by geographical regions. Students try to make the inital follow-up before turning the information over toa second group who do the additional work

"It wasthe mostfantasticexperience," said Danny Logan,astudentwho worked closely with all phases of Scaremare. "I saw those people come out of the house scared to death. When they came outofthetents(where the gospel was presented),Isaw hope in theireyes. You'll never experience anything that even comes close tothatfeeling when you see a person changed through Christ like that."

LIGHT Singers

FRONT ROW: Stan Tuttle, Davi Silva, Joy Jacobs, Jane Slusher-OfficeManager, Steve Nemeth, Julie Sanders, Jason Breland,Denise Lamm, Sharon Thetford, David Coy, Jim Carpenter - Team Director, Dana Norman,GregSims.

Nursing Club

FRONT ROW: Janet Butcher, Joanne Nogowski, Beth Stout, Denise Gaerte, Deb Sweppenhiser, Jill Hunt MIDDLE ROW: Shelley Peverill, Jennifer Green, April Jacobson, Wendy Wilkerson, Amy Henegar, Julie DeWitt, Antonella Rudd, Lisa Burleson, Carolyn Bogues BACK ROW: Michael Emmons, Letha Holder,Marcia Hoath, Runela (continued)

Phi Alpha Theta Alpha Iota History HonorClub

FRONT ROW: Marilyn Ely, Juli-An Swartz, Diana Roper, Thanea Martin,Heather Bacon

BACK ROW: Mark SteinhoffFaculty Advisor,Kevin Ullrich, Dwight Poggemiller, Steve Davis, David Carpenter.

Pi Sigma Tau Philosophy Honor Society

FRONT ROW: Steve Davis, Cyndie Stewart, Marion Wardrick, J.P. Moreland.

BACK ROW: Gary Habermas, Dan Salzman, StephenMitchell

Th e Light Smgers werea group of singerswho traveled around the counrty to various churches and schools representing Liberty and presenting thegospel. They also ministered to the student body during chapel and church services. They strove to represent Christ through singing inorder to reachtheworld.Several tours were conducted during 1988/ 89, some of which required members togive up weekends and holidayvacations


Negru, Valetta Negru, Krista Berry,Marnie O'Brien, Amy Partridge, Meredith Peverill, DarrellKent,Dea Britt -FacultyAdvisor

The Nursing club consisted ofstudents in the nursing program. Theclub had guestspeakersand helda reception forall new students who planned toenterthe program. Members also participated incommunity service projects

"D hi Alpha Theta was the -*• international history society Liberty'schapterwas Alpha Iota. Members focused on dispellingtheimageofthe stereo-typical historian through activities that they described asboth innovative andfun On Oct 10,1988they held their initationceremony with the theme Camelot. Members dressed inMedievalcostumes,participatedina candle-litinitiationceremony and had acelebration feast.

Pi Sigma Tau was designed toencourage interest and promote scholarship in the studyofphilosophy.Theclub soughttomaintainthis within an atmosphere of friendship. It wass comprised ofstudents that theclub described as keen and intellectually inquisitive, desiring toserve Christwith their minds. The club also worked tofoster excellence in academic work andpromotethestudy ofphilosophy

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