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clubs advisor Keene claimed previous reports that Tom Bryant was initiating the club were incorrect and Bryant was simply interested in seeing one started
The International Student Fellowship met with 50 other international students from local colleges in October. Sharon Hahhnlen, advisor to the ISF, and Sandy Walker, director of the Lynchburg YMCA, sponsored the event
WLBU Radio discovered in an Oct 27 survey its signal was only being received by 50 percent of the dorms Bad transistors, inadequate technical support and a lack of finances were at the root of the problem.
DC Talk perform at SGA's non-academic all-nighter. The event included skating, bowlingand a 6 a.m. breakfastatHardee's. their support for the contras College Republica n chairman Jim Lumley fought the City of Lynchburg's Registrar's Office for the right of LU students to register to vote in Lynchburg. The city eventually conceeded, allowing students to register and vote inthe Nov 8 Presidential Election
Scaremare was held Oct. 13-15, 20-22 and 27-29 at 2300 Carroll Ave YouthQuest members were heavily invloved although all students were encouraged to participate in the haunted house It broke an all time attendance record with 11,630 people going through the house that portrayed death.
The Debate Team debated Harvard, Penn State and Boston College on Sept. 23- 25. Lisa Lindquist received a speaker's award and the team received several miscellaneous awards The team was ranked in the top 25 nationally at the time
Anthony Perrone was instrumental in establishing the LU chapter of "Students for Bush" in early October The temporary club was not associated with the College Republicans
Student Government sponsored a non-academic all-nighter on Oct 7 The night included Late-Skate with DC Talk performing at the rink From 2a.m
Scott Brown addresses the student bodyduringa nSGA chapel. Brown initiated avarietyofnew,inovativeprograms in 1988. until 6 a.m., participants went bowling The night was finished off by breakfast at Hardee's
Sue Park provided new leadership for the Prayer Action Chapter of the Concerned Women of America. CW A worked closely with the College Republicans although they were not affiliated
Libery University's Aviation Club flew to Roanoke for dinner on Oct 7 The group left Lynchburg at 6:50 and enjoyed the sunset There were 22 people in the eight planes that made the trip
Alpha Iota, Liberty's chapter of Phi Alpha Theta (National History Honor Society) inducted 10 new members in a medival type festival in October Initiates were dubbed by King Arthur, played by Kevin Ullrich. Advisor Mark Steinhoff said the dubbing was representative of entering the club
Lambda Delta, the Liberty chapter of Alpha Lambda Delta (National Academic Honor Society) inducted new members on Aug 23
Mark Keene announced Oct.. 14 he was working on having the Democrats Club offically sanctioned by the university Political science professor Kevin Clausen agreed to be the
The Debate Team defeated Harvard University and George Mason University at Penn State on Oct 23
The Spirit of the Mountain performed at Meadowlands Stadium on Nov 6 The band played during the half-time of a game that pitted the New York Giants against the Dallas Cowboys
The College Republicans debated the Christian Democrats Club on Nov 3 Jim Lumley represented the CR's, while Mark Keene defended the CDC The debate was sponsored by the Black Student Fellowship in an effort to increase membership and inform members of political issues
The annual blood drive, sponsored by the Circle K club was cancelled due to lingering concerns of the measles epidemic The blood drive was scheduled for Nov 14 and 15
Circle K members worked on the Miller Home for Girls during the first semester The club helped in repainting and purchasing carpet and drapes for the home.
Selah 1989 met its first deadline on Nov. 14 and its second deadline on Nov 28 The yearbook has not traditionaly been able to do this The staff consisted of three core members, Daniel Dombak editor-inchief; Kim DeMerchant, photo edito; and Jody A Barker, lab technician
SGA Elected Officers
FRONT ROW: Julie Schwaderer,Amy Hubbard- Executive Vice President BACK ROW: Kevin Clunis -ExecutiveTreasurer, ScottBrown - StudentBody President, Kurt VoggenreiterVP forStudentActivities
SGA Presidential Cabinet
FRONT ROW: Kimberly Bateman, JeanieWilliams,Sarah Kessler,Scott Brown -Student Body President,Bryan Lawton, KristiCarr, Robin Braun,Sonja Solberg. BACK ROW: Curt Olson, Andrew Yorgey, Vance Stallings, Mark Chamberlain, Mike Hulsey,Curtis McMillan, Jim Foreman, Scott (continued)
SGA VP Cabinent
FRONT ROW: Deborah Purcell,GinaMendenhall, Shelia Catron, Kristi Bryant, Amy Hubbard, Dorena McFarland, Sue Park BACK ROW:ScottTouchstone, Philip Swicegood, Joe Wilson, Timothy Chandler, Paul Davis, Jeff Bailey, Dana Forsythe, Scott Sandidge, Mark Shortt.
Urban Outreach
FRONT ROW: Willy Bobe, Tracey Beno, Sara Comolli, Cheryl Pennie, Patrice Griffen, Robert D'Amico, Debra Eremick,Sue Bailey,Lisa May, Rhonda Deacon, Kathy Troutt
BACK ROW: Kevin Soderlund, Paul Meeks, Tim Pena, Manny Laso, Timothy Flynn, William Ridgley, Brad Rushing, Darin Waters, Chris Vinson, TimothyMcKinney,DavidRufenacht,Mike Shipman,(continued)
Student Government Officers were elected inthe spring of 1988 by theentire student body. They served thestudentbodythroughavariety of functions Officers brought studentconcernsand problems to the attention of theadministration Theyalso planned and coordinated activities and special events through a variety of specialized groups Electedofficers sought exposure to the studentbody in1988/89bycooperatingwiththecampusmedia
Ries, Johnathon Hunt, Kent Chamberlain
The presidential cabinet was selected by Scott Brown, president of thestudentbody. The cabinetaided him inhisdutieswithadvice and work A majortaskforthe cabinet, in connection with other SGA offices during 1988, wasafund-raisingdrive forthestudentunionbuilding which opened at thebeginningofthe1989schoolyear urban Outreach was a ministry ofLibertyUniversity and Thomas Road Baptist Church. Itexposed studentstotheneedsofalost world. The students wenton exposuretripsduringthesummer and selectedweekendsto large cities to minister UO says many lives have been changed and souls saved through theprogram.
The VP cabinent was designed to help the Vice President, KurtVoggenrieter, fufill hisduties to the student body. The cabinetconsisted of members of the student body appointed asassistants by Voggenrieter Theduties ofthecabinet'smemberswere varied under the directionof the vice president. Cabinet members had to be fulltime students and had tobe ingood standingwiththeuniversity.
Tony Miller, Claude Dallas, WillyHoneycutt.