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A new approach Scott Brow n

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SG A hasa greatresponsibility to the student body I truly believe everything canriseorfallon leadership If students see the supposed leadership fallingbehind in responsibility or having a negative attitude, it caninfluence many other students," says Scott Brown, president ofthe student body.

Hisphilosophy ofinfluenceand leadership dominated his term. He strove to make sure students alwayssawapositiveinfluencein him andhiswork

SGA undertook several projects over the year that focused on the student body A fashion show on Oct 15, focusing on business dress, reflected Brown'sadministrationalgoalofa strong career orientation forthe students. The fashion show was coupled with resume andjob information

Raising funds forthenew Student Union center was another project for Brown The goal of $25,000wassettosupplyfurnishings for the $500,000 building. SGA worked incooperation with theChristianHome School Reading Program to raise the money through magazine sales.

Other accomplishments ofthe Brown administration included a Thanksgiving food drive that netted 3500 pounds offood. The Student Senate worked on the worsening parking problem. The Academic Affairscommittee made several proposals tobetter the library facilities and getextended hours for students touse thelibrary

Brown,feeling hecould make a difference in the attitude ofthe student body through positive leadership,kept himself infront of thestudent body He wrote a weekly column for the "Liberty Champion" called "Speak Out." The column focused on current campus issues. He also had a weekly live show on WLB U radio, addressing campus issues and questions from the students

WLBU Campu s Radio

FRONT ROW: Elizabeth Verzagt - AssistantNews Director,Shirley Dragoo -NewsDirector, Justine Thyret - Sales Manager, KimWestover - Associate News Director BACK

ROW: Dave Kroupa,MusicDirector Brad Vanley - Sports Director,JamesPickering- Faculty Advisor, SteveWarnstrom - StationManager, TimCurtis- ProductionDirector.

WLBU LU-TV Campu s Television

FRONT ROW: Steve TroxelFaculty Advisor, Julie Harbot, JackieBeatty- StationManager, Tina Fox,Debbie Klittich, Tim Lovett BACK ROW: Damond Nelson, Mike Fossler, Howard Cottongim, Greg Lontkowski, Matt Woernce,RayWick, Dave Ransort


FRONT ROW: Boyd Dellinger -VP, Dean Francis - President, Sarah Liddell, Doug Gilmore, Rebecca Abbott, D.J Bigelow, Valerie Tanner - Treasurer, MarkCobbett,AmyMcNeil-Secretarty BACK ROW: Doug Randlett - Advisor, Katherine Baumann, Greg Marshall, Eugene Miller,Rodney Huffty, TJ Loftus,Dave Adams - Advisor, Tom Smith, Todd Bolt, Dave Marston-Advisor.

WLB U radio, A M 550, began in 1981 to serve the students ofLiberty.The radiostationhasacontemporary Christian music format thatincludesinspirationalprogramming. Thestation offered news and campus eventsprogramming,as well asstudentproduced programs inadditiontothemusicformat During theyear the station held several contests, including a ticket give-away for bowling WLBU broadcast from9a.m tomidnight

LU-TV started in 1986 to serve thestudent body and give telecommunication majors first-hand knowledge ofhow aTV stationis operated Its programming consisted ofChristian programs and original studentproductions Thestationwasfullyoperated by students It helped students develop marketable skills Some ofitsmorepopular programs included LU Jams andthe Morgan Hout FootballShow

YouthQuest promoted adolescentministriesand provided opportunities in the missionfieldfor youth. Most clubmembers hadamajor in youth anda heart for God's ministry YQ'smostprominent activity was Scaremare, a hauntedhousethatfocuseson the subject ofdeath Scaremare1988,whichranthroughout October, hadarecord attendanceof11,630people It was the sixteenth annual haunted house.

Very little equipment, less space, a limited veiwership

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