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Desktop Publishing Arrives

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Colopho n

Colopho n

IIt started asawhisper not so longago.

And then afew people got theirhands onit Today,itisstilltheleadingedge, butthemajorityareracingtocatchup.

Ithasbeencalledarevolution...and ina way itis.Itistechnologyandtheincrediblefeatsit canperform. Desktop publishing hasarrived.

To some students,the arrival of$67,000 worth ofcomputer equipment oncampusin August was nobigdeal. Forothers, it wasa dream come true...pure ecstasy The capacityoftheJournalismdepartmentreached new heights

The newequipment consisted of18SE 2 Macintoshes, one Mac 2and aphotoscanner. Also,twolaser,twodraftqualityandtwoletter quality printersarrived Studentsinthejournalism departmentbenefiteddirectlyfrom thenew equipment Journalism majors and minors began learningon the equipment which gave them experience andknowledge which wastrulymarketablein the workplace.

The newcomputers in thejournalism lab, which brought deesktoppublishingcapabilitytothestudentbody.Thesystemwas welcome byjournalismsudentsandprofessors.

AccordingtoSystems Manager—Journalism Computers, Mikie Survant, the equipment brought the universitiesjournalism uptothe qualityofthetopjournalism labsinthecountry. He also stated that experience with the equipment gave students an edge over graduates ofotheruniversities.

Senior journalism student Renee Renkin said,"Ifeltmoreconfidentaboutmy qualificationsand myskills because ofthenew equipment Itisusedbymany professionalsinmy intended career."

Students throughout the university also benefited from the new system. Thestudent newspaper, the Liberty Champion, converted from their old typesetter todesktop. Under thedirection ofEditorBruceStanton, thepaper made aconsiderable improvement from previousyears.Desktoppublishingwas alsoincorporated intotheyearbook, yielding similarresults.

"We hadthe capability today,todowhat yesterday we only could dream of. Theresultwas abetter, professional looking product,"saidChampion Editor,BruceStanton,

Tim Sailor works at one of the full-page computet screens.Thetwofull-pagescreenswere especiallybeneficaltotheLibertyChampion and otherstudentpublications.

Desktop brought new terms to thevocabulary ofthe journalism student: Mae, mouse, iconand laserprinter. Although thesystem intially looked difficult, itproved to be easier to master than theformer VDT system.

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