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Colopho n

Colopho n

The Branches act depressed while sitting inthepit. They were notfeeling good aboutthemselves,accordingtothescript

Professors it just doesn't matter.

rp enure. Simply, it is a policy that states after so many number of years ofteaching successfully, tenure is granted After that, the faculty member cannot be firedforanyother reason than immorality. The policyis inplaceinmany majoruniversities.

Liberty University professors arenot grantedtenure.Dr.Guillerminexplainsthatit jeopardizes the spiritual integrity of the school To further maintain thatintegrity, professors are only offered singleyear contracts

"Ifsomeone getsby us,"saidtheRev Falwell, "and becomes aprofessor,onlytoturn around and claim he's an atheist or a homosexual...itsnotaproblem.Hiscontractis up for renewal the next year." Falwell also mentioned thatthe faculty member in question would finish outhiscontracted year doing trivialresearch onaremote mountain top

For studentsand supportersoftheministry, the no tenure policy iswelcome. Itis a guarantee that when a student walks intoa classroom, there is a Christian professor standing before him. Itisaguaranteetothe parents and other ministry supportersthat studentson Liberty mountain arebeingproperlyinstructedinaChristianenvironment.

Yet,what about the people thepolicyeffectsthemost? The facultyatLibertyUniversity.

Overall there isagreement and supportof

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