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Is it Security or A n Excuse?
"Thegrantingoftenurewouldprobably causeLU toloseitsreligiousdistives...."
Dr. David Towels
the policy. An unofficial poll showed faculty members did not feel job security (tenure) was afactorofjobsatisfaction.
Dr. James Treece,associate professor of sociology, says, "I was never interested in tenure. IfI am notdoing agoodjobteaching, Iwant toknow;andI willbehappy toleave I try todo my best unto theLord, so Idonot worry about tenure."
Dr Bruce Triplehorn,assistant professor ofbiology, says, "Iagree with the 'notenure' policy aslong asacademic freedom ismaintained Many faculty coast and become un-
"1trytodo my bestas unto theLord, sol do notworryabouttenure."
Dr. James Treece
productive after tenure."
Dr CarlWindsor, professoroftelecommunications, says,"Idon'tthinkitisappropriate at any institution butespecially atChristian schools. No otherindustry hassuch asystem inplace sowhy should education,which has to adapt constantly to changing technology and knowledge,beanexception?"
Dr David Miller, professorofpsychology, believes "tenure is for the benefit of the weakest members ofafacultyinschools were administrators cannot be trusted Ithas no place atLiberty."
"I agree with thenotenurepolicyaslong asacademicfreedom ismaintained."
Dr. Bruce Triplehorn
Dr. David Towles, associate professor of communications, believesthat"grantingtenure to the faculty would take governance power away from the Church (Thomas Road BaptistChurch)andthe Board (ofTrustees.) Inshiftingthis power tothefaculty, the granting of tenure would probably cause Liberty University to lose its religious distinctive withinashortperiodoftime."
There is aminority offacultymembers that see thepolicy asalack ofcommitment to its faculty on the part of the university They believeit lowersfacultymoral.