1 minute read
The Same Routine
/hat e buying books.I know I'llbuyeverythingI thinkIneed and notreally use allofit
Is this line ever going to move?
Goodness Well,Iguessthisis better inthe library.Irememberwhen itwas in the bookstore and I thought I'd never getdone.
Good,thelineismoving. Iwonderif I'llget in.Yes...itlookslikeit. What's that...sheisstoppingthe girlinfrontof me. Great, anotherfifteenminutesin line.
Well, to review what Ineed. I've been to allmy classes...good. Now, that math prof said Ididn't need the workbook...but it would probably help I don'tthinkI'll getit IfI need thehelp, Ican always borrow a classmate's.
Therestofthem Iam supposedtobuy Now, aboutmy accountingclass...doI really need three books? Ya, I better...what ifhe takes half his test fromthe text.Well,itcouldn'thurtifI read thebooks.
Was that fifteen minutes already?
Maybe Well,here I go
Let's start with this Bible class. B...b...ah! There it is.
The stacks of books were taller than some students they searched the pilesfor theirtexts. Students had five daystopurchase theirbooks - however,problemsvilli backorders and shipments gave them wellovertwoweek.
Bible 502...too high. Must be down here. Ya. Bible201. Here'sthebook. $13.95...forthis? It'snotevenahardcover book. But Istill need itforthe class.
What'snext? AccountingI. TheA's should be around here somewhere. Probably at the end of thistable. B..b..b..a..a..accounting.Allright.
I need the main text, Principles o/...here. $37.50. Are thereany used ones? Here'sone...$32.00.Some savings. And,ifI'llneedanythingitwillbe anaccountingtext. What elsedoIneed forthis class? A workbook,here. For what? $21.00.And theprofsaidwe'd need some kind of a project thing Hereitis...another$16.50 Thisclassis goingtocostme afortune Almost$70!
The nextclassis Math 121. Guess it would be pretty dumb not to have a math book. M's...over there,against thewall I'llgetaused one...hopefully ofsomeone who knew what was going on and only highlighted the right things.
Here's aused one thatlookslike it's ingood shape. The highlightinglooks ok.How much isthisgoingtocostme? Oh...$27.50.
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