1 minute read
It was a a One Night Stand
Astackofbooks,apound ofnotes. One package ofcheese on wheat and one diet Coke. Eight hours and37minutesuntilmorning Itwastime tostudy.
The papers flew and the pages turned. The Battle of 1812... Adam Smith... the law ofthermodynamics.. classroomprofessionalism... Thurber's Catbird Seat... classsic economic model... RonaldRegan...Maslov...Bell...Shakespheare.
yStudying was perhaps one of the most individual andunique activities of the school year. Few, if any, students repeatedthesameexactstudyingprocedure forevery class, everytime. Such an idea wasludicrous
No one approached amath test in the same manner as a speech test. No one thought to study for chemistry the same way as economics. Each time astudent satdown tostudy,hedidsowithadifferent objectiveand adifferentmethod toreach that objective.
Methods ranged greatlybetween anindividual's subject,but not asgreatlyas methods between individuals For some, attending class guaranteed passingany test. Forothers,six hoursofstudyinggave them afightingchance. Forsome, theology was child'splay;others struggled to graspthesimplestofits concepts
Studying,althoughgenerallythoughtof intermsoftests,alsoincluded homework. Some students thought homework was a recommended activityincaseofboredom Others spent hours,completing assigned work andpreparing themselves for upcoming tests, tryingtokeep astepahead
"Studyingwasjustapartofschool Idon't know ifIhad any specialway to go about it.Ijust didit." saidjuniorBarbDavis.
IExams The last week of the semester brought many things, including