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Donors Give New

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Colopho n

Colopho n

when theLiberty University athletic program moved intoDivisionIduringthe 1988/ 89academicyear, itwas ahigh-watermark for them.

However,theprogram was stillstruggling. The schoolcould notgetinto a conference orattractmajor teamsbecauseitlackedthe facilities.Liberty's 4000-seat multi-purpose centerwas less than adequate. City Stadium's 10,000 seatscould nothold Liberty's homecoming crowd of11,400 Improvement, even newconstruction, was desperately needed However,the financial undertaking ofthe any projectofthat sizewas morethan the university couldhandle UntilthemiddleofDecember,things looked dismal atbestforthebudding sports teams. But,onDecember20, ChancellorJerryFalwellmade anannouncement thatshocked the faculty, staff, students andthose associated withthe ministry.

Falwell announced thattwo donors had come forward,giving the financingfora 12,000-seatfootball stadium and a 10,000-seatbasketball arena.

The donors designated McDeavitt and StreetCo. ofRaleigh, N.C. asthe

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