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LadyFlame Earns Honors

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Colopho n

Could I please have a towel? The floor is wet," was a frequent request of senior volleyballplayer

Kathy Guetterman

Guetterman received the honorary Hoover Vacuum Award from herteammates for hercontinuous efforttokeep thefloorclean Butshewasalso distinguished as one of themost oustanding players inthesouthern region.

She racked up an ace percentage of 16,meaning roughly that one ofevery fiveof herserves was notreturned by the opposing team Shealsogained a kill percentage of37 A kill percentage was aratioof thenumber oftimesthe opponents cannot return theballto the timesaplayerhits theball.

She wasnamed mostvaluableplayerin 1988, anhonorshealsoheldin 1986.In addition she earned various all-tourna- ment honors and was thefirstLiberty player to be named to the American Volleyball CoachesAssosciation'sAll-Regionteam. "Inever expected a 25-8season,"Guetterman said. "I thoughtourfirstyearin Division I would be fair, but Coach Kelly taught me you'vegottowant to win

"I worked hard during thesummer and gave my bestduring the season."

Coach Kelly considers Guetterman the "most consistent player I've ever had since coming toLiberty."

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