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Colopho n

Colopho n

lthoughnotgeneraly consideredan athletic team, the cheerleading squad isjust that. Performing at homefootballand basketballgames, thevarsitysquad actsasateamto accomplish theirtaskofuniteingthe crowd.

Thespendadealoftimepracticing their various mounts and flips

Hours can be spent on what may appeartobethesimplestofmoves.

They also worktostayinshape,reducing theseriousnessandquanity of injuries. Lady members ofthe team are encouraged to keeptheir weightata minimum.

The cheerleader's coach forthe

1988/89 season was Vernon Stouffer Their trainerwas Robin Hood

The members of the 1988/89 squad were Gary Calmes, Marc Carson, Angela Chafin, Wndy Class, CharlieDaniel, Jerry Glass, Mark Hills, Matt Hogan, Jill Jenkins, Sherry Lindstrom, Shay Martin, Mel Overton, Fia Pflueger, Ronald Sanz, David Thew

Hands in the air, cheerleader J ill Jenkins encourages the crowds'support while entertaining during down parts of the game. JenkinsstoodonthebacksofAngela Chafinand Fia Pflueger, while Dave Thew and Marc Carsonwaited to catch herfrom herdismountingflip.

Wendy Class participates in a cheer which brings the crowd to its feet as theFlames basketball team drivesdown the court. The crowd chanted, "We

Wooooah! The chearleaders entertain the Flame crowd witha three-person high tower featuring a single dismounntfollowed by adouble dismount. The cheerleadersfilledin the briefmomentsduringtime-outs.

77ie Biain function of the cheerleaderswasto lead the crowd in itschaos to some resemblence ofcheering. They accomplished the task through many differentavenues, including cheerswhich theydeveloped stuntsusing two, three or four people, stunts which involved the entire squad and uniting thefans in a singlecheer, rather than its segmented cheering.


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