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he track team spent a greatdeal of its time looking to a brighter future — a future that included one of the east coast's bestoutdoortracks.
Construction on the outdoor arenaliketrackbegan inthe spring of 1988 and continued into the summer of 1989 The trackwillallow theteam to practice and compete on the Liberty campus forthefirst time.
Men's Coach Ron Kelly hopes that thenew facility willalso improve the recognition and status of his minor sport Itwillalsobenefithim intraining andrecruiting.
The team now splits itsseason up into outdoor and indoor halves The indoorseason, which servesprimarily aspractice, runs from March to May Because Liberty lacks facilities to m ens and w o m e n s host its own indoor meets, the team traveled extensively Itcompeted on the road against Navy,the University ofSouth Carolinaand inseveralmeets inFloridaduring springbreak
The team performed well in the meantime, though. School records were broken by Kelly Lyle, Pam Fauber and Delethea Quarles in the women's division. Gerald Swan and Henry Elliotalsomade theirmarks on theprogram.
As did allother teams,the LU track team made itsmove intoDivisionIfor thefirst year
Head Coach BrantTolsma expressed only happiness in the move. "Until now, we've had some athletes who couldhavecompeted inDivisionIand weren't able to,"he said.
1988/89 Baseball Team: FRONT
ROW: David Eeles, ChrisRobins, Brooks Lowe, Mike Lynch, Mike Lotspeich, Doug Brady, JameyMason, Chad Fox
SECOND ROW: Jeff Edwards—assistantcoach,TeddyBrag, Derek Syrjala, Tim Sheriff, Toby
Toburen, Mike Rivas,Frank Speek, Mark Barnes,GregSimmons—grad assistantcoach
THIRD ROW: Tony Beasley, Mike Kreider, Stephen Morris, Robert Townsend, Lance Price,Cary McKay, B.J Dryden, Kevin Price—student assistant coach BACK ROW: Cargill- trainer,Dave
Pastors — assistant coach, David Clarke,John McClintock,Doug Reynolds, Todd Swisher, Danny Brahn, Phil Kulp, Al Worthington-pitching coach, Tim Collins-manager, Bobby Richardson -head coach. Missing: Brent Brady