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All thePresident's Men

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turned to Liberty to serve as Provost He had been serving aspresident of HeritageChristian College in San Diego, California

Mills was entrusted with overall academic affairs in the eight colleges and schools of the university: The College of General Studies, theCollegeof Arts and Sciences,the School of Business and Government, the School of Communications, the School of Religion, the School of Education, the School of LifeLong Learning and the Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary.

Serving with him are Dr Russell Fitzgerald asAssociate Provost forgraduate education and advanced studies and Dr. Glenn Sumrall,Associate Provost for undergraduate programs.

Dr Fitzgerald was responsible for management and qualitycontrolofall post-baccalaureate and doctoral programs. He was the chairman of the Graduate Council, the policymaking body of the Graduate School He also examined all university needs in graduate education through developing new graduate programs He played a major role in establishing,reviewing and evaluating graduate degree programs.

In the same manner, Dr. Sumrall was responsible forthe management of all undergrad- uate programs He coordinated the scheduling of classeswith the academic deans and records office; oversaw curriculum and program development; and assisted and supportedthe Provost in matters relatingto the budget, planning and academic policy

He continued toserveas tv e Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

As Associate Provost for Adult Education and Dean of the Liberty School of LifeLong Learning, Dr. Tom Diggs was responsible for the adulteducation program ofthe university,specifically focusing onthe external electroniceducational systems

Glen Belden continued as Vice President of University Relations and Administration

He was in charge of admissions, alumni,campus computing, career planning and placement,financial aid, institutionaleffectiveness, the Instituteof Management Studies,marketing, personnel, planning and telecommunications

The Rev Vernon Brewer was Vice President forStudent Development and under his jurisdiction was the counseling center, deans ofmen and women and commuting students; supervisorsand RAs; Hands of Liberty (deafministry),Health Services, intramurals, Urban Outreach, Light Ministries, missions, the campus pastor and student activities.

Dr. Dennis Fields, as Vice President for Administrative Relations, was incharge ofthe

Center for Evangelism and World Missions, ChristianService, internships,publications, church and pastoral relations, military affairs, WRVL , WLB U LU-TV, WLB U radio and security.

He alsoworked with theuniversity affirmative action committee,the inter-collegiateathletic division of the university and served as liaison of theinternal and external university constituency asdirected by the president.

He was dean of Graduate Affairs, assistant professor and department chairman formilitary science and aviation. He was assistant professor of church ministries and taught nine hourseach semester plus a modular.

Dr Ron Hawkins, Vice President for University and Ministry Relations, was re- sponsible for developing methods of integrating pastoral leadership with the life and academic programs of the university He assisted the President's Office in involving current faculty and staff in the ministry and life ofthe Thomas Road Baptist Church

Donald Leslie, Vice President of Financial Affairs, watched over all financial aspects of the university,includingaccounting, thebusiness office, the bookstore, printing, photography,auxiliaryservices (maintenance and custodial), and food service.

Dr Elmer Towns' directresponsibilities as Vice President included serving as Dean ofthe School of Religion and coordinating the guidance and training of those in full-timeChristian service.

Dr. Sumner Wemp was re- sponsible as Vice President of Spiritual Affairs tooversee the spiritual development and motivation of the staff, faculty and students until his retirement at the end of 1988 to the Dallas,TX area

Dr Harold Willmington as Vice President directed the International Bible Center, an arm ofthe Liberty Home Bible Institute, which had 28,000 students enrolled He also coordinated the Center for Ministry

Dr David Beck,asAssistant Vice President for Faculty Development, worked under the direction of the Provost and the President

He developed an analysis of faculty needs, provided support in the interview process, assisted and developed lecture scries and seminars to benefit the faculty

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