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Liberty Recognizes Faithful Service
Libert y University, inits short life of 18 years, has had 96 personnel who have served it for ten or more years. That means that one-third of the faculty has, without tenure, chosen to make Liberty itslifework.
Of the initial handful of teachers who were present when the school firststartedin 1971,Dr Dale Gibson remains on board. He has been at Liberty since 1971 and on afulltime basis since 1976.
"I've stayed primarily because of the excitement and growth," he says."Liberty isa 'can do' type of institution. New program areas, the erection of new buildings and the constant development signal success at Liberty
"Liberty keeps a person young and vibrant The enthusiasm of students and leadership isinvigorating.These factorsmake it an easy decisionto stay .. .
"I like Liberty because of thestudents They areuniquely alive. They're upbeat. Each one appears to have definite goals and expectations as to how tobestserve the Lord and Ifindthem optimisticconcern- ing the future of America."
Vice President, Dr Harold Willmington, who has been with the university for 16 years, says he has remained "because Ibelieve in the challange of Chancellor Falwell's tofulfillthe firstpart ofthe Great Commission Idesire to fulfillthe second part which is teaching I desire to place the most amount of Bible in my students inthe leastamount of time."
Four other faculty members have also served for 16years. Dr Boyd Rist has remained "because Ihave sensedrepeatedly the Lord's hand on this institution Ihave felt fulfilled personally and professionally by my association with thefaculty at the university."
Dr. Frank Schmitt came to stay until retirement or the rapture, he says "I feel that thephilosophy and theology of Liberty University's Seminary aremore in linewith my views than anywhere Icould be."
Dr Glenn Sumrall says, "Liberty University has offered me therareopportunity toparticipate in the development of a unique Christian university. I have been challenged in my own life by the vision, goals and accomplishments of Chancellor Falwell The lessons I have learned and the personal growth I have experienced have been greater than any I would have experienced at any other institution."
Dr David Randlett thoroughly believes in the philosophy ofthe institution "I have since Day One When I arrived inMay 1973, I was instep with the philosophy Because of my belief in the philosophy of the ministry and Liberty University, I feel it is my calling to propagate that — and what better way of doing it than through college students."
Four members ofthe faculty have been with the university for 15 years
Bob and Brenda Bonheim "believe that itisour ministry and that God has called us here We love teaching and believethatwe aregood teachers. We enjoy working with college age students. There is a high impact for lifedecisions atthis age, and we would like to be part ofthose decisions.We believe we should be involved with Christian education and we fully support it."
Dr Carl Diemer also joined the faculty in 1973
Two professors, John Pantana and James Pickering, have been here for 14 years.
Dr. Ruth Chamberlin, Mrs. Ellen Soden and Dr James Stevens have been here for 13 years
Twelve professors have been here for 12 years:Russell Cooley, Carolyn Diemer, David Ehrman, Dr Russell Fitzgerald, Dr James Hall, Donald Harrison, Dr. Lloyd Matthes, Sandra Matthes, Dr. Daniel Mitchell, Dr. Albert Snyder,
Dr. Wayne Sterling and Dr. David Towles.
Twenty have been here 11 years: David Allison, Dr. James Borland, Dr. Edwin Brinkley, Dr Lee Bruckner, Linda Farver, Patricia Greenhalgh,Dr Cline Hall,Dr Harvey Hartman
Dr Miyako Kawaguchi, Dr Olga Kronmeyer, Dr Lawrence Lo,Ray Locy,Joan Pennock, Dr. Mark Steinhoff, Dr. Maurice Stone, Dr. Alexander Varkey, Dr.Carl Windsor and Dr Stephen Witham
Twenty-eight have remained at Liberty for 10 years.
Harold Agee, Wilma Barlow,Dr David Beck, Dr Clinton Browne,Dr Lila Bruckner, Dr Russell Daubert, Dr John Donaldson, Dr Dennis Fields, Dr. Paul Fink, Frank Forbus.
Dr. James Freerksen, Dr. Don Garlock, Mary Lou Garlock, Michael Goad, Charles Hagerty, Dr.Ronald Hawkins, Elmer Jantz, Dr. Daniel Kim, Dr Gerald Kroll
Dr Ernest Liddle, Del Rey Loven, Dr. Garth McGibbon, Rose Mary McGibbon, Dr Wilma Sherwin, Dr. Elmer
Towns and Dr.James Van Eaton
Some 21 members of the university staffhave served ten years or longer.
John Baker, Robert Bowen, June McHaney and Al Worthington have been with Liberty for 16 years
Evelyn Tomlin has been here for 15 years
Ralph Brasure, Dane Emerick and Vice President Don Leslie have served for 13years.
Fleta Pugh has been here for 12 years.
Barbara Boothe, Marjorie Futch, Evon Hall and Ray Sebastian, 11 years
Bob and Carol DeVaul, Fay Edwards, Carolyn Giles, Donald Graham, Rita Hand, Ellie Hopkins and Kathy Rusk have ministered here at Liberty for 10 years.
The University awarded each of these members of the administration, faculty and staff with a Jefferson cup in recognition of their faithful service
Milton Reimer Education Teacher Ed.
Barbara Sherman General Studies Learning Assist
Evelyn Snyder Religion Church History
Wayne Sterling Religion Pastoral Training