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Colopho n

Colopho n

Sli p into my Liberty sweatshirt.Apply red make-up tothis side of my face .... Apply white to the other side .... Now, usethisblue put an L on therightcheek, and a U on the left.Looks great.Now, for the finishing touch — my red metalica wig Excellent What made usdo it? Certainly, dressing likea fooland wearing make-up was not our idea ofa good time.Yet,forcertain events throughout the year it was more than appropriate Itwas done in the spirit ofspirit.

Spiritwas thedrive insideofustoexpressour prideinLiberty. It said we believe in this institution We went out of our way trying toshow it. Spirit was a force to be reckoned with in 198889

And, why not? Our football team won eight games their bestseason since 1979 and our first asa Division I-AA team. Our basketball team also proved to be a contender during its season And the Liberty fans retained their unoffical titleas the best. The fans roared theirspirit. Spirit was more than a passing urge at Homecoming It was a year-round conviction.

Town Students: FIRST

Beck, Bonnie Kauffman, Runela Negru, Valetta Negru, Rebecca Wakeman, Paige Anderson,DeniseViolette SECOND ROW: Joe Nedan,David Capps,Andrew Willis, Wesley Harris,Michael Stidham,Troy Smith,Ben Davey,PatrickIre-

Amy Weatherall,

Town Students: FIRST ROW: Timothy Stotler,Diana Stotler,Becky Meyer, TerriHayden, Jill Hunt. SECOND ROW: PaulaAndrews, Cindy Fuller, Debera Eremich, Tonya DeLong, Heidi Hopkins, Marty Gilmore, Roberta D'Amico, Gia Baratta,Susan Bartlett THIRD ROW: Daniel Nixon,Alan Whetsel,Melissa

Bartlett, William Ridgley, Jason Young,Ryan Melvin,KeithWellings, Timothy Smith,Jim Lumley FOURTH ROW: Michael Willett, Stephen Kotchen, John Ritter,Robert Drennan III, Jeffery Hicks,Julie Larsen, Linda Wright, Lori Miano, William Meyer.

A n empty refrigerator. Shopping time fortownies The nearest grocery market

Let'ssee I've got about $20 I'llhave to be careful

Aisle one Bread, fresh fruit and vegetables Toss a loaf of bargain bread in the cart. 49 cents.Push.

Go right by those fruits and vegetables Can't afford them today

Aisle two Canned goods

Carrots would be nice Let's see,89cents, 79 cents, 93 cents hmmm 8 ounces Ok, the Kroger brand at79 cents That brings me to about $1.30 Gee ... I haven't had green beansinawhile Kroger 65 cents. Great. I'll get two. Rough total of $2.50. Push. Well, Idid good in that aisle. Can't be spending money on anything we don't need today

Aislethree Cakes and cooking stuff Mmm m that looksgood ... chocolate pudding cake. How much? $1.59. No, not today. I've got to be careful

Let's see oh We need salt Here we go 79 cents or 89? Iget more ounces with the 89-cent one ... yeah, that's best. And, a pound of sugar. Bill needs it on his cereal. 89 cents Let's see I'm at about $4.50 Push

Aisle four Oh! The soup

Good An inexpensive meal I need one of these and one of these and one of these. 49 cents,ok 53 cents,ok $1.19, oops Iguess Idon't need that one after all Another one of these 49 cent ones Iwonder if we have crackers no, Jim ate them Tuesday Push

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