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Townie Thoughts

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Colopho n

Colopho n

Tioned In History

A couple of days ago, Isat among the chatter in the crowded DeMoss Learning Center A couple of guys were talking about Liberty's great hockey team

We have a hockey team?

My mind was on more important matters Iwondered if my wife would forgive me for forgetting to put out the garbage that morning

Quite a contrast from what was on the mind of the guy seated next to me. He was trying to convince an out-ofdress-code, mini-skirted coed to accompany him to Liberty's premier showing of "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang."

She didn't look the Walt Disney Type

But if we ever hold a Madonna look-alike contest, this girl definitely has my vote.

The discussion going on all around me seemed so trivial. I was pondering whether or not it'stime to start potty-training my son

A guy and a girl standing near me were making an attempt to hold hands. They didn't know how

I buried my head in a textbook to hide my laughter.

The ways of romance will eventually be learned at Liberty

But I shouldn't have laughed I'm the one who is really out of it. I don't even own any ofthose multi-colored shoe strings everybody wears to keep those goofy-looking sunglasses from falling off their face

I took a walk to the only place I know ofwhere old folks at Liberty gather — The Fast Break Lounge.

There I found solace with other students of like disposition All liveoffcampus Most are married And all agree the Fast Break milk shakes are worth the buck charged for them

As I "lounged" on a cracked plastic chair at a wobbly, crumb-laden table,Istruck up a conversation with a Missions major from Massachusetts.

He's one of those that God surprises with a call latein life

His age was difficult to determine.

Over steamy chili laced with tobasco sauce, we discussed politics. He lamented over his vote for Kennedy

"You voted forTed for Senator?" Iasked, shocked

"No, John for President!"

Wow! I'm not so old and out of itafterall!

Dorm 1: FIRST ROW: Matthew Arnold, SteveMarkle, JodyOhlhouser, Rodney Baylous, Brian Titsworth, John Hurt, Scott Ries, Raymond Knestrick, Greg Armfield SECOND ROW: Greg Johnson,Paul Ballance, Mike Highland, Dan Davey, Vince Agustin, Ken Ivins, Michael White, Michael Askew, Mike Holloway,Jim Ward,Ray Ferranto.THIRD ROW: Don Amyx, Kevin Aiken, Devin Ford, SteveAustin, John Johnson, Tony Austin, Bob Barnett(RA), Dave Griffith, PaulTheaker, Ken Bentley, Doug Gilmer, Mike Thomas, ScottTill, Ted

Cornelius, Todd Clark, BrianStephens, DanielJohnson (RA) FOURTH ROW: Joel Graham, Ron Belmont,Brian McElhaney, Glenn Rickert, Michael Behm, Dan Hochhalter, Mike Ivins, Bill Alsup, Randy Wambold,Mark Allebach, Matt Pitts DORM VERSE:Colossians 3:1 SISTER DORM: 19-1 PRAYER LEADERS: Jim Ward,Jerry Adkins, Greg Johnson, Jody Ohlhauser, ScottTill, Mike Thomas, Ward Thornton, Brent Staul, Joel Graham, Ted Cornelius,Doug Glimer,Troy Temple TEAMS ON FLOOR: Hockey,Lacrosse

Dorm 2:FIRST ROW: Michael Warren,Gary Calmes,Phil Bass,Kris Hershberger, Craig Baker,James Davis,Jimmy Sandefur,John Wilson,Joe Wilson

SECOND ROW: Wade Miller, Marc Carlson, PhillipLloyd, Jerry Foster, Paul Davis, Steve Bonar (RA),Boyd Dellinger, DanielSchanz(RA),MichaelPurtell, Kevin Mobley, SalinSamoa THIRD ROW: John Monk,Joseph Mickler,Howie Cruthers, Solopani Tulua, JoeGarner,Derek McDowell,Kevin Myers, Christopher Boggs, JeffBailey, Timothy Villalba, Chuck Nye,Rodney Huffty,Lyndon

Gabato, Daniel Wagner FOURTH ROW: Todd Bobo, Brent Bigelow, Devin Goens, SteveMonticelli, Greg Monticelli, Jay Roper, PhilBlosser, Anthony Lau, Scott Saunders, Timothy Brennan,Richard Brennan,Cooper Taylor, Matt Opperman. PRAYER LEADERS: Jefff Bailey,Jim Davis, Boyd Dillenger, Bill VanDenAkker,Dean Francis, Jerry Glass, Rodney Hufty,PhillLloyd SISTER

DORM: 25-3DORM VERSE:Proverbs31:3DORM PHRASES:"HeyDudes!" and "You got nothing."

Students found many ways to fill those rare free moments They playedhockey inthebasketball court,gota game offootball going orjust went forarun around the circle. Others played tennis, indulged insome skateboarding ortossed a ball back andforth.

Sophomore Devin Goens spent hisfreetime onhisbike

He has practiced his freestyle biking since 1984 He has also participated invarious competitions, one onanationallevel.

"Atfirst,you falldown a lot; but you never really get hurt," he said.Goens.participatedin various amateur competitions throughout the school year.

Standing on his handle bars, Devin Goens balances himself during a move fewpeople attempt Goens has performed free style since 1984

Skateboarding on the mountain side, J.P Sailer goes feet up Skateboarding's popularity grew on the Liberty campus throughthe 1988-89 year

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