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Friend or Foe
Whe n students seemed to have a distorted view of the resident assistants, most of the difference consisted of misunderstanding.Rene Engle of Washington,PA, knows that alltoo well Rene served as RA for Dorm 9 during the 1988-89 year could find wrong Ifwe saw it, thenwe would deal with it. We were not going to close our eyesand say,"Idon't seethis."
Studentswere toldwhat school policies were They received a "Liberty Way" which they were to read. They were informed Really, it'sthe supervisor who determines the reps and discipline;all we do isreport what we see
Ifwe saw something, thenit was our responsibility to take care of it.But by the same token,we were given the responsibilitysimply because we were not digging around in their rooms.We were not spying on them every five minutes, knocking on their door to see what music they were listening to Students had a lot of freedom in the sense that we did not hover over them every single second to find out what they were doing We really did not try to invade their privacy. Yet, if there was some question,we had to deal with it
Q: What is your opinion of the honor code?
A: I thinkthehonor code isa really good idea,but it wasdifficult because of peers It was hard forsome people to tellon their friends or someone they lived with Ithink itwas very hard for freshmen especially because they wanted to be accepted.They wanted tobe part of a group.
I don't think that every student lived by the honor code .. . but, Ithink itwas a good idea If it were carried out,I think itwould be of benefit to the school
Q: You had toknow that being an RA would be verydiffi- cult What made you decide to try out?
A: Firstofall,Ihad a really good RA who really made me want to follow her example. I also thought this would be a good experience for my major I would be working with students,helping when they had a problem
Dorm 11: FIRST ROW: Kanda Adkins, Alina Feldiorean, Daniela Selagea, Jae Lee, Marcianna Lynn Chace, Lana Bailey,Heather Tull,Tracy Nunemaker, Tanya Goodman,Lisa Strom SECOND ROW: Kimberly Gray,Becky Smith, Kristin Abrahamsen, Danette Emerson, Peggy Shoup, Kristen Martin (RA), Marnie Self(RA), Sarah Wilson,Dana McCammon, Jennifer Sterrett, Sandy Wright, Taryn Kim Westover, Mon-i Wang THIRD ROW: Susan Smith,Pam Hill, Kathleen Donohue, Ronnye Hicks, Krista Mullins, Amy Mills, Cami Schneider, MelissaBranscome, Mary BethGrayson, ShellyRice, MelindaHicks,
Cathy Wynthein, Cheryl Underwood, Amy Bloom FOURTH ROW: Jessica Minnis,Christa Hayes,Gina Senior,Ursula Edwards,Jen Bozung, Catherine Campbell, Debra Purcell,Vonnie Warrington,Cindy Reid,Lynn Hall, Cindy Mariage, Amy Styron. BROTHER DORM: 8 DORM VERSE: Psalm 27:4 DORM SAYING: "Man ontheHall!"DISTINGUISHING ACTIVITY: RoomiesNightOut SPIRITUAL LIFE DIRECTOR:Sandy Wright DORM SENATORS: Debra Purcell, Gina Mendenhall
Dorm 12: FIRST ROW: Mike Sommers,Jared Bryson, DanielDellosso, Darren Richards, Jeffery Schmidt,Elroy Senneker,Duane DeVries, Timothy Deschler, Darien Derstine, John Swope,Doug Dempsey,Michael DeBoer, CarlChilders
Butterfield, DanielLogan, Greg Long, Chip Cooper, JohnSkees, Phil Lotspeich PeteKobe, Steven Daunhauer, Vernon Roberts, Mark Kop,RobertBell, Nelson Bush.FOURTH ROW: Mike Roach,Bryan Buckley,Reyni Rivero, Yaya Kassama, ArnieEpperson, ScottMcKee, RickieDiaz, KelvinOlds,Chuck Rose,Ken Brown, Phillip Daniels, Bob Weaver, Drew Dickinson, Mike Decarlo, Reid Burdge DORM VERSE: Phillipians 3:13,14 SISTER DORM: 26-2 MEMORABLE MOMENT: Terry Baker's testimony during hallmeeting
Yo u sit in the hallway. Your math book is on your lap Your assignment is 37problems long.Your profdescribed them as "simple proofs." You're on number 3. It isI a.m..That was studying.
The assignment isa 15-page paper on "Dualism vs.Transcendentalism." You need six sources, three periodicals You've been instructed to use MLA It was assigned six weeks ago. Itisduetomorrow. This isyourfirstwork onit.