1 minute read
Grades of Wrath
That wasstudying.
The assignment isa test It will be over pages 117to 231, class notes, lecture notes and laboratory observations You need tocompletely understand the difference of miosis and mitosis and construct models ofboth.Indetail. Youputona pot ofcoffee It'sgoing tobe a long night.That wasstudying.
A quiz. No problem. It will even be take-home "Define the process of a leveraged buyout, exploring conditions, problems, benefits and financing."What's "leveraged?" you ask Studying covered all areas and all aspectsofthe academic life. Learning how to best study was a chore in itself. Learning the best time and place tostudy was also somethingwehadtowork at. Studying wasn't always the funnest part ofstudent life,butit was an importantone
At the hotel, Sherri Brett reviews her notes fora test Memorizing acrostics,tables ofcontents and outlines were ways toconquer exams
Dorm 13: FIRST ROW: Christopher Villa, Allen Dunlap,Joe Giangrave,Jim Merriner, Kirby Payne, Doug Kruse, Gary Triplett, CliffMarr, SteveVilla, John Winters, Kyle Taylor SECOND ROW: Jon Goering, Robert Gentry, Bobby Galpin,Billy Ledbetter, Seth Dobson,Erik Tyler, Christopher Yount,Matthew Payne, Chad Lynn,David Graziotti, Fred Zeirott, Brian Bortree, Ken Overholt, Michael Gee.THIRD ROW: Todd Pettee, Brian Pettee, Tim Duffey,Jeff Patton, Howard McKinney,Mike Littlefield, Rob Ghitea,David Jordan, Jonathon
Hooks,Kris Howard (RA), Pat Perkins (RA), Dwayne Kent DORM VERSE: John 15:5 PRAYER LEADERS: John Winters,Raymond Wells, Chad Lynn, Scotty Keith,Dave Graziotti,Matt Payne, Tom Kawiecki,Dave Jordan, Chris Yount SPIRITUAL LIFE DIRECTOR: Dave Jordan SISTER DORM: 20-2 ACTIVITY DIRECTORS: Matt Payne,Tom Kawiecki DORM SENATOR: Dan Dow DISTINGUISHED ROOMS: Most crowded — 18 Mostcreative — 10.Neatest — 24.Messiest — 15.
Dorm 14: FIRST ROW: KeithScott, ScottStitt, A.J Torres, Randy Scott (RA), Chuck Wanamaker (RA), Bruce Krall, Thomas Walker SECOND ROW: RobertAsh,Mark Gwartney,Rob Gruhn,David Jennings,Douglas Jeffreys,Randy Jenkins, JefferyCrowder, PeterKramer, DarrenJohnson, BrianFreshman, Larry Ansted THIRD ROW: John Griffith, Ronny White, Teege Loftus, Leslie Smith, Bob Griffith, RobertJames, Glenn Walker, Aaron Watson, Glenn Jackson, Sean Obergfell,Rob Kennedy,Jody Barker FOURTH ROW: Mickey Guridy,Phil Zane, Todd Bolt, Dean Kennedy, Rick Gilliland, Todd Cummings, Kevin
Grantham,SteveStboner, Jim Shanton,JeffSpencer,Rick Lobley, Tim Sailer, Brad Smith SISTER DORM: 26-1 DORM VERSE: Psalm 62:2and Matthew
7:24 DORM SAYING: "We framed Roger Rabbit!" PRAYER LEADERS: LesSmith, Glenn Walker, Dean Kennedy, JeffCrowder, Shawn Susek, Branden Pickett, Rick Lobley, T.J. Loftus,Todd Cummings, Tom Walker,Anthony Lockaby, Kevin Priest, Robert Ash SPIRITUAL LIFE DIRECTOR: Steve Stone
Th e day was beautiful Irresistible, actually.
Regardless, the homework andstudying were waiting.There wasnoway around it And then, the solution — study outside.
The Carter Glass mansion's