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An evolutionist turned creationist. A creationist turned LU biology professor. Terry Spohn, awarded teacher ofthe 1988 schoolyear, ledan extremely interesting life prior tohiscoming to Liberty University threeyearsago.
Dr.Spohn,anOhio native, traveled extensively in hischildhood because of his father's military career. As a child he learned toadjust to different environments and situations, many ofwhich were overseas.
He graduated from a high school in Jackson, Ohio. It was the same school from which both his parents and his wife, Kay, graduated.
Dr.Spohn received his Bachelor ofScienceinBiologyatMiami UniversityinOhio. Aftergraduation he married hishigh school sweetheart.
Then came the Vietnam War. Code named "Tango Sierra," Dr.Spohn taught electronics and became anetwork controller for theDefense Communication Agency. It was an incredible responsibility requiring the memorization of hundreds of code numbers. He was in charge of over a hundred stations nationally and internationally.Dr. Spohn described histhreeyears in themilitary as the most stressful, demanding jobheever had.
After the military, he obtained his master's atMiami University in Ohio. His family moved toLubbock,Texas,where he received hisPh.D. at Texas Technological University.
Inthemidst ofhis collegeeducation, Dr. Spohn's faithfaltered. He hadgrown up in aChristianhome and was saved attheageof thirteen. While incollege,hestudied biol- ogy from an evolutionist view. He, thus, became anevolutionist.
Dr. Spohn saidthathethought "itwould be really great tobein aprofession to seek truthand totransmitit."Inhissearchforthe realtruth, he was discipled forfiveyears by hispastorand friend.Without aBiblebutby using only scientific facts, Dr.Spohn's pastorshowed himthe truth ofcreation.
Dr. Spohn said that Texas will always have a "specialplace"inhis heartbecause it is where two ofhis threechildrenwere born and theplacewhere hefinalizedhiscommitment tothe Lord.
From Texas, Dr.Spohn came to Virginia after a long-time friend and LU biology professor, Paul Sattler, told him of ajob opening at Liberty. Heaccepted thejobas a biology professor.
Outsideofthehustleand bustleofteachingat Liberty, Dr. Spohn involveshimselfin other activities. He enjoys reading, playing chess, andcamping and considers himselfa realsportsnut. He played high schoolbasketball, soccer, and footballand many other sports while in the military. At sixteen, he was a golden gloves boxer. He hasalso received ared beltinKarate.
Dr. Spohn isverymuch afamilyman. "I takeeachdaughter outon adatesothatthey can have astandard as ofhowboys should behave towards them," says Spohn.
In his career asa professor,Dr. Spohn wants hisstudents to know that he cares about them because Christ cared enoughto die forthem. He also wants to help the studentwho is seeking truthashe oncewas. Dr. Spohn notes,"Ifyouwant to deal with truth, you have tostartwith God."
Nancy Viar