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TheABC'sofa Senior
Senior. The word itself evokes abstract images of the future, security and a career. from theseconcerns,what reallymarks theprogressofbecoming asenior, theaspirationof every student enrolled incollege?
Attitude. Seniors have developed the rightattitude. They know that succeedingin collegerequiresacareer-oriented stateofmind. They realizetheirhassleswithroommates, early curfew and studying will be coming toan end. Yetintheir happiness that these struggles will be short lived,seniors understand that misfortunes mold a more stable person. Seniors know thatproblems areinevitableandarereallyjust beginning.
Belief. Seniors are strong believers inthe Lord and inthemselves. They know that through God they can accomplish anything. They look toward entering careersand building new families with confidence they will do well. They arethankful for their Christian upbringingand theUniversityfromwhichtheyaregraduating.Seniorsareeager tomake God,theirparents and alma mater proud of them.
Commitment Seniors have mastered thisvirtue Early in theircollegecareers, they saw theneed forcommitment to studiesand toChristian living andhave now benefited from it.Seniorsrealizethatcommitment inlife givesdirectionandpurpose tothe future. These andothercharacteristicsmake upasenior.Through hard work and dedication, seniors implement these tobecome independent, contributing members ofsociety. A seniorleavesbehind alegacy forotherstudents.