1 minute read
THucg Fannal PMirsuMd
The final year has come and gone. The many years ofhard work have come toa close. Many now standat anothercrossroad;theirminds are worried and fatigued with the thoughtsofwhat is tocome. For many,thisis only a temporary pause inthelong trudge for a higher education. Many will pursue a master's degree and even a doctorate, but forsome,thisis the laststepbefore entering their careers.
TheSenioryear held many mixed emotions. As theyear started, most werefilled withanticipation and fears of what was to come,unsure of their own decisions and goals. Asthe yearprogressed, many became stressedand burdened withwork. School work seemed toconsume their lives.
Now the year has ended; those feelings have turned tojoy and relief. Sleepless nights and daysofworry have dwindled. Many made life-longdecisionstheirSenior year, decisionsthataretheir future. Now theycanreflect. Only theycan decide forthemselves whether the yearswere a success or failure.
From grade school through middle school, highschoolthrough college, all theseyearshave formed what they have become. Many have been influenced by teachers, professorsand parents.Everyindividualwith whom they have come in contact has affected them in some manner. Now they must put allthe pieces together. Their lives have been like giant puzzles with each person and bitof knowledge helping to form a big picture. Montaigne said, "Unless man has an image ofthewhole inhis mind, he cannot possibly arrange the pieces."
Their picture is not complete but large pieces have been laid into place,animageisin mind,the foundationslaid.