Selah Yearbook 1994-95

Page 1

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JT ounded Upon A Rock (Introduction)

ZJherefore whosoever heareth these SauinaS of mine, and doeth them, ^t will liken him unto a wise man, uuhxich built his house upon, a rock: s^tnd the rain desceitded, ana the flooxCls came, ana the winds bleu/, ana beat upon that house; ana it fell not:for it uuasfounded, upon a rock.



*2 Christ Afe)

^Atnd did all drink the same spiritual drink: for thetg drank of that spiritual f<ock t.hat followed them: and that f<Cock was C^hrist.

y K^orinthxianS fO:4

t Life)

_• C^ome, vet us sina unto the tJLord: letus make a fouful to the rock of our ivation. oLet us come bef-ore his presence with thanksaivina, •and make a ioufulnoise unto him with psalms.

notSe 6a

Piatm 95: 1-2

56 My Soul Upon God (Academics)

ZJrulu mu Soul waiteth upon C^od: front^Jdim cometh mu. salvation^d^re onlu is mu. rock and mu salvation; ^Jde e;^!^ shall not

84 be areatlu moved.

Piatms 3 1:2

FleeAs A Bird ToYour Mountain (Atfhletics)

_y«. the <=*Lord ^r put mu trust:how Sou ue to mu Soul, to uour mountain.

Pudn 1 1: 1



pon thesolid rock ofChris ebuild ourlives, our stories, our memories. Wither foundation, ourtodays and yesterdays sitonshiftingsand,crumbling inL inglessoblivion. It rained;floodscame; winds blew. Tests and trials visitedeverydoorstep in1995.Yet, witheverystormcame trancethatourhousewould standuponHismountain. For ifwe arewise, and arefounded upon arock, thenourtimeswill be recorded inthefurtheranceofHiskingdom and countedas glory toHis name. May Selah,a reflective pause,find your housefoun <n arock, therockofsalvationthroughChrist. —


e Shall ServeGod

Upon This Mgtantain (Organizcmhns)

^Afnake said certainty ~Jr willbe with -Jkee: and this shall be a token unto Jhee. t/iat -J* have Sent ZJhee: when Zjhou hastbroughtforth the peopleout of <Lgypt,yeshallserve Cfix/ nf.'ti this mountain.

<C.mdus3: 12



My Feet \ Rock

^Jde brxtuaht me up also outof an horrible pit, out of the miry ctau, and Set mu feet upon a rock, and established mu aoinas.

psalm 40:2

2(H) eitherIs ThereAny Rock Like Our God (Closing)

ZJhereisnone holu as theoLord: for the is none beside thee; neither is there anu rocklike our K-jod.

y -S)amuel 2:2


ILead Me ToThe Rock (Index)

^jrtHjm. the end of the etzrth wicl-2r cruunto thee, when mu heartis overwhelmed:lead me totherock(1ml ishiaherthan ^y.

psalms 61:2


* or Thy Name d Me, Gui (S&

tZ$ow dawn thine ear tome; deliver me Speeditu: be thou mu strona rock, for an house ofdefense tosaveme ^jror thou art •aif rock and mu fortress; flu * <•/.•< for

Iluj name s sake leadme, and auide me.

I sains 3 1:2,3


^Jherefo whosoever heareth these SauinaS of ine, and doeth them, ~_y him unto a wide man, which built his house upon a roch: struct the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a roch.

Watt. 7:24.2:1

Liberty University • Lynchburg, Virginia • Volume 22 • 1995
Carrie Wiser


NetProfit: MichaelSadzinski calls a time-outfrom "Bouncy Volleyball" to enjoy the company ofCindy Cephas and Carol Svacha at LU's Third Semi-Annual Block PartyinAugust.

A Peculiar People: Zealousfansfrom dorm 16 show all their true colors and takeTitus 2:14 a little too seriously before a night ofFlamesfootball.

~~ y \ ; M <
* rift*
_.!' &£>.v& « r/'L^ •jf"


As students rely onumbrellas, courtyard blooms rely on the seemingly endless reign ofdroplets.

Dunkin' Dowell: Dean Greg Dowell anticipates icy depths ofthe BlockParty dunking booth as students aimfor the bullseye.


Putting their hands to good use, themen's soccer team cheers on teammates from the sidelines.

Sports Information

Mar/,. smtth
Sam Lupulescu. A ^^P_|
(/ t lap (/our hands, all t/e /'coffe: ->/»"»/ unto (joil uilli the <an c o

No, It'sNot OIKOS: Selah's spirited artwork barely had time to dry before me usualgraffiti ofdorm 2 took itsplace.

Over The River: Running away with the Cross Country team, Tabitha Kemerling takes the scenic route.

preSS toward Ihe mark fortheprizeol the high culling of \JOCI.

Crash Test Crew:

Speed bumps and seatbelts don't mean much to this close knit bunch, maybe security shouldgive them a ticket?

...forgetting lho.Se things which are behind and reaching forth.


Another cliffhanger in the Flames basketball season, as forward Barry Taylor goesforthe points against JMU.


Who is that masked bandit driving this mattress? Snow blind students enjoyed the briefsledding season using a vast variety ofvehicles. •bam


The Quiet Jungle:

Though Virginia's landscape does not resemble Africa, ValerieBeckford finds artistic inspiration in painting ajungle scene fromDisney's "The Lion King" by the senior dorms.

Stop The Stress:

Taking advantage ofthe courtyard'speaceful setting, RenateArgabright allows afew minutes to read the new newspaper, Jerry Falwell's National Liberty Journal.

A Night Of Stars:

Theircharacters may be looking at stars, but audiences recognized the stars onstage as Scott Grimm andJennifer Kellyperforming in "A Night at the Opera".

f foal there arediversities of\gvjh;, out the Same ^>niril.

Friends ofaFeather: Perhaps known as thetwo biggest Flames fans, our Chancellor and mascotfrequent the VinesCenter to support our basketball teams.

Go Into All The World: Dana Benton, warming-up to a new friend duringone ofseveral Light Ministries' campaigns, dons native Nigerian dress.

\y "W •wl
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Sports Information
Light Ministries * xr ' ' • / i /'' ' • ' " - j o>c.<7 nour (it/lit So shine hefore men,., and Anoria your lather'^dkSMl.ii ; ,/ ,t i - t il l /,.••• 0x%j^M "*'***<• ir*?^'- • S,

^srnd did all


drinh th e Same Spiritual drinh: lor theu. drank of- that Spiritual r^och that lollou/ed them:


d that r^Coch an

was Christ.

N ^ ^ ~Jr Corinthians JO:4
,J %

indfulof the heart

Laura Sipple

Revival swept through the campus as record crowds attended Spiritual Emphasis Week. RandyHoguewasfeatured in the Fall and Rodney Gage in the Spring, addressing audiencesof2,000students and harvesting 196 salvations, 136 rededications, and 21 surrenders tofull-time ministry.

As a resultoftheHoly Spirit's guidanceand dynamicpreaching, lives were changed and a distinct difference was seen on campus. Studentsacceptedthe challenges putforthbythe evangelists to live the Christianlife ina new way. A themeforthisyear's spiritual growth might be Psalm 125:5-6: "Theythat sowintears shall reap injoy. He that goeth forth and weepeth,bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaveswithhim."

Answering the call: Thousands of decisionswere made during the Spiritual Emphasis Week services as students wereconvictedandsensitive toGod's leading. Prayer leaders. Spiritual Life Directors, and Resident Assistants wereready to counsel and praywith those who wentforward.

Ol d Time Gospel Hour regularandconvocation guest, Doug Oldham recently hadhisfaithtestedwhenhelost themajorityofhisvisioninboth eyesgoing almost blind. God used prayerandmedical attention to restore hissight. Through thismiracle,Oldham had hisfaith renewed.

Q ustinBrunofelt God

/T hadpreviouslycalled him into ChristianEducation,but was unsure of the specifics. His impatience allowed Satan to questionhisworthto God.

During Convocation God usedThaddeusLotand the exampleofDr. Elmer Towns to callhim tobecome an administrator. Justin'sfaith was renewed that day.

/^orrinneNegleydedi- 1

! cated her life to ''fe^, Jesus in Convocation. Going to church all her j vt \:•••-> life, shewalked thefence, % >,-**»• and lived for herself. Jm f Trials showed her that m... "

God is the answer.

"Ifound the true fulfillment I searched for everywhere,"she said, "And this joy and peace will last me until I meetJesus."

win ou no ina...
B_ •: • '-'^_B '_KtA ^B 1 __E_B_P ~•
I /

/Clifton Glenn was . C_- Christian but was not living the Christian life. He and his stepfather argued bitterly. During Convocation the Lord spoke to him. Clifton rededicated his life to Christ, and asan extra blessing, his relationship withhis familyhasimproved "God's been teachingme what it means to bea Christian," he said.

^^tacy Jackson acJ cepted Christ during a convocationservice after realizing she was notsaved.

"In Mark 1:31 Jesus healsawoman andafterwards she served Him," Staceyshared. "Toomany Christiansare focusingon their 'sickness' instead oftheHealer. He was faithful tous,we must be faithfulto Him."


^Jruth s ,.,„ DR - BAILFV O *
taura Sipple *s H£ DID
IS /f \t*S%\ii IS IS _/
Samuel Lupuescu



\^an t put out hrld R£V . RANDY H pTHEFouuo^GHAV £ * H , p£BsONA^C° -TQTAU P6P . A ccEP^ C E 3 RESPECT 7 FWAHCA^BE
Just as I am: Students respond to the Holy Spirit by going forward during a Spiritual Emphasis service.
doesit take to make you quit? You are only asgreat as what it takes to make you quit
Jerry Falwell
U 99
are always changing but the need is always the same: the need to fill a void in
our lives.
put the sword in your hand andthefire in your heart.
When all is saidand done, God's opinion of your life is the only one that matters. Don't 99 blow it!
Spiritual Life
Jerry Sutton

TJ ^ mphasizing the Spirit


Each semester Spiritual Emphasis Week came to the Vines Center and intoopen hearts. Thereis always anemphasison spiritualthings on campus,but this is aspecial timefor students to rededicate themselves and renew their commitment to the Lord and His work Students sacrificed their own

Rodney Gage


Twenty nine year old evangelist Rodney Gage shared his vision ofreaching the world with the Gospel.

Gage, a 1989 graduate of Liberty, haspreached to over 1,000,000 young people, addressing such topics as alcohol abuse, AIDS, and sex. Most recently, Gage authored Let's Talk about AIDS and Sex, educating readers ofbothChristian and secular professions.

timeto attendthese meetingsand capacity crowds showed up in record numbers

"Entire dorms were fasting," Dwayne Carson,Campus Pastor, said,"Over 1,000 students came out for a voluntary prayer meeting. Iknow of at leastten salvations and 350otherdecisions made during these weeks."

Randy Hogue

Laura Sipple

Renowned evangelist Randy Hogue captivated the student audience ashe spoke concerning evangelism and building a renewed commitment to the Lord. Hogue grew up in a wealthy home but became involved in drugs. His life changed the day he heard Freddie Gage and accepted Christashis Savior.

You're on! Rodney Gage presented a challenge to renew the vision that gave to all during theSpring Spiritual Emphasis Week.

the fire Ljod darted L ona aao oLcwnelle^H~a
ai^et my heart be broken with the things that break the heart 99 of God.
Vernon Brewer
You don't tithe to get to heaven; you tithe because you are going to heaven.
Jerry Falwell
You canhave all the dreams in the world, but if you do not act on them, they will nevercome 99 to pass.
Bill Blaze
\JTodneveruses 'somebodies,'just 'nobodies' full Jesus.
SpiritualEmphasis Week
Bill Stafford

uper Conference week

"Revival In the Land"

Justin Bruno

Thomas Road Baptist Church (TRBC) assembled some of the greatest preachers ofall time to visit Lynchburg during Super Conference XIII,with the theme "RevivalintheLand".

Thisyear's conferencefeatured Mr. John Whitehead, founder of TheRutherfordInstitute; Dr.O.S. Hawkins of the First Baptist Church of Dallas; Atlanta evangelist, Dr Bailey Smith; Dr. Rick Warren of Saddleback Community Church of San Jacinto, California; and Dr. Ed Young of the Second Baptist Church ofHouston.

Thousandsofpastors, students, TJRB C members, and Lynchburg visitorsjoinedinthe dayseminars and nightlyVines Centergatherings. The seminarsconcentrated

on different aspects of ministry. Among the workshops were music, education, finance, and administration and new ministry development

In addition to the Pastor's Conference, there was a Ladies' Conference featuring the guest speakers'wives. They spoke on family topics, concentrating on marriage issues.

Vines Center resonated with the sound of special musical guests The Cathedrals quartet who shared their talents by entertaining the audiences each night. Other music guests leadingworship included Sounds of Liberty, Kendra Cook, Shari Falwell, MikeandFayeSpeckwith JeanieCameron, Paul Lynch, and Doug Oldham.

cnn on meoLord with
pi J jJlOTuUfl
•_•••• • £\ \ Ed Young Champion Bailey Smith Spiritual Life

Impactin g nations "The Highest Call"

InSeptember 1994, World Impact Conference was hosted by Liberty Missions. The theme,"TheHighest Call", placed a strong emphasis on challenging students to increase their understanding ofworldwide Christian missions

Guest speakers included missionaries Howard Brant, William Commons, Dan and Cindy Gelatt, andArmando and Debbie Guzman. Over forty missionaries came to minister to classes and spoke in servicesheld that week.

Afterthefinal service Sunday, over ninety students came forward to make personal commitments and to dedicate themselves to full time Christian service, in accordance withMatthew 5:14: "Ye are the light oftheworld. A city thatis seton a hill cannotbe hid."

Light Missions

White unto harvest: An Africa Inland Missions representative in DeMoss Hall waits to answer questions about the missionfield.

That old time religion: The Cathedrals quartet led the crowd ingoodold.Southern Gospelsinging.

our power... f\achel
Samuel Lapulescu World Impact Conference

S^nall we aatker at the river... toaetker ailypraise & worship

Justin Bruno

An assembly to promote campus unity and provide information, convocation spirtually challenged audiences throughout the year.

EveryMonday, Wednesday, and Friday well known guests and professorspreached, encouraging students to impact the world for Christ.Specialprayerrequests are announced tothe studentbody. Student Government brought news, skits, and electionspeeches, aswellas the annual wackyrendition of the "Twelve Days of Christmas".

Every Wednesday Chancellor Jerry Falwell addressed thestudents sending the charge to be "champions for Christ".

Record numbers attended MinistryChapelinDeMoss 161onFridaysledby Dr DannyLovett

/ /arold Willmington, —-Ar is known as "Mr. Bible" author, lecturer, educator, andadministrator. With Libertyformore thantwentyyears, hehas preached on numerous tiipies in convocation. His outline preaching style condensesa wealth ofinfor* mationso that new Christians andBible intellectualsalikeare stimulated.

C~7im Lee lost ^d both limbs during his Marine tour in Vietnam. He related his story,preaching patriotism and righteous living in convocation

He said with the Lord'shelp what seems impossible is not and showed how to walk withGod inawheelchair

JEJMtk. SpiritualLife
Jason Ctuistofl

urr\ 1 he closer you get to God, the closer you get to your Bible."

Vv hatever 99 isn'tfaith is sin. Beverly LaHaye

TheChampion Songs of joy: The Grammy nominated African Childrens' Choirperformedatconvocation and TRBC.

i^7est~selling CLJ author and nationaldirectorof Concerned Women for America, the well-know n Beverly LaHaye challenged the studentbodywith the need for more Christian involvementin society.

y^ary Small \Jj writer and speaker on family relations, encouraged students in convocation and conducted the seminar "Loveis a Decision" atTRBC. Hisseminarsandbookfocus on passing on the blessingof unconditional love andenrichingall relationships.



itrr\ 1 here are ten nit-pickers for every person with a dream or 99 a vision. Jerry Falwell

'%e water$ o
Jason Christqfi
Jerry Falwell
"A d\ person
not prepared
live until they are prepared to die.
IDwayne Carson

Spiritual Leadership

The strongholds of spiritual leadershiparenotonlyfoundwith professors and administrative leaders,but are traced back to ResidentAssistants, SpiritualLife Directorsand Prayer Leaders.

Polishing the armor, planning the strategy

Campus PastorDwayne Carson met weekly with Prayer Leaders and Spiritual Life Directors and Prayer Leaders. Carson stresses, "Every student on this campus is to be loved, prayedwith, prayedfor, and discipled".

Every hall also has leadership

meetings once a week. Groupsofbetweenthree and six students meet to take prayer requests, fellowship, praise the Lord through singing, and to share lessons on relevant topics such as devotions and servanthood.

The main purpose of the meetings is to encourage and get to know each persononthe hall better. Through these meetings not only have hall relationships grown closer together, but relationshipswith God havegrown strongeras well.


{Jnward (^kridtiai '% J o er$
Justin Bruno Spiritual bootcamp: Dwayne Carson meets with SpiritualLife Directors. Lift your eyes: One of many inspiringviewsofthePrayerChapel.
"Everystudenton this campus is to be loved, prayed with, prayed for, and discipled."
Feeling the Spirit: Paul Ross, with seeing-eye dog Pierre, reads the braille Bible.
Spiritual Life


P owerful Prayer

Thisyearmore than 500 prayer leadersfocused their attention on small groups, having devotions withthem and upholding them in dailyprayer.

Heather Lamberth,a first year prayerleader said, "Beingaprayer leadergaveme theopportunityto grow spiritually and made me more aware ofthe needs ofthose around me."

Prayer groups also provided a core group for fellowship and socializing Activities andend-ofthe semester get-togethers gave consistant members a chance to enjoy each other away from the dorm setting

To the new homesick student, aswell astothestruggling senior, these groups offered encouragement and achance togetandgive advice. Peer insights based on Biblical principles coupled with prayer, provided year-long support.

Effectualprayer: Groups met each week callingupon the Lord to encourageone another.

Circle of Prayer: Studentspray before witnessing in Lynchburg.

rau for me and ^y It; WicUW.Snutk
Yo bro! Brother-sister dorms meet in theprayerchapelforfellowship. Samuel Lupulescu
Orod wants to give you a heart transplant that will neverfail
Rodney Gage
He is a God of 99 direction.
BrianBuckley aquariums... be fishers of men.
Berry Shetiel men and women of Christ stand.

preading the Word

Students put the Great Commission into action by participating in many outreach activities throughoutLynchburg.

Visitingnursinghomes, county jails,shopping malls, the inner city, and going door-to-door throughoutLynchburg, students went each week with one goal in mind: to share the love of God withwhomever theymeet.

MelissaKikersharedtheimpact shehasseenontheelderlyinthe Camelot Nursing Home, "Some are so lonely. We are the only familytheysee and towatch their faces lightupwhenwevisitmakes it all worthwhile."

One group visited the mall, leading 140 people to the Lord. GroupleaderMikeSadzinskisaid, "Inthe lastfour Fridays we had twenty five salvation decisions. It'sjust incredible what the Lord hasdone."

God's got an army: Students gather for prayer before Friday night witnessing in downtown Lynchburg.

Ulou ve aot tke toue of tke c^Lord; it J time
Samuel Lupulescu Loving thy neighbor: Melissa Kiker shares hertimeand apuppy withMaude Bolton at the CamelotNursing Home.
X esterday is gone; tomorrow may never be. Today is the most important day you have.
Mike Haley \
laturity is the ability to act on fact, rather than feeling or assumption.
Pierre Guillerman
a 1 he heart of the problem is the problem in it your heart.
Wayne McCross
Spiritual Life
Afe is constant decision making and then makinc those decisions 99 work. Jerry Falwell


we uour
Scaremare: Youth Quest's House ofDeath leads hundreds to Christ duringthe Halloween season. Becky Reinhardt Samuel Lupulescu
I he Great Commission is notan option to beconsidered, but rather a command to be obeyed.
Vernon Brewer
We must be a light, notonlyfor this generation, but for future generations.
It's better to raiseayoungster than to repair an adult.
Storming thetown: Students locate assigned destinations, hitting the streets to witness onHarvestDay.
you don't throw off the hindrances in yourlife, you will become a hindrance.
Service and Activities
E.Glenn Wagner

Fullhouse: "Jesus isAwesome " ralliesfoundstudents excitedabout theirwalkwith Christ.

Getting excited Having a spell

Sean Turchin

"JesusisAwesome"was a rally held each semester led by professorDanny Lovett. Itwas a chance for students to express how awesome theythinkJesusis and how He has dramatically changed andworked in theirlives.

The firstrally, held October 5, was packed tooverflowing. More than 1,200 people crowded into DeMoss 160 and 161, with some perching on the stepsand inthe doorways.

Thefeatured speaker of the Fall rally was Phil Hoskins.

said, "We had large amounts of "Myprayeris that the Lord will allow thespirit of revival to continue on campus."

Danny Lovett

"Ibelievehe is one of the most dynamic preacherstoday," Lovett

studentsthatmade commitments to letGod use them in any way He wants."

"My prayer is that the Lord will allow thespirit ofrevival to continue on campus," Lovett continued, "I believeJesus is Awesome' rallies are vital."

KJur KJod i id an awesome Rich WJi
Heather Ealy
EEKING SAVIOR HeatherEaly M N ISCI EN T DannyLovett


tudent Shine

Being the example

Scott Harrison

StudentShinewas a praiseand worship service organized by studentsfor studentson Tuesday mornings From its beginning, these services attracted large interactivegroups.

Rob Jackson, Vice President for Spiritual Affairs explained, "Students met with each other and organized Student Shine. They wanted to initiate a completely "student" generated time ofworship."

The purpose of Student Shine was to offer a place where students could go,sharing fears and victories, making a joyful noise, to bring people closer to Jesus Christ.

Meeting throughout the year, Student Shine inspired students to take their walk with Christ seriously. The large number of students attending had a lasting impacton thestudentbody'sview ofthe spiritual climateoncampus.

' , make em wonder wkat ua aot... ua Ui Ilewsbt
:!•<".. i •••••• Samuel Lupulescu Jason Christofi Ganging up: A packed DemossHall 160-161 service. Love inevery language: Deaf students let their light "shine" inConvocation with American Sign Language.
6(rr\ I he Christian life is a marathon, not a 100 99 meter dash!
E. GlennWagner
Be a prophet, not a preacher; a preacher has tosay something, but a prophet has something
tirr\ 1 he Lord does notraise anything 99 thatwasn'tdead
Bishop Wellington Boone
SIGod-given ability tosee the unseen.
However, vision worthless without courage.
Ed Young Student Shine

olevaulting prayers

Raising petitions at "See Yo u at the Pole"


With an estimated two million students of all ages from around theworld, more than 200Liberty students gathered around the flagpole onSeptember 19,1994to pray for revival.

'"SeeYou at the Pole' isone of the largestprayer happeningsin the country, and possibly the world," said Matt Willmington, YouthQuestadvisor.

Flags were set up in the courtyard representing each of thestates, encouragingstudents topray fortheirfriends, family, churches, and government leaders in their home state. Many lifted up burdensfortheir highschools, while others shared concernsfor missionaries.

Poleposition: Barely awake, students metforthesunrise"SeeYouatthePole".

asterDay ofPrayer

Vigil reflects spirit of fellowship an d praise

Corrinne Negley

The airwas warm,and a gentle Springbreeze skippedthroughthe trees. From 10:00 p.m. Sunday April 9, until 8:00 a.m. Monday April 10,hundreds of students gatheredattheW.C WorleyPrayer Chapeltoworship andprayforthe EasterDay ofPrayer.

The chapel was filled with a sense of genuine searching. Those not finding a pew inside gathered around outside the chapelandmansionlawnpraying, singing, and fellowshipping

Humble yourself: Courtyard benches provided "altars"forprayers.


Where two are gathered together: Edyaris Colon and Zaylimara Ramon united inprayer onEaster Sunday.

Our Father who art in Heaven: Easter Day ofPrayer broughtfloods of studentsand petitions, crowding the smallchapelso thatmany students used the surrounding mansion lawn.

MikeNelson MikeNelson
Spiritual Life
Samuel Lupulescu

Eating out: Some 10,000 men rememberthejoys brown-baggin' it.

ounded on theWord ofGod Student-led Biblestudiesgrow

Small prayer groups began to form after Spiritual Emphasis Week in February, creatinga true commitment for revival.

One group in particular grew from 4 to15members. Thegroup gathered Monday through Thursday in the Religion Hall, a few hoursbeforecurfew. Holdingone another accountable was their main purpose They prayed for

Me n heed Gods wake up call

Thousands ofmen gathered to make lifetime commitments to God through the message of Promise Keepers Ina movement sweeping the country,men came to theVinesCenterfrom allwalks of life, geographic areas, and denominations to become better leaders, husbands, fathers,and servantsfor God.

Speakers such as Bishop Wellington Boone and Adrian Rogers, withmusical guest 4-Him, invited men to put Christfirst, family second, the church third. Messages set God's Word as the top priority, encouraging men to make a differencewith it in their homes, churches,communities, and the world

each other,sang praises to the Lord and shared what He had done for them.

The time they spent together will neverbeforgotten andcould neverbereplaced.

"We allhave grown closerto God and through thatwe have grown closer together",claimed junior Youth Ministries major MarkYoder.

Going tothechapel: Students gathered together in the Prayel Chapel throughout the week to study the Word and worship in song and prayer.

eep my mind on kiaker tk\ frlarqaret l/Seclu
Kevin Dibert Samuel Lupulescu Keeping the promise: Bishop Wellington Boone was oneofmany to lead thecharge. Samuel Lupulescu
Promise Keepers

To Russia with love: A Light Ministriesstudentteamtraveled to Moscow, Russia during SpringBreak.

From shore to shore: From Florida to Russia, Spnng Break saw seeds offaith planted in severaldifferentsoils, (below) beach survey.

ringing Christ to Russia

Proclaiming His intercultural love

While some studentsspenttheir Spring Break on the beaches of Florida, tentraveledtoministerin Moscow, Russia.

These students traveled in conjunction with theWorld Help Organization to orphanages, hospitals, schools,and churches performing musical concerts and

presenting drama to more than 1,300 people

They distributed Bibles,tracts, and power bands tothe Russian people in order to show them God's love. The team impacted many lives, with more than 200 recorded decisions made for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Alltogethernow: Plannedactivitiessuch as tug-ofwar and volleyball opened oppportunitiesfor teams to getpersonal and witness to othercollegians.

# \ learwater Beach Alive in the Son and surf

Taking up the cross and following Hi m

The 1995 Clearwater Beach Alive team ofeightystudents, the largest ever, stormed Florida's beaches during SpringBreak.

"CBA" was a Christ-centered missionstrip sponsored byYouth Quest, that sawmany peoplefrom all walks of life come to know

ChristasLord andSavior.

Truly a life-changing time of fellowshipand ministry, students witnessed mostly to college vacationers by using various surveys. Surveys provided a casual approach to sharing the plan of salvation.

The trip not only brought a harvesttoHis throne, but it also dispelled some stereotypes that label Christians, which may hinder "Generation X" from accepting Christ. They reflected a lifestyle of abundant joy only found through JesusChrist.

anna tell tke world we re Sendin ouiour
Laura Sipple LauraSipple
Spiritual Life

amaica for Jesus Performing service


During Spring Break, a group of nine students traveled to Jamaica with Light Ministries to share Jesus Christ in public elementary and highschools

Chris Dowd, one of those traveling said, "It was one ofthe best experiences ofmy life."

CindyHessonadded, "I definitely plan to go on the next missions triptoJamaica."

yi iding Albania l-\ throughlove

During Christmas Break, nursing students traveled to Albania with World Help Organization. They distributed a half ton of medical supplies and clothing to hospitals and orphanages.

The nursing students gavefree physicalexaminationsto children and encouraged and ministeredto the long-term missionaries alreadyservinginAlbaniaaswell.

Mission of mercy: Nikki Chandler shows the love of Jesus Christ to orphan children inAlbania

—J\atlui —Jn
on a mission of
_^_ i —I—k i Laura School's in: (Top) The Light Missions team to Jamaica ministered in area schools. Dramatics: (Above) Heidi Schantz, Jennifer Bowen, and Stefan Forcey portray Christ's love in a skit.
We gaininspirationfrom others to run the race, but imitate Christ
E. GlennWagner
we 99
(t\nlhat are we doing about our world whichis dying and going to hell?"
Lew A. Weider
I don't care if you want to call theRapture the Happy Hop from heretoHallelujah! It's going to take place.
Harold Willmington
KJod is not looking at what you have gone through, but how you have gone through it.
Bishop Wellington Boone gion Spring Break Missions


K^y y^-ome, let us sina. to tlte e^Lorct: tet us maize a iouj-ut noise to tlie roch ofour SCLCuation.

cJLet us come before ILLS presence u/itn tnxCLnhsaivina., XCLHO. mcthe <x ioulut noise unto trim u/itn pSxCLtmS. psalm 95: 1-2


sr J L-y E

Let's Tak e This Outside

Eating out, literally, wasneverso muchfun, as Marriott hosted an outdoor version of its cafeteriaspread.

Though dinner was servedoutsidethe same lines applied. Seating was strictlypicnic style inthe courtyard, Multipurpose clearing, and just aboutanywherein theshade.

Some daring people gathered together and got "wet and wild," whichwas the themeof the cookout. T-shirt

cladmunchers cooled down from the warm Fallsemestertemperatures with water balloons and waterguns. The outdoor eating alternative provided studentswithabreath of fresh air from the diningroom. Students usually prefer off campus cooking, but with ID card inhand, the cookout saved a few food dollars and served up fun as well.

Chip off the 01' Block Party

"Relax, havefun, and loosenup" was the unofficialthemeofthethird semi-annual LU Block Partyheldinthe DeMoss parking lota few days before Fall semester classesbegan.

More than 3,000hyperactive LU students

turnedoutAugust23 for "big bounce" volleyball, ping-pong,two-mangyro rides, and bouts of bouncy boxing

Dean GregDowell and Professor David Beck made quite a splash demonstratingtheirgood sportsmanship at the H_fl

1 ML- m !r *^
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Background: Dennis Sulivan
Jason Cinristqfi
a f-§
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"What scares me the most is when mydinnertalks to me."

i^2&t&TZdunking booth! Who says there isnorevenge?

Fellowship with old friends and the chance to meet new ones was perhaps thehighlight of all the fun-filled Block Partyevents.

Tom Weaver


L(ine)U(p): Students eagerly wait to pass through the Marriott gates to sample anything from waffles, sandwiches, pasta,salads,orthefamous mystery meat.

.—j "Ieatthingsthatsmell, taste, and look like something I've seenbeforeand thequalityof thefoodcouldbemorediverse, and lesspro-coronary."

"Joey Bailey lost at'paper rockscissors' and had totake up 11traysplusplates, cups, and utensils,not to mention uneaten food. Hedidit all in one tripand weapplauded."

"I battlewiththedilemmaof eatingatMarriottand risking my health or dying from malnutrition."


"I pray over my food so it doesn'tkill me!"

"Icancount endless times when I've narrowly missed being rundown by Marriott carts pushed around. Only oncedidIreallygethitbyone."

Courtyard cuisine: The Courtyard GrilL in itsfirst year, provides .hamburgers, hotdogs,softdrinks, andconvenient snacks for a relaxinglunch by thefountain or a break between a busy class routine.

Fiesta time!!! (Center) Marriott's mexifest mixes it up during Block Partyfestivities with a hotand spicy buffet of"make your own" nachos, tacos, and enchiladas.

Volleyball served up right: (Far Left) Students enjoy g playing "big bounce" volleyball inthe giant blow-up

arena, as only one of the many well-planned activities \ at the Block Party.

"Marriottmay notdowonders for the stomach, but itdoes work miraclesforyour diet!"

"That liquid cheese scares me I would never eat anythingthatcouldgrow skin ' intwentyminutes!"


• _"T? •__~
'! \ 3
IS #• ^
» J; „V i _ Roughin It

NIGHT U p all Night

It's Friday night and theweekend liesahead posing the question, "What is theretodoin Lynchburg?" TheOffice ofStudentLife comes to the rescue with a host oflate night activities. Throughouttheyear, hundreds of students attended late night skating, bowling, and putt-putt golf. Other activities included oncampusmoviessuchas Walt Disney's Aladdin and The Lion King,

Monday Night football parties, and floor hockey tournaments.

JamesBeck, Student Director of Activities, saidlatenightactivities providean opportunity fortheuniversitytolink with local businesses. Students not only enjoyed fellowship with friends, but the extended curfew until two a.m. has always added extra appeal

Background: Dennis Sullivan SamuelLupulescu Round and round: Adam Farrandazzles the late night crowd with wheeling antics. Jesse Barsugli
_ -
No more training wheels; Speed limits aside, Marge Alawi demonstrates her new found freedom on the track.
Sarw*tw»* Laura Sipple
Jmnijer Vaughn Pucker up: 1 Riled hockey f players sport winning smiles.
S Mil l i*a»cl
| Hollywood huddle: (MidRight) From the big game to the big screen, late nightersanticipate theDavid's Place premiere of The Lion King.
1 **REg «. |
Howdy Pardners; (Above) David's Place goes West as 4h students havesome good 'ol western stylefun and games M at the Country Western Party. CoffeeBreak; (Right)Leonard& TheSlo-Mo's show offtheir •actingabilitiesandcomedicpresenceduringoneofthe I Coffee House shows sponsored by the Student Life office.

Band Stan

From the Sounds of Liberty to DC-Talk to Mark Lowry, Liberty has produced amultitiide of musical talent.

That trend and variety continued as student groups got together to fulfil their dream. From acapella to alternative, rap to reggae, worship to wack-o, the musical rangecoveredalltastes.

The goal of each musicianistoshowcase theirtalentand glorify theLordintheprocess Yet some have had a smalltasteoffame.

With campus stati WWM C (C-91) support, RealityCheck's "Step to the Mike" got concert promotionand airtimet Kerygma Childwonfor best lyrics in Lynchburg's competition, Battleof the Bands.

The Upper Room, DrowsyPoet, and Flood Zone of Richmond provided audience exposuretonewgroups. Whilethe bandsplayed at these coffee house style stages, Unity entertained thelargest crowdsinconvocation.


Chi (A Kerygma Child: (. lance Smith JoshSampsott strummin'up someraucous rockn'rollinan Upper Room weekendconcert

Zook: (Right) Bill Briers, EarlPavao, Scott Pineau, and Larry Cornell bathin' in the tunes.

Background: Dennis Sulivan I&£ <2>&>&>£>7Z' £Z<?ld
^z^ez^<^. « i* Aaron
: ** *T-HT * #
*er.Douc Muckef, ChrisBtaney, and Nathan Barlowe rap it up as the fave rap group. (not shown)Stan Tadeja
\ _H_^H^_^_B_^_^_^_B_
2)Lynette Davis, (Row 3)Felicia DodsofaBMRegina MacFarlandwinchapelcrowds, (notshown) CynthiaTatum DaveTaylor& theFriendlies: Chad Sundin, RameyHarder, DaveTaylor, Tommy Hilergetinspiredfortheirnextdistinctive wacky project.
II •
We're A Band

Anticipating the title

CrowningMiss Liberty, a Homecoming tradition,brought spectators to attention as court hopefuls stood in suspense. A chilled breeze greeted parents, family,and otherout oftown guests as they arrived toWilliams' Stadium. The electric atmosphere warmed the crowds and marching band brass serenaded the ladiesin waiting, creating a fieldrunway. A drumroll... A hush... Astillness... Miss Liberty 1995...KristenHogg.

Pursuit of the Crow n

Thosewho aspire to the covetedcrown possess a potpourriof academic excellence, testimony, and inner beauty. Senior women with a G.P.A of 2.75 qualifyfor the initiallist of possible contestants. Staff, students,and faculty cast their votes and the competition begins withtwenty seniorwomen. Following interviews and convocation addresses, and MissLibertyis selectedand crowned duringHomecoming'shalf-time. Dawn Tuttle

Background: Tom Weaver Drum,rollplease: (Right) MacelFalwell and Louanne GuillermincrownMissLiberty 1995, Kristen Hogg, during Homecoming half-time. Top 5: (Below) SarahAbbas, SharonFulcher, KristenHogg, WendiGibbs, and GingerAsimos smile as they are named.

Kristen Hogg's poise, magneticpersonality, and dynamic witness arethe elements which captured the titleofMiss Liberty 1995. Her fatherwas a proud escort.

Kristen says, "The biggest blessing sincereceiving the crown isthe people I have come in contactwith since then;the display ofsupport and lovefrom friendshas notonlybeen moving but a realencouragement to me."

Following graduation Kristen will pursue a graduate degree inSpeech Pathology.

SarahObey, Ginger Vertican. (Row


Heidi Schantz. SarahAbbas. WendiGibbs. Cynthia Henefield. and Jayne Sargeant. Miss Liberty.

Dawn Tuttle The Top 20:(Row 1) Terra Schock, Tiffany Grayson, Curry Ellenburg, Kristen Hogg, Joline Day, Lori Slippy, Holly Ross, (Row 2) Staci Tauton, Jodi Smith, JenniferRoberts, Stephanie Black. 3) Asimos,


_^_ l _ i _^_ _ k

lames Fly During

Homecoming 1994

Though the air was )ld, athrillofexcitement irned throughout the campus during Homecoming weekend 1994.

TheFlamesgotfiredup during Friday night's Homecoming bonfire with a spirited rally in front of David's Place. Temperatures reached the boiling point when Liberty Noise, a five member student band, took the stage and sent

the crowd blazing. Saturday night explodedwhen theFlames tooktheirheatedhuddle against DelawareState. The marchingband and cheerleaders ignited sparks of excitement throughout thecrowd. Although Libertysufferedaloss, it is evident theFlameswill neverbe extinguished.

an on the run: (Above) Lawrence Worthington evades a Delaware State tackier, thoughtheHornets managed to slip by the Flames 2%-l7. Those spirited sidelines: Cheerleaders catch their breath and lookon as the Eagle's crazyantics entertain the rowdy student section of Williams Stadium.

Background: Dennis Sulivan
Student Life
Tasha Braddock



tobeat theband: Liberty's drumlinestruts theirstuff.

Snap, crackle, & pop: tehool spirit soars highasflames lick the skyat theFridaynight bonfire and spirit rally before thebig game Saturday.

A nest of chicks: The ever-so-friendly Eagle mingles with few female fans to cheeron theFlames.

Samuel Lupulescu

Around Town

ArrivinginLynchburg* studentsmust adapt to limited nightlife on a shoe-stingbudget. Even Wal-Martcanbecomean excitingjourney.

Moving to Lynchburg also means learningthe native customs- refusingtouse a turnsignal orcruisingFortAvenue ina 1973 ElCamino

ForthatperfectFriday night date at a perfect price, many students opt for a perfect pizza at Papa John's. Others make a"runforthe border" to theeverpopular el cheap-o TacoBell.

Sunday afternoons

find BillyJoe's IceCream Parlor packed withLiberty students.Old-time rockn' roll, carvedtables, and gobbs of tasty ice cream providea fun, relaxing atmosphere |P9J_ Students have found !g p that sitting down to their favorite movie at Cinamark and shelling outonly$1.50 canbethe ultimate stress reliever.

LU champions manage to overcomeLynchburg's tfl limitations and that i chronicstudent ailment, "no cash",with a lot of '^ imagination and alittle help from their friends.

Heather Parr an

I scream, you scream: (Above)MelindaWebb, Leslie Gordon,Jacqueline Hooper, Heather Taylor, Kevin Gantt, Michelle Salisbury,Sarah Bauman, and Jamie Hall enjoy ice cream and other treats at Billy Joe's.



(Center) Withcredit cardsin hand, AngleCrooks, SarahObey. AlanGreen, and Teofil Badea purchase some necessities at Wal-Mart. Thumbs Up: (Right)Mike Smithand Miss Virginia '94, SusanRobinson, enjoy anight out at Movies 10.

Money Mania

BerkleyFederal's "money machine"came to DeMoss, tempting students' outstretchedpalmswith quick money. Empty-walleted studentsfound confidence I inthe2"x 3"plastic ticket ! to entertainment, food, and " localshopping.

Even the cheapestenterItainment in town,can put astrain onthe budget.Late

1T5S7 !L3i K night activities, Movies 10, concerts,and RiverRidge "browsing" bringmorethan a fewcards calling.

Itmay be lean moneywise, but Marriottrefugees won't go to bed hungry. Lynchburg is fast food heavenwithan extravalue meal ateverycorner.

Liberty keeps Phar-Mor's doors open and Wal-Mart benefits from freshmen shopping sprees. Who


hasn't spotted ten girls wearing the same dress from TJ Maxx? Butthese discountstores are not the bargainwhen themonthly bank statement arrives.

Neverfear, onceparents hear oftheir student'spit ofpoverty, theymayjustreplenishtheaccount.Which raises the question, "Who is the real 'money machine' anyway?"

More grind for your mind: (Top Right)The Drowsy Poet's trendy atmosphere provides an ideal backdrop for preferreddrinksandtreats forTimPutney, BillBriers, Rebekah Parshall, and Mark Bowen.

iSingingschoolbillblues: (BcttomRight) StevenKyle. Lucinda Grove, andLovely Matthews react from the damage they haveincurred on their monthly bills.

CM, T ?PoAy^f^9^
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Samuel Lupulescu Samuel Lupulescu
/ / £/ > ;_ / ' k*/ ^


No matterwhichpark-

««*™*o.™«,™ inglot on campus, from Z'S-i'r'"™ "Egypt" (that far country

by David's Place) tothe , , ever-coveted blue dia- ' monds ofDeMoss, per- ; * sonalized licenseplates J% (alias: vanityplates) don ft a vastarray of vehicles. G

Theseplates signifyev- *^ erything from names to

]|» future aspirations.

]f* Sometimestheyare used

H to solidify one'spersonal ^ I *f.' v commitment to a signifi "Yl? cant other. !

Thenthereare the true ™ "Champions" who use

v the statetag as a witness ,

E? oftheirfaith, proclaim- t *f«

than seven letters.

2y* •'- * DawnTurtle

B ing the gospelin nomore s *^ j

* , Making rounds: (Center) % U SecurityofficerDanielVinersar , , *• proudly writesaticketmaking y -, * rJj' a"bust". (Bottom)Hespotshis I

• next victim.

is %>. «• Hi " * IP fi! ^ g % * IPSA ! WARRIOR S ~™™~ • t % % 4
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&^-&cafc?c#> && j jJSi ^ / Student^ | k , . < /t V l ,\ ^ «, .r * m &*• JTJ


• Cars provide conve-

nienceand freedom, yet

there aresome draw-

backs. Ticketsand lack

ofparkingspacesare all

toocommon oncampus.

Notwanting toviolate

I any rulesofthe"Traffic

Handbook, students franticallycareen down theparked rowslooking forthatelusiveprize-an unoccupied space with therightdiamond. The worsttimetofindaplace isright before curfew, it's fruitless; the pit awaits many an auto.

Outrunning thepark-

' & Parking Regulations" I ing police is a mis

conseptionamong many ' ! v f* ^L v students running into 4*^,. t" ^ . *m thepostoffice "forjusta >l„; «^ *v *S-~ minute"whichinevitably ,*"*. * ^^_^ results inanunwanted *** \t li J^ ^ pieceofpink mail. *••%£$'4*\* JZ ^

Don'tcursethe"Lucky V Charms" approach to *<V-. T1^ parking, just think ofit !*%'•> |j^- A ^Mt 1 as a test of character v %*^m \ »^*^Sc^'

5* 7 .fl^w-^^M
z£ ^ 0>Z'6>-6(-^£tZ'g-'&< Top and bottom photos: Samuel Lupulescu • is *•«. f %
•J •.f %\ ^ v 4 . .. . •> A V

Shaking Their Cans

Only a year old and subjected to layers of toxic spray paint, fire, censorship, and bad I jokes, the Spirit Rock s gota lot ofattention.

Broughtto campusto ihelpcreate school spirit and tradition, therock

Ipatiently sits across Ithe street from the

i Vines Center. Painting Jthe rock began as a ' freshman activity,but othersjoinedin, making it a choice message board to passersby.

Paint barely dried before the nextgraffiti artistswiped the slate cleanwithmulti-colored ormetallic expressions. Oikos (A.K.A. Dorm 2) were the most frequent vandals, proudlywrappingtheirname around the rock.

Messages ranged from the artists's initials to proposals of marriage. Even O.J. Simpson references appeared with, "Don't Juicethe Juice".

So long, farewell: (Top Center)A signofseniorspirit from the graduates signals the end ofanotheryear.

Anyone for cards: (Right)


Youthquest singers Michael Harsh and Ted Williams to a game ofSpades topass time on their next road tnp.

J Do! (Far Right) Miss Liberty, Kristine Hogg,is asked the "big question" on the Spirit Rock, oneofits morepopular messages.

I If # if •J"^J**
Cy^<z4%>c£c £a>&d>d< tudentXife mm
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"I Do... Anyone? II

Many girls come to Liberty with a hidden agenda,to be engaged by the time they graduate. Some take a "come-what-may" attitude,while others view their years at college as a countdown, thinking that every other guy they meet is "the one".

BillyStone shares his experienceofproposing to his fiancee. "I took Dottie to the Peaks of Otter on Valentine's Day. The lake was frozen and the whole

settingwasbeautiful. I said, 'Dottie,will you marry me?' and she answeredYes!'."

A fewamorous artists spray-painted their proposals on the Spirit Rock for all to see, thenwaited patientiyfor a positive reply.

Shock value alsohas itsmerits. A popular, though risky, method was to surprise their sweetheart by popping thequestion infront of the entire studentbody. Most couples planto marry after graduating.

Kissofcommitment: Jim Fabertookariskyapproach of proposing by taking advantage ofDanielle Selma's embarassment dunng convocation.

The dressis next: Nicole Raimondi wades through mounds oflace while Dave Shanton daydreams.

^ > £^& ?<-&o./£

Pam Thum

Pam citesherhopefor each performance: "In the Bible thedisciples' shadows were cast upon people and they were healed."

"Even as a child my prayer was 'Lord, when my song comes into a room, Iwant thepeople hearing it tofeel soloved and accepted byYou, Jesus," Pam says, "That atthatmoment they can believe God forhealing, and they cantrust God

for salvation, trusting Him with their lives."

"Today, I take m y talents and say, 'Holy Spirit,take this,carryI into people's hearts and somehow letthem know that these songs arenot justwords to me'."

Pam putsactiontoher words with perhaps the strongestlyricalGospelin Christianmusicinherhit song 'Will You Come to Jesus?'

Background Dennis Sullivan
(Above)4-Himbrought"TheRide" tourto the Vines Center. (Right) Homecoming's featured act, LarneU. Harris entertained Multi-PurposeCentercrowds.
(Bottom Right) Steven Curtis Chapman's "Heaven in the Real World" tourin the Vines Center.

Point of Grace

Member Heather Floyd stated, 'Welive everydayat the pointofGod'sgrace; we need to tell others about His love That iswhy our album The Whole Truth' dealswithsalvationandis saturated with Christian themes We stand as a Christian group unapologetically."

Thegroup's advice to students is to know God's will.

'Befaithfulinyour prayer life, walk

with God. Searching the Scriptures iswhereyou'll find God's will. God is faithful to provide guidance," Heatherstated. Theirministry'sverseis Psalms 115:1: "Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory,for thy mercy, and forthytruth's sake."

(Left) Point of Grace performed among other tunes, their seven number one hits, including a medley featuringthemusical stylesfrom

Mark Lowry

Liberty's own Mark Lowryalwaysfindsways to share the Gospelwith his unique humor and soul stirring vocals.

Mark claimshisyears at Liberty were a pioneering time, "We got our beds from an insane asylumalong with some of our professors."

He sayshisgoalisfun, 'If you can getpeople's mouths open,you can

reach down and touch their hearts."

Lowry says hisfavorite Scripture passage is I Chronicles 26:18, "'At Parbar westward, four at the causeway,and two at Parbar,' because I don't know what it means."

(Left) TheMouth in Motion tour featured spoofs on hits by Steven Curtis Chapman and MichaelW. Smith, andLowry's version ofSandi Patti's "Some OtherTime,Some OtherPlace."

Kathy Troccoli

Kathy Troccoli with Clay Crosse opened for the Spring4-Himconcert. She has returned to Christian music after about a seven year hiatus. She claimed that during this time she has been able to Justin Bruno

reflect on life,bringing more humor tohershow. Hergoalistoreflect God's loveso thatitisrelevant totheaudience.

the 40's to the 90's.
(Left) Kathy Troccoli's vibrant and enthusiastic personality came throughtothe audience with her "stand-up" comedic approach to sharing. & Lisa McMonigle
i _1rM
Making beautiful music together: (Clockwisefromtop) Newsong: East to West:Truth: Clay Crosse: and Phillips. Craig. And Dean joined intheconcert series performing familiar hits whilefeaturing new materialfor audiences.
Jason Cliristojl
IAudio Adrenaline Carman
Jason Cliristojl Jason CtvtStqfl

Victorian Christmas Ball

The Light Singers hosted the Victorian Christmas Ball fundraiser on December 8. Myla Williams,Alfred Burgess, Brad Kellun, and Rhonda Miller organized the event.

The 135 guests, dressed in elaborate Victorian clothing, arrived at the historic eighteen sided Aviary Buildingin Miller Park. They found itelegantly decorated with Christ-

mas greenery, white lights and candles. Dim lighting and classicalmusic created the perfect ambiance for guests toenjoythe traditional feast.

During the meal guests became an audience, entertained by the Light Singers, selected soloists,and a riveting monologue and song by the accomplished Dr. Wayne Kompelien.


Background: Dennis Sullivan
ELEGA TL&d'd'&i
Ted Cunningham "Wujfaa WUiiams
___-_k Student Life


CC?fr& /c6tco&& £& &&

Junior 8 Senior Banquot

It was a night of beauty and romance as elegantly dressed couples boarded the Virginia Dare river boat on Smith Mountain Lake for the Spring Junior and SeniorBanquet.

Waveslapped gently into the distance and the lake glistened with sunset asguests enjoyed the mountain air andromantic piano

melodies by senior John Kavanaugh.

The menu featured roast beef, shrimp, and freshvegetables.

Atmosphere inspired romance as at least one marriageproposal caughtthe attention of the ladies.

Four dinner tours, fifty couples on each, were filledto capacity, providing lively yet intimate settings.



All in a day's work

From Wal-Mart to students broke into Little Caesar's, from J.Crew to the office, studentsput theirtime and talent to work.

On-campus positions were scarce thisyear, forcing students to apply their efforts elsewhere. Restaurants, telemarketing, andretail jobs accounted for most employmentareas.

Yet, someenterprising

preprofessional areas. Nursingmajors worked in the localhospitals, journalism students focused in on the media, and government majors gained hands- \ on political insights.

A motley crew: Inset, Paul McCqfferty, NamJenzer, Sung Lim, and Steve Tozier reveal their trueenthusiasm for their clean-up job with Building Services.

Background: Dennis Sullivan Dennis Sullivan Dennis Sullivan That'sa wrap: Above left, Dawn Tuttlegets on-airbroadcasting experience asan evening news announcerfor WRVLradio. What a prune: William Deloach helps beautify the campus by pruning courtyard brushes with Grounds Keeping.

May Itake amessage: Angela Springsteenappears toenjoy herreceptionist job in the mansion.

Libertyfriendsandfamily: Telemarketers Shauen Miller. Kristen Marshall, Yolanda Bruce, and Audrey Langat contacted prospective students.

fVnrus SlilUlX—1

^JrulL. u mu Soul

Lvctitetn upon K-joct:

Prom^J^tiLm come

lu IVxCtti mu scLlVxCttLon....

p ^J^TG ontu is ntti rock
1_^_/ ^7" ! artel ntit Salvation; -/ e LS mu defense; ^_y sncLLl not be areattu mouect. Piciimi 31:2

hampion debaters rock the nation

Dennis The Debate Team reached the pinnacleby winning championships in both the American DebateAssociation (ADA) and the prestigious NationalDebateTournament (NDT) this year.

Not only has the team made school history but national collegiatedebate history as well. Liberty isthe only school to ever win top honors in both debate organizations at the sametime.

The team won the final ADA rankings by defeating the defending champions of George Mason University by morethan66pointswith solidcontributionsfrom all levels of the team.

Later the NDT results revealed that the team

Sullivan had topped George Mason University again, and had finished in first place.

Head coach Brett O'Donnell praisedthe team, "Whenwestarted this year, our goalwas to win at least one ofthe top titles."

"This team surpassed allexpectations as the strongest program in the country," O'Donnell continued, "The debaters have worked hard this year and havebroughthonor to the Lord and tothis institutionas well."

In conclusion: (Inset) Adam Milamwraps uphis argument infavor of the death penalty during theexhibition Soden Memorial Debate.


Professional courtesy: Coaches Mike Hall and Brett O'Donnellare greeted by Dean WilliamGribbenandProfessor Cecil Kramer.

Prime Time: No strangers to success, varsity debaters Abe Pafford. Bill Lawrence, and Layla Hinton have thelast word in an interview by Lynchburg's WSET Channel 13 news crew.

Top 20 National Debate Tournament Rankings

1. Liberty University

2 George Mason University

3. Wake ForestUniversity

4. NorthwesternUniversity

5. Dartmouth College

6. GeorgeWashington U.

7. Wayne State University

8 U.S NavalAcademy

9 UniversityofTexas

10. James Madison University

11. UniversityofIowa

12. Mary WashingtonCollege

13. Universityof Kentucky

14 Harvard University

15 Emory University

16. BaylorUniversity

17 UniversityofS California

18 Universityof Redlands

19. KansasUniversity

20 UniversityofMichigan

Hallof Fame: Notones to rest on theirlaurels, the team poses by theirtrophy case following the year'send Soden Memorial debate.

SamuelLupulescu SamuelLupulescu Samuel Lupulescu

he Library receives som e additions


The most obvious Library addition was actuallyasubtraction of a DeMoss hallway A wall greeted those walking to the Fast Break snack shop after the construction ofthe new librarystudyarea.

Sullivan and a CD-ROM computer workstation

The Alumni Association contributed,nearly $40,000, thusproviding couches, studycarrels, a microfilmreader-printer,

"Wehavebeenblessed with the opportunity to improve our service," commented Library Dean Dave Barnett, "All students benefit from the Administration's and Alumni Association's support of the Library."

New toy: Dean Dave Barnett and DarrenMaybee use the new microformreader-printer.

Pleasure reading: (Above)

Thanks to Alumni, readers enjoy new furniture in the Periodicals Room.

Once a hall: The Debate trophy case covers the wall converting aDeMoss hallway into the quiet study area.

Shhh: The Library's newquiet studyarea, constructedduring the summer, occupies aformer DeMoss hallway.

SamuelLupulescu Dennis Sullivai Academics

Surf' s u p Internet

on the connection

Timothy < "Welcome to the future," commented Dr. Richard Barnhart, Director of Academic Computing. "We have entered the'information highway' this spring."

J. Gibbons

e-mail, and surfing the World Wide Web when the campus gotadirect hookup tothe Internet.

"It's loosely-controlled anarchy," Barnhart said, "The Internet is not owned by anybody,but by everybody. And we own a partofit now."

Students crowded the computer labs playing on-line games, sending Net minder: Dr. Richard Barnhartbreaksfromhis hectic schedule to demonstrate the new Internet connection.

Online antics: Terzic Balsa logs on tothe "information super-highway" in theScience Hall computer lab.

Hang ten: Lab assistant Cody Martin makes sure studentsdonot have too much un surfing the Internet.

Research meetstechnology: Students welcomed the additional ProQuestCD-ROM workstation in the Library).

Dennis Sullivan Samuel Lupulescu Samuel Lupulescu

Dedicated debater: David Chapa catches a late night nap between thepagesin the DebateLab. Debaters spent many hours ofpreparation, resulting in topnational honors in both the ADA and NDTrankings.

Bible study: (Below) John Damron pores over his notes inpreparation for his next religion class.

Study buddies: (Inset) JenniferReed andDeniseAull share Spanish notes after class in DeMoss 114.

Meeting of the minds: DennisConnor, David Nelles, DianeCotter, and Janet Tolin study in TE130.

Late night calculations: Kevin Jones burns the midnight oil by lamplight on some math homework. Academics

Jesse Barsugli

rocrastination: due date denial


'Why do today what can be put off until tomorrow?"

Procrastinators all over campus adoptedthis motto. Nowhere were procrastinators more evident than duringfinal exams week, when it seemed theycame out of thewoodwork.

Perhaps the most common side-effect of procrastination was temporary delusion. Unrealistic excuses for not beginning research or not startingrequired reading easily deceived students They convinced themselves that 500pagescouldberead in one night,and when that night arrived, reality sunk its piercing

Models of Procrastination

Sullivan teeth into theself-victimized student hide.

Yet, the tradition of latenightcrams are not without reward. After forgetting the failing grades, a smile will linger to some of the best memories made at college. Water gun fights, RA pranks, and telephone cranks not only provided study break entertainment, but another chance to put-off the inevitably duepaper.

Pizza deliverykeptlate nighters from going hungry and coffee was the taster's choice to perk-upforthat dreaded 8:00 class.

Patience is avirtuebut procrastination isa calamity, easily avoidable with a little discipline.

Samuel Lupulescu Quiz show: Jerrod Ruhl and Amanda Holbrook test each othertopreparefor exams. Kickin' back: TeqfilBadea lets his pizzasettle beforereturning tothe books in his xSeniorDorm room. Procrastination

Night at the Opera: Papageno (Daniel Vinersar) meets Papagena (Laura Layne), his new wifeprovided by the gods, in Mozart's The

Most Happy Fella: Tessie (AngelaKunkee) and Gussie (Craig Kompelien) celebrate Tony's (AllenHuszti) wedding. Husztiheads the SweetBriar College music department. MattCuda


MagicFlute. Screwtape: Wormwood (Dan Vollmer) and Slumtrimpet (SyndiBellamy) tempt Steven Kyle and Jessica Brennan. The Devil and Daniel Webster: Daniel (NathanLong) prepares his client (Jason Christofi) and wife (Laura Clay) to meet the Devil in aone-actplay. (Photo:MattCuda)

erformances thrive on audience support

Though the Dramatic Arts major did not survive the curriculum restructuring, theater flourished with Fall productions of Addict, Catacombs, and Screwtape by the King's Players.

Four studentdirected one-act plays drew crowds to the Lloyd Auditorium. The shows offered experience to those previously in the

theater major.

The Spring buffet of musical productions featured the delicacies of Italian opera in exerpts from Verdi's "Rigoletto" and Puccini's "LaBoheme" and in A Night at theOpera. Musical comedy, Most Happy Fella, charmed audiences, and drama Jacob Comes Home, consideredconsequences of World War II.

Dressing Room: (from

Stage managers


JasonChristoji Snow whitehair: DanKidder prepares for his role in the student-directed one actplay, Jacob Comes Home. back) Joanna Drake, Ginger Vertican, and Tara Blain help Tiffany Renalds and Lauren Blainey put every hair in place before taking the stage in Jacob Comes Home. Jason Christoji Night attheOpera: Amid rumors, Sam Polk (Gavin Dean) comforts his sister (Jennifer Kelly) in Floyd's Susannah.

Can we have class outside?

Matt Willmington tries the nontraditional approach to educationin orderto cure his students' springfever.


Assessment Day: In preparation for the 1996 Southern AssociationofCollegesaccreditationvisit, studentsparticipated in a variety ofsurveys and tests.

Fond farewell: Nursing chair Linda Miller, taking aposition in Florida next year, congratulates Student Nurse ofthe YearKristenKurbjeweit.

Year end congratulations: The Communication Studies department, now including Journalism. Speech, and Telecommunications, honored outstandingseniorsduring the Spring awards convocation.

urriculum under construction: major changes, minor adjustments

This Fall students returned to find that in additionto the Library's new walland the disappearance of DeMoss couches (per executive order), the university had released several faculty, scaled back sport programs, and redesigned majors andcourses.

Dr. A. Pierre Guillermin explained that although these

Kabrianna Fitzgerald decisions were made suddenly during the summer, such changes had beenanticipated for several yearsinorder to prepare for the challengesof the future.

"Wejust happen to be atthe forefrontofanational trend to reduce educational expenditure," Dr Guillermin stated. "Todo sowerestructured the content andbroadened the scope of classesandmajors."

TheTelevision, Speech and Journalism depart-

Contemplating change: Dr. Guillermin explains the curriculum changes. "We restructured the content and broadened the scope of classes and majors."

ments were combined into the Communication StudiesDepartment.

Finance, Marketing and Management degreeswere consolidated into oneBusiness degree with specializations in eacharea.

The Drama major was eliminated from the Fine Arts Department. Computer Science and Chemistry were no longeroffered asmajors. Human Ecology was streamlined and renamed Family and ConsumerScience

Journalism lab: (Above) Lab assistantTodd Hirshman helps graphics students complete their projects. Journalism is now under Communication Studies.

Several GeneralEd requirementswere altered. Wrestlingwasremoved from the sport's roster

Dennis Sullivan Dennis .Sullivan Samuel Uipulescu Curriculum Changes

ommencement ceremony 1995: Sen. Phil Gramm inspires graduates I-

Commencement 1995 inaugurated LU'sSilver Anniversarycelebration, announced by Chancellor Jerry Falwell. Red and blue banners adorned light polesall over campus in readiness for parents and friends arriving for graduation festivities.

Senator Phil Gramm (R-Texas), a leading contender for the 1996 Presidential race, addressed the crowd of more than 8,000 inthe Vines CenterMay 6.

"We will not change America until we change our government policies," Gramm said "If we don't change our policies within twenty

Dennis Sullivan years, we won't be living in a country we recognize."

He received a rousing ovation when he proposed to eliminate the federal Department of Education and advocated schoolchoice and school prayer.

Yet itwas a solemn occasion as Kristine Hogg, Miss Liberty 1995, pointed out the empty front seats eachadorned with unworn caps and gowns. Thisserved asa memorial tothe unborn childrenthatwouldhave celebrated their graduation this year had they not beenabortedin 1973 when the Roe v, Wade decision was handed

down by the U.S.Supreme Court. Baccalaureateservices were held Friday night in the Vines Center. Graduates were challenged by seminary graduate Hiawatha Hemphill W

Warren, Saddleback Community Church in San Jacinto, California.

Graduates participating in the ceremony numbered 793, in undergraduate, external and graduate degree programs

Silveranniversary: Red and blue banners adorned the lightpoles outside the Vines Centerfor Commencement'95. Academics JesseBarsugli Presidential hopeful: Senator Phil Gramm's(R-Texas) commencement address emphasizedfamily andmorality.
an d LJT jKlCK
Samuel Lupulescu


President's Office
Dennis Sullivan Teachers'pets: Elementary educationgrads Kimberly Maus and Michelle Morse top their hats with apples. Dennis Sullivan Miss Liberty: (Inset) Kristen Capacity crowd: (Above) The Sing a new song: Seniors Hogg commemorated the un- Vines Centerwas packed with sing thenewly composedalma oorn children of the Class of 8,000 friends and relatives mater. "Champions Arise," by 1995 -victims ofRoe v. Wade, honoring 793graduates. Dr. John Hugo.

et fly the class of 1995: a Senior's eye view

The college journey begins as a wide-eyed freshman walking through check-in lines and continues until the walk through the graduationparade.

The cap and gown fantasy visits every student who pulls an all-nighter, suffers homesickness, and plans a wedding.Almost like the lastweekbefore Christmas, Graduation

Lisa McMonigle becomes an allusive eventthatseems to drift farther away as time movesforward.

Yet in retrospect the carefree freshman year, sophomore struggles, junior year jitters, and senioritis have all come and gone so quickly.

From the first business office bill in the mailbox to Dr. Falwell's "Don't Quit" speech,to

Scaremarerecruiting, to graduation rehearsal, thejourney has passed by many a landmark of memories. Perhaps the sweetest vision will be knowing that after the hardest tests ofenduranceanddetermination, a diploma waits forthe survivors.

Thejourney of life begins againas a wide-eyed graduate. The future beckons.

JeffRaymond Class dismissed: Scott Mummert motions to partthe seaof soon to be graduates. Captured on film: Proud parents werenot the onlyones with cameras. JeffRaymond Mickey mortarboard: RichardDunn will be working at Disney Worldaftergraduation.

It's official: David Bowden shows offhis very own seminary diploma and balloon following commencement. At last: Victoria Mahairas and Sam Lupulescu celebrate their new foundfreedom.

Graduation party: These seniors arenot waiting until ceremony's end to havefun.

Message boards: Seniors displayed creative sentiments atop mortarboards - from "Thanks" to "Good riddance."

DennisSullivan s *
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A Few Thoughts

From the President

Itonlytakes moments to God'sblueprint for Liberty ealizewhereour president, to include a completely Dr. Pierre Guillermin's top computerized campus, an moritieslie:

;o the Lord JesusChrist, lis family, ind Liberty Jniversity.

Reflecting m hisfavorite rerse, Philipians 3:14: "I fo:us my attention on the ipnly one that really mat-

"Iwould like to get back to teach ing because I enjoy being with the students. " ers.


increase to 10,000 enrolledresident students, and more cohesiveness among the campus community

One ofhis specialgoals is to see administration becomemoredirectlyinvolved with the students'school envisions expenence.

Often I leave theoffice to meet with students," he noted witha suppressed smile. i

He added, J "Each student hasapersonal responsibility and accountability to the LordJesus Christ.We keep students well-informedof the challenges theywillface intheworld; buttheyhave to make their own decisions, wecannotmake their decisions for them. They must leave Liberty prepared to not only know how to make a liv-

ing, but also how to live in this world and make an impactinitforChrist."

f jr ^ tML. ftmitffi—| *rt *» j ^ ' jU^t K z.xWjSx\i t?.JK _*^*_taM M i,«—-"-7 to »»" J 44VM »•*ssir'f •3IS# S«kl T*! —MMfd cai
Bruno & Laura Sipple A social man: (Above) Guillermin relaxes his look a little, sporting LU garb at the Fall Block Party. Laughing in the rain: His 26 years in Drenchburg taught him to carry an umbrellaand wear a smile. Allsmiles: Even posingfor the camera Guillermin's easy-going personality showsthrough. All photos by Samuel Lupulescu.
President *1~ "-*"-*-»•
Duty before honor: (Above) Long office hours arenotseen by the student body, though he gives personalattention to many tedius campus operations.


a dedlcut,ton

2)r. Harold L. Willmington, respected administrator, professor, author, radio teacher, lecturer, husband, father, and grandfather, paused from working on his next book to offer personal insight about walking with Christ and his vision for the Liberty Bible Institute.

Has Liberty'svision changed since you camein 1972as Dean to establish the Thomas Road Bible Institute?

To Jerry I'm sure the vision is the same, it'sjust incredibly expanded.Who would have thought 23 years ago we would give North Carolina a run for its money in the big dance?

Who would have realized we would have

'J am simply giving you the stuff that my professors gave me. Ipass it onto you and you are to do the same."

Dr. Harold L. Willmington tens ofmillions ofdollars in buildings, or five thousand students? So I think the vision's certainly been expanded inawaythat maybe even Jerry didn't realize.

How do you react to the attention youget as a Bible expert?

Iexplainit this way; sometimes people introduce me as an expert in the Bible I tell them thatI'm veryappreciative ofthatintroduction, but I correct them and I say that I am not an expert. What Ido sayis that Ihave an expertise, and that isin Bible summary, giving people the big picture so we could fly overthe city. The three citieswe fly over are the Old Testament, New Testament and Doctrinal Survey

I am more well known formy writingson prophesy. But again, I don't considermyselfan expert on prophesy. I enjoy speaking on it, but I also lovetospeak onCreation.

You haveauthored 15 books, whichhaveyou mostenjoyed?

I suppose the first book an author has printed is one ofhis favoritesand that was The King Is Coming, printed about21yearsagoand still in print.

Iguess the biggest would have to be Willmington's GuidetotheBible, withmore than 1,000 pages

Both ofthese books have sold over 200 thousand copies each. Billy Grahm ordered 400 thousand copies ofTheBible ListBook and sent it out nationwide.

How would you explain yourvision for Liberty Bible Institute?

Well we have really got to get numbers up. My goal is togetup to at least 500 and to have

maybe three-fourths ofthat student body going out to start upchurches

What Scriptures have you claimed as your personal favorites?

That would be two. There is aprofessional and a personal verse. My personal verse,Psalms 91:1-2, "...hethatdwellethin the secret place ofthe most High shall abide under the shadow oftheAlmighty I will say oftheLord, Heismy refuge and my fortress: my God; inhim I trust."

The professional verse, 2 Timothy 2:1-2, isalso my goalhere, "Thoughtherefore. my son, be strong in the gracethatis inChristJesus, And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, thesame commit thou tofaithfulmen, who shall be able to teach othersalso."


amuel Lupulescu

Around theworld: (Far Left) Willmington inMoscow during one ofhis many trips overseas. He hastaken23 trips to Israel alone, guiding tours along thepaths ofBiblical history.

By the renewing of your mind: With a library crowded with volumes,Willmington researches for hissermons, books, teachings, and personal enjoyment.

Aye, Aye Captain: Sailing along Smith Moutain Lake with wife. Sue, Willmington steers clear ofhis many responsibilities a time ofrelaxation.

I tell m y students, I a m simply giving you the stuff that m y professors gave me.' I pass it on to you and you are to do the same

You often quote from hymn s in sermon s and in your radio program, 'Window on the Word". D o you have a favorite?

KWM Well, one of the greatIgffll est hymn s is Isaac y^— I Watts' "Whe n I Survey (ithe Wondrous Cross", but equally great is Charles „ Wesley's "Arise M y Soul t Arise"

It says, "Arise m y soul, arise Shake off thy guilty Tears: The bleeding Sacrifice J n m y behalf appears; before 'the throne m y surety stands- m y nam e is written

on His hands, m y nam e is written on His hands."

They don't write songs like that anymore.

Wha t would you title your autobiography, if given the opportunity?

Someon e asked m e what I would like on m y tombstone: '...and here lies the body of Harold Willmington wh o lived to celebrate his 100th birthday.'

I woul d like that I don't know : that Harold Willmington wa s faithful in the sense that I wa s faithful to m y wife, to m y son, to m y students, and to the Lord Not a great scholar but an effective preacher, teacher, and author

This feature beginsa tradition ofdedicating theyearbook to a •professor who not only represents the ideals ofLiberty University, but •also carries Christ beyond the campus. Becauseofhis service, spiritual example, and professional success, the Selah editorial staffchose Dr. Willmington. commending him and encouragingfuture recognition.

Dr. Harold Willmington was ordained in 1955 by the General Association of Regular Baptists and pastored for 18 years before coming to Liberty. He holdshis DMin.from Trinity Evangelical Divinity in Deerfield. Illinois. His involvement in conducting various Bible seminars his career. He has been instrumental asinitiator, moderator, and speaker ofthe 1995Thomas Road Baptist Church Spnng Prophesy Series, "Focus on the Future" held at Liberty. Married 34years to Sue Willmington, Hands ofLiberty Department director, henot only commits himself to scholarly activities but also to his son Matt, daughterin-law Christine. and two grandchildren Nathanand Carissa.

;::: W " ' • * *

Robert Adklns,Dean Business/Government

HaroldAgee Library

DavidAllison Communications

LarryAnderson Psychology

Nancy Anderson Psychology

Lawrence Andrew Business

TrevaBabcock, Chair Family/Consumer Set

David Barnett, Dean Library

Richard Barnhart Computer Science

David Beck,VP Faculty Development

EllenBlack, VP Planning & Research

Homer Blass History

Barbara Boothe Registrar

James Borland

Biblical Studies

Dwayne Carson

Campus Pastor

PhilipCaptain Psychology


^Jludii to dhow thr > rouet

David Chung Religion

Gregory Comfort Physical Education

Linda Cooper English

RussellDaubert Communications

Randall Davy Biology

Janice DeLong Education

CharlesDetwiler Biology

Carolyn Diemer Education

John Donaldson Geography/Education

PaulineDonaldson,Dean| General Studies

Greg Dowell, Dir. Minority/Intl. Affairs

David Ehrman Music

Dane Emerick Dean ofMen


Physical Education

Mary Fink Education

Ruth Foley Music Faculty

riahtiu diuidina the word of truth. •*m^' 2 DlmolL, 2: 15 st >_q

Mark Foreman


Marilyn Gadomski Psychology

MichaelGarcia Business

Mary Garlock Education

HerbertGedicks Business

John George, Chair Management

PhilipGilmore Business- EDP

Allyson Goodman Communications

LindaGranger Music

Mary Grayson Mathematics

William Gribbin, Dean Communications

WilburGroat Education

Gary Habermas,Chair Philosophy

Robert Habermas Communications

Cline Hall


Harvey Hartman Biblical Studies


~*» f P

Ronald Hawkins, Dean Seminary

Mark Hine

Dean ofStudents

David Horton

Physical Education

Matalie Howard Family/Consumer Sci.

John Hugo Music

C. Samuel Isaac English

LilyIsaac English

Rob Jackson, VP SpiritualAffairs

BillKellaris, Dir Financial Aid

Stephen KenMusic

Monty Kester Mathematics

PhyllisKester Mathematics

Wayne Kompelien Music

Cecil Kramer


Gaylen Leverett


Grace Liddle


I ~

Robert Littlejohn Biology

Ray Locy,Chair

Dept. ofMusic

Beverly Lowry


Homer Massey, EDP

Asst. to the Dean

William Matheny


Lloyd Matthes Mathematics

Sandra Matthes Music

Honore Mavinga Mathematics

Lisa May English

Garth McGibbon Chemistry

David Miller Counseling

Linda Miller, Chair Nursing

John Morrison

Theological Studies

Paul Muller


Larry Nelson


James Nutter


Academics Kir '•

Laurie Nutter


Karen Parker


Leonard Parker, Dir.

Experiential Learning

David Partie


Helmuth Poggemiller


David Randlett


Douglas Randlett,Chair ^

Church Ministries

Milton Reimer


J.O Renalds, Dir

Field Operations

Robert Rencher

Business- EDP

Boyd Rist, Dean

Arts& Sciences

Kenny Rowlette


Sandra Rumore


Lynne Sanders


Larrie Schlapman

Religion- EDP

James Schuppe

Communications Faculty

Earl Sargeant,VP University Services

RachelSchwedt Library



Lynn Seipp Music

Sonna Seipp Education

Barbara Sherman, Dir.

BrucknerLearning Center

Joanne Sigmon Dean of Women

Evangelos Skoumbourdis

Physics & Mathematics

CarlaSloan Business

Brad Smith,Dean Residence Life





Jay Spencer,Dean Ext. Degree Program

David Sprague


Mark Steinhoff


Jim Stevens


BruceTraegar,Dean Commuting Students

Steven Troxel


JamesVan Eaton Physical Science

AlexanderVarkey Biology



James Wagner

General Studies

LewWeider, Dir Christian Service

Samuel Wellman Music

Anne Wharton


Stephen Witham


Branson Woodard, Chair, Language Dept.

GlynWooldridge, Chair Dept. ofMathematics

JL Faculty
h?1 __ !___ ! L__/ ^rn the <=JLord ^Jr put mu trust pul wity A A how ue to mu Soul, JLee ctS ct v oto y YOUR
bird our mountain. Piaint 1 1:1

T h e Flames men's basketball team made school his toryasthefirst LU team to advance to theNCAA Division Ibasketball tournament.

The Flames ranpast Campbell in the Big South Conference championship game 76-62, capturing thecrown and securing a spot in the "BigDance." Asthe sixteenth seed,theFlames faced the number one seeded Tarheels ofNorth Carolina

The battleraged back and forth between LU and UNC formostof thegame. Athalftimethe Flames trailedtheformerNational Cham-

pionsby only six points.

The squad continued to hang tough and the Flames found themselves up byone, 46-45, with 10:01 left toplay.

That was the last the Flames would see the leadastheTarheels went on towin the first round at Landover, Maryland,71-51.

StayingwithNorth Carolinafor thirty minutes drew national attentiontoLibertyUniversity as it looked like theFlamesjust might upsettheformerchampions.

"It hasbeenanunbelievable experience," reflected Head Coach JeffMeyer. "Andnowwe are lookingforwardwith great anticipation toa most exciting future."

Roadsid e

Applause : Lynchburg's salute to theFlames appearedonabillhoardalongRoute 29NorthfoUowing the Big South championship.

ThrillofVictory: Coach JeffMeyer andteamcarryoff thecoveted Big Southtrophyafter defeating Campbell 76-62.

C QH ® -AtCtA* flO»*S h**1 CHBORG 1SP ^ oo of SP'oris nf°<-ma1tion
The Big Dance: Forward Jody Chapmanscores againstUNC in first round NC/ tournamentplay,
Sports Sports Injormation


A winning shot: Chris Toomerputs up another two points as the Flamescapturethe Big xSouth title and anautomaticbidto joininthe NCAA "Big Dance."

Name in lights: The scoreboard records the battle as UNC and LU struggle for the lead. LUpulled ahead but was overcome by the Tarheels 71-51.

Sports Information SportsInformation
3 B ,, KM0° Sports Information 4 Cfl
1994 NCAA/Big South

Matin' arunfor

it: #32 Lawrence Worthington's rushing rampage seasonincludeda record-breaking 305 yards ina singlegame.

he Flames' 1994 football season was plagued by multiple injuries, dysfunctional defenseand nopostseason ticketatthe end.

Nevertheless, the Flames'offense flourished with the passing ability of quarterback Antwan Chiles and the almost inhuman rushing capabilities of running back Lawrence Worthington.

Something good came ofthe hip injury to J.T Morris, LU's highly-touted running back from Penn State. Entrusted withrushingresponsibilities, Worthington went on a rampage, setting team records for the most rushing yards (305)in a game and the most rushing yards ina season

The Flames'1994 schedule was unquestionably one ofthetoughest in the program's history,but the1995 outlook is bright.

Group hug: The teamgathers for the traditional prayer before the heartbreaking 4041 defeat by the AppalachianState Mountaineers.


on victory


Antwan Chiles racked up 2,823 passingyardsand contributed to the team's 2,839 total offensive yards

Sports Information
Sports Information

(ROW l) Coaches: Joe DeLamielleure, H.T Kinney, Derrick Donald Bob Leahy,Jerry Petercuskie, John Petercuskie, Sam Rutigliano, DarrylDaye,PeteSundheim,Lynn Ponder, Barry Rice,Dave Williams, (ROW 2)J.T Morris, Keith Walker, Bobby Jones, Courtney Freeman,Dion Cook, Joshua Burford, Antwan Chiles, Herman Calloway, Shawn Davis, Ryan Duncan, Tony Covington, JohnBacke, Daniel Whitehead, Eric Colvard, (ROW3) BenAnderson, Randi Bishop,Brew McGoldrick, Kevin Peltier, Sedrick Watkins Kenyattta Murray, Lance Duncan, Marcus Leggett, E.D Cabell,Brian Johnson, Dave Milne, Tony Parker Lawrence Worthington, RobertMiller, XavierSlade, Tim McGill, (ROW4) MikeBrown, Tim Acoff, Joshua Young,David Long,Sam Patton. Jeremy Drake,Daniel McGill, Butch Jennings,MelFegely, CH Christopher, ChangaCooper, JerryScranton, Steve Mock, Kelvin Cochran, MickMulcuck, Damon Bomar, (ROW 5) Don Poole,Ulysses Moore, Rodney Degrate,Manson Clark,Steve Gresham, EricAutenreith, Ron Frere, DonnieInge, AaronKarp, Chris Goede, Matt Davenport, Jason Smart,Matt Godfrey, James Righetti, (ROW 6) Hunter Hunter,CurtisNivens, Larrye Weaver,Brian Sien, Alan Askew,Austin Rammel,Jason Knowles,KrisBouslough, William Allen, Robert Butz,Marlon John,Tony Dews,Chad Cooley, James Highsmith,Billy Griffin, Jarrod Everson, JoeStone, (ROW7) KelvinHines, KenWilt, Jim Frisby, MikeCargill (Trainer). AngieColeman, JerlynSchrock, RubenFreeman, Adam Makkai, ChadLabour, Carl Earls, Andy Moore, Mike Sharp, Jon Geukgeuzian, Tim Witt, John Pfeister, Dan McCullugh,Charlie Elders


Overall Record


Eyes likeeagles: Liberty Coaches

Darryl Daye, Derrick Donald, Joe DeLamielleure, Sam Rutigliano (headphones), and H.T. Kinney watch theaction intently.

Head to head: LU's #95 Trey Sartin faces off against a Concord opponent. Flames stompedtheMountain Lions 52-0.

Concord Villanova Toledo Delaware State S W Missouri State Catawba Central Florida Appalachian State New Haven Charleston Southern 52-0 W 13-16 L 37-47 L 17-22L 27-19 W 37-12 W 24-49 L 40-41 L 40-22 W 59-27 W
Sports Information Football

Th e Lady Flames volleyball team

finishedtheirseason with a fair record of 10-18, but that was no indicationof the team's potential.

"We're a young team," stated head coach Chris Fletcher, "but we'reon thevergeof some incredible things. This year is just an indication of what'stocome."

Highlights of the season included an Octoberwinning streak which saw the Lady Flames beat West Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth,and James Madison.

The team came close to upsetting University of Maryland-Ba timoreat the BigSouthconferenc tournament

'We just caughtthemoffguard commented Fletcher.

Senior Nikki Keznor lead the team defensively and setthe Career Digs Record with 1,732, as well as the Career Aces Record with 213

'You can't playthegameunless you have all of the players- it isa team sport,"Keznor said "There isno one player that stands out Everyone isneeded to win."

(RO W 1) Melanie Wheeler, Leearta Miller, Diane Martindale, Laura Miller (Asst. Coach), Chris Fletcher (Head Coach), Mike Boersma (Asst Coach), Latisha Brewer, Stacy Collier, (RO W 2) Tracy Wiggins (Trainer), Joi Rickard, Ashley Fletcher, Nikki Keznor, Jennifer Keznor (Mgr.) Lori Mattson
Sports lnformam« Sports

Inyourface: LU's Leeana Miller slams a block, stunning North Carolina Central opponents asthe Flameswin 3-0.

Over the top: Freshman Stacy Colliersteps up to serve, asthe Lady Flames play on home turf. Women's Volleyball

Sports Information
Scoreboard St. Peters Delaware Navy VirginiaTech Virginia Commonwealth Tennessee Tech Furman University UT Martin Virginia FloridaInternational Bethune-Cookman Jacksonville Georgia State WestVirginia North CarolinaCentral Winthrop UNCAsheville James Madison Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina UNC Greensboro UMBC Towson State Radford 3-1 W 2-3 L 1-3 L 1-3 L 0-3 L 2-3 L 0-3 L 0-3 L 1-3 L 3-0 W 3-0 W 1-3 L 2-3 L 3-2 W 3-0 W 3-0 W 3-1 W 3-1 W 1-3 L 1-3 L 0-3 L 0-3 L 0-3 L 2-3 L 3-1 W 1-3 L 3-1 W 1-3 L Overall Record 10-18- 0

Confidence embodied: Coaches Bill Bell and Jeff Alder watch the Flamesperform. jg ^ 5

Erasin g a med: ereregular 199 season,the men's soccer team made a run at the conference championship onlyto fall to defending champio UNC- Greensboro inovertime

"We were a goal away fromgo ing to the nationals," LU head coach BillBellsaid

LU,which struggled earlyinthe season with a 3-5 record in Big South play, squeaked intothe tournament as the sixth seed by overcoming Towson State in the lastregular season game.

Inspite ofthedisappointingseason, the Flames ended on some high notes. FiveAll-Tournament selections were Libertyplayers: James Wright,Matt Sinclair, Jeff Johnson, Jesse Barrington and Joe Larson.

Wright finished his careeras LU's all-time career points and goalleaderwith 89 pointsand36 goals and was named tothe AllConference FirstTeam.

In the heat of the battle: Greg Wheatonftghtsfor control ofthe ball against UVa.

Ready, aim, fire: Brad Kellum maneuvers to avoid a Winthrop defender.

The big picture: Greg Wheaton and Derek Utomas play intense soccerat UVa.

Sports Information
SCOREBOARD | Concord Villanova Toledo Delaware State S W Missouri State Catawba Central Florida Appalachian State Ne w Haven Charleston Southern 52-0 W 13-16 L 37-47 L 17-22 L 27-19 W 37-12 W 24-49 L 40-41 L 40-22 W 59-27 W Overall Record 5-5- 0
(ROW 1) Matt Sinclair, Wendell Bassett, James Wright, Greg Wheaton, (RO W 2) William Bell (Coach), Stan Tadeja, Ryan Trumbo, Paul Olsen, Kevin Huffman, Tony Ogusanyi, Jesse Barrington, Jeff Johnson, Eli Rodgers, Jeff Alder (Coach), (RO W 3) Richard Rivas, Jon King, Andreas Meza, Erik Small, Joel Johnson, Wil Graham, Jason Christian, Joe Larson, Jeff Maniatty, Derek Thomas, Brad Kellum, Tony Thomas, Paul Carrasco
Sports InfoniHittoti Men's

Lad y Flames'soccer began with high expectations ofbecoming a better team than last year, fullyknowing that it would be a struggle based on the high level of competition among the teams theychallenge.

Alsobeforethem laythetaskof working with several new freshman players while attempting to keep the chemistry ofthe restof the team inbalance aswell.

'We had a good group of freshmen this year," said head coach Ken Perkins "Thiswill help us a greatdealnextyear We'llhave a lotmore experience coming back forthe nextseason."

The team learned the power of prayer during theirgame against East Carolina. At the end ofthe first half, LU was losing4-2. The team huddled togetherand began

praying and entered the second half confident of securing a victory.They scoredthreemoregoals winning the match 5-4

The spiritual emphasis of the team is evidentinall they do. As a testimony to this fact,theybegin every game with the words, "Let's win itallfor

Him." The team alsodistributes tractstothe other players

Lady Flames goalie Janette Baldwin noted, "Even though we arenotalwaysawinningteam, everythingwe do is totallybased on God—it'sup to Him whenwe'reto have ourwinning season."

*©wer Dawn Kapani demonstrates athletic skill and grace as she directs the ball towardthegoal Sports Information
Come to me; Goalie Janette t Baldwin guards the goal in stopaction style.
Sports Information
Sports Information Gotta get it: MaryZwart hangs tough as she controls the ball. Be strong and courageous: Coaches Ken Perkins and Brent Ward encourage the Lady Flames. Scoreboard UNC Charlotte VirginiaTech Mount St.Mary's UMBC Towson State UNC Greensboro East Carolina Georgetown St.Francis HighPoint Radford UNC Asheville 0-5 L 0-4 L 2-1 W 0-1 L 2-5 L 0-7 L 5-4 W 1-4 L 3-1 W 0-2 L 0-7 L 1-0 W RobertMorris 8-1 W UNC Wilmington 2-4 L Overall Record 5-9-0 Women's Soccer
(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1) Elena Seiple, Beth Aldridge, Jenice Oliveras, Terri Lee, Cara Rosser, (RO W 2) Sumer Abel, Christine Alonge, Opal Golden, Kara Crosby, Cori Tallman, Alisa Ontiveros, Ruth Fisher, Jennifer Weissenger, (RO W 3) Jennifer Hicks (Trainer), Ken Perkins (Head Coach), Beth Owens , Kendra Bendgs, Daw n Kapani, Janette Baldwin, Shannon Hutchinson, Valerie Beckford, Mary Zwart, Jennifer Rapp, Brent Ward (Asst Coach), Zabrina Serran

It'snotpoliteto point: Eric Pothoven confidentlydirectsthe nextplay.

Time out: The. Flames huddleup for unity and strategy around Coach Meyei

f the Flame's 1994-95 basketballseasoncould be described, it sure looked like a roller coaster ride.

TheFlames, in ayear when theBigSouth lost itsautomatic bid to the NCAA's "Big Dance," reached the pinnacle early, going 4-1 by Christmas break. However, plagued by inexperience in the backcourt and faulty defense,the Flames took a P nosedive throughout the winter break, only winning two games during thattimespan.

"You could say (our schedule) was too tough for this team,"

LU head coach Jeff Meye r said. "But

with ouraspirationsofgivingour kids achanceto get tothe (NCAA) Tournament without anautomatic bid,we played the teams thatwould havegivenour teama chance todo that."

Throughmid-JanuaryintomidFebruary sophomorecenterPeter

Aluma caught fire, leading the team in scoring eighttimesin a month. TheFlames, though, only went 2-7 in that stretch, as the team reached its lowest onJanuary 28 when VirginiaTechcame to townand smacked LU,101-70.

The Big South tournament came to the VinesCenter, butthe Flames left toosoon. Charleston Southern, the eventual champion, sent the LU home with a down-to-the-wire, 58-60 loss.

PeterAluma and Jason Dixon were named asSecondTeamAllBigSouthplayers.LarryJackson was selected forthe conference's All-RookieFirst Team.

Joshua Cooley

Sports Information
Samuel Lupulescu

(ROW 1) Kenny Lugo (StudentAsst.),Darnell Johnson ErikSorensen, Barny Taylor, Peter Aluma, Jeff Meyer (Head Coach), Jason Dixon,Kevin Benton, Darren Hall,Che' Lugo, Brian Bethum (Manager), (ROW 2) BrianHyma (Trainer), Mark Reed, Jeremy Luther, LarryJackson, Mark Miller (Asst Coach),PaulNazigian (Asst.Coach), Randy Dunton (Asst.Coach), Gabriel Caldwell, Eric Pothoven, JayBoykin, Barry Rice (Strength Coach)


AirDixon slams: (Above) Jason Dixon scores against Va Tech Whoop, thereit is: Peter Aluma slam dunks for twopoints.

SportsInformation Put 'er there: The Flames slww true sportsmanlikeconductgreeting the other team.

Men's Basketball

Sports Information
MontrealAnderson VA Commonwealth WesternMichigan JamesMadison KingCollege Missouri Tenn. Chattanooga Drexel Colorado UMBC TowsonState UNC Asheville Radford Winthrop CharlestonSouthern Coastal Carolina VirginiaTech UNC Greensboro Md.Baltimore Cty. TowsonState UNC Asheville UNC Greensboro Winthrop CharlestonSouthern CoastalCarolina Radford Md.Baltimore Cty. CharlestonSouthern 72-66 45*62 69-63 86-80 90-58 76-87 62-64 68-89 77-93 57-60 72-59 46-57 64-52 66-85 63-58 88-69 70-101 54-67 59-62 70-71 67-73 63-74 70-68 70-72 65-64 68-57 57-54 58-60 Overall Record 12-16 • 0 w L w w w L L L L L w L w L w W L L L L L L W L W W w L <" ss
Sports Information

On the move: #22 LadyFlame Genie Stinnett takes the ball

Ric k Reeves,Head Coach of the LadyFlames, felt the primary focusofthisyear's basketball team was toplay forJesus Christ.

"Iknew every time we went out that the team was giving me one hundred percent," hesaid, "I could not ask for more."

However, the season was filled with many challenges, as witnessedby theteam's7-20 record.

Because many upperclassmen sufferedinjuries, new playerswere givenan opportunityto gain some valuable experience early in their collegeplayingcareer.

During A n g i e Johnson's four years at Liberty University, she experienced threeinjuries. In spiteofthesesetbacks, Angiecontinuedto give herbestfor theLady Flames basketball program.

"Angie is a kid who really wanted toplay and represent the Lord. She represents a special legacy to thisuniversity,and the team aswell,"Coach Reevessaid.

Ginny Holloway is another senior who has made a big impact on the team. "Ginny has worked hard every summer tomake herself a betterplayer,"Reeves said.

Sports Information
Sports Information Sports
(RO W 1) Jennifer Eaddy, Angie McDaniei, Dena Freeman, Flori Willie, Stephanie Co x (Asst. Coach), (RO W 2) Scott Meyer (Trainer), Am y Keniston (Manager), Erin Peterson (Manager), Michelle Wyms , Tiffany Ratcliff, Keri Johnson, Kimberly Thompso a (Manager), Daw n Colema n (Asst. Coach), Jeri Wiley (Asst. Coach), (RO W 3) Erma Williams, Genie Stinnett, Ginny Holloway, Angie Johnson, Beth Hopkins, Rick Reeves (Head Coach), Michelle Johnson

The Big Picture: Guard Ginny Holloway scores another bucket. Way to go: Coach Reeves congratulates leadingscorer GinnyHolloway on her 1,000th careerpoint. Bring them on: Angie Johnson. ready for anything, maintains ball control.

L W L L L L W L L L L Scoreboard Virginia Commonwealth 56-91 ClinchValley 73-53 North Carolina A&T 55-72 Canisus 66-83 SouthAlabama 56-70 American 55-80 CharlestonSouthern 55-53 CoastalCarolina 55-69 GeorgiaSouthern 55-90 WestVirginia 69-80 UNC Asheville 71-76 ValleyForge 104-19 W Towson State 62-72 L UMBC 56-53 Radford 48-51 UMBC 48-57 Towson State 62-72 UNC Asheville 68-52 Winthrop 70-52 UNC Greensboro 57-67 CharlestonSouthern 61-47 CoastalCarolina 66-74 Winthrop 71-77 Campbell 51-64 UNC Greensboro 54-74 Radford 60-68 Towson State 69-77 W L L L W W L W L L L L L L Overall Record 7-20-0
SportsInformation Women's Basketball

Over thetop: Michael Prettyman clears the 16'1"bar duringpole vault competition at the '94 PennRelays.

Olympic hopes: (Below) Seventh place nationally ranked sprinter JacobSwinton (far left) placed second inthe 100 meter raceatthe'94Penn Relayscompetition.

Runnin g away with the Big South Conference title once again isright in stride for LU'spowerhouseTrack andField team. The Flames have dominated the Big South every year since the conference incorporated. Thisyearwas no differentasthe Flames placed first with 258 points; Lady Flames took the number onespotwith273 points.

After joining theIntercollegiate Amateur Athletic Association of America (IC4A), the largestconference on the East Coast, and

placing 24th in 1991, 14thin 1992, and 11thin 1993, the Flames rocketed into 2nd place last year and this year,tossing aside competitors such asDuke, Notre Dame, Yale,and Princeton.

The Liberty Cross Country men's team ran away withtheBig South titlefor the second yearin a row and the women placedarespectable third in theFall

Talented athletes continueto risethrough theranks ofLiberty's Track and Field program. Look someday foran LibertyUniversity star to appear onthenot-so-distant Olympic horizon


C.W. Pack Sports

Flame thrower: Mike Lucas takes a practice toss with the shotput. His regularevents includethejavelin toss anddiscus.

(ROW 1) Mari Kong,Wendy Warren, Audrey Eubanks,ReginaMcFarland,AmandaHolhrook. WandaBrowning,JoAnnWolfson Dawn Mihm, J'AimeCowan,SarahHarford, Stacy Peoples. JenniferHammond,LoraRandolph,Anna-Kate Jarman,(ROW2)DelethaQuarles(Coach) Holly Mays, LynnKochura,ValerieBeckford.Christi Barefield,Karol Hooven,Heather Reichard Allison Teer, Kristen Tomasello, Shauna Hutcheson, ArdraSamuel, Amy Ross, (ROW 3) Gerald Mosley (Coach) Michael Prettyman, MicahGaudio,KevinColey,TabithaKemerling. Cathy Williams, Mike Reed,JasonHofacker, Jason KrulL Clark Zealand,Josh Cox,Todd Pettyjohn (Coach), (ROW4)Scott Pooch (Coach),Bill Khan,Jeremiah Jarman,Ryan Werner,AndrewPantner,LemansWells,Dennis Johnson, ChaddAldrich, JacobSwinton, Chris McGregor,DanielBendey,LukeBurton, Brant Tolsma(Coach), (ROW 5) PeteBrown,Shawn Davis,Mike Connell,Hosien Burch,John Merriott,DrewEllenberg,MikeLucas,TimHarrell

Jesse Barsuglt

Running away: Men claimed the Big South cross country title with #102BillKahn in front; the ladies placed third.

Flame jumper: Christina Popoff easily sails 4'11" over the high jump bar at the Liberty Invitational home meet. ^ ^

Country ___fe_

(ROW 1) April


Mitchell, Lora Randolph , Stephanie Reffher, Brandee Owens, Julie Huth,EUie

Pons, (ROW2)Jeremy Henry, Jason

Williams, Stan

Bttrgis, Louis

Hrebar, Jeremy

Provaznick, Seth Sites, Traye Hogge

Defense, Liberty, defense: Cheerleaders lead the crowd in spirited chants during a homebasketballgame.

Cheerleader s are not just a squad—they're a family Each member must put their complete trust in theothersiftheyare going toexcelincheering.

The cheerleaders have one goal forevery season: to do whatever is necessary to support all the sports teams in their quests to achievesuccess.

They also wish to present a Christlike attitude at alltimes One of the greatest opportunities to do this is during the training camp heldeachyearinAugustbeforethe officialseasonbegins

"Ou r goal at camp is to display this Christian attitude," said Traye Hogge, "So that the other squads will see thatChristianityis ahappy life and thatyou can have funtoo."

This past year itwas evident they accomplished their purpose as they were presented with the prestigious Leadership Award which is selectedby all thesquads attending the camp Shane Paulsen sums itup in thefollowingway,"We must work hard physically ifwe are goingto have an impact spiritually."

Samuel Lupulescu

Now that's trust: Lora Randolph (top) and Kristie Mitchell practice an "arm toarm" lift, a move that requires strength and confidence.

Team spirit: Brandee Owens, Ashley Dunton, Julie Huth, Lora Randolph, April Brantley, Stephanie Reffner, Stan Burgis, and Shane Paulsen pause during the 1995 Big South tournament held at home in the Vines Center

Pressure: Traye Hogge holds Lora Randolph (left). JulieHuth and Jeremy Provaznickintheclassic "diamond head" formation.

Uipulescu _ • Sports /ri/ormafion Cheerleading _fc|^)_

Grip it & ripit: JaredAlbertcompletes a shot in fullswing.

Long shot: Mark Setsma had an exceptionalfrosh season, scoring 71at the Wqfford InvitationaL

AntonMatusevich, Danny FarrisSi

MattSchley, David Girst,(ROW2)Rich

^itantanskL' Brett Clulow,Barrett

Connolly,Matthew Swinhart, David Spohn, Chris Johnson (Asst. Coach)

Fans: Glenn and RachelEsbenshade. Don and Joyce Hershey dedicate the newcourts.

SportsInformatim rm.*» SportsInformation y £
Wk Tom Anthony, Mark Setsraa, Jeff Thomas, Todd Setsma, GaryLeeds, KennyHobbs, JaredAlbert, ChadHall, Justin Jennings, (CENTER) Frank Landrey (Coach) SportsInformation Miaan Jesse Barsugli *latinsCe» i2&. SportsInformation (ROW 1) Carl Diemer (Coach),
t J
f£m? ^.*nm, >;<Mm
Sports -'"X Sports Information
Tough return: Barrett Connolly shows the intensity hebrought the #2position.

umming up the year, Golf Coach Frank Landrey observed, "We had a great sea son. We beat the

and personalachievementthat these playersdemonstrated."

Senior Todd Setsma received the prestigious Rock Royer/Mac Rivera award which honorsaLiberty athlete each year who demonstrates outschool recordforboththespringand standingathletic, academicand spirifall seasons."Theteam averaged 305 tual achievement. Setsmaplaced first forthe year, breaking the old record at the Charleston Southern Invitaof 311 by six strokes tionalinthe fall with a two day total

The team played five fall and six spring tournaments They won the three day i Campbell University Invitational

I witha team score of890, withallfive players averaging I 73 strokes


VA State Championship

7th place- 606

Campbell-Davis Memorial 5thplace- 923

IronDuke Classic 23rd place - 641

of140 (fourunder par), and placed second in the springWoffordInvitational with a two day total of 137 (seven under par).

Sports Information

AllAmerican: Senior ToddSetsma, with a 73.9 average, lines upaputt.

Setsma, with a school record breaking 73.9 golf

'This team has exceeded my best averageand 3.7 GPA, andjunior Chad expectations," Landrey commented, Hall, with a 3.5 GPA,were named "Not onlyin thequalityof competitive ScholasticAll-Americans golftheyplayed, but inthe character

Old Dominion Seascape 14thplace- 609 Charleston Southern 2nd place- 590

EastCarolinaInvitational 4th place- 909 Furman Invitational 14th place-917

CampbellClassic 1stplace- 890

Liberty-Water's Edge (JV) 8th place- 937

Big South Tournament 5thplace - 910

Virginia Cavalier Classic 7thplace- 902

Wofford Invitational 8th place - 589

Th e dedication of the new EsbenshadeHershey Tennis Center gaveaboostto the tennisteam this year

The center opened in timefor the season'sbeginning.

The three new courts and equipment greatly helped our program," stated Coach Carl Diemer, "And we are grateful to these friends of the ministry - and personal friends of mine -whomade itpossible."

The tennis team approached this season as a time torebuild, finishing eighth in the Big South conference witha 10-19 record. Freshmen filled thenumber three and four positions with the team's only senior, Danny Fariss, atthe number one spot.

"The team did exceptionally well

withsomany freshmen and newplayers," Diemer said, "Wewere consistently stronger atthebottom of the rosterthan at thetop, buteverypoint counts equally The entireteam contributed toour efforts."

From Russia with love: Hailingfrom Moscow, juniorAnton Matusevich sewed upthe team's bestsingles record at the numberfiveposition

Samuel Lupulescu
Scoreboard Radford Winthrop Roanoke UNC Greenboro UNC Asheville Citadel St John Butler Valparaiso Livingston Campbell NCA& T 2-5 L 0-7 L 7-0 W 0-7 L 3-4 L 0-7 L 6-1 W 0-7 L 6-1 W 2-5L 3-4L 5-2 W CharlestonSouthern 0-7 L Towson State UMBC OldDominion CoastalCarolina Mary Washington EastCarolina 3-4L 7-0 W 0-7L 0-7L 5-2 W 1-6 L 0-4L 3-4L 6-1W 3-4L Overall Record 7-16-0
Golf& Tennis

(CENTER)Brock VanFaussien. (ROW 1)Johnny Hunton(HeadCoach), JcrrodRuhL MikeBrown. VanRodriguez. DavidDalton, TimBickers, Steoe Wright, Jason Smith, Jason Logan, Chris Jenkins,MikeKreider,JohnGevkgeuzian, (ROW 2)Dave Pastors (Asst.Coach), TimHarrell, Brad Gunter, Ryan Rowedder,Jason Baker, David Benham, Bryan Byler, Jason Benham. Terry Weaver, Jake Miller, Jake Hines, Tim McKtnley (Asst Coach),John Reeves, Andy Moore, (ROW 3)Ryan Hutchinson,JonHorton,JasonBellinger, Bill Clark, Danny Hodges,Joel Fenske, Keith Miraldi, Mark Reed. BenjiMiller.

Followin g a respectable 3320 season, the Flames' base ball team ended the year with a heartbreaker in Big South play. The Flames were in first placeuntilan unsuccessful three game serieswith UNC-Greensboro placed them infourth.

"Itwas disappointing to be so close," said Head Coach Johnny Hunton,"Wewerewithintwo runs of the championship and a shot attheNCAA playoffs.We werenot expected to do as well as we did,

but we improved in pitching and defense Itwas agood seasonand the team played very well."

Tim Bickers was voted the team'sMostValuablePitcher,with a 4-1 record, two saves,andan ERA of 1.91 Jason Bakerlead the team with a .342 battingaverage, fourteen home runs, sixteen doubles, and fiftytwoRBIs. Terry Weaver's record included a .321 batting average, six home runs, fifteen doubles, and six triples. Ryan Hutchins knocked out ten home runs

Theseason's surprise was freshman pitcher Tim Harrellwith an 8-2record.

SportsInfin Sports


Slugger: Starting right fielderJasonBakerled the team with a .342 batting averageand a record of fourteen homeruns, sixteen doubles, andfiftytwoRBIs. Baker may take the opportunity to play professional baseball next year.

Go home: Flames second baseman starterJakeHines runs toward the next base. Hines had a.298batting average and hit four home runs.


Mad dash: Ryan Hutchinson knocked out ten home runs, batting .328this season.

Readyforaction: David Benham is poisedattheplate tostop the next opposing runner.


Sports Information

Playin'hard tohit: Flames starting pitcher Mike Brown winds up tofire offthe ball His season pitching record included sixwins to four losses, anda315ERA. while leading theFlames'pitching staff with seventy two strikeouts.

East Tennessee State University of Virginia Appalachian State Holy Cross South Carolina UN C Charlotte Davidson Coastal Carolina Westchester UM-Baltimore County Virginia Military NCA& T Towson State George Mason William & Mary Howard University Virginia Commonwealth Old Dominion Charleston Southern Richmond UN C Asheville Norfolk State Radford University Virginia Tech Winthrop UN C Greensboro 12-07 W 05-03 W 20-16 W 12-00 W 11-10W 03-01W 18-06 W 06-01 W 09-03 W 18-04 W 06-08 L 14-05 W 03-02 W 03-19 L 18-07 W 09-08 W 06-02 W 07-08 L 04-02 W 07-08 L 06-05 W 04-03 L 00-09 L 03-06 L 05-09 L 04-05 L 01-13 L 07-01 L 01-12 L 03-01 W 03-04 L 02-01 W 04-02 W 04-07 L 00-04 L 06-03 W 16-08 W 00-05 L 08-07 W 01-07 L 08-01 W 09-07 W 06-02 W 02-09 L ii(S 10-04 W 07-03 W 04-05 L 02-04 L 02-04 L 08-07 W 15-02 W 06-04 W 02-03 L Overall Record 33-20-0 Baseball

Lad y Flame's softball scored another hit season. This sea son wasthe second year for women's softball and the team showed a marked improvement over last year, finishing stronglywith 24wins.

Head coachPaulWetmore commented that thiswas akeybuilding year for the Lady Flames. "This year was foundational for our two year old program," he said, "We all feel verygood about our record of 24wins."

The Lady Flames enjoyed afew Cinderella victories. They placed second in the Radford tournament, and shocked theBigSouth leaguewhen theybested Coastal Carolina10-2.

"It was thepinnacle of the season," Coach Wetmore said.

Dusty landing:

H | _^^ Lady Flamecenter fielderJewelFelgar slidessafely into third base.

"Coastal Carolinaisrankedinthe top 25 teams in the nation. We drewsomehighlyfavorable attention when we beatthem."

Althoughthe team finished last inthe Big South,it ranked sixth overall, showingstrengthandmaturity in all areas. The team's battingaverage was anoutstanding .302.

Alycia Stevens ranked fifthin thenationwith a battingaverage of .475, andwasnamed to the AllConference First team. Tammi Talleywas named tothe All-ConferenceSecond team.

Lj^ Sports
SDorts lnformatic
|Sports Information f 4 (fi In tV%&: lnfy%m, 9
I SportsInformation The lady's a slugger: Alycia Stevens ranked fifth nationally with a batting average of .475 Tag team: Lady Flame short stop Paula Smithtags out a Charleston Southern runner as Tammi Talley comes to assist. Scoreboard Mt St Mary's 02-00W Radford 02-00W UM-Baltimore Towson State Winthrop Longwood UNC-Wilmington St. Andrews Shippensburg Ch Southern M D East Shore St. John Davis & Elkins West VA State Marshall Queens College Coastal Carolina Campbell Grace College NCA& T 10-01W UNC-Greensboro George Mason UNC-Charlotte 07-00W 01-02L 03-04L 03-05L 03-04L 02-05L 04-07L 12-05W 02-05L 14-04W 01-02L 02-06L 02-03L 04-05L 07-06W 01-05L 07-OOW 06-02W 02-10L 02-03L 05-13L 03-08L 07-OOW 04-00W 01-09L 00-14L 01-04L 16-03W 02-05L 08-09L 02-10L 02-10L 06-01W 12-11W 06-04W 01-05L 05-04W 07-OOW 03-02W 14-01W 20-01W 08-04W 02-08L 10-02W 03-04L 07-OOW 08-07W 01-09L 02-03L 01-08L Overall Record 24-29-0 Women's Softball _fc^__k
(FROM LEFT) (RO W 1) Stephanie Lemonakis, Jennifer Ward, Alycia Stevens, Tamm i Talley, Stephanie Heit, Paula Smith, (RO W 2) Paul Wetmore-Coach, Jewel Felgar, Shanno n Tanski, Carrie Rodgers, Allison Hemmila, Stephanie Donovan , Angie Coleman-Trainer, Tony a Simpson-Mgr

Unlike past years, the

men's club hockey team entered the season withoutconferenceaffliationwhen the SCHA disbanded. But the team stillmanaged to go out and put together a 12-4-1 record.

One ofthe main stays ofthe team and a big reason for their success was goalie Corey Walyuchow.

"Coreyhadstellarnetmindingall season," said first year head coach Chris Hulshof.

"Thiswas a superteam Itis the best hockey team I have coached.It is certainlya team with a lot of po-

tentialand will dowell nextyear," stated Hulshof

The firsthalfofthe season the Flames were given a boostby the outstanding play ofJustin Wiley and Wade Burrows.However, the secondhalfwas onethatwasfilled with a few rough spots.

"Injuries really plagued us the second halfofthesemester," said Chris Hulshof.

The Flames showed flashes of brilliance in scoringastheyposted a season-highvictoryagainstVirginiaTech 14-2 ,andblasted rival UniversityofNorthCarolinainthe finalgame ofthe season.

Unlike varsity sports,the club team had to provide allof their own funding, and thefanswerea tremendous asset.

"We appreciate the support of thefans," commented Hulshof. "If theywould nothave shownupfor thegames, we would nothavehad a successful hockey team."

JasonChnstofi (ROW 1) Corey Walyuchow. Kirk Fritz, DustinLane, (ROW2)StanMan, Darryl Burke, Craig Handwerker, Scott Myer, WadeBurrows, (ROW3) ChrisHulshof Head Coach, Craig Newborn, Craig Jeffs, DeronHagadorn. CoradoPugltsiAsst. Coach, (ROW 4) KevinMartilla Samuel Lupulescu

Mucking itup: #8 Deron Hagadorn clashes with a Duke opponent as CraigHandwerker #28 takes the opportunitg to swipe thepuck.

Icecapades: Left wing Wade Burrows racesfor the puck against a Virginia Tech Hokie. Burrows chalked up 26 goals this season.

Put it on ice: Brent Martilla outskates a Va Tech defender. Returning after last gear's serious injury.Manilla scored over 20 goals this season.

Sports Information
U ofNorthCarolina 11-1 W Virginia Tech NCState NC State NC State Fort Bragg Army Fort Bragg Army NC State Virginia Tech DukeUniversityGeorge Mason Duke University Virginia Tech Virginia Tech 10-4 W 3-3 T 4-6 L 2-5 L 12-4 W 3-0 W 7-2 W 8-3 W 8-3 W 7-9 L 11-3W 4-2 W 14-2 W U ofNorth Carolina 10-1 W OverallRecord 12-4-1
Jason Christofi
Club Hockey
Jason Chris toft

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Performing popular, classical,and specialareangements in concertsthroughouttheyear

(ROW 1)Clare Davis,Heidi Ruske, Dana Vermevlen, Sharon Himeback, (ROW 2) David Baylis,Wally Lindsey,

Renate Artabright,Jennifer Adams, Karen Heinz, Gaby Kaze, Angela Kunkee, (ROW 3)Sarah Sancken, Kimberly Jurina, Janice Almarode, Carole Suacha, Kristen Tomasello, Ken Goff,David Toothman, Kristen Savfley, HeatherMurphy, Julie Swope,

Brian Plaster,Julie Cozby, Nathan Roggow, Tammy Pryor, Kimberly Brunett, (ROW 4) Paul McCafferty, Jeremy Thomas, Jason Schonfelder, Kent Morris, Larry Seipp, Andy Fields, Hannah Black,Richie Bradley, Jeff Eveland, Mark

Grevengoed, James Weiss, Randy Lipscomb, Nick I Migliacchi, CarlTaylor, (ROW 5) Bill Canning, IngridCarro, Monica Howe, Art Crouch, Wendell Wilson,GeffOakley, Chris Brown, Jason Clack, Brady DeBoer, Stephen Ken| (Dir.), Kris Pooley

s_g_ra Clubs tkJgm ffigta*_i_3i_^*&^_3ssa__

Chamber Singers

Performing classicalpiecesinformal concertsforthecampus community

(RO W 1) Kera O'Biyon, Jodi Penner, Laura Layne, Jennifer Roberts, Katie Biggers, Evangeline Hales, Chelley Bickel, Tami Rogers, Wayne Kompelien (Dir.), (RO W 2) Jennifer Kelly, Alison Post, Scott Grimm, Ted Williams, Diane Sheets, Gail Glenn, Daniel Vinersar Cory Seibel, (RO W 3) Eric Johnson, Thad Heffner, Gavin Dean, DeJohnn Porch Kevin Pledger, Jeff LeFevre, Richard Jarrell, Sa m Kim


Performing during the football half-time showsand enhancing crowd morale

(CENTER ) Larry Seipp (Dru m Major), (RO W 1) Julie Adkins, Kelly Publicover, Christy O'Donnell, Alexandra Hoffman, Kathy Sheets, Monica Howe , Jill Omark, Diana Johnson, Shelby Pfeiffer, Staci Counts, Kimberly Yeager, Stephanie Burkhart, Am y Porter Melissa Cook, Elizabeth Miller Tania Hoare, Knstina Mogel. (RO W 2) Ray Locy

(Performance Dir.), Nathan Roggow, Dan a Vermeulen, James Weiss, Hannah Black, Dottie Hughes, Julie Swope , Heather Murphy, Tracy Probst, Sarah Phillips, Stephanie Pruitt, Kristen Saufley, Daneen Kauffman, Jane Farnsworth. Gaby Kaye, Karen Heinz, Ingrid Carro, Angela Kunkee, Sharon Himeback, Stephen Kerr (Admin Dir.) (RO W 3) Donald Leonard (Asst. Dir.), Jeffrey Woodward, Stephanie Davis, Jennifer Henry, Michael Schmidt, Janice Almarode, Jennifer Keyser, Carolyn Haibach, Micah Rausch, Bill Canning Heather Zimmerman

Krista Yowell, Chris Matijak, Tonya Wend , Candace Hopper, Michelle Makings, Rachel Turner, Nichele Nelson, John Kindt, Jennifer Adams , Angela Leonard (Visual Coordinator), (RO W 4) Charles Bradford, Richie Bradley, Jeff Yannucciello, Clare Davis, Sandy Wallen, Petra Taylor, Bruce Krall, Melissa Humbarger, Wally Lindsey, Kelly Moore, Hollie Jo Dent, Jeremy Thomas , Sarah Sancken, Carl Taylor, Karrie Romberger, Deann Patrick, Jamie Bowers, Melissa Adams, Kimberly Jurina, Michelle Carey, Leann

Sprowl (RO W 5) Geff Oakley, William Hall, Arthur Crouch, Mark Grevengoed, Valerie Chatham, Nick Migliacci, Ti m Wooldridge, Paul McCafferty, Da n Mitchell, Mar k Hurley, Chris Brown, Jamie Rice, Loren Allbaugh, David Toothman, Kimberly Brunett, Amand a Hunt Michael Snyder, Cindy Cephas, (RO W 6) Nathan Buckman, Nathan Hamm , David Dinsbeer, Richard Jarrel, Kenneth Goff, Jame s Kozlowski, Jason Clark, Jeffrey Eveland, Andy Fields, Julie Cozby, David Baylis, Brian Plaster, Bryan Jagger, John Gill, Wyndell Wilson

Music Groups


^P^^« Baptist Student Union Fulfilling themission ofthechurch throughevangelism andmissions

(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1) Trey Hensley, Kevin Dibert, Andy Miskell, Jennifer Wamsley, (ROW 2) Joe Han, Brian Bonjokian, Randy Franklin, LoriBenjamson,Dr.William Matheny-Adv.

Alpha Lambd a Delta

Recognizing students with a GPA of 3.5orhigherandpromotingacademicexcellenceand community service

(FROM LEFT)(ROW 1) Amy EdwardsHist., Marilyn Godomski- Adv., (ROW 2)Angie Pugh-Pres., Timothy Gibbons-Ed.,Andy Miskell- Treas

(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1)Kris Pooley, RebeccaGermeroth, ChrissyLorance, Michelle Mercer, Michael MerrimanV.P., (ROW 2)Dr Farver-Adv., Jerry Kary-Pres., Ron Calugar, ScottSoltan, (ROW 3)Tim Johnston,PaulAdams

"•{$~ ;;:;::.: :
Clubs -i.w.y///, ".../.•".2S_. _M#«__b. ',;,,.;,..,/'.•.•.',•.-.',.-.:.-,-, •'••' —• -J"*- ——^- "*—• --


Developing on-air production skills and producing qualityChristian radio

(FROM LEFT)(ROW 1)Wendy MooreStation Mgr., Anita Crawford-Music Dir., Sarah Kissell,Marissa Barkey, Wendy Warburton, (ROW 2) Shawn Andrews, Joshua Stump, Sarah Pollak, YolandaBruce, TaraEskey,(ROW 3) Mathew Sargent, Rich Maclone, Tom Larson, Rob Kingyens, Doug Mendenhall, (ROW 4)Chuck Gammon, Jamie Hall, ChrisOverman-ProgMgr., John Gill-DJ,Mark Johnson

Biology Club

Exploring God'screationfrom a biologicaland scientific perspective

(FROM LEFT) Mike Kirby- Sec, Rob McGarvey-V.P., Crystal Benton-Pres., Ken Leary-Treas


Publishingandadministering aweeklycampus-wide studentnewspaper

(FROM LEFT)(ROW 1)Duane Likens, Thomas Inkel,Joanna Tedder- Copy Ed., Shelby Felton, Starlet Shoup, BarbaraTerrell, RichMaclone-Sports Ed., Andrew Lyons,(ROW 2) Heather Ilsley-Asst Mgr., Susan VannamanAdvertising Mgr., Sarah Pollak, Kirstin Simpson, Amy Sawyer- Copy Ed.,Janetta Campbell, Michele Collahan, (ROW 3)Kim Matherly- Mgr., Jason Christofi- Photo Ed., DanaBurman, Amy Morris- Feature Ed., Michelle Fannin- Copy Ed., Amy Leach- Graphics Ed., (ROW 4)Matt Cuda, David Dershimer, ShannonHarrington- EditorinChief, Michael Nelson, Timothy Gibbons- News Ed., John Bafundi, Keith Ludlow-Graphics Ed.,Mark Haskew- Opinion Ed.

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PreparingfemaleLibertystudentswho arecalledtofull-time ministry

(FROM LEFT) Tara Bordner- Sec, Aimee Karpenko-Pres., TaraSchlottman- P.R.,JessicaSnyder-V.P.

Chess Club

Using chess for fellowship and to spreadthegospeltolocal highschools

Circle K

Promoting leadership, fellowship and service asacollegiate division of the nationalKiwanis Club

(FROM LEFT) Lisa Dauplaise, David Zerrlaut, Rebecca Andreno- Sec, Michael Fleck- Pres., Dan Harris, Thaddeus Heffner,EricJohnson

KM Clubs »*_£*£* irWSeimJi S*_^_yRSfcTJF_2_P_iS__F_*_srs?^^ *:

Concert Choir

Perfecting and performing musical works ofvariouschoralcomposers

(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1) Tammy Matthews, Shannon Bowden,KerryWalls, StephanieCarpenter, LatisshaAcey, TamiYoshida, Jeremy Matthews, Josh Edmonds, Kent Morris,Tim Crowell, William Steinbrecher, John Hugo-Dir., (ROW 2) Deborah Barbee, Angela Flynn, Eugenia Poggemiller, CharityJones, Amy Gray, Kristine Biller, Sara Abbas, Shawn Light,Scott Canion, Ryan McGregor, Dan Laws, Tae-Seong Kim, (ROW 3)Becky Reist, Julie Ruhl, Rachel Ondra, Laurie Captain, Joanne Rogers, Laura Layne, CherylGriffin, Edward McDonald,MichaelWells,TeofilBadea, Richie Bradley, Michael Alday,(ROW 4)TerraSchock,Andrea Yassemedis,AprilNielson, Mindy Hoffman,SusanStarlings, Beth Rexroth, Dawn Lamberti, JeffReam, Dave Muckel,Seth Sites, Loren Allbaugh,Greg Wellman,James Rice


Sharpening debate skills innational collegiate competition

(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1)Amy Palermo, Layla Hinton,Tracy Packiam, Heather Holter, Janelle Giebus, (ROW 2) Amber Hancock, Michelle Crawford, ' Jennifer Faulconer, Shelly Greene, Soko Durbin,(ROW 3)Abram Pafford, Dave Chapa,Phil Fairleigh, Mike Phillips, Brett ODonnell-Coach, (ROW 4) Mike Hall-Coach, Adam Milam, R.J. Snell,Bill Lawrence,Kevin Jefferson

Family and Consumer Science Club

Providing family and consumer sciencemajorswithinformation on careeropportunitiesand development

(FROM LEFT) RachelMurphy-Pres. Pamela Hazard - P R., Sabrina

Warner-Hist., Kathrine Sheets- Sec

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Fellowship Gospel Choir

Rhythmically praising theLordwith gospelsinging

(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1)VictoriaSmith, Thermicia Charles,JenniferFrappier,Regina McFarland,Vertonia Estil, Melinda Scruggs, Lisa Dauplaise, Deneen McJunkins, (ROW 2) Stefan Bailey- Dir.,Julie Sultanova,Shelly Gamory,MichelleSwift, Holly Bloun, Cynthia Tatum, Christa Barefield, Keshia Davis, Winifrid Whaley, (ROW 3) Gentry Philips, Anthony Farmer, Gary Perdue, Shawn Davis, Mari Kong, Troy Taylor,Matina McFarland, Brandon Hoffman,Lamans % Wells,Sekou Laidlow

Graduate Student Government Associaton

Promoting unity and Christianfellowshipfor Graduate and Seminary students

(FROM LEFT) Mack Jarvis-V.R, Frank Fabiano-Treas., Kerry St John-Sec, Hiawatha Hemphill-Pres.

Health Dimensions

Helping health education majorsto grow professionallyand develop fellowshipandservice

(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1)Melanie Williams-Hist., DarinNelson- Chap., Tammy Bash, (ROW 2) Andy Riffe, Jonathan Souder- Pres., Nathan Emerson-V.P., Mathew Todd Forsyth

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Celebrating multicultural diversityin thespirit of Christian fellowship

(FROM LEFT) LovelyMatthews ,Jungwon (Helen) Choi,SamuelLupulescu, Ruby Easaw

^ISE *

Kappa Delta Pi

Emphasizing the ideals of fidelity to humanity, science,and service while maintaining aChristian perspective

(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1) Carrie Kennedy, Jason Christofi- V.P.,Alison Cumbee- Pres., Feme Laurent, (ROW 2) Danielle Donhauser, Mandi Bloom- Sec, Tim Cairl,Les AdamsTreas., Amy Edwards-Hist

KappaMu Fpsilon

Sponsoring activities for thepursuit and appreciationofmathematics

(FROM LEFT) Sandra Rumore-Adv., Tricia Muscato- Sec, Angela Bolis Pres., AustinHarrell-Treas.

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Light International Singers

Incorporating the importance ofmissions andserving the Lord through numerous trips around theworld

(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1) Sam Avello, PaulaHoage,(ROW2)Amy Thames, Tammy Britton, Jodi Shelton, Sharon Fulcher,DeJohnn Porch,Jessica Van Cleave, (ROW 3) MattDean, Gavin Dean

Light Singers

Singing and sharing theGospel of JesusChristin various churches

(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1)BillyRollins, ! (ROW 2) Myla Williams, Steve Keib, Dana Benton,Chris Lockamy, (ROW 3) Alfred Burgess, Stephanie Middleton,WillElzy, Tami Curtis

Men' s Volleyball Club

Displaying theimportance of teamwork anddeterminationwhile providing opportunitiestosharetheir faith

(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1) Nikki KeznorAsst. Coach, Sean Cook, Tripp Swisher, Larry Cox,(ROW 2)Mike Buersma, Christopher Dowd, Tim Brewin,Dave Collins

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Assembling studentsmajoring in history and providing various sourcesin which to gainfurtherknowledge

(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1) Dr.SteinhoffAdv., Amy Fallin- Sec,Nicole CasilloPres., (ROW 2) Eric Greiner, Duane Likens-Hist.,LesAdams,Glen Roeck

Nursing Association

Providing thebestquality health care andprogramsthat dealwithcurrent professional issues

(FROM LEFT) Jeff Weertman- Pres., Staci Shank-Sec, Meghan CheyunskiRecorder,Barry McElyea- V.P.

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Phi Alpha Theta (FROM LEFT) Bridget Baldwin- Sec, Tommy Parsons- Pres Clubs


Focusing onthe various career opportunities for thosewho majorin psychology andcounseling

(FROM LEFT) CariChilders-Activities Dir., JenniferPerkoski-Sec, Jennifer Satalano-Pres., Andy Price- Treas.


Providing opportunities forpastoral majors to gain preaching experience, whilepreparing for future ministry

(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1)Mark RubioV.P., Sherry Reagin-Sec, (ROW 2) MichaelHaines- NewsletterEd., Nelson Chapman-Pres., Thomas ColePrison Ministry

SigmaTau Delta

Providing a forum for student writers to presenttheir works

(FROM LEFT) Matthew PetkeSec, Christian Crowder- V.P., Eugenia Poggemiller- Pres., Shawn Corcoran-Treas

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Sports Administration

Aiding Sports Management majors in making contacts with business leaders enabling them to findfuture positions

(FROM LEFT)(ROW 1)Regina McFarland, Andra Samuel, Nikki Keznor, Leeana Miller,(ROW 2)Todd Setsma, Allison Hemmila, Jason Dixon, Beth Hopkins,Chuck Burch-AthleticsDir., Barrett Connolly, Jeff Alder- Dir.of Academics,(ROW 3) Brenda BonheimSr. Women'sAdv., DanielBentley, Matt Sinclair, Kenny Hobbs,Mike Lucas


rr_sr *i'<^ *sra
(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1) Margareth Famini, Zaylimar Ramon- Treas., (ROW 2) Brian Fox- Music Dir.,Jose Chamorro- Pres., (ROW 3) Guillermo Larzabal- V.P
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Representing the studentbody to the administrationand providingactivities

(FROM LEFT) Andy Pederson-V.P., Matt McMurry- Pres., Kimberly Caceres- V.P. for Student Services, Shawn McCartee-Sec

StudentsActive AgainstAbortion

Rallyingpro-life students tospeakout inthecommunity for the unborn

(FROM LEFT)(ROW 1)CatherinaHurlburt- P.R., Sue Smith-Outreach, (ROW 2)Todd Metzgar-Dir., Andrea Kerlin- Bus Captain, Carrie WiserOperations Officer

Tae Kwon Do Club

Integrating spiritualand physical discipline while gaining strength andskill inthestudy of the martialarts

(FROM LEFT)(ROW 1)NathanielMarshall- Instr., Shane Carter- Treas., Darin Gerdes- Pres., (ROW 2) Kurt Ressler,Rich Henson

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V****^ University Chorale

Developing vocal talents through musicalperformance and perfection

(FROM LEFT) (ROW 1) Leslie Gordon, Pamela Warneka, Tiffany Coley, Kristy Park, Amy Sneed, Latissha Acey, (SEATED) Gretchen Trapp, Elisabeth Spuhler, Nikki Pons Alicia Ward. (ROW 2)Ellen Evans, Leslie Johnson, Miye McCullough, Brenyn Fay,Gena Hortz

Angela Chittenden, Jennifer Wilcox, Tiffany Mills,Mindy Spurrier,Jennifer Krouse, Amy Cockerham, Amy Dunkin, Stephanie Pruitt, Julie Bartsch, Andrea Kapika, (ROW 3) Heekyung Hamm, Erin Jones, Hollie Dent, Rebecca Taylor, Heun Jung Lee, Eu-ah Kim, Michelle McNees,Jodie Smith, NoelleHarris, Charlotte Fink, Nicole Robbins, Jennifer Stokes,Melissa Kiker,Mindy Holland, Tammi Shaul, Denise Aull, Amy-Jo Schofield, Cara Foley, (ROW 4) Mindy Schweiger, Robyn

Seavey, Bart Richardson, Luis Mendez, Carlton Anderson, John Craelius, Billy Rollins, Brian Jacobs, Ben Lashey, Jon Williams, Jason Taylor, Josh Young,Jared Young,JeriMcLaughlin, Lauren Taylor, Ruth Foley- Dir., Derek Overton, Dale Droescher, Tim Wooldridge, (ROW 5)Craig Fisher, RussellCooper, KellyAbbott, Charles Barney, Dan Faulbee, Eddie McDonald, Shawn Allen, Rob Tremble, Bill McCreary, Mike Bowen, Jeff Dent, Michael Woo, Thomas Corner,CliffYoung

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^J^re brouaht me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miru clau, ana Set mu. leet upon a roch, ana established mu aoinas.

p5a.(m 40:2


f? y x.

W e really loved that dessert at Marriott: John Ghitas, Sam Lupulescu, DoruHerdean, Jolm. Herdean, and Daniel Ghitas sample the shaving cream.

N o one will ever kno w w e did this: RobinMiller and Linsey Wrageget theirRA's with a practicaljoke

I he styles, events, past-times, and news are recorded on the following pages with, in many cases,photos submitted by the student body. This galleryreflectssome of the things that made this year distinctive from all others.

s *
Friends in the hall: KristenKraft, TanyaJamison, andMichelle Sullivangrin at the camera to waste some film.
Going hog wild: MainaMwaura rides thepig outside Billy Jo's in Lynchburg. Only Liberty's finest are allowed in the plush seats: Dr. Falwell hangs out with questionable characters in the Vines Center. \ Miss Liberty eat your heart out: Jaime Carpenter, Amy Forbes, Jessi VanCleave, andLinsey Wrage model their make-up artistry.


Happy campers: The wildguys ofdorm 8 consider the hallway more cornfortable than their rooms.

Morning glories: JulieAdkins and Stephanie Mowrer greet the a.m. with a smile.

Punishment for procrastination: Watson Mount finds himselfexiled to the hall to write his last minute termpaper.

Pearly white preparation: Doug Huff demonstrates his toothbrushing technique.





Not many Liberty students are "morning people". Burning the midnight oiland other late night activities, bothonand offthehall, make waking up close toimpossible. Needless to say eight o'clock classeshavelowerthan average attendence.


Mu d wrestlers of the world, unite: ConnieHaglund, Kelly Hutton, and Jamie Gray display their beauty secrets.
,r x
Will somebody please shoot the sun: JohnBurke is rudely awakened to the sight ofhis roommate's camera in the early morning.
babes: /uy Langat, Katie Small and Karyn Vandermeer show offtheir non-standard issue showercurtains. Samuel Lupulescu

Hip hippies:

RA's Chris Hulshof and Christian Hipsky arecaught in the act ofbreaking the hair code. Dennis Sullivan Fashion plate. Anna Kate Jarman models herfashion selection.

Fro m the hip retrochic alternative to the grungy t-shirt to the preppy clean-cut look, clothing has become the mos t obvious expression of identity. Dress code aside, comfort and originality continue to ride the * campus clothes-horse.

Leopard woman on theprowl: This is really Jennifer Roberts' costume as the Witch in Hansel and Gretel as performedfor Night at the Opera. MusicDepartment The ultimate hairyfoot: Thisfuzzyshoebelongs to Bill Briers.

How many can Ifitinmy mouth?

Yvette Kasparian crams Fritos in her mouth to beat the tray line before her next class.

Where arethose FACS majors when you need them?

Given Foxand Joseph Sorenson whip up a mealin their senior dorm bachelorpad.


I dare youtoeat it: Dave Taylor takes a dare to sample Marriott delicacies in this unusualposition.

ilince the addition of fruit juice machines and waffle makers in Marriott, the dining experience reached ne w heights. While

l Taco Bell and McDonalds

f remain off-campus

You cannot hide,thefood willfindyou: Josh van Vlack hidesbehinds his chocolate milk.

I favorites, seniors cook ^j u p goodies in their quad kitchens

Samuel Lupulescu

Hey, what are youdoing down there?

Cain Claxton, Eric Newkirk,Heather Johansen, and Betty Mills put their heads togetherfortagfootball.

They went outinthe'70sbutcame back inthewinter: Andy Lot gets some air on his bean bag chair sled when snow visited the campus.

Surfin'the sidewalk: Jared Janich shows his boarding prowess infront ofthe cafeteria.

Marc Kennedy
Samuel Lupulescu

• I

Talk about a cold shoulder!

a wintery moment with Mr.


Where ismy boyfriend?

Nicoleta Cadiawould rather hug a tree instead.

Rabies hitsLynchburg!

A very troubled youngchampion has an overactive imagination with cotton.

Mature lovers found getting outdoors a healthy break from the confines of dorm life. Som e mad e the most out of the little snow that fell. Snowme n and animals graced the campu s while the intramural field's hill entertained sledders.

Denise Davis and Dean Pryor ertjoy Snowman infront ofthe Spirit Rock. Dean Pryor
t mi
/iFire! Youth Questers Jason Woodard, Kristi Leahy, Cain Claxton, Aileen MacDougall, Summer Drake, Alisa Weebe, & Ryan Kelly watchLU's van burnon the road to King's Dominion.
C"andids '*

When hairy met baldy: Adam Burkett attempts to comb the hair that isn't there onJaredJanich's head.

•life and events on campu s ranged from the mundan e to news worthy. Fine Arts concerts celebrating Christmas favorites entertained the Fall crowd, while fire seemed a theme as two vans and a dorm room felt flames in spring.

Nobody else can play but us: little chalk, a rock, and thevery bored Devon Washington, Ash Martin, and Jerrel Panyne created courtyard hopscotch

Fan theflames: The mattress evacuates as afire destroyed a room in Dorm 21-2. Itold you, thisis my bed! JamieHall and Ted Cunningham interrupt their conversation to smilefor the camera. Jesse Barsugli ChipPardi

Bang, you're dead, well sort of: Virtual reality in David's Place lets students venttheir violent urges.

Fermata: The Concert Choir lifts their voices in song during a Spring concert.

It'sabout time you did that laundry: Dorina Pop finds that happiness is an arm loadofclean clothes.

» « r J
Music Department
Kum ba yah,my Lord, kum ba yah: Shawn Deegan serenadespassers-by with his guitar outside Dorm 16. SamuelLupulescu How much is he paying them? Jay Stevenson surrounds himselfwith a bevy of beauties on a Florida beach during Spring Break 1995. JStudent attacked by wild tige Marc Kennedy meets Tigger at Disney World. Ryan Mayfield

Spring fever hit the campu s full-force as area parks beckoned and students itched to get outside. Youth Quest took their annual Spring Break ministry to Clearwater Beach. Unusually mild weather allowed for outdoor activities.

Don't jump! Vol Fox, Amy Jones, Brad Burk, and Tanya Jamisonview the worldfrom the PeaksofOtter. Adventure Seekers: Students explore the winter beauty ofBlackwater Creek Park "That'sa little above the knee, ladies!" HeatherJohansen, Kristi Leahy, and Aileen MacDougall show some leg at Clearwater Beach, Florida. MarcKennedy Center oftheuniverse: Kevin Dibert captured an aerial view ofcampus whileflying with aviation student, Mike Snyder.

Sign ofthe time: Men in ties attack theSpirit Rock withpaint to reflect theirfeelings on theO.J. Simpson trial.

For whom the belltolls: Amy Langat, Kelvin Hines and Hudelaine Deus remember some humorous moments while relaxing next to the Liberty Bell

•lines begin at check~in and continue all year. Fro m the bookstore to just tryin to get off campus , waiting in line is perhaps the oldest Liberty tradition.

Itnever fails; Cars line up waitingforthetrain to clear theback exit.

Caught in the act:

The girlsfrom Dorm 25-2 seem to be proud oftheir Spirit Rock artistry.

The name ofthe placeis...

Students even line upfor unknown places like the "_ ost" office, "most" office, "host" office, "lost" office?

ore than a n academic building, DeMos s Hall, provides phones, food, an ATM , and a place to take a na p between classes. Depending o n where the class is located, just getting there on time keeps students busy between classes.

Feet, the transportation mod e of choice: Libertystudentson routetotheirnext class. Popular spot on campus: Women's restrooms inDeMoss Pot luck: Dae-UPark, Hak-Gun Kong and Tae Eun Moon enjoy lunch in theparking lot
Hello, Mo m ... send mone y ... quick!
LidiaLupulescu and JenniferPeden call someonewhocares.


Zzzzz: Tim Acoffcatches afew winks on a comfy DeMosssofa between classes. DennisSullivan study: Carrie Wentworth takes advantage ofthe temporary quietness

lihoosing the right dor m pet can be difficult, given the wide variety allowed by the Liberty Way. WalMart supplies most of the aquatic friends at low prices, and sells hampsters for those rebels out there.

Snow marsupial: Ka Fitzgerald hugs her kangaroo andjoey. Frog Fahrvegnugen: Kermitwaitsfor his LibertyMissPiggy Harley Evelyn,thehamster: Rodents are illegal so Selah rese the right not to reveal the owner.

Fish eyes: Jean Caseras wonders what it wouldbe like to bea fish.

Some guys know how toget thegirls: Joseph Sorenson and Crystal Benton wear their snakes.

Princess, theAlbino Frog: BeckyReinhardt's precious pet perkily peers at people.

Jesse Barsugli Rebecca Coy

You guys should get out more: Justin Brunoand Sam Lupulescu reel in a banana peel whilefishingin the DeMossfountain.

Mutual attraction: Katarina Terzic and Shane Paulsen find each other in aflash.

Don't ask,don't tell: Kevin McLaughlin and Michael Braley horse around in the room

Jesse Barsugli
ri50 'andids v« -


An apple a day: Students bobbedforapples during theFallHalloween Festival


This won't hurt a bit: Andrea Cogginsprepares togive blood during one ofthe campus Red Cross blood drives.

Where are those Library RA's when you need them? There is entirely too muchgoofing offat this table. ',

liook back on the year remembering His faithfulness and look ahead to His promise, "TrustintheLord with all your heart and leannotontoyour own understanding. In all yourways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths." Psalm 3:5-6

Chiquita NancyLambshead, Leslie Gordon, AllysonHooper, anda College-for-a-Weekender, show offtheir temporary
fin; a
$S__?ft Candids I '_m_J

wa morninc Sea; even me.

i sr me Speedilu; efenSe IOU art mu roch and mu fortress; therefore for thu name S Sahe tead me, and auide me... lead me in a plain path... lead me not into temptation tead me to the roch that is hiaher than ~^r... lead me in the u euerlastina... if\.s take the winaS of tht ina, and dwell in the uttermost parts of tht there shall thu hand lead / L^l _

^L _

Zsor thou artmu rochand mu fortress; therefc for thu name S Sahe lead me, and auide me.

1 / A/JPHJ ^^ -«v- -^LM


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bO>ow down thineear to me; deti be thou mu strona rock, for an house o to Save me. ^sror thou art
I SalmS 31:3

Melissa Allman

A well earned sense of achievementis oneofthe rewards MelissaAllman hasfoundas oneofthree female Chemistrymajors atLiberty University.

As athreeyear lab assistant, Melissahas performed various tasks that enhanced her experiencein chemistry.

"I have learned so much morefrommy professors thanjust practicalexperience," shecommented, "I have learned to think for myself,to handle extreme pressures, stress, expecta-

tions, and still help others."

" In the tough times I claim Jeremiah 29:12, 'And ye shall seek me, and find me, evenye shall searchforme withall your heart'"

With this attitude of faith, Melissa willpursue a professional degree focusing in the fieldofbiochemistry.

Laura Sipple and Justin Bnam
'1 have learned to think for myself, to handle extreme pressures, stress, expectations, and still help others."
Sam^pule. HastingsAbala - Theology Mananga,Kenya SarahAbbas - Piano Wheat Ridge, CO Jonathan Abel - Chemistry Springfield, MA EstherAlcindor- Mathematics Nassau,Bahamas Jill Alessi- Journalism South Berwick, ME NathanAlexander - English Lamar, CO TobiasAllanson -Drama Winchester,PA
Graduating Students
Mary Allen- Marketing Cleveland, TX
ft»£ »i
Melissa Allman - Chemistry FairfaxStation, VA LauraAmador - Accounting Watsonville,CA DulciAndrews - Mathematics Madison, ME Craig Ashley - Broadcasting Statesville,NC KennethAshley - Youth Lynchburg,VA Theo Badea - Pre-Law Sacramento, CA Susan Barbee - English Hlnesville,GA BelindaAughenbaugh - Telecom Roanoke,VA Eric Autenreith - Psychology Houston,TX Kristen Baker - Marketing Philadelphia, PA BridgetBaldwin - Psychology Lynchburg,VA Angela Barrett - PublicRelations Hopkinsville.KY Jesse Barsugli - Pre-Mcd Riverside CA SandieAyers - Elementary Ed Appomatox,VA Timothy Ballard - Youth Greenville,SC
Christina Bartlett - Counseling Forest, VA Seniors Tammy Bash - Psychology Lynchburg,VA PaulBennett - Biology Bainbridge, GA CraigBeach - Accounting Geigertown,PA Nathan Bennett - Religion LenoirCity, TN ShelleyBeck - Nursing Lynchburg,VA CrystalBenton - Biology Wilmington, NC Wyndie Belflower- Religion Roanoke, VA ChelleyBickel - Psychology Reading, PA LaurieBing - Missions Richmond,VA Stephanie Black - Elementary Ed Vinton,VA Christopher Blaney - Business Glassboro,NJ VirginiaBlankenship - Psychology Roanoke, VA Mandi Bloom - Elementary Ed East Freedom,PA JenniferBlum - Nursing Harleysville, PA Michael Boersma - ExerciseSci London,Ontario
Graduating Students an
Beth Boggess- Nursing Ladson, SC

Kevin Benton

"I don'tstepout onto thecourt unless I have -ead the Word of God ind prayed." Kevin 3enton, Liberty's 6'6" Dasketbalguardbelieves success on the court :omes from God and a vinning attitude.

"I'm a firm believer in Jiving your best,"Kevin laid,"If you won't give hem your best, just lon't do it."

It was a Nerfball that aspired Kevin to make shooting hoops" a way f life."I didn't realize iod would use basket-

ball to provideme witha scholarship so Icould come to school," Kevin commented.

"Iwould like to play professionallyifthe Lord opens up the door," Kevin said. Ifthe NBA isnot inthe future, he would like tojoin Athletes in Action where he can unite his passion for the game with hislovefor theLord.

"I don't step out on to the court unless I have read the Word of God and prayed."

Dawn Tuttle

MelisaBoiling- Psychology Forest, VA NatalieBoodram - ComputerSci North Lauderdale,FL James Booth - Youth Corning,NY Hannah Borland - Psychology Lynchburg.VA William Bostwick - ExerciseSci Arlington,GA Amy Boucherle - Pre-Med Monroe,VA Jim Boyachek - Management Ontario,Canada Elizabeth Buerkle - Merchandising Rosemount, MN
•_ •
^"s'Vormau, Seniors

Graduating Students

MitchellBumgarner - Exercise Sci Maiden,NA Jill Bundy - Pyschology Wadesboro, NC BrettBurgin - Biology Lebanon, IN Bryan Burkholder- Finance Marion, PA Kimberly Caceres- Marketing Shirley,NY Kim Calcutt- Health Promotion West Palm Beach,FL i m ShirleyCampbell - Psychology Stoneboro,PA Tamar Canty - Broadcasting Decatur, GA ChrisCarr - Biology Hebron, IN PaulCarrasco - ComputerSci New Holland, PA JoelCarrera - Marketing Lynchburg,VA RobertCarter- Accounting Virginia Beach, VA NicoleCasillo- Social Science Sussex,NJ Sung Ook Cha - Pre-Law Cherry Hill, NJ Matthew Chapman - Business Forest,VA Nathan Chapman - Pre-Law Montgomery, NY Jason Christofi- Elementary Ed Foster, RI Bryan Chunta - Psychology Appomattox,VA Sonya Clark - Elementary Ed Spencer, OH Vanessa Clemens - English Pottstown, PA Darla Cline- English Education Waynesboro,VA Dawn Coe - Pre-Law Salisbury,NC MelissaCook - Psychology Merida, Mexico Jonathan Cooley - Journalism FortPierce FL ShelleyCooper - English Bedford, VA JrkCornelius - Health Promotion Virginia Beach VA Dwayne Corvin - Accounting Pikeville. TN Stephanie Cox - ExerciseSci Elizabethtown.PA
Stephen Classing - Math Education South Point, OH
Kevin Conner - Youth Columbus, OH
C^r 4
Shawn Corcoran - English Richmond, VA Roy Crain - Marketing Mt. Pleasant.MI Seniors

Graduating Students

Tonia Creasy -FACS Maidens,VA Todd Cullen - Pre-Law Stone Mountain GA Kathryn Crompton - Elementary Ed Farmington,MI Jennifer Crosby - Sacred Music Syracuse,NY Rick Cunningham - Business Mgmt Yorba Linda,CA NicoleDalpezzo - Elementary Ed Fairfax, VA ChristineCrowder - English LaurelBloomery, TN LisaDauplaise- Psychology Palm Bay, FL ClareDavis- Music Education Rome, GA TaraDavis - Biology Plantation, FL Mathew Dawson - Youth Newfane, NY JenniferDayton - Psychology Kenmore, NY Regina DeNoraes - Government EastMeadow, NY
* *
MichelleDeBoer - Pychology North FortMyers,FL
V 4L * I
JolineDay - FACS Smyrna,NY Austin Deloach - Biblical Studie Homelville, GA


landaDemianych - Elementary Ed Branchville, NJ Lance DeVries - Pre-Law South Bend, IN KevinDibert- Mathematics Chambersburg,PA Yvonne Dick - Religion Portland, OR PaulaDimitriu - Psychology Bucharest,Romania ScottDishong - Youth Johnstown,PA Christopher Dowd - Exercise Sci Kingston, MA
Beth Droney - Nursing Lynchburg,VA
-o ^r-
CharlesDuncan - Pastoral Exeter, NH Amanda Ear - Modern Languages Milford,CT Andrew Eckert - Biology Myerstown,PA Curry Ellenburg - Elementary Ed Orlando,FL Matt Elliott- Business Daytona Beach,FL Philip Enzor - Youth Bartlett. T N Christy Epstein - SocialScience Greenville, TX Jeanne Eugene - Pre-Law Fort Lauderdale FL Amy Fallin- History Lottsburg, VA Patricia Farris- Telecom Hyattsville, MD Greg First- Youth Wooster, OH Jonathan Foley - Youth Winnipeg,Manitoba Margareth Fanini- Business RiodeJaneiro, Brazil Roberto Fanini - Marketing RiodeJaneiro, Brazil JessicaFaunce -FACS Huntingdon Valley, PA Shelby Felton- Journalism YorbaLinda,CA WyattFisher - Youth Forest, VA James Fiske- Mathematics Lynchburg,VA Natasha Foreman - Journalism Kennesaw, GA SteveFoster - Psychology Lynchburg,VA Danny Farris- SportsMgmt Forest, VA Andrew Ferrell - Speech Cincinatti, OH MichaelFleck- History ThreeSprings, PA John Fountain - Accounting Harveys Lake PA
Graduating Students

Richard Dunn

"At Disney World I workfor Mickey Mouse; atThomas Road Baptist Church I work for Goofy," Communications major Richard Dunn saysfondly of his pastor, Jerry Falwell.

During his tenure at LU, Richard assisted withtechnicallightingat Thomas Road Baptist Church and was a star attraction of the Living Christmas Tree.

Lastsummer Richard internedwiththe technical staff for the "Bestof Disney Show" which

played in front Cinderella's Castle.

"The witnessing opportunities are incredible at Disney." Richard said thatdoorswere really opened for him to talk to the crew and cast members about his faith.

Following graduation, he will become a full-time technical staff member Florida'sDisneyWorld


BrianFox - History Education Marietta,GA MacArthur Fox - Psychology Bancroft,MI Tracy Freese - Pre-Law Pensacola, FL David Fry - Biology Cottage Grove, MN Joseph Fulks - Government Dickerson, MD Chuck Gammon - Government Lynchburg VA LauriGardner - Management Albuquerque NM Meredith Gardner - French Lynchburg,VA RussellGarner - Pastoral Simcoe, Ontario Darin Gerdes - Government Union,NJ Dan Garrison - Finance Pittsford, NY MelissaGathman -FACS Tuckerton,NJ Wendi Gibbs - English Colorado Springs, CO Stephanie Gilbert- Psychology Liverpool,NY Laura Gaydos - Journalism Raleigh, NC PaulaGiles - Health Promotion Charleston, WV JenniferGillenwater - Psychology Glenmoore,PA Martha Goebel - Psychology Woodstock, CT Udo Goebel - Pastoral Woodstock, CT ChrisGoede - Sports Mgmt Orlando, FL Alfred Goetz - Pastoral Lynchburg,VA ClaraGonzalez - ComputerSci Izabal, Guatemala SallyGonzalez - Elementary Ed Madison,WI HeidiGoodsmith - FACS Charlotte, VA Graduating Students


BethGrenier- Health Promotion Millbury, MA Jen Grenier- Elementary Ed Boston, MA Anemona Gherman - Nursing Bucharest,Romania NaomiHamilton - Elementary Ed McDonough, GA Rebecca Hampton - Psychology Occela,FL CraigHandwerker - Religion Toms River, NJ PaulHackworth - Marketing Lynchburg,VA Theresa Hansrote - Psychology Ellerslie,MD CynthiaHarper - Youth Churchville, PA Amy Harrell- Elementary Ed Norfolk, V A Shannon Harrington - Journalism Lenoir,NC DanielHarris- Government Roanoke Rapids, NC Ginger Harris - Journalism Middleton,Wl Sara Hervell- Psychology Fredericksburg,VA Pamela Hazard -FACS FortMeyers FL LoriHeberger - Elementary Ed Boise ID

Sharon Fulcher

"My desire towork in world evangelism became evidentwhen Ivisited LibertyUniversity's College-for-a-Weekend."

Throughout heryears at LU, Sharon Fulcher has traveled with the Light ministry team to Hong Kong, China and Japan,and Africa sharingthe Gospel. However it was thetrip to Nigeria which had the greatest impact on her life.

"God tested and stretched thefaithofall those that went on the trip. Itwas on that mis-

sions trip to Nigeria that I"visibly"saw the hand ofGod at work,"Sharon reflected.

Herdesireforevery LU studentisthattheycommit to the call of Christ, go outand change the world With this goal in mind, Sharon claims Psalm 19:14:

Karen Heinz- Psychology Nassawadox,VA Cynthia Henefleld - Sacred Music Pembroke Pines,FL JenniferHenniger - Speech Disorder Massillon, OH LisetteHernandez- Pre-Law FortSalanga, NY Aaron Herwig - Business Mgmt Highland CA Stephen Hester - Youth Indianapolis, IN Dana Hey -FACS Bradenton,FL
Brady Hiatt - Sports Mgmt Becker,MN
"It was on that mission's trip to Nigeria that I 'visibly' saw the hand of God at work."
"Will you beall that God hascalled you to be?"
Graduating Students
Justin Bruno Scun


/* __k ^
JenniferHicks - ExerciseSci Mechanicsville, MD Denys Higgins - English Levant, ME Ricky Higinbotham - Sports Mgmt Bridgeton, NJ JenniferHill-FACS Vineland,NJ KelvinHines - Sports Mgmt Cleveland, OH Todd Hirshman - Communications Jason Hofacker - Math Education Hilton Head,NC Anchorage,AK Deborah Hoffer- Journalism Jenison,MI JenniferHoffman - Psychology Freemont, OH Kristen Hogg - Elementary Ed Blackstore, VA Cindy Holding -FACS Lynchburg,VA MichaelHorning - English Ed Lindley,NY Gordon Hostettler - Mathematics Hampton VA Melissa Hull - Psychology Farmington MI Dana Hulshof- Elementary Ed Sarnia. Ontario Richard Hunter - Business Dublin. O H

Graduating Students

CatherinaHurlburt - English Ed Lorton, VA JanelleIves- Business Mgmt Bark River, MI KevinJackson - Psychology Kannapolis, NC CraigJeffs - Marketing Oshawa, Ontario JaniceJensen - Music Education Westland,MI BrianJohnson - Accounting North Lauderdale, FL ChrisJohnson - Sports Mgmt Redding, CA CynthiaJonas - History Manassas Park, VA CaroleJones - Business Kingston 20,Jamaica Maurice Jones - Business Mgmt Evington,VA Mark Johnson - Sports Mgmt Cumberland, VA Ligia Jordao - Nursing Portugal Aimee Karpenko - Youth Middleport,NY YvetteKasparian - English Springfield, MA CherylKauffman - Elementary Ed JenniferKauffman - Communication Dundee,NY Emmaus, PA

Audrey Langat

"Itis importantforyou to comeoutofyourcomfort zone."

Audrey Langatput her words into action when she journeyed from Kenya,Africa toLiberty four years ago.

Testimonies of students who had visited her home of Kenya,

"Don't be afraid to ask questions and become involved with all kinds of\ seale d he r students. decision to spread the Gospel in anothercountry.

"HereI am in America

and theyare goingto my homeland to give the message ofChrist, said Audrey. "Itgot methinking, what am I doing for God's Kingdom? How am I using the gifts He gaveme?"

Audrey encouragesall international students to be open to their new American culture while studyinghere at Liberty. "Don'tbeafraidto ask questions and become involvedwithallkinds of students."


Laura Sipple SojnLupu'escu Melinda Kedik - Psychology South Bend, IN Jill Keeler- Speech Lynchburg VA Angela Keener - Nursing Lynchburg VA Jennifer Kelly- Psychology Glen Riddle,PA Tonia Kennedy - Nursing Lynchburg,VA Andrea Kerlin - Clothing/Textiles Mechanicsburg PA iAhtesham Khan - SocialScience Syracuse. NY Andrew Kim -Business Mgmt Avon CT Jeehyun Kim - Merchandising Seoul, Korea Bruce Krall- Business Mgmt Ocala, FL Dustin Lane - Sports Mgmt Gettysburg,PA Michael Kirby - Biology Flint, MI Tara Knowles - Accounting Freeport,Bahamas Brian Kurbjeweit - Philosophy Hope,NJ KristinKurbjeweit - Nursing Hope,NJ JenniferLane - Elementary Ed Grafton, VA Monica Lane - Health Promotion Richmond,VA Pedro Lara - Pre-Law Miami,FL Tom Larson - Telecommunications Knoxville, TN Guillermo Larzabal - Telecomm Mar delPlata, Argentina VictoriaKowalczyk - Psychology Chicago, IL Crystal Lafon - Computer Sci Evington, VA Audrey Langat- Pre-Law Nakune, Kenya MichaelLatham - Pastoral Lakeland, FL graduating Students SherryLaws - Health Promotion Chambersburg,PA Jamey Lee - Mathematics Cary, NC Duane Likens- History Orlando,FL Amy Lingenfelter- Psychology Lynchburg,VA John Lee - Government VirginiaBeach,VA Tracie Ligon - Youth Huntsville, AL Randolph Lipscomb - Church Min Chase City, VA
Doug Lloyd - Counseling Seminole,FL
LindaLooker - Psychology Spring Lake, NC Andy Lott- Sports Mgmt Chesapeake VA Michael Lovallo- Psychology Buffalo, N Y Aranka Lovas - English Budapest,Hungary Toni Lovern -FACS Blue Ridge VA Michael Lucas - Physical Education Pontiac.MI Samuel Lupulescu - Mathematics Detroit MI
Seniors v
VictoriaMahairas - Psychology Yonkers NY

Mike Medlin

Broadcasting major Mike Medlin has ministered through the airwavesofWWMC-91 and operated cameras at WLBU-TV.

Lastsummer Mikeinterned for the leading radio station in Charlotte, NorthCarolina. "It reallywasexciting.I set up for their programs and the news."

Assisting with a remotebroadcastfromthe stock car races broadened Mike's "redneck" horizons.

"Igot to meet Nascar

celebrities Ernie Irvin and RustyWallace. The wholeexperienceturned outto be pretty cool."

Duringhis internship, Mike found a mentor.

person was this70year old fellow who didthe news. He is exactly who

Graduating Students

Adam Makkai - Sports Mgmt CastleRock, CO John Marshall - Finance Granville,OH RobertMarx - GeneralStudies Evington,VA Kimberly Matherley- Journalism RuralHall, NC Theron Mathis - Youth Leesburg, GA JulieMazanec - FACS Lynchburg,VA Shawn McCartee - Business Mgmt Chandler,AZ TheodoreMcClain- History Monrovia, Liberia
"... exactly who I want to be when I'm old... loving life, working in radio, and riding a Harley to work."
I want to be when I'm old.. lovinglife, working in radio, and riding a Harley to work."
Dawn Tattle R0he«Devout


MatinaMcFarland -FACS Portsmouth VA FaithMcWane - Merchandising Lynchburg,VA Bryon Mclntyre - Psychology Taylors SC JulieMcLelland - Nursing West Hill. Ontario Lisa McMonigle - Journalism Linwood,PA Greg McVey - Pastoral Ansted, WV MichaelMeade - Psychology Warner Robins, GA Edith Mebiama - Business Mgmt S Congo,Central Africa MichaelMedlin - Broadcasting MineralSprings, NC Georgette Menditto - Psychology FortLauderdale,FL Laura Merryman - Business Mgmt Hopewell, VA Todd Metzgar - Journalism Johnson City, TN Dawn Mihm - Finance Dundee, NY Rhonda Miller- Business Mgmt Lynchburg.VA Penny Mitchell - Nursing Roanoke VA Tamara Mitchum - Psychology Chesapeake VA DanielMitrofan - Psychology Romania DanielaMitrofan - Mathematics Romania Helene Mongiove - Elementary Ed WinterSprings,FL Wendy Moore - Media Mgmt Winston Salem, NC AlbertoMorales - Elementary Ed Hillsdale, NJ RitaMorgan - Communications Statesville,NC IvanMorozov - Biology YaltaCrimea, Russia Amy Morris- Journalism Lynchburg,VA MichelleMorse - Elementary Ed Lynchburg,VA Rachel Murphy -FACS Moscow, VT Rebecca Neff - Psychology Lynchburg,VA ValerieNeff- Biology Kildeer, IL
Graduating Students

Ejugwu Omakwu

"I wasin my first year ifmedical schoolwhen I lecided to come to LU."


I Nigeria, says he wanted to make the nove because of his investin BroadcastMarketing and Management indthequalityofpeople vho attend here.

The friendships that i.J. foundat Libertybecame evident inthe Fall )f 1994. E.J.'sfather vas a diabetic and dipped into a coma vhichresultedin death.

Three hours later my

friends came to my room and presented me with enough money to go home They had gone around campus collecting donations for my trip."

"Within 24 hoursmy room was filledwith friends. When they heard the news, they came to schooltobewith me LU really gave me a family away fromhome."


Dawn Tuttle
"Liberty University really gave me a family away from home."
Scun^pulescu Randy Nunn - Accounting Greenville, SC KellyO'Donnell - Psychology Woodland, ME Jenice Oliveras- Accounting Centereach,NY ' Dan Olsen - Chemistry Randolph,NJ t^Christopher Olsson - Biology Jaffrey, N H Ejugwu Omakwu - Broadcasting Nigeria Jill Omark - Media Mgmt Effingham IL

Graduating Students

PaulPace - Government New Milford,CT Dominic Pardi- Youth Utica,NY Anthony Parker - Sport Mgmt Woodford,VA MelissaPatton - Nursing Seymour, IN Andy Pederson - Broadcasting Moseley, VA Cynthia Perrault- Elementary Ed Orlando,FL Susan Pass- Psychology Dallas,GA Rebecca Perry- Psychology Clearwater, FL DallasPeschken - Youth Madison Heights, VA Matthew Petke - EnglishEducation Damascus, MD SheriPhelps- Elementary Ed Lynchburg,VA HeidiPinder - Merchandising Nassau, Bahamas Jonathan Pippin - History Manassas,VA Eusebiu Platona - Finance Oradea,Romania KellyPickral - Mathematics Chatham,VA Vanessa Poekert- Nursing Tarpon Springs, FL


_gfl N***'
EugeniaPoggemiller- Linguistics Rustburg, VA PatriciaPorter- Speech Disorders Leesburg,VA Bobby Prettyman - Recreation Macon, GA Dean Pryor- Youth Smithsburg, MD Aaron Quinn - Biology StephensCity, VA Brent Ragan - Pastoral Bristol, TN Donna Ramsdell - Elementary Ed Raymond Rastelli- Biblical Studies East Machias ME New Fairfield, CT John Ray - Business Mgmt Warner Robins, GA Jonathan Rebsamen - SportsMgmt Stephanie Reffner- Psychology Lynchburg, VA Lynchburg,VA Carmen Reinholdt - Business Mgmt Lynchburg,VA ffanyRenalds - English Education Lynchburg VA James Rice- Music Education Romney WV Mary Rice- Psychology Scottsville VA D.J.Ritchey - Youth Cumberland MD

Delohnn Porch 8 Jennifer Roberts

DeJohnn Porch and JenniferRobertsarebest friendswithonethingin common: theyboth love toactand plan to enter theworld ofdrama.

"Acting has given me an opportunity toreach people who would normallyneverlisten to the Gospel,"said Jennifer

DeJohnn commented, "Christians need to go into the artswithboldness and stand up for what they believe."

Sincethe ageofseven, DeJohnn has appeared inTV commercials,and acted in an "ABC After School Special" episode.

Once shy, Jennifer has maturedboth spiritually and professionallywhile atLiberty.

After graduation, both desire to serve the Lord with their talents.

JenniferRoberts - VocalMusic Senatobia, MS Lance Roberts- Missions BonitaSprings, FL Glen Roeck - SocialScience Grayslake, IL Anthony Rogers- Social Science Lynchburg, VA Donna Roope - Psychology Winston Salem, NC HollyRoss - Nursing Shalimar,FL Cooney Rothbauer - Recreation Colorado Springs, CO LuAnn Sallstrom - Nursing Montoursville, PA
Janetta Campbell
"Christians need to go into the arts with boldness and stand up for what they believe."
Graduating Students
Js ^ f*™
Josh Sampson - Speech Leesburg, VA Derek Santan - Finance Brookhaven,PA Matthew Sargent - Telecom Wilmette, IL GregorySausman - Marketing Canton OH Rhonda Schorling - Marketing Toledo OH David Schrodt - Psychology Memphis,TN KristenSaufiey - Elementary Ed Wilmington. DE KatieSeiple- PhysicalEducation Phillipsburg, NJ LarrySeipp - Music Education Lynchburg,VA Sekou Laidlow - Religion Baltimore, MD Zabrina Serran - Marketing Bartlesville,OK Todd Setsma - Business Mgmt Grand Rapids,MI Melissa Shanahan -FACS Syracuse,NY StaciShank - Nursing Hagerstown, MD VelvetSharp - Nursing Forest VA Seth Sheckard - Psychology Columbia PA Seniors

Graduating Students

Kathryn Sheets - FACS Ellicott City, MD JoleneSimmons - English Panama, NY ChristinaSites- Mathematics Lynchburg,VA Derek Shipley - Speech Disorders Lynchburg,VA GarnettShortt- Economics South Boston,VA Chelanne Simmerson - Elementary Novi, MI Linda Simmons - Youth Dayton, OH Amy Sims - Elementary Ed Hannibal, MO KevinSlatten - Psychology Carriere, MS LoriSlippy- Elementary Ed Lee, NH Jason Smith - Sports Mgmt Annapolis, MD JodiSmith - GeneralEducation Annapolis, MD Matt Smith - History Warsaw, IN HollySipos- Nursing Chesterfield, VA HeidiSmall- Psychology Columbia,CT Tammy Smdinski - Missions Meadville, PA

Elias Sanchez

"Whatever I do,"says Elias Sanchez, "Iwantto glorify God and bring honor to His name."

Coming to LU from Caracus, Venezuela.

Christian education in businessskills whichhe can take into the business world.

Elias admitsthat it has been hard being

"Whatever I do, I want to glorify God and bring honor to His name." away from the care and shelter of his parents backhome. Butthrough itall, Elias said, "God hasalwaysbeen faithful tokeepme inthe center ofHiswill."

LU has given Elias a

"Not only am I knowledgeable and skillful in my field, butmy professors havealso taughtme aboutlife andpeople."

He challenges everyoneatLibertyUniversity notto be focused onthe materialthingsin life.

"Keep your dreams aliveinordertomake a difference in what God has for you."

Laura Sipple DanielSnyder - Youth South Bound Brook,NJ Michael Snyder - Music Hamburg,Nj Joseph Sorenson - Chemistry Seminole,FL
• ' m \& ** ^ r, f - ^ I
Debra Sorrell- Nursing Durham, NC Jonathan Souder - Health Promotion East New Market, MD Amy Spear - Elementary Ed Rustburg,VA David Spooner - Youth West Monroe, WV
Susan Stallings- Psychology Portsmouth,VA

Heidi Schantz

"BeinganRA hasbeen oneofthemostchallenging, yetrewardingthings I'veever done."

Heidi Schantz,RA of Dorm 23, hasopenlyembracedthe earlymorning fire drills, medical emergencies, roommate conflicts, and endless meetings over the past two years. "They are all a partofan RA'sjob," she observed.

Ithas been an uphill climb tryingto combine RA duties and Elementary Education studies. "Keepingschoolwork, RA

responsibilities, andpersonal matters in perspective have been tough You have to rely on God and Hispower," shesaid.

Heidi'sperseverance has not been in vain. She feels the rewardsfaroutweigh the costs.

knowing that God is usingyou to further His kingdom is God'sgift to RA's."

TrishaStarr- Finance Orlando,FL John Sternik - Health Education Belleville, NJ ChristineStockwell - Psychology York PA Jamie Strange - Youth Wendell,NC Stephen Strout- Telecomm Lynchburg,VA JenniferStuart- Nursing Bordentown,NJ GerriStultz- Mathematics Roanoke,VA LisaStumpf- Psychology Alexandria, VA
Laura Sipple
"Simply knowing that God is using you to further His kingdom is God's gift to RA's."
Graduating Students
Sam MichaelSummy - Elementary Ed Deborah Sweeney - Business Mgmt Lynchburg, VA VirginiaBeach,VA CarrieSweet - Psychology BuffaloJunction, VA Brenda Swihart -FACS Mishawaka, IN StanTadeja - Exercise Sci Oshawa,Ontario Taryn Tanis - Sports Mgmt Green Pond,NJ Tammy Taylor - Business Mgmt Glade Hill, VA
BalsaTerzic- ComputerSci Belgrade, Yugoslavia
Derek Thomas - Accounting Chesapeake,VA Alan Swihart - Finance Mishawaka, IN Staci Taunton - Chemistry Stone Mountain, GA
PaulThompson - Religion Boone, NC BrianTill- Religion Chesapeake.VA EarlTodd - Youth Amherst, NH
Seniors ^^•__•U__i _
AdelaTordai - Psychology Romania Stephen Tozier - Missions Exeter. ME CharlesTull- Government Upper Marlboro, MD ChristopherTurner - Youth Newport, ME Susan Turner - Psychology Lebanon,VA | ChristopherUmstead - Psychology Franklin, PA Susan Vannaman - Journalism Abrams,WI GingerVertican - Psychology Crestline,GA TimothyWagner - Religion Millington, MD Lori Wainwright - Health Promotion FortLauderdale,FL ChristyWalker - Nursing Clay, WV Dawn Tuttle- Broadcasting Myerstown,PA SteveWagner - Biblical Studies Millington,MD BrianWalters- Mathematics Milton,WV JenniferWamsley - English Hiram, GA SabrinaWarner -FACS Georgetown, NY Victor Wasilauskas - Government Absecon,NJ
Graduating Students Sn9BU | a_k
HollyWatson - Nursing Christiansburg, VA

Vic 8 Kelly Wasilaukas

Victor and Kelly Wasilauskasknowfirsthandhowtobuilda successful marriage while getting aneducation.

"Marriage is a much bigger responsibility than people think,"Vic commented. "You have to be mature andwilling tobe very responsible when it comes totaking that first bigstep."

While in school,they workedas supervisors of Liberty's telemarketing department.

Thecouple transferred toLibertytofinish their education. Kelly said, "It's fun to be married in college, because you havesomeonewith you."

"Marriage is hard when you aregoingto college and workingatthe same time," Kelly said. "But with God allthings are possible."

Laura Sipple
"Marriage is hard when you are going to college and working at the same time, but with God all things are possible."
KeithWayne - Elementary Ed Lynchburg VA Jaclyn Weber - English Education Deborah Weesner - Elementary Ed Westchester. PA Elkhart, IN JulieWells - Nursing Indianapolis, IN LoriWest - Nursing Virginia Beach,VA Kari Wester - Elementary Ed Princeton,NJ Brian Wheeler - Religion Brandywine, M D
Carolyn Wilburn - Psychology Amissville VA

Graduating Students

BelindaWilce -FACS Gloucester, VA DaleWilliams - Youth Lvnnvflle, IN David Wilcox - Youth Williamstown,NJ Amy Williams- Psychology Cincinnati, OH RobertWilliams- Elementary Ed Johnstown,PA Jason Williams- Finance Anchorage,AK MylaWilliams - Business Mgmt Lynchburg VA CharityWilson - Elementary Ed Richmond,VA Wendy Wilson - Elementary Ed Georgetown, DE Matthew Winters- Biblical Studies Upland PA Wendy WUlson - Psychology Wilmington, IL CarrieWiser - Pre-Law CastleCreek,NY DanielWoldehanna - Mathematics Ethiopia CarrieWright - Finance Dunlap, IA KristenWright - Elementary Ed KingWilliam,VA MelissaWright - ElementaryEd Ridgeway, VA
Carlton Ballowe Pastoral Ministry Ruth Eder Church Ministry Leo McGrath Church Ministry Bryan Sampson Pastoral Ministry Linda Birgensmith Church Ministry Tommy Bosworth Pastoral Ministry Rickey Haley Pastoral Ministry
Jim Johnson Pastoral Ministry
John Mink Pastoral Ministry Ralph Napolitano Pastoral Ministry Earl Shank Pastoral Ministry Michael Wade Pastoral Ministry
Iyke Ebuta Pastoral Ministry Joyce McGrath Church Ministry David Place Pastoral Ministry Nelson Woods Pastoral Ministry Liberty Bible Institute Richard Albury -MAR Nassau, Bahamas Jong Sub Chung - ThM Seoul, Korea Trudy Goetz-MAR Lynchburg,VA Byoungkyun Bae - MDiv Lynchburg,VA Timothy Bouman - Counseling Brantford, Ontario Ku Sang Chung - ThM Evington, VA Stephen Fairley- Counseling Lynchburg,VA Harry Graham -MAR Ruffin,SC Mun Sop Han - MDiv Bridgewater, VA Seok-Jong Hong - Counseling Chuncheon,Korea CharlesHughes - DMin Lynchburg,VA Byung Wi Jeon - MRE Seoul, Korea Hyun Seo Choi - ThM Seoul, Korea James Flowers -MRE Gurdon,AR Hiawatha Hemphill - MDiv Winston Salem,NC
Graduating Students
Seok Cheon Jung - ThM Bangkok, Thailand Tae-YungJung -MAR Seoul, Korea Yo-Sup Lee - ThM Seoul, Korea SteveNam - MAR Evington, VA Hyun Jin Kim - ThM Seoul, Korea Taek Soo Kim -MDiv South Korea Jae Ho Lim - ThM Kyenggido, South Korea Ginger Manandhar - MRE Lynchburg,VA Soo Chin Park - ThM Seoul, Korea Eugene Sines - MAR Lynchburg,VA UrianVander Schee - Counseling Brantford Ontario
^jf ^
Timothy Wilder - Counseling Lynchburg VA Yong Woong Lee - DMin South Korea Ryan Mayfield -MDiv Decatur, IL Sang Choi Song - ThM Lynchburg,VA Jonathan Winningham -MDiv Callands VA
Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

^rnd Let tke peace of tiod

rule in uour hearti, to tke which alioue are calledinone bodu; and be uethankful.

rJ-et the word of Christ dwell in uou richlu in ait wisdom;

teachina and admonishina one another inpsalms and humnS and Spiritual Sonas, sinaina with arace in uour hearts to therJLord. ^tnd whats

do in word or deed, do thename of the aJLord

AeSuS, qivinqthanhs to tjod

znd the^srather bu him.

Col 3:15-17

Abala, Hastings 154

Abbas, Sarah 36 37 119 127, 154

Abbott, Kelly 127

Abel, Jonathan 154

Abel, Sumer 95

Acey, Latissha 119, 127

Acoff, Tim 89 147

Adams,Jennifer 114, 115

Adams,Les 53, 121, 123

Adams,Melissa 115

Adams,Paul 116

Adkins, Julie 115, 132

Adkins,Robert 76


Agee,Harold 76

Alawi, Marge 32

Albert, Jared 104

Albury, Richard 188

Alcindor, Esther 154

Alday, Michael 119

Alder, Jeff 92,93, 125

Aldrich, Chadd 101

Aldridge, Beth 95

Alessi, Jill 154

Alexander, Nathan 154

Allanson, Tobias 154

Allbaugh, Loren 115, 119

Allen, Mary 154

Allen, Shawn 127

Allen, William 89

Allison, David 76

Allman, Melissa 154, 155

Almarode, Janice 114, 115

Alonge, Christine 95


Aluma,Peter 97

Amador,Laura 155

Anderson, Ben 89

Anderson, Carlton 127

Anderson, Larry 76

Anderson, Nancy 76

Andreno,Rebecca 118

Andrew,Lawrence 76

Andrews,Dulci 155

Andrews,Shawn 117

Anthony, Tom 104

Arbogast, John 108

Artabright, Renate 114

Ashley, Craig 155

Ashley, Kenneth 155

Asimos,Ginger 36, 37

Askew, Alan 89

Aughenbaugh,Belinda 155

Aull, Denise 62, 127

Autenreith, Eric 89, 155

Avello, Sam 122

Ayers, Sandie 155

Baker,Kristen 155

Baldwin, Bridget 123, 155

Baldwin, Janette 94, 95

Ballard, Timothy 155

Ballowe, Carlton 187

Balsa, Terzic 61




Barbee, Deborah 119

Barbee, Susan 155

Barefield, Christi 101,120

Barkey, Marissa 117

Barlowe, Nathan 35

Barnett, David 60, 76

Barney,Charles 127

Barnhart, Richard 61, 76

Barrett, Angela 155

Barrington, Jesse 93

Barsugli, Jesse 155

Bartlett, Christina 155

Bartsch, Julie 127

BASEBALL 106,107

Bash, Tammy 120, 156




Bassett, Wendell 93

Bauman, Sarah 40

Baylis, David 114, 115

Beach,Craig 156

Bechtel, Julie 135

Beck, David 76

Beck, Shelley 156

Beckford, Valerie 6, 95, 101

Belflower, Wyndie 156

Bell, Bill 92, 93

Bellamy, Syndi 64

Bendgs,Kendra 95

Benham,David 106, 107

Benham,Jason 106

Benjamson,Lori 116

Bennett, Nathan 156

Bennett, Paul 156

Bentley, Daniel 101, 125

Benton,Crystal 117, 149, 156

Benton, Dana 7, 122

Benton, Kevin 97, 157

Beresford, Kim 125

Bethum,Brian 97

Bickel, Chelley 115, 156

Bickers, Tim 106

Biggers, Katie 115


Biller, Kristine 119

Bing, Laurie 156


Birgensmith, Linda 187

Bishop, Randi 89

Black, Ellen 76

Black, Hannah 114, 115

Black, Stephanie 37, 156

Blain, Tara 65

Blainey, Lauren 65

Blaney, Christopher 35,156

Blankenship, Virginia 156

Blass, Homer 76

BLOCK PARTY 2, 3, 31

Bloom,Mandi 121, 156

Bloun, Holly 120

Blum, Jennifer 156

Boersma,Michael 90,156

Boggess, Beth 156

Babcock, Treva 76

Backe, John 89

Badea, Teofll 40,63, 119

Badea, Theo 155

Bae,Byoungkyun 188

Bafundi, John 117

Bailey, Stefan 120

Baker, Jason 106, 107

Bolis, Angela 121

Boiling, Melisa 157

Bolton, Maude 20

Bomar,Damon 89

Bonheim,Brenda 125

Bonjokian, Brian 116

Boodram,Natalie 157

Boone, Wellington 25

188 Bouslough,Kris 89 Bowden,David 71 Bowden,Shannon 119 Bowen, Jennifer 27 Bowen,Mark 41 Bowen,Mike 127 Bowers, Jamie 115 Boyachek, Jim 157 Boykin, Jay 97 Bradford, Charles 115 Bradley, Richie 114, 115, 119 Braley, Michael 150 Brantley, April 102, 103 BRASS CHOIR 115 Brennan, Jessica 64 Brewer, Latisha 90 Brewin, Tim 122 Briers, Bill 34,41, 134 Britton, Tammy 122 Brown,Chris 114, 115 Brown,Mike 89, 106, 107 Brown,Pete 101 Browning, Wanda 101 Bruce, Yolanda 55, 117 Brunett, Kimberly 114, 115 Bruno, Justin 10, 150, 196, 197 Buckman,Nathan 115 Buerkle, Elizabeth 157 Buersma,Mike 122 Bumgarner,Mitchell 158 Bundy, Jill 158 Burch,Chuck 125 Burch,Hosien 101 Burford, Joshua 89 Burgess, Alfred 122 Burgin, Brett 158 Burgis, Stan 102, 103 Burk,Brad 143 Burke,Darryl 110 Burke, John 133 Burkett, Adam 140 Burkhart, Stephanie 115 Burkholder, Bryan 158 Burman,Dana 117 Burrows, Wade 110, 111 Burton, Luke 101 Burton, Paul 125 Bute, Robert 89 Byler, Bryan 106 Cabell, E.D 89 Caceres, Kimberly 126, 158 Cadia, Nicoleta 139 Cairl, Tim 121 Calcutt, Kim 158 Caldwell, Gabriel 96, 97 Calloway, Herman 89 Calugar, Ron 116 Campbell, Janetta 117 Campbell,Shirley 158 Canion, Scott 119 Canning,Bill 114, 115 Canty, Tamar 158 Captain, Laurie 119 Captain, Philip 76
Booth, James
Boothe, Barbara
Bordner, Tara
Borland, James
Bostwick, William
Bosworth, Tommy
Boucherle, Amy

Carey, Michelle 115

CargiU, Mike 89

Carpenter, Jaime 131

Carpenter, Stephanie 119

Can, Chris 158

Carrasco, Paul 93, 158

Canera, Joel 158

Cano, Ingrid 114, 115

Carson, Dwayne 76

Carter, Robert 158

Carter Shane 126

Caseras, Jean 149

Casillo, Nicole 123, 158


Cephas, Cindy 2, 115

Cha, SungOok 158


Chamorro, Jose 125

Chandler, Nikki 27

Chapa, David 59,62,119

Chapman, Jody 86

Chapman, Matthew 158

Chapman, Nathan 158

Chapman, Nelson 124

Chapman, StevenCurtis 48

Charles, Thermicia 120

Chatham, Valerie 115



Cheyunski, Meghan 123


Childers, Cari 124

Chiles, Antwan 88,89

Chittenden, Angela 127

Choi, Hyun Seo 188

Choi, Jungwon (Helen) 121

Christian, Jason 93

Christofi Jason52 64 117 121 159

Christopher, C.H. 89

Chung, David 77

Chung, Jong Sub 188

Chung, Ku Sang 188

Chunta, Bryan 159


Clark, Bill 106

Clark, Jason 114,115

Clark, Jeff 125

Clark, Manson 89

Clark, Sonya 159

Clarkson, David 125

Classing, Stephen 159

Claxton, Cain 138, 139 Clay, Laura 64


Clemens, Vanessa 159

Cline, Darla 159

Clulow, Brett 104

Cochran, Kelvin 89

Cockerham, Amy 127

Coe, Dawn 159

Coggins, Andrea 151

Cole, Brent 31

Cole, Thomas 124

Coleman, Angie 89, 109

Coleman, Dawn 98

Coley, Kevin 101

Coley, Tiffany 127

Collahan Michele 117

Collawn, Adam 53

Collier. Stacy 90,91

Collins, Dave 122

Colon, Edyaris 18

Colvard. Eric 89

Comfort, Gregory 77


Connell, Mike 101

Conner Kevin 159

Connolly, Barrett 104 125

Cook, Melissa 115, 159

Cook,Sean 122

Cooley, Chad 89

Cooley, Jonathan 159

Cooper, Changa 89

Cooper, Linda 77

Cooper, Russell 127

Cooper, Shelley 159

Corcoran, Shawn 124, 159

Cornelius, Kirk 159

Cornell, Larry 34

Corner, Thomas 127

Corvin, Dwayne 159

Cotter, Diane 62

Counts,Staci 115

Covington, Tony 89

Cowan,J'Aime 101

Cox, Josh 101

Cox, Larry 122

Cox,Stephanie 98, 159

Cozby, Julie 114, 115

Craelius, John 127

Crain, Roy 159

Crawford, Anita 117

Crawford,Michelle 119

Creasy, Tonia 160

Crompton,Kathryn 160

Crooks, Angie 40

Crosby, Jennifer 160

Crosby, Kara 95

CROSS COUNTRY 4, 100, 101

Crosse, Clay 49

Crouch, Arthur 114, 115

Crowder, Christian 124

Crowder,Christine 160

Crowell, Tim 119

Cuda,Matt 117

Cullen, Todd 160

Cumbee,Alison 121

Cunningham, Rick 160

Cunningham,Ted 140

Curtis, Tami 122

DeLong, Janice 77

Demianych, Amanda 161

DeNoraes,Regina 160

Dent,Hollie 115,127

Dent, Jeff 118, 127

Dershimer, David 117

Detwiler, Charles 77

Deus,Hudelaine 144


DeVries, Lance 161

Dews,Tony 89

Dibert, Kevin 116, 142, 161

Dick, Yvonne 161

Diemer, Carl 104

Diemer, Carolyn 77

Dimitriu, Paula 161

Dinsbeer, David 115

Dishong Scott 161

Dixon, Jason 97, 125

Dodson,Felicia 35

Donald,Derrick 89

Donaldson, John 77

Donaldson, Pauline 77

Donhauser,Danielle 121

Donovan,Stephanie 108, 109

Dowd,Christopher 122, 161

Dowell, Greg 3, 77

Drake, Jeremy 89

Drake, Joanna 65

Drake,Summer 139

Droescher, Dale 127

Droney, Beth 161

Dumoulin, Amy 52

Duncan,Charles 118, 161

Duncan,Lance 89

Duncan,Ryan 89

Dunkin, Amy 127

Dunlap,Gabe 127

Dunn,Paula 125

Dunn,Richard 70, 163

Dunton, Ashley 103

Dunton,Randy 97

Durbin, Soko 119


Connor. Dennis 62


Cook, Dion 89

DDalpezzo, Nicole 160

Dalton, David 106

Damron,John 62

Daubert, Russell 77

Dauplaise, Lisa 118, 120, 160


Davenport, Matt 89

Davis,Clare 114, 115, 160

Davis, Denise 139

Davis, Keshia 120

Davis, Lynette 35

Davis, Shawn 89, 101, 120

Davis, Stephanie 115

Davis, Tara 160

Davy,Randall 77

Dawson,Mathew 160

Dawson,Michael 46

Day, Joline 37, 160

Daye,Darryl 89

Dayton, Jennifer 160

Dean,Gavin 65, 115, 122

Dean,Matt 122

DEBATE TEAM 59.118.119

DeBoer Brady 114

DeBoer Michelle 160

Deegan,Shawn 142

Degrate, Rodney 89

DeLamielleure, Joe 89

Dellinger Jason 106

Deloach Austin 160

Deloach, William 54

Eaddy, Jennifer 98

Ear, Amanda 161

Earls, Carl 89

Easaw,Ruby 121


Ebuta,Iyke 187

Eckert, Andrew 161

Edens, Angela 125

Eder, Ruth 187

Edmonds,Josh 119

Edwards, Amy 116, 121

Ehrman David 77

Elders, Charlie 89

Ellenberg, Drew 101

Ellenburg, Curry 37, 161

Elliott, Matt 161

Elzy, Will 122

Emerick,Dane 77

Emerson,Nathan 120

Enzor,Philip 161

Epstein, Christy 161

Esbenshade Glenn 104

Esbenshade,Rachel 104

Eskey, Tara 117

Estil, Vertonia 120

Eubank,Gary 125

Eubanks,Audrey 101

Eugene Jeanne 161

Evans.Ellen 127

Eveland Jeffrey 114 115


4-HIM 48

HFaber, Jim 47

Fabiano Frank 120

Fairleigh Phil 119

Fairley, Stephen 188

Fallin, Amy 123, 162

Falwell, Jerry 14, 131

Falwell, Macel 36


Fanini, Margareth 125,162

Fanini, Roberto 162

Fannin, Michelle 117

Farmer, Anthony 120

Farnsworth, Jane 115

Farran, Adam 32

Farris, Danny 104,162

Farris, Patricia 162

Farver, Linda 77, 116

Faulbee,Dan 127

Faulconer, Jennifer 119

Faunce, Jessica 162

Fay, Brenyn 127

Fegely, Mel 89

Felgar, Jewel 108, 109


Felton, Shelby 117, 162

Fenske, Joel 106

Ferrell, Andrew 162

Fields, Andy 114, 115

Fink, Charlotte 127

Fink, Mary 77

Finkveiner, Shelley 53

First, Greg 162

Fisher, Craig 127

Fisher, Ruth 95

Fisher, Wyatt 162

Fiske, James 162

Fitzgerald. Kabrianna 148

EFleck Michael 118, 162

Fletcher, Ashley 90

Fletcher, Chris 90,91

Flowers, James 188

Flynn, Angela 119

Foley, Cara 127

Foley, Jonathan 162

Foley, Ruth 77, 127


Forbes, Amy 131

Forcey, Stefan 27

Foreman,Mark 78

Foreman,Natasha 162

Forsyth, Mathew 120

Foster, Steve 162

Fountain. John 162

Fox, Brian 125, 163

Fox,Given 136

Fox, MacArthur 163

Fox, Val 143

Franklin, Randy 116

Frappier, Jennifer 120

Freeman Courtney 89

Freeman,Dena 98

Freeman Ruben 89

Freese, Tracy 163

Frere, Ron 89

Frisby, Jim 89

Fritz, Kirk 110

Fry David 163

Fulcher, Sharon 36, 122, 166

Fulks Joseph 163

Jarrod 89

Gadomski,Marilyn 78,116

Gage Rodney 13

Gammon, Chuck 117, 163

Gamory,Shelly 120

Gantt, Kevin 40

Garcia, Michael 78

Gardner, Lauri 163

Gardner, Meredith 163

Garlock, Mary 78

Garner, Russell 164

Garringer, Mike 125

Garrison, Dan 164

Gathman,Melissa 164

Gaudio,Micah 101

Gaydos,Laura 164

Gedicks, Herbert 78

George, John 78

Gerdes, Darin 126, 164

Germeroth,Rebecca 116

Geukgeuzian, Jonathan 89,106

Gherman, Anemona 165

Ghitas, Daniel 130

Ghitas, John 130

Gibbons, Timothy 116, 117

Gibbs, Wendi 36,37, 164

Giebus, Janelle 119

Gilbert, Stephanie 164

Giles, Paula 164

Gill, John 115, 117

Gillenwater, Jennifer 164

Gilmore, Philip 78

Girst, David 104

Glenn,Clifton 11

Glenn, Gail 115

Godfrey, Matt 89

Goebel, Martha 164

Goebel. Udo 164

Goede,Chris 89, 164

Goete, Alfred 164

Goete, Trudy 188

Goff, Kenneth 114, 115

Golden,Opal 95

GOLF 104,105

Gonzalez,Clara 164

Gonzalez, Sally 164

Goodman, Allyson 78

Goodsmith,Heidi 164

Gordon,Leslie 31,40, 127, 151

GSGA 120

GRADUATION 68,69, 70,71

Graham,Harry 188

Graham,Wil 93

Gramm, Phil 68

Granger, Linda 78

Gray, Amy 119

Gray, Jamie 133

Grayson, Mary 78

Grayson, Tiffany 37

Green, Alan 40

Greene, Shelly 119

Greiner, Eric 123

Grenier, Beth 165

Grenier, Jen 165

Gresham, Steve 89

Grevengoed,Mark 114, 115

Gribbin, William 59,78

Griffin, Billy 89

Griffin, Cheryl 119

Grimm,Scott 6, 115

Groat, Wilbur 78

Grove, Lucinda 41

Guillermin, A Pierre 67

Guillermin, Louanne 36

Gunter, Brad 106

Habermas,Gary 78

Habermas,Robert 78

Hackworth,Paul 165

Hagadorn,Deron 110, 111

Haglund,Connie 133

Haglund,Kevin 125

Haibach,Carolyn 115

Haines, Michael 124

Hales, Evangeline 115

Haley, Rickey 187

Hall, Chad 104

Hall, Cline 78

Hall, Darren 97

Hall, Jamie 40, 117, 140

Hall, Mike 59, 119

Hall, William 115

Hamilton, Naomi 165

Hamlin,Heather 31

Hamm, Heekyung 127

Hamm, Nathan 115

Hammond,Jennifer 101

Hampton,Rebecca 165

Han, Joe 116

Han, Mun Sop 188

Hancock, Amber 119

Handwerker,Craig 110, 111, 165

Hansrote, Theresa 165

Harder, Ramey 35

Harford, Sarah 101

Harper,Cynthia 165

Harrell, Amy 165

Harrell, Austin 121

Harrell, Tim 101, 106

Harrington, Shannon 117, 165

Harris, Daniel 118, 165

Harris, Ginger 165

Harris, Larnell 48

Harris, Noelle 127

Harsh,Michael 44,127

Hartman,Harvey 78

Harvey, Amie 127

Haskew,Mark 117

Hawkins,O S 14

Hawkins, Ronald 79

Hazard,Pamela 119, 165


Heberger, Lori 165

Heffner, Thaddeus 115,118

Heinz,Karen 114, 115, 166

Heit, Stephanie 109

Hemmila, Allison 109, 125

Hemphill, Hiawatha 120, 188

Henefield, Cynthia 37, 125, 166

Henniger, Jennifer 166

Henry, Jennifer 115

Henry, Jeremy 102

Hensley, Trey 116

Henson, Rich 126

Herdean, Doru 130

Herdean, John 130

Hernandez,Lisette 166

Hershey, Don 104

Hershey, Joyce 104

Hervell, Sara 165

Herwig, Aaron 166

Hester, Stephen 166

Hey,Dana 166

Hiatt, Brady 166

Hicks, Jennifer 95, 167

Higgins, Denys 167

Highsmith, James 89

Higinbotham,Ricky 167

Hiler, Tommy 35

Hill, Jennifer 167

Himeback,Sharon 114, 115

Hine, Mark 79

Hines, Jake 106, 107

Hines, Kelvin 89, 144, 167

Hinton, Layla 58, 119

Hipsky,Christian 134

Hirshman, Todd 67, 167

Hoage,Paula 122

Hoare, Tania 115

Hobbs,Kenny 104, 125

HOCKEY 110, 111

Hodges,Danny 106

Hofacker, Jason 101, 167

Hoffer, Deborah 167

Hoffman, Alexandra 115

Hoffman, Brandon 120

Hoffman, Jennifer 167

Hoffman, Mindy 119

Hogg,Kristen 36, 37,44,69, 167

Hogge, Traye 102, 103

Hogue,Randy 13

Holbrook, Amanda 63, 101

Holding, Cindy 167

Holland, Mindy 127

Holloway,Ginny 98, 99

Holter, Heather 119


Hong,Seok-Jong 188

Hooper, Allyson 151

Hooper, Jacqueline 40

Hooven,Karol 101

Hopkins, Beth 98. 125

Hopper, Candace 115

Horning, Michael 167

Horton, David 79

Horton, Jon 106

Hortz, Gena 127

Hostettler, Gordon 167

Howard,Matalie 79

Howe,Monica 114, 115

Hrebar, Louis 102

Huff, Doug 132

Huffman,Kevin 93

Hughes,Charles 188

Hughes,Dottie 115

Hugo,John 79, 119

Hull, Melissa 167

Hulshof, Chris 110, 134

Hulshof, Dana 167

Humbarger,Melissa 115

Hunt, Amanda 115

Hunter, Hunter 89

Hunter, Richard 167

Hunton, Johnny 106

Hurlburt, Catherina 126, 168

Hurley, Mark 115

Huszti, Allen 64

Hutcheson, Shauna 101

Hutchinson, Ryan 106, 107

Hutchinson, Shannon 95

Huth, Julie 102, 103

Hutton, Kelly 133

Hyma,Brian 97

1 ~T~ J — J
Janelle 168 Jackson, Kevin 168 Jackson, Larry 97 Jackson, Rob 79 Jackson,Stacy 11 JACOB COMES HOME 65 Jacobs,Brian 127 Jagger, Bryan 115 Jamison, Tanya 131, 143 Janich, Jared 138, 140 v Jarman, Anna-Kate 101, 134 Jarman, Jeremiah 101 Jarrel, Richard 115 Jarvis, Mack 120 Jefferson, Kevin 119 Jeffs, Craig 110, 168 Jenkins,Chris 106 Jennings, Butch 89 Jennings, Justin 104 Jensen, Janice 168 Jenzer, Nam 54 Jeon,ByungWi 188 JESUS IS AWESOME RALLIES 22 Johansen, Heather 44,138, 143 John,Marlon 89 Johnson, Angie 98, 99 Johnson,Brian 89, 168 Johnson,Chris 104, 168 Johnson,Darnell 96, 97 Johnson,Dennis 101 Johnson,Diana 115 Johnson, Eric 115, 118 Johnson, Jeff 93 Johnson, Jim 187 Johnson, Joel 93 Johnson,Keri 98 Johnson,Leslie 127 Johnson,Mark 117, 168 Johnson,Michelle 98 Johnston, Tim, 116 Jonas,Cynthia 168 Jones, Amy 143 Jones,Bobby 89 Jones,Carole 168 Jones,Charity 119 Jones,Erin 127 Jones,Kevin 62 Jones,Maurice 168 Jordao, Ligia 168 Jung,Seok Cheon 188 Jung, Tae-Yung 189 JUNIOR/SENIOR BANQUET 53 Jurina, Kimberly 114, 115
KIlsley, Heather 117 Inge, Donnie 89 Inkel, Thomas 117 INTERNATIONAL CLUB 121 INTERNET 61 Isaac, C Samuel 79 Isaac, Lily 79 Kang,Hak-Gun 146 Kapani,Dawn 94,95 Kapicka, Andrea 31, 127 KAPPA DELTA PI 121 KAPPA MU EPSILON 121 Karp, Aaron 89 Karpenko, Aimee 118, 168 Kary, Jerry 116 Kasparian, Yvette 136, 168 Kauffman,Cheryl 168 Kauffman,Daneen 115 Kauffman, Jennifer 168 Kaye,Gaby 114, 115 Kedik, Melinda 169 Keeler, Jill 169 Keener, Angela 169 Keib, Steve 122 Kellaris, Bill 79 Kellum,Brad 92, 93 Kelly, Jennifer 6, 65, 115, 169 Index

Kelly, Ryan 134, 139

Kemerling, Tabitha 4, 101

Keniston, Amy 98

Kennedy, Carrie, 121

Kennedy, Marc 130, 134, 142

Kennedy, Tonia 169

Kerlin, Andrea 126, 169

Kerr, Stephen 79, 114, 115


Kester, Monty 79

Kester, Phyllis 79

Keyser, Jennifer 115

Keznor, Jennifer 90

Keznor, Nikki 90,91, 122, 125

Khan, Ahtesham 101,169

Kidder, Dan 65

Kiker, Melissa 20, 127

Kim, Andrew 169

Kim Eu-ah 127

Kim, Hyun Jin 189

Kim, Jeehyun 170

Kim, Sam 115

Kim, Tae-Seong 119

Kim, TaekSoo 189

Kindt, John 115

King, Jon 93

Kingyens, Rob 117

Kinney, H.T 89

Kirby, Michael 117 170

Klssell, Sarah 117

Knowles, Jason 89

Knowles, Tara 170

Kochura, Lynn 101

Kompelien, Craig 64

Kompelien, Wayne 79, 115

Kong, Mart 101, 120

Kowalczyk, Victoria 170

Kozlowski, James 115

Kraft, Kristen 131

Krall, Bruce 115, 170

Kramer, Cecil 59, 79

Kreider, Mike 106

Krouse, Jennifer 127

Krull, Jason 101

Kunkee, Angela 64, 114, 115

Kurbjeweit, Brian 170

Kurbjeweit, Kristen 66

Kurbjeweit, Kristin 170

Kyle, Steven 41, 64

Layne,Laura 64, 115, 119

Leach, Amy 117

Leahy, Bob 89

Leahy,Kristi 134, 139, 143

Leary, Ken 117

Lee, Heun Jung 127

Lee, Jamey 171

Lee, John 171

Lee, Terri 95

Lee, Tim 16

Lee, Yo-Sup 189

Lee, Yong Woong 189

Leeds,Gary 104

LeFevre, Jeff 115

Leggett, Marcus 89

Lemonakis,Stephanie 109

Leonard, Angela 115

Leonard,Donald 115

Levenson, Joey 135

Leverett, Gaylen 79



Liddle, Grace 79


Light, Shawn 119


Ligon, Tracie 171

Likens, Duane 117, 123, 171

Lim, Jae Ho 189

Lim,Sung 54

Lindsey, Wally 114, 115

Lingenfelter, Amy 171

Lipscomb, Randolph 114,115, 171

Littlejohn, Robert 80

Lloyd, Doug 171

Lockamy,Chris 122

Locy, Ray 80. 115

Logan, Jason 106

Long,David 89

Long, Nathan 64

Looker, Linda 171

Lorance,Chrissy 116

Lott, Andy 138,171

Lovallo, Michael 171

Lovas, Aranka 171

Lovern, Toni 171

Lovett, Danny 22

Lowry, Beverly 80

Lowry,Mark 49

Lucas,Michael 101, 125, 171

Ludlow,Keith 117

Lugo,Che' 97

Lugo,Kenny 97

Lupulescu, Lidia 146

Lupulescu,Samuel 71, 121, 130, 150, 171 196

Luther Jeremy 96, 97

Lyons, Andrew 117

Martin, Ashraf 140

Martin, Cody 61

Martindale, Diane 90,91

Marx,Robert 172

Massey Homer 80

Matheny, William 80, 116

Matherley, Kimberly 117,172

Mathis, Theron 172

Matijak, Chris 115

Matthes,Lloyd 80

Matthes, Sandra 80

Matthews, Jeremy 119

Matthews,Lovely 41 121

Matthews, Tammy 119, 127

Mattson,Lori 90,91

Matusevich, Anton 104, 105

Maus,Kimberly 69

Mavinga, Honore 80

Mawdesley,Scott 127

May,Lisa 80

Maybee,Darren 60

Mayes,Matt 125

Mayfield, Ryan 130, 134 189

Mays,Holly 101

Mazanec, Julie 172

McCafferty, Paul 54, 114, 115

McCartee, Shawn 126, 172

McClain, Theodore 172

McCreary,Bill 127

McCullough,Miye 31,127

McCullugh,Dan 89

McDaniel, Angie 98

McDonald,Edward 119,127

McElyea Barry 123

McFarland,Matina 120, 173

McFarland,Regina 101, 120, 125

McGarvey,Rob 117

McGibbon,Garth 80

McGill, Daniel 89

McGill, Tim 89

McGoldrick,Brew 89

McGrath, Joyce 187

McGrath,Leo 187

McGregor, Chris 101

McGregor, Ryan 119

Mclntyre, Bryon 173

McJunkins,Deneen 120

McKinley, Tim 106

McLaughlin, Jeri 127

McLaughlin, Kevin 150

McLelland, Julie 173

McMonigle, Lisa 173, 196, 197

McMurry,Matt 126

McNees,Michelle 127

McVey,Greg 173

McWane,Faith 173

Meade,Michael 173

Mebiama,Edith 173

Miller, Mark 97

Miller, Rhonda 173

Miller, Robert 89

Miller, Robin 130

Miller, Shauen 55

Mills, Betty 138

Mills, Tiffany 127

Milne, Dave 89

Mink, John 187

Miraldi, Keith 106

Miskell, Andy 116


Mitchell, Dan 115

Mitchell, Kristie 102 103

Mitchell, Penny 173

Mitchum,Tamara 173

Mitrofan, Daniel 174

Mitrofan, Daniela

^iLabour, Chad 89

Lafon, Crystal 170

LaHaye Beverly 17

Laidlow, Sekou 120, 179

Lamberti, Dawn 119

Lambshead.Nancy 151

Landrey, Frank 104

Lane, Dustin 110, 170

Lane, Jennifer 170

Lane, Monica 170

Langat, Amy 144

Langat. Audrey 55, 169, 170

Langat, Ivy 132

Lara, Pedro 170

Larson, Joe 93

Larson, Tom 117. 170

Larzabal, Gufllermo 125, 170

Lashey, Ben 127

Latham,Michael 170

Laurent Feme 121

Lauzier Chrissy 127

Lawrence, Bill 58, 59 119

Laws, Dan 119

Laws, Sherry 171

MacDougall, Aileen 139, 143

MacFarland,Regina 35

Maclone,Rich 117

Mahairas, Victoria 71 171

Makings Michelle 115

Makkai, Adam 89, 172

Man,Stan 110

Manandhar,Ginger 189

Maniatty, Jeff 93

Marshall John 172

Marshall Kristen 55

Marshall Nathaniel 126

Marston Amy 127

Martilla, Brent 111

Martilla, Kevin 110

Medlin, Michael 172, 173

Mendenhall,Doug 117

Mendez,Luis 127

Menditto, Georgette 173

Mercer, Michelle 116

Memrnan,Michael 116

Merriott, John 101

Merryman,Laura 173

Metegar, Todd 126, 173

Meyer, Jeff 86, 96, 97

Meyer, Scott 98

Meza, Andreas 93

Middleton, Stephanie 122

Migliacci Nick 114,115

Mihm Dawn 101 173

Milam. Adam 58. 119

Miller, Benji 106

Miller. David 80

Miller Elizabeth 115

Miller. Jake 106

Miller, Laura 90

Miller, Leeana 90 91 125

Miller Linda 66 80

174 Mock,Steve 89 Mogel, Kristina 115 Mongiove, Helene 174 Montervino, Nicholas 174 Moon Tae Eun 146 Moore, Andy 89, 106 Moore,Kelly 115 Moore,Ulysses 89 Moore, Wendy 117, 174 Morales, Alberto 174 Morgan,Rita 174 Morgan, Tara 174 Morozov,Ivan 174 Morris, Amy 117, 174 Morris, J.T. 89 Morris.Kent 114, 119 Morrison, John 80 Morse,Michelle 69, 174 Morse,Nicole 127 Mosley, Gerald 101 MOST HAPPY FELLA 64 Mount, Watson 132 Mowrer,Stephanie 132 Muckel,Dave 35, 119 Mulcuck,Mick 89 Muller, Paul 80 Mulroy, Megan 174 Mummert,Scott 70 Murphy,Heather 114, 115 Murphy,Rachel 119, 174 Murray,Kenyattta 89 Muscato, Tricia 121 Mwaura,Maina 131 Myer,Scott 110 Nam, Steve 189 Napolitano, Ralph 187 Nazigian, Paul 97 Neff, Rebecca 174 Neff, Valerie 174 Negley, Corrinne 10 Nelles, David 62 Nelson, Darin 120, 174 Nelson, Larry 80 Nelson, Michael 117 Nelson Nichele 115 Newburn Craig 110 Newkirk.Eric 127, 138 Nielson, April 119 NIGHT AT THE OPERA 6, 64, 65 Nivens, Curtis 89 Nunn,Randy 175 NURSING ASSOCIATION 123 Nutter James 80 Nutter, Laurie 81 Index

Oakley, Geff 114, 115

Obey,Sarah 37,40, 175

O'Bryon,Kera 115

O'Donnell, Brett 59,119

O'Donnell, Christy 115

O'Donnell, Kelly 175

Ogusanyi, Tony 93

Oldham,Doug 10

Oliveras, Jenice 95, 175

Olsen, Dan 175

Olsen, Paul 93

Olsson, Christopher 175

Omakwu,Ejugwu 175

Omark,Jill 115, 175

Ondra, Rachel 119

Ontiveros, Alisa 95

Overman,Chris 117

Overton, Derek 127

Owens,Beth 95

Owens,Brandee 102, 103

Phillips, Mike 119

Phillips, Sarah 115

Pickral, Kelly 176

Pinder, Heidi 176

Pineau, Scott 34

Pippin, Jonathan 176

Pirthipal, Aniel 137

Place, David 187

Plaster, Brian 114, 115

Platona, Eusebiu 176


Pledger, Kevin 115

Poekert, Vanessa 176

Poggemiller, Eugenia 119,124,177

Poggemiller, Helmuth 81


Pollak, Sarah 117

Ponder, Lynn 89

Pons, Ellie 102

Pons, Nikki 127

Pooch, Scott 101

Poole, Don 89

Pooley, Kris 114, Pop,Dorina 141

Popoff, Christina

Reeves, John 106

Reeves, Rick 98, 99

Reffner, Stephanie 102, 103, 177

Reichard, Heather 101

Reimer, Milton 81

Reinhardt, Becky 149

Reinholdt, Carmen 46, 177

Reist, Becky 119

Renalds, J.O. 81

Renalds, Tiffany 65, 177

Rencher, Robert 81

Ressler, Kurt 126

Rexroth, Beth 119

Rice, Barry 89, 97

Rice, James 119, 177

Rice, Jamie 115

Rice, Mary 177

Richards, Jack 118

Richardson, Bart 127

Rickard, Joi 90

Riffe, Andy 120

Righetti, James 89

Schantz,Heidi 27,37, 182

Schlapman,Larrie 81

Schler, Rod 35

Schley, Matt 104

Schlottman, Tara 118

Schmidt,Michael 115

Schock, Terra 37, 119

Schofleld, Amy-Jo 127

Schonfelder, Jason 114

Schorling, Rhonda 179

Schrock, Jerlyn 89

Schrodt, David 179

Schuppe,James 81

Schwedt,Rachel 82

Schweiger, Mindy 127


DPace, Paul 176

Packiam, Tracy 119

Pafford, Abram 58, 119

Palermo, Amy 119

Pantner, Andrew 101

Panyne, Jerrel 140

Pardi, Dominic 176

Park, Dae-Il 146

Park, Kristy 127

Park, Soo Chin 189

Parker, Anthony 176

Parker, Karen 81

Parker, Leonard 81

Parker, StacyAnn 31

Parker, Tony 89

Parshall, Rebekah 41

Parsons, Tommy 123

Partie, David 81

Pass, Susan 176

Pastors, Dave 106 Patrick, Deann 115

Patron, Melissa 176

Patton, Sam 89

Paulsen, Shane 103, 150

Pavao, Earl 34

Peden, Jennifer 146

Pederson, Andy 126, 176

Peltier, Kevin 89

Penner, Jodi 115

Peoples, Stacy 101

Perdue,Gary 120

Perkins, Ken 95

Perkoski, Jennifer 124

Perrault, Cynthia 176

Perry, Rebecca 176

Peschken, Dallas 176

Petercuskie, Jerry 89

Petercuskie, John 89

Peterson, Erin 98

Petke, Matthew 124, 176

Pettyjohn, Todd 101

Pfeiffer, Shelby 115

Pfeister, John 89

Phelps, Sheri 176


Philips, Gentry 120

Porch, DeJohnn 115, 122, 178

Porter, Amy 115

Porter, Patricia 177

Post, Alison 115

Pothoven, Eric 96, 97

Prettyman, Bobby 177

Prettyman, Michael 100, 101

Price, Andy 124

Probst, Tracy 115


Provaznick, Jeremy 102, 103

Pruitt, Stephanie 115, 127

Pryor, Dean 139, 177

Pryor, Tammy 114


116 101 115, 123


Publicover, Kelly 115

Pugh, Angie 116

Puglisi, Corado 110

Putney, Tim 41

Rist, Boyd 81

Ritchey, D.J 177

Rivas, Richard 93

Robbins,Nicole 127

Roberts, Jennifer 37.115,135. 178

Roberts, Lance 178

Robinson, Susan 40

Rodgers,Carrie 108, 109

Rodgers, Eli 93

Rodriguez, Van 106

Roeck, Glen 123, 178

Rogers, Anthony 178

Rogers, Joanne 119, 127

Rogers, Tami 115

Roggow,Nathan 114, 115

Rollins, Billy 122, 127

Romberger, Karrie 115

Roope,Donna 178

Ross, Amy 101

Ross,Holly 37, 178

Ross,Paul 24

Rosser, Cara 95

Rothbauer,Cooney 178

Rowedder, Ryan 106

Rowlette, Kenny 81

Rubio, Mark 124

Ruhl, Jerrod 63, 106

Ruhl, Julie 119

Rumore,Sandra 81, 121

Ruske,Heidi 114

Rutigliano, Sam 89

Quarles, Deletha 101

Quinn, Aaron 177

Ragan, Brent 177

Raimondi,Nicole 47

Rammel,Austin 89

Ramon,Zaylimar 18, 125

Ramsdell, Donna 177

Randlett, David 81, 125

Randlett, Douglas 81

Randlett, Paul 125

Randolph, Lora 101, 102, 103

Rapp, Jennifer 95

Rastelli, Raymond 177

Ratcliff, Tiffany 98

Rausch,Micah 115

Ray, John 177

Reagin, Sherry 124


Ream,Jeff 119

Rebsamen, Jonathan 177

Reddick, Joe 59

Reed, Jennifer 62

Reed,Mark 97, 106

Reed,Mike 101

Sadzinski, Michael 2

Salisbury, Michelle 40

Sallstrom, LuAnn 178

Sampson,Bryan 187

Sampson, Josh 34, 179

Samuel, Ardra 101,125

Sanchez,Elias 181

Sancken, Sarah 114, 115

Sanders, Lynne 81

Santan,Derek 179

Sargeant, Earl 82

Sargeant, Jayne 37

Sargent, Matthew 117,179

Sartin, Trey 89

Satalano, Jennifer 124

Saufley, Kristen 114,115, 179

Saunders,Nikki 53

Sausman,Gregory 179

Sawyer, Amy 117


William 82 Scranton, Jerry 89 SCREWTAPE 64 Scruggs, Melinda 120 Seavey, Robyn 127 SEE YOU AT THE POLE 24 Seibel, Cory 115 Seiple, Elena 95 Seiple, Katie 179 Seipp, Larry 114, 115, 179 Seipp, Lynn 82 Seipp, Sonna 82 Selma,Danielle 47 Serran, Zabrina 95, 179 Setsma,Mark 104 Setsma, Todd 104, 105, 125, 17 Shanahan,Melissa 179 Shank,Earl 187 Shank,Staci 123, 179 Shanton, Dave 47 Sharp, Mike 89 Sharp, Velvet 179 Shaul, Tammi 127 Sheckard,Seth 179 Sheets, Diane 115 Sheets, Kathryn 115,119, 180 Shelton, Jodi 122 SHEPHERDS CLUB 124 Sherman,Barbara 82 Shipley, Derek 180 Shortt, Garnett 180 Shoup,Starlet 117 Sien, Brian 89 SIGMA TAU DELTA 124 Sigmon, Joanne 82 Simmerson,Chelanne 180 Simmons,Jolene 180 Simmons,Linda 180 Simpson,Kirstin 117 Simpson, Tonya 109 Sims, Amy 180 Sinclair, Matt 93, 125 Sines, Eugene 189 Sipos, Holly 180 Sipple, Laura 196, 197 Sites, Christina 180 Sites, Seth 102, 119 Skoumbourdis, Evangelos 82 Slade, Xavier 89 Slatten, Kevin 180 Slippy, Lori 37, 180 Sliwinski, Mike 147 Sloan,Carla 82 Small, Erik 93 Small, Heidi 180 Small, Katie 132 Smalley, Gary 17 Smart, Jason 89 Smdinski, Tammy 180 Smith,Bailey 14 Smith,Brad 82 Smith, Jason 106, 180 Smith, Jodi 37,127,180 Smith,Lance 34 Smith,Matt 180 Smith,Mike 40 Index

Smith, Paula 109

Smith, Sue 126

Smith, Victoria 120

Sneed, Amy 127

Snell, R.J 119

Snider Rachael 125

Snyder, Daniel 181

Snyder, Jessica 118

Snyder, Michael 115 118,142, 181

SOCCER,MEN'S 3, 92, 93


Soden, Ellen 82

SOFTBALL 108, 109

Soltan, Scott 116

Song, Sang Choi 189

Sorensen, Erik 97

Sorenson, Joseph 136, 149, 181

Sorrell, Debra 181

Souder, Jonathan 120, 181



Spear, Amy 181

Spear, Hila 82

Spencer, Jay 82


Spohn, David 104

Spooner, David 181


Sprague, David 82

Springsteen, Angela 55

Sprowl, Leann 115

Spuhler, Elisabeth 127

Spurrier, Mindy 127

St John,Kerry 120

Stallings, Susan 119, 181

Starr, Trisha 182

Steinbrecher, William 119

Steinhoff, Mark 82, 123

Sternik, John 182

Stevens, Alycia 109

Stevens, Jim 82

Stevenson, Jay 142

Stewart, David 125

Stinnett, Genie 98

Stockwell, Christine 182

Stokes, Jennifer 127

Stone, Billy 46

Stone, Joe 89

Strange, Jamie 182

Strout, Stephen 182

Stuart, Jennifer 182

SGA 126


SAAA 126

Stultz, Gerri 182

Stump, Joshua 117

Stumpf, Lisa 182

Suacha, Carole 114

Sullivan, Dennis 197

Sullivan, Diane 83, 196, 197

Sullivan, Michelle 131

Sultanova Julie 120

Summy,Michael 183

Sundheim,Pete 89

Sundin, Chad 35


Svacha, Carol 2

Sweeney, Deborah 183

Sweet, Carrie 183

Swift, Michelle 120

Swihart. Alan 183

Swihart Brenda 183

Swinhart.Matthew 104

Swinton Jacob 100 101

Swisher, Tripp 122

Swope, Julie 114, 115

Szantanski Rich 104

Tadeja, Stan 35,93, 183


Talley, Tammi 109

Tallman, Cori 95

Tanis, Taryn 183

Tanski, Shannon 108, 109

Tatum,Cynthia 35, 120

Taunton,Staci 37,183

Taylor, Barry 5,97

Taylor, Carl 114, 115

Taylor, Dave 35, 137

Taylor, Heather 40

Taylor, Jason 127

Taylor, Lauren 127

Taylor, Petra 115

Taylor, Rebecca 127

Taylor, Tammy 183

Taylor Troy 120

Tedder, Joanna 117

Teer, Allison 101


Terrell, Barbara 117

Terzic, Balsa 183

Terzic, Katarina 150

Thames, Amy 122

Thomas, Derek 92,93, 183

Thomas,Jeff 104

Thomas,Jeremy 114, 115

Thomas,Tony 93

Thompson,Kimberly 35, 98

Thompson,Paul 183

Thum, Pam 48

Till, Brian 183

Todd,Earl 183

Tolin, Janet 62

Tolsma,Brant 101

Tomasello, Kristen 101, 114, 115

Toomer,Chris 87

Toothman,David 114, 115

Tordai, Adela 183

Torrence, Nancy 83

Towles,Carolyn 83

Towns. Elmer 75

Towns,Stephen 83

Tozier, Stephen 54,183

TRACK 100,101

Trapp,Gretchen 127

Tremble,Rob 127

Troccoli, Kathy 49

Trumbo,Ryan 93

Tull, Charles 184

Turner, Christopher 184

Turner, Rachel 115

Turner, Susan 184

Tuttle, Dawn 54, 184, 197

Vannaman,Susan 117. 184

Vermeulen,Dana 114,115

Vertican, Ginger 37,65, 184


Vinersar, Daniel 42,64, 115

Virkler, Henry 83



Vollmer, Dan 64

Williams Amy 186

Williams, Cathy 101

Williams, Dale 186

Williams, Dave 89

Williams, Erma 98

Williams, Jason 102, 186

Williams, Jon 127

Williams, Melanie 120

Williams, Myla 122, 186

Williams, Robert 186

Williams, Ted 44, 115, 127

Willie, Flori 98

Willmington, Harold 16,74

Willmington, Matt 66

Willson, Wendy 186

Wilson,Charity 186

Wilson, Heather 31

Wade,Michael 187

Wagner, James 83

Wagner,Steve 184

Wagner, Timothy 184

Wainwright, Lori 184

Walker, Christy 184

Walker, Keith 89

Wallen, Sandy 115

Walls, Kerry 119

Walters, Brian 184

Walyuchow,Corey 110

Wamsley,Jennifer 116, 184

Warburton, Wendy 117

Ward, Alicia 127

Ward,Brent 95

Ward, Jennifer 109

Ward, Tanya 91

Warneka,Pamela 127

Warner,Sabrina 119, 184

Warren,Rick 14

Warren, Wendy 101

Washington, Devon 140

Wasilauskas, Kelly 185

Wasilauskas, Victor 184, 185

Watkins, Sedrick 89

Watson,Holly 184

Wayne,Keith 185

Weaver, Larrye 89

Weaver, Terry 106

Weaver, Thomas 196

Webb,Melinda 40

Weber Jaclyn 185

Weebe, Alisa 139

Weertman, Jeff 123

Weesner, Deborah 185

Weider, Lew 83

Weiss, James 114, 115

Weissenger, Jennifer 95

Wellman, Greg 119

Wellman,Samuel 83

Wells, Julie 185

Wells, Lemans 101,120

Wells, Michael 119

Wend,Tonya 115

Wenger,Dave 127 130

Wentworth,Carrie 147

Werner Ryan 101

West,Lori 185

Wester, Kari 185

Wetmore,Paul 109

Whaley, Winifrid 120

Wharton, Anne 83

Wheaton Greg 92, 93

Wheeler, Brian 185

Wheeler, Melanie 90

Whitehead,Daniel 89

Wilson, Wendy 186

Wilson, Wyndell 114 115

Wilt, Ken 89

Winningham,Jonathan 189

Winters Matthew 186

Wiser, Carrie 126, 186

Witham,Stephen 83

Witt, Tim

Umstead,Christopher 184



Van Cleave Jessica 122.131

Van Vlack, Josh 137

Vandermeer Karyn 132

Vanderschee Brian 189

VanFaussien Brock 106

Wiggins. Tracy 90

Wilburn, Carolyn 185

Wilce, Belinda 186

Wilcox. Danielle Kathryn 31

Wilcox David 186

Wilcox, Jennifer 127

Wilder, Timothy 189

Wiley Jeri 98

~1 " ^
89 Woldehanna,Daniel 186 Wolfson, JoAnn 101 Woo, Michael 127 Woodard,Branson 83 Woodard, Jason 127, 139 Woods,Nelson 187 Woodward,Jeffrey 115 Wooldridge, Glyn 83 Wooldridge, Tim 115, 127 WORLD IMPACT CONFERENCE 15 Worthington,Lawrence 38, 88, 89 Wrage,Linsey 130, 131 Wright, Carrie 186 Wright, James 93 Wright, Kristen 186 Wright, Melissa 186 Wright, Steve 106 WWMC-C91 117 Wyms, Michelle 35, 98 Yannucciello, Jeff 115 Yassemedis, Andrea 119 Yeager, Kimberly 115 Yoshida, Tami 119 Young,Cliff 127 Young Ed 14 Young Jared 127 Young, Joshua 89,127 YOUTHQUEST CLUB 127 YOUTHQUEST SINGERS 127 Yowell, Krista 115 Zapf, Rachel 59 Zealand, Clark 101 Zerrlaut, David 118 Zimmerman, Heather 115 ZOOK 34
95 Index

thasbeen a funand exciting journey through thelandof Selah.I'm gladwe had sucha grearstaff,We Laughed together, We cried together. We wereall suchgood friends we could stand tohang outtogetherevenafter hours upon hours ofworking within theconfinesoftheoffice(thanksforallthe counseling formy chronic lyingdisease, I'm amuch stronger person now) I will missthevastsupplieswe had suchasthe 107 disks Idonated, I'm really going to miss this Mac -NOT!!!Thanks to allof theprofessorswhograciouslyunderstood, afterI was up until2:30 everynight and didn'thave timetodomy homework.Especiallymy favoriteMrs Barbour I wish Ihad space towrite how special each ofthe staff members werebutI'drathertalkaboutmyself.<Jesus>< isAwesome!!!Fight thegood fight, and all ofthat. Bye!!! Owe yehetanksChampeon pals! (Ha Ha we can laugh ateach othersmistakes huh)!

a.eing photo editor of the yearbook, gavemethis opportunity tosummarize allIhaveseen,learned,experienced,an feltinallmy yearsatLiberty Thetime hascomeforme tograduateandIclearly seeall thatI have gained aboutvarious subjects, insights about people, and understanding about God thatI have obtainedhere ThroughthisbookIshare what Ihave seen and learned. I hope this captures many fun, serious, lighthearted, life-changingmemoriesfor you. Ihave been privelaged toseethe way personalities make Libertywhatit is Ihaveinvestedmuch hardwork,effort, and many hoursintothisproject and IfeelIhavedonemy verybestinordertogiveyou an enjoyableyearbook

Ithank God forallowing me to make thisyearbook what it is. I thankmy family, especiallymy sisters, Lidiaand Dana,forprayersand support Many thankstomy friends.

?*__#' %v>^v ~ w ^v* v *»i tfe°** \P" , <v# -6>,, *«****&> se ew .together,^ ^ a ll<^* *tffc '<***^mueZ Lupulescu consider quit**

Ineetherewas anicelittle pig. Hehadsomeverygoodfriends, Johnson theDonkey,Emo the dog,WilbertheWombat, andChesterthe Baboon. They all decidedtotakeatrip toseetheChickenFairy Alongtheway theyall gotshotby a farmer. But anyway,HappyBirthday Thankstothe7Ds, sugar, caffeine, Hairy toes,Marvel comics,my chair and vest,and the such. If you enjoyed this yearbook pleasegivealldonations to me. You stink... butwhat areyou going to do aboutit? When I wasyoung and had nosense, I stuckmy toeinanelectric fense Mom and Dad,getme outofhere Moo, moo, moo Oink,oink, oink Thisyear'sSelahislike aboxofchocolates You neverknow whichpage has thestickycenter.I'dliketoclosewiththewordsofHomer Simpson,"NowI've hadmy head inan elephant, arhinoceros, and a giantsloth." Signed, Your PalandAnimalConversationalist

Q would like to take this O V opportunity (whileI am still vS-Y sane) tothank thefollowing: My GOD Jehovah foralwayscarrying me through (even HIUS 222)and providing me with a perfect Bible-KJB.The Selah stafffor thelong-latenights, theFriendship, andtheexperience. My mostbeloved Mother(Phyllis) foralwayssacrificingand lovingme todeath (Who can understand why?). My Dad foralwaysprovidingforme and buying me a Z-28! My church,CalvaryChapel ofPhilly, for alwayssupporting me. My favorite Prof.Dr.Towns for discipling me. For allmy great friends whom I love, and thoseI'llmiss:Mel,Staci, and Heather (BIG CITY,Camino, Skoal).ToWayne,fututreLU student, fortheencouragingletters. My prayer is for my Dad's and FriendJeremy's Salvation, and for my adherence ofthe ScripturePsalms 138:2 LordJesus,ThankYouforcallingme intoYourKingdom for such atimeas this!

can't believe how fast the timehas gone by thispast yearand tothinkwe managecTto complete the whole book in just one semester!! WOW!! We are good To Justin, Tom, Lisa,Dennis, and Sam—you guys are the best!

From Papa John's to blurbs, dominant elements and Photoshop, the experiences never seemed to end— ever! (camaro impounding (Z-28), court, L.P.D., theMcDonald's breakfast, "How you doing?", freak!!)... I could go on and on,but you know whatImean. To my roommate Sue, 1 sympathize for all the lonely scary nights I couldn't have made itwithout Franklin,Power pig,K-frog orGrandmaw's packages,especially Papas eggs. Thanks Selah for finallymaking me feellikesomebody with the allaccess press pass, thepower,the prestige! It'sbeen an awesome year and very busy butI wish ya'll the verybest!


John's. .lingeringdeadlines. Kool-aide...vendingmachine meals...our "back door"...the Selah cellular...Regentpals...ants... disappearing staff members...Liberty love connection...Don't Speak, Don't Speak...the not so mysterious cover.. downloading... laying hands on Mac... Romanian casinova...K-frog... dollar store glasses..."Hello, I'm James Beck"...thatVirsatchiad.. Granmaw.. "borrowed" T.E. furniture...Thanks: "Sandy Cove"- Tom; "Iknow famous Christian singers"-Justin; "I follow prettygirls"-Sam;"Mooooo"-Dennis; "Isenseanattitude"-Laura; "Inapagent & no one knows"- Dawn;now we can draw from theSelah pain,sweat,and tears astrulytroubled artists Special thanks:Christinwhom my peace & strength are found; Marsha, Marsha, Marsha- you are the coolest Gumby Groupy; Bob, Kerry, and my Lynchburg churchfamilyforprayers: CokeClassic; GLTC;& Movies 10. Seeyou inthepages...Oooo Leessaahhh.

t'shardtobelievethatIonlyhave one semesterleft. It seems as thoughI'vebeenaseniorforthree yearsinsteadofthreesemesters However, the Lord has opened many doors for me duringmy tenureat Liberty, and forthatI am forevergrateful When Iheardtheyearbook was cancelled intheFall, I wasfurious. Then when Ifound out that there would be one,I knew I had tojoinup and help make ithappen, since Ihad complained. Those planswere unexpectantly interrupted by the Miss Lynchburg pageant (IguesstheLordwanted to surprise me by lettingme win thetitle.) I'vecuta lotofribbons,kissed a lot ofbabies,and shook a lot ofhands inthelastfewmonths-but it's been worth it all SoI'd liketothankmy familyforprovidingmy education, Dr Falwellfortakingcare ofme everytimeIgetinapinch, Mrs Goodman forteachingme how towrite, and the 1995 Selah staffforputting up with my sudden departure and my lackofcomputer literacy. I loveand missyouall.

idI reallyprayforthisjob? I guessfouryearsasa student atLibertyjustweren'tenoughIwas drawn from the sunny West Coast back totheoldAlma Mater.

'Yearbook anyone?" "Ofcourse,Dr. G I'll do it I have no need forleisure or a sociallife And Ialways love impossible tasks!" So Iwish to thankAlmighty God, Diet Pepsi,Papa John's, Dennis, Libby (and allthe other Sullivans),BoBo, and allmy palsattheBook Mobileforthis opportunitytocreateayearbook exnihilo.

To the 1995 Selah staffI wish all the best,including a year's supply ofKrispy Kreme,Mountain Dew,and Little Caesar's. You'rethe greatest.

Lisa,I hope you find the perfect car; Tom, the perfect love connection; Justin, apermanentautoregistration; Sam,ajobasafashionphotographer: Dennis,$10,000 inquartersfortheX-Men arcade game;Laura,a personal travelagent;Dawn,the MissVirginia crown;and formyself...Troy Aikman, where artthou?


ie escue workers salvage Selah

An editorial closefrom the Editor Ajungle oftormentdescribes the 1995 Selah experience. The end ofthe 1994schoolyear, foundthe endangered Selah scurrying from office to office looking for workers to preserve its existence.

Inlate October the staff and editors came together. But the late night vine swinging began after Christmas Break, allowing one semester torecord both Fall and Spring events. Needless to mention, the staff became archeologists oftheFall semester, trying to uncover stories,dates,pictures, quotes, and anything else to lead the student body to believe Selah wasthere.

Yet otherset-backswerewaiting. Several changes in editors and staff members muddied the communications pool while deadlines danced ever closer, shaking theirsharpened spears. Withoutmuch time lost, however, the Lordprovidedwillingandable sacrifices to aid in finishing the task athand.

The staffclimbed plentyofwalls and trees duringthe Selah safari. Watchingtheyearpass fromhigh in the trees,a unique vantage point, the yearbook camera

captured many an unsuspecting subject. Searching through picture mounds, Selah recovered the images of what life was like asastudent duringthe 1995 school year. Brushing the dust from failing memories, Selah records them in this journal of the Liberty adventure.

The Selah staff incorporated relevant Scripture and inspiring quotes and lyricswiththeprayers that anyonelostinworldyjungles may discoverthelight to lead them home.

Mental Block: Dawn Tattlestares at the opening pictures and brainstroms to write captions.

The Tom and Jerry show: Tom Weaver demonstrates hiscourage against a special breed of campusrodents.

Breakout: The Sullivan duo couldn't look happier to be out ofthe yearbook lab.

Too closeforcomfort: How many people canyoustuffin a revolving door? Very bored Selah members riskthe investigation tosolve this intriguing question.

Gettin' down tobusiness: Editors meet to complete thesenior section with a laid backapproach.



Editors & Staff

Editor-in Chief: Graphics Editor:

Asst Graphics Editor:

Copy Editors:

Photographic Editor: Asst. Photopraphic Editor:


Publisher Representative: General

Wallace Blunt

Jesse Bursugli

Auburn Cecil

Janetta Campbell

Tasha Bradock

Amy Edwards

Lisa McMonigle

Tom Weaver

Justin Bruno

LauraSipple, Dawn Tuttle

Samuel Lupulescu

Dennis Sullivan

Diane Sullivan

Pam Feinhour


Shelly Cooper

Kabrianna Fitzgerald



Pete Ernandez

Charlotte Fink

Betsy Lynn

Special Assistance

Mike Nelson Eric Maxson

Janet Vetsal

JasonChristoji Championphotography

KevinDibert Sports Information Office



Programs: 200 Pages: Colors:

Macintosh Quadra 610

LaserWriter Select 360

Apple Color One Scanner

PageMaker 5.0

Word Perfect 5.0

24process color

Black Marble F1000

Aztec Marble Fl 100

Alaskan Marble Fl500

Red Burl F1600

Silver 877

Royal Blue RRB

Process Yellow PRY

Freehand 3.0

Photoshop 3.0

16spot color Sunshine 120 Cherry Red 185 Teal Blue 314 Gold 873 Regal Purple 266 GrassGreen 354

Cover Colors: CoverTextures: Endsheets: Fonts:

Seniorportraits: Publisher:

Silver 877

Leather 123

White Marble 123

Ribbon Bd BTBold


Blue/Black 123

Cordouroy 123

Silver 877



Engravers Gothic BTRegular

Robert DuVaul Photography 1

Walsworth Publishing Company

Selah funded bythe Student General Fee. did not require additional to undergradule students. Graduated students paid shipping Communications Department distributed 3500 copies ofSelah in

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