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3XM JCrone

3XM JCrone

Themorethingschange, the more thingsstaythe same.

The fashions. Thecars. The campus. So many thingsfrom LibertyBaptist Collegearequite differentfrom what can be found at Liberty University today.

In this25thanniversary year, it's easy to seethe things thathavechanged and it's justas easyto see the thingsthatremain the same.

LibertyUniversity was, isandalwayswillbe committedto buildingcham- pions forChrist. In1971 Dr. Falwell foundedLiberty BaptistCollege and announcedplanstobuild a university. His vision wastobuildasingleeducational institution in which young people could receive a quality educationfrompreschool throughthe graduatelevel anddedicatetheirlives to servingJesus Christ.

People laughed when the school opened that September with 141 students,threefacultymembers, and no dormitories or classrooms.People are nolongerlaughingasthe student body reaches nearly 5,000.

Thefirst students lived in homes while classes wereheldin achurchand in rented elementary schools around the city.

Today modern dorms and academic buildings bringstudentstogetherin an environmentforlearning. Academicexcellence andacommitmenttoservicecontinuetobe what makes an education at Liberty different.

Thevisionfrom 1971 is perpetuated eachyear as young Champions for ChristgraduatefromLibertyandleavethe universitytomake adifference for Christ.

Even in the '70s, Check-in was a challenge(farright).

Two Liberty BaptistCollege studentsconverse inthe TRBC parking lot Intheearlydays, classesmet inrooms, hallways, and stairwaysatthechurch. In the beginning, the Sounds ladieswore floor-length dresses and the men wore matching suitsand tiesto createatrulysnazzy look.

The life ofafreshman can be full ofbad days Embarrassing situationssuchas dumping papers inthecourtyard can ruinan entireday.

Freshman guysfinddifferent ways toprepareforthenext e day ofclasses Some chooseto J sleep, whileotherstalkon the phone orirontheirsocks.

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