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byMainaMwaura &Joanna Tedder

As Libertycelebrated its silver anniversary,Homecoming focusedonthe changesthat have occurred on Liberty Mountain during the past 25 years.

Many ofthealumni returned tofindthat thequietcampustheyremembered,with the chapeltentandDeMoss-under-construction, had evolved intoabustlingcampusrevolving aroundthe VinesCenterandacompleted academicfacility. Guidedtourswereoffered toalumni togive them a closerlook at the changesthat havebeenmade at LU.

Theweekend openedwithaspecialconvocation service honoring alumni who have made outstanding achievements in their fields. Also, former studentvice president Ed Dobson spokeat the annualalumnibanquet.

Alumni and current LU studentsjoinedtogetherFridaynight for theHomecoming bonfire toshow their supportfor the Flames During the football game on Saturday, theFlamesshut outthe Wofford Terriers by alarge margin, 37-0.

The footballgamewasalsoan opportunityfor alumnitovisitwithotheralumni, professorsand students. Because many Libertystudentslivehundreds—oreven thousands — ofmilesfrom Lynchburg, Homecoming is an ideal opportunityto renew old friendships. Current LU studentsalsoenjoyseeingfriendswho have recentlygraduated.

Under pressure, Flamesquarterback Antwan Chilespreparestounload a passfrom the pocket Chilesand company cruised toa37-0thrashing overWofford on Homecoming weekend.

by LauraSipple

Crowd anticipation climaxed as the Homecoming half-timeapproached.In a matter of moments, Lori Baker, Gail Glenn, Rita Mills, Jennifer Theis or Charity Jenkins would be crowned the nextMiss Liberty.

Infrontoftheanxious crowd of10,300 fans,Charity Jenkins claimed thetitle. Winning came as a surprise to her. "It was definitely unexpected,as I never imagined itformyself,"shesaid.

Jenkins added that God uses ordinary people and creates something beautifultofulfill hispurpose, because he has aplan for everyone.

Shehas beenthankfulfor the opportunitiesthathaveresultedsincethen. Beingactivein the community,shesangfor the "LittleMissPageant" and participated intheLynchburg Christmasparade.

Charity,a graduate of Lynchburg Christian Academy, ismajoring in family and consumer scienceswith secondary educationcertification.

Continual exposure to the greatest speakers and evangelists in the world gives students an opportunity to enhance their spiritual lives. Throughout eachsemester,various weeks,days and evenings are set aside as a time to listen and take action.

Fall Spiritual Emphasis Week, featuring Randy Hogue, will ever be rememberedforthesermon entitled, "TheElevatorto Hell." He said thatthe ideacamefroma sermon Jonathan Edwards used inthe1740s. "He would ask his congregation to imagine they were in a furnace, sitting,not on pews, but hot coals of fire," Hoguesaid Super Conference was dominated with the appearances of Dr. E.V. Hill, Dr.Adrian Rogers, andSpeakeroftheHouse,

Newt Gingrich. Lew Weider,executivedirectorofSuperConference, said that the purpose of the meetings was "equipping pastors, church leaders and laymen to reach their communitiesfor Christ."

Thirtymissionsorganizations challenged students with the need for worldevangelismduring World Impact Conference, Sept. 24-29 in DeMoss Hall and Vines Center.

Jim O'Neill, director of missions at Liberty and Thomas Road Baptist Church, prayed that studentswould"respond to God's callupon their lives for missionary service, be sensitized to theneedsofworldevangelism and assist those who are called." The result: aresponseof245 students.

MilitaryEmphasis Day broughtin guest speaker Tim Lee, a Vietnam veteran who challenged studentstostoprunning from God and to rededicatetheirlivestotheLord. Instilling in studentsa passion for youth, a biblical philosophy and the importanceofprayer were the purposes of Youth Emphasis Week, according to Doug Randlett, chairman for the departmentofchurch ministries. Throughout the week, 15 youth leaders from churches acrossthecountry spoke in27 sessions andvisited youthministry classes

Contributing writers: Gregory Morris, BetsySears, Ginger Gillenwater, Anne Clay and LauraSipple

Students gatheratthealtar topray foreach otherandto make personal commitments to God.

Girls justwanna havefun? Well, Valerie Henderson seemstothinksoasshe reminiscesabout the'80s

Jacobsenlightensthe crowd duringthe Caribbean CoffeeHouse.

Dave Taylorand the Friendliessingthe parody "Addicted toLovett"(above).

N o Problems asLeonard and theSlow-Mo's members, Mike Stanziolaand Ryan Simmons, entertain thecrowd (center right).

From thebottom oftheirhearts, DaveWenger,DaleWilliamsand EricLovettwish LU a FelizNavidad (right).

by Starlet Shoup

Picturethis: two friends reminiscing over days goneby, when suddenly they recall their trip to Paris. As music plays softly in the background, a voice is heard singing, "Celebrate the moments of your life." The scene endswiththem laughing over steaming cups of coffee.

Sound familiar? It's a commercial for General Food's International Coffees. Liberty hasits ownnighttocelebrateand reminisce with dear friends -Coffee House. While students drink coffee, the emcee makes themlaughas heexplores pressing campus issues such as dorm life and longlines. Other groups entertain with songs containing nonsensical lyricsaboutpumpinggas before paying or by bringing a mummy on stage and having him Elvis is inthehouse. Chris PeterssingsduringCoffee House atChristmas But shh! don't tell anyone inNashville.

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