1 minute read
JU m.emorLxbirrt
by Joanna Tedder
JimHiatt, afirst semesterstudentat LibertyBible Institute, was studying to become a pastor; his real love was for youngpeople. He diedof aheartattackatthe age of 25 while playing basketball.
Jim and his wifeJulie were involved in youth and children's ministries intheirhometownofMarion, Ind., wheretheywere marriedonJune23,1990. They taught Sunday school classesand Awana groups and led aninner-city youthprogram.
"Webothhadarealburdenforthechildrenin our area," Julie said.Jimand Julie moved toinner-city Marionsothattheycould relatebetter totheyouth.
Jim andJuliemadeadifficult choice when they decided to move to Lynchburg in order for Jimtocontinuehispastoral training. Juliesaidthat although itwas hard to courtesy of leave their families and friends,they knew that theLordwas callingthem toLynchburg. "Jim was always a happy person, but he seemed happier here,"she said.
InOctober,Jim andJulie were ableto travelhome forFallBreakandhad an opportunitytoseefamily andfriendsone moretime beforeJim died. Juliesaid thatshe knows theLord wasworkinginthesitua- tion.
Shortlyafter Jim's death, his sister and several others became Christians.
Many peopletoldJulie how much Jimmeantto them. "It really blessed me toknow thatJimmy had touched so many lives," she said.