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3XM JCrone

BiblestudiesledbyBeverlyLowryandotherprofessors provided female studentswithencouragementand direction inthe pursuitofbecominggodly women.

Student-led Bible studiesalsosprangupon campus. Sophomore Shane Prewitt started a weekly Bible study because he wanted to havebetterfellowshipwithotherbelievers. "It's a time where people can bring their problemsto otherbelieversand grow together in Christ."

Throughout the year students regularly had the opportunity to witness to the residents of Lynchburg. "I just like goingout andtellingpeople whoJesusisand what He means tome,"Chris Goldsboroughsaid.

For some, weekendreMelissa Matherly spends time inthe PrayerChapel topray and worship treats with their church groupswerea timewhen hearts were broken and love forGod and fellow Christians grew inleaps and bounds. "It was just so incredible. You can't put itinto words. You could just tellthat God waspresentandthe Holy Spiritwasworking," junior Melissa Smith said aboutaretreather church group tookto the beach. Music isan important partof worship atLiberty. Junior SarahSt. John, amemberofLIGHTsingers,seesher singingas an act of worship and asa direct way to get into God's presence. However, she also said that because sheis partofaministryteam,sometimes it's hard to remember her purposefor singing."Ifeel thatGodhasallowedmetoworshipHim usingmy voice,andIneed toremember thatI can't justperformandminister toothers, butthatIneed to worship Him and be ministeredtomyself,"she said.

Forthosewho feel that theirvoices wouldrather offend than minister, playing an instrument is one way that they worshipGod. Chad Sundin, ajuniorwho playsguitar at his church,feelsthat the definition of worship shouldn't be limited to music.

"Worship is every action through which believers, by acknowledgment of God asKing in their lives, offer somethingof themselves back to Him," he said.

Beth Cory,RitaMillsand SandraWatkins, three ofthe top25 semi-finalistsforMiss Liberty, posewith Dr.Falwell afterconvocation (above).

Even in Israel, Dr. Falwell can'tgetaway from the camera. Here hestandswith Michael Nelson duringthe Jerusalem 3000 trip(right)

•ferry and Furnace FansNeed wesaymore? (far right) takes advantage of makes an appearance with thesinginggroup "Voice Animation,"composed



The 1996 Selah staffwould like to dedicate this book to Dr. A. Pierre Guillermin, president of Liberty University. Because of this man's hard work in fulfilling a vision, LU is the Christ-centered school that it is.

Although Dr.Guillermin spends much of his time in serving as president,heenjoysbeingwith the students on a more personal level. Because of his love forstudents, Dr. Guillermin finds time in his schedule to teachaMarriage& Family class "I thoroughly enjoyed being in the classroomagain,"hesaid. "Teaching provided me with the opportunity to know students on a more personal basis."

Dr.Guillermin also spent time throughout the year at athletic events, inthe libraryand inthe cafeteria.

"The type of person the stu- dents see is the type of person he really is," Louanne Guillermin, his wife,said. "Hetrulylikes the students; they'renot anaddendum tohisjob."

During the spring semester, Dr. Guillermin was challenged tofinda balance between Liberty and hispersonallife In February,he had triplebypass surgery and returned to school aftera miraculouslyquickrecovery. Then,in April, Dr. Guillermin's younger daughter, Lisa, wasmarriedinWashington, D.C. He was abletofindtime for his familyand LU Dr. Guillerminhasbeen involved in the school since before the begin- ning, and he hasseenGod's blessingin fulfillingadream. he was the president ofa small college.

Mrs. Guillermin said that moving wasa mutual decision. "Weboth knew that there were great possibilshesaid. students could learn ina ities, Christian atmosphere "It was a step offaith frompreschoolthrougha coming from something doctoral program. "We that was established to wanted aschoolthatwas thoroughly integrated withthe Christianphilosophy of life," Dr.Guillermin said.

The dream began in 1967 when theRev. Jerry Falwell shared anidea ofa schoolsystem in which

He also said thatprior to this meeting he had never heard ofJerry Fal- somethingthatwasyet to be," Dr. Guillerminsaid. Twenty-fiveyearslater, each original goal has been met, and Dr. Guillermin looks forward to the future.

'It's nothing short ofa well. Approximately six miracle when you think months later, after much prayer about thesituation, Dr. Guillermin moved his family to Lynchburg from South Carolina where ofeverything that's happened," he said.

East toWest promoted its new album, North of the Sky, duringits visittoLiberty.

ByStarletShoup &Maina Mwaura

Concertsprovidedstudentsachance totake a break from classesand jobs andenjoypopularmusicin aChristian atmosphere. Student Life organized each concert and offered discount or free tickets to all LU students.

DoveawardwinnersDC Talk,Audio Adrenaline,Jars of Clay, and Geoff Moore and theDistancewere someof thehighly talented music groupsthat performed in the Vines Center Students alsocapturedthe sounds of up-and-coming artists such as Three Crosses, Benjamin, Greg Long, Joanna Carlson, Big Tent Revival, Michael O'BrienandSierra.

PFR, Truth, Wes King and Newsong also made appearancesat LU.

"The concerts at Liberty were very energetic, motivating and exciting to attend,"GilesHoback said. "Noneof them was a letdown."

With each musicalartist came a distinct message — the hope found in Jesus Christ alone. Many students left each concert challenged and encouraged in their Christian faith.

Dove's 1995 New Artistofthe YearClayCrosse motivated the crowd with songssuch as "I SurrenderAll"and "Time to Believe" (left).

Michael O'Brien challenged theaudience tocherish a relationshipwith Christforever in"IfEver I Forget" (above).

Sierra,a 1996 Dove-nominated group,performed contemporary Christian balladswithits distinctive harmonies

Alternative band BigTent Revival made itsfirstapprearanceat Liberty and played its hit "Two SetsofJoneses."

New artistand Dove award nominee Greg Long shared the loveofGod through such songs as"What aFriend We Havein Jesus" and "How Long."



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