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looking for
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by LisetteFlores
For Rita Mills, who has alwaysbeenshyandprefers to followrather than to lead, acceptingthe RA position was difficult. Furthermore, she did not thinkshe couldhandleall the pressures.However, she soon discovered her interpersonalskillscould be assetstotheministry aspectof the job.
On the other hand, LorenAlbaugh, who had beenaprayerleaderand a SpiritualLife Director, was ready to "pour his life intoothers"when he made the choice tobecome an RA.
Unfortunately, both saidmost students think of discipline rather than ministrywhentheythink about theroleofan RA. Their responsibility of making sure students abideby therulesin the LibertyWay give the impression RAs are more concerned about what
(students) do wrong. Through the job's ups and downs, Loren and Rita agreed that they would be unable to performtheirdutieswithout the strengthand guidance theyhavefound in God. Lorenhasseenthe correlation between prayer and the attitude of the students on his floor. "When I let prayer go down, the spiritual attitude of the hall goes down."
Despite thehard work Loren and Rita haveinvested in thelives of the peoplein theirhalls,their desireisnot to be remembered for who theyare. Theirwishisfor othersto remember what theydid to help others to have a closer relationship with God. Theyrealizeitmust begin with theirleadership.
Rochelle Stark regarding the most outrageous excuse giventoherfor breaking the music code, "Thisrapgroupis my culturalheritage."
Jeremy Clarkcommenting on the weirdest excuse he'sreceived during room checks, "Some ofmy guys were written up forthe condition oftheir room whereupon they explained thattheir landlady got mad because theywere behind on the rentand trashed the room."
Tomasz Otremba statingthebiggest misconception he's had toface, "I'm not apoliceman;I'm an RA" and the weirdest excuseforbreaking the LibertyWay, "A seniorsaying he was a new student."
Melissa Hoffman explaining what happens when othersfindout she'san RA, "Sometimes I'll make afriend inclassand it's kind ofnicebecause he orshemay not realizeI'm an RA.But when thetruth comes out,peopleavoid me likethe plague."