Selah Yearbook 1997-98

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ar) « K O R 5 Selah

Property ofSelah Yearbook Return to Building 17

^mn utilizing thepower of and tothefarreaches ofthe spirit thathas characterized Jour Lord, we can conquer globe; fellow shipping and Liberty since its founding in ^^the world run the race spreading the gospel. 1971. naintain the spirit. We also pursued our academic Rising to meet all the chalroughout the 1997-1998 and athletic goals, continually lenges that impeded our scHpol year, we ventured forth running with perseverance the progress, we donned the whole under the banner of Liberty, race set before us. armor of God and persevered, traveling to both our Jerusalem Finally, we maintained the becoming, in our victory...

much mane than covqveKOKS.

Put on the WbOl e dKIDOUR of that ye ma y be able to stand

God, against the wiles of the devil.


6:11 Volume 25 • Lynchburg, VA 24506 Walsworth PublishingCo. * August 1997-April 1998

Vhe Life of a Liberty Stvdevt • •

Top: Soccer fans had a lot tosmileabout.

Above: With such rushed schedules,students try to slip in studying time between classes

Above right: Jeanette Costin, Ebony Wells, Chrissy Remsberg and Jennifer Brown are a smiles for the block party. Right: Oh what a tangled web we weave...Freshmen get caught intheweb offun atthe blockparty. Selnh

Left: And the band played on...The Spiritofthe Mountain marching band performed during halftime activities. Below: It's a bird, it's a it's the Liberty Eagle leading the cheers and entertaining the crowd.

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Student Life 5
Above: LU fans knew how topartyat football games. Many dressed up like this caped man at sporting events.

The Liberty Campus on papeK

Right: Freshman Matt Keenan enjoys alittle sweetness during the annual Block Party. Below: Jessica Kerth'saggressive side comes out during the games.The women's soccer team finished its season6-13.
Right: Is thatDr Blacktakin'aturn with Bear Pierce at late night Coffee House? Far Right: Howmany sunsets overtheBlue Ridge Mountainsdid you watch?
51intent Life 7
Left: With a tailgate party before the Homecoming game, students 5 took advantage of the nice weather that day Below: The women's f| volleyballteam getspumped up beforeits game duringtheBig South 8 Conference.

H yean of Remembnance

8 Selah
Above: Football fans show their psycho-like spiritat Homecoming Left: Dr Witham's government classtakes a breakfromclasstowatch theattackdogsduringMilitary Day.
Student Life 9
Nerf basketball. Far left: Students waited with expectations to get mail from theirloved ones. Left: Students frequently decorated their windows toadd a personaltouch
High Time s at LibertyU. H^^x. _^_^ i ' _ ~f _^ii •' M "^1 • -^^m>i i /^^T^t^:^ L,~f*__ __m : J I _W_k=__l 1 ^ft_iC^^^^^^"^^^J ^ i^^r "~"N v ' '%;* l ••"«' < _•_•_& _ ^.^^X^x^ 258.^^8
/4bove /eft The SpiritRock continued toserve as a campus bulletin board. Above right: Matthew Adkins took a leapof faith outside the Vines, attempting to jump over Chris Edwards Below left: The LUcheerleading team conducted airsabove ground. Below right: Man's bestfriendshowed off hisunfriendly side during aMilitary Police demonstration.
Above: Junior Jennifer Jackson reflected inthe sun's lightduring asoccer game
Student Life II
Below left: Tim Meadows got made up for the night of ScareMare Below right: Studentstook timefrom theirbusy days tocongregate inthecourtyard.

A Loo k atT .f

Mountain JLite

J m moment frozenintime. A smile, ^^^^B friends, a look of pain, happiness, ^ ~^ victory, repose— one fraction of a second that will last for ages. Here on these pages are the captured time droplets chosen to represent who we were, what we did and the world we lived in. Look at them and know us.

Top right: Several Liberty studentsjoinedhandsto pray for ScareMare. Far right: Sophomore Aegis Boyer converted her car into a moving message board for herbeliefs Belowright:Jars of Clay guitarist Stephen Mason adds a Gen Next sound. Right: Hundreds of students gathered in the courtyard at dawn for the annual See You at the Pole rally

12 Set ah


Flames football team playerswerethepiratesofthe gridiron in the Homecoming Parade.

Jaynie Null, Leah Wagner and Nicci Newton entertained the Coffee House crowd with their talent. Below: Christy Prince and D'arcie Anderson cruised around that friend ofall college students, Walmart. Bottom: The Vines reflected the moon's light onmany aclear night. Bottom Left: LUfans made some noiseatall sportsevents.

Student Life
Left: The Left:



"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, md of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" Matthew 28:19).

Although separate from the world, ve are also in the world, and thus we spread God's light among its citizens.

Through mission trips and ministry opportunities Liberty reached out to a ost world. We traveled afar, planting the seed of the gospel in distant lands. We ministered in our Jerusalem that is our surrounding community.

We ministered through physical labor, building and helping. We gave of our talents, singing and entertaining. Yet, let our lives shine as a city on a hill, living as examples of what a Christian is conquerors through and for Christ.


o distantports Othersset

aelstrom of life, leaving all to [g light of the scriptures and sailed

11, Dr.A. Pierre Guillermin ;ident emeritus, co-founder and

'building some bridges with ture."

rmin had been planning this )f health, but was asked to stay (in )wth," Guillermin said.

v, we do see a light at the end of and staff. It was an appropriate unic mrmetransition totaxepiace, uumermin said "Dr. G." as he was called by friends and students, spent his extra time getting more involved in the university on a grass-roots level. "I wanted to enjoy the campus. Being in the administration, you're somewhat restricted," Guillermin said of his role change. "You're not really interacting with the students, faculty and staff in the same manner."

So began a new chapter in the life of a man who took the helm of a vision for the future in 1967 and navigated through three decades to the status of a world-class institute of higher education.

the Would 17

y^-iThe Winds of Change

J M mid the pomp and circumstance of M^ M thefirstofficial convocation of ™ ~ ^ the '97fallsemester came the announcement thatthe$110million debtthat Liberty had accrued since 1990 had been reduced toabout $10millioninlong term debt

Dr. JerryVines,Chairman oftheBoard of Trustees,announced thatLiberty was operating within its budget forthefirsttime inseven years.

"Itis time togivehonor andpraiseto our greatGod,"Vines said "This isamilestone inthehistory ofLiberty University

"The faculty and staffsacrificed during thehard years forLU,"Vines said,"because they believed inthisuniversity andwhat we were trying toaccomplish."

Chancellor Dr Jerry Falwell admittedthat thepast seven years hadbeen difficultfor the entireLiberty family Falwell said "We were caught inadilemma thatwe didn't precipitate, butthatwe could notstop There were times when we wondered ifwe would everbottom outand start backup."

At theAcademic Convocation inSeptember 1995, Dr. Falwell asked thefacultyand studentbody tofastandpray forrevivalon theLiberty campus and$50million.Since Jan. 1,1997, Liberty hasreceived gifts totallingmore than $52million,including 18 Selah

theinitialmortgage bonds which areat a value of$27 million

"Friends likeDan Reber, Jimmy Thomas, ArtWilliams,andthousands ofpeople with smallergiftsbegan doing thingswe had never hadhappen before,"Falwellsaid President Borek said thatLiberty's relativefinancialsecurity could afford changes on campus inthe nearfuture.

"We areinthe process ofdeveloping and having theuniversity community comment on afacilitiesmaster plan thatwilltakeus intothe21stcentury,"Borek said."That master plan includes provisions fornew dorms;itincludesprovisions forhaving no

more than two studentsper room;itincludes provisions fortelecommunications, includin computer access;anditincludes provisions fornew buildings thatsupport agreater student body here atthe university."

However,Falwell was quick to mention thatalthough Liberty'sfinancialoutlookwas considerably brighter, theuniversity wasby no means "out ofthewoods." "We willneve be outofthewoods financially because we aresuch alargeinstitutionandrequirea lot ofmoney tooperate,"Falwell said "But as farasthe debt is concerned,thatchallenge i behindus."

yean of Jubilee

Far left:Dr. Vines delivered the good newsofLiberty'snew financial standing at academic convocation. Left: The Sounds of Libertylead atimeofpraise. Below left: Dr Towns expressed hisjoy to the donors for the changes being made atLiberty.Below:OurChancellor Dr. Falwellwith new presidentDr.John M. Borek.

Ecclesiastes 11:1

Castthybread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.
theWoKld 19

Keeps on Blowing

J • Iterationstrademarked 1997-98 forLiberty From the M^^l! change in presidents to the exchange of the "This ™ ~^ university is politically incorrect" sign for the "Changing lives ... one degree at a time" sign, the year was shaped and defined by changes.

and longtime friend oftheuniversity, A.L Williams,was revealedas the donor of a large part of the monies which pulled LU out of its financial mire.

More and better computers were one of the biggest changes. Students and

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<jjcheckout process


l 11 VII'

£ easier and more


£ efficient The Vines Center received a new wood floor.

The library changed too, incorporating the Creation Museum to make more student study area. The library also made the longoverdue change to a computer circulation system, making the entire facultybenefited from the efforts of the Information Technology Resource Center (formerly Academic Computing)

The sign tothe entrance was changed from PoliticallyIncorrect.

teams aswell asthe athletes.

Subtler changes were noticed too.

The design, simplistic in nature, was welcomed by inacquiring literallyhundreds ofnew machines,both Macintosh and dedicated fanswho came tosupport thebasketball and volleyball IBM compatibles.Professorsreceived new technology aswell. On the grand scale, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools revoked Liberty's probation and restored full accreditation

Groundskeeping kept busy beautifying the campus, Maintenance |> installed better utilities and ground was broken on the new dorms. Labs were shuffled, with the graphics lab switching with the FACS lab and the Liberty Champion moving to DH 110 and donating its old office to a faculty software training center in DH 113.

As spring blossomed around campus, all the changes made it apparent that the university was undergoing a change of seasons as well. Most agreed it was a change for the better.

(Por^e Changes
Above: The Flames basketball teams got topound newpaint after the Vine floor wasredecorated
20 Selah


relocation oftheLibertyGodparentHome nearer to the LU campus added another ministry opportunity.LeftStudentsbenefitedfromtheinformationtechnologies's purchase ofmore than 100 new computers

Left: Several 1997 Miss Liberty candidates clown around during the first Homecoming Parade. Be/ow:The massive speedbumps scattered about campus slowed studenttraffic and in response to studentcomplaintsthe bumps were quickly lowered
theWould 21

Far above: The Prayer chapel provided a quietworship centerforLiberty'sstudentsto get away from daily stress and be alone with God Many small weddings also took place in the chapel. Above: The Carter-Glass Mansion continued to serve as administrative officesforChancellorJerry Falwelland alsoprovided a park-likesetting on its lawn. Right: Always a familiarface. Inconvocation,EricLovettledthepraise and worship.

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22 Selah


Some things never change...

Students bustled around, resembling a city sidewalk.AsEric Lovett began tosing, students chatted with nearby neighbors and waved tofriends.Students learnedto depend on convocation intheVines Center,discovering it tobe astableharbor amidst therisingand fallingtide oftheir lives

However,theVines Center was not the only dependableplace atLU The Liberty Bell,tucked away in a serene areaofcampus surrounded by tall bushes, provided seclusion forsome.

Whether it was totalkorthink about problems,the Bellwas aplace to focus

E The Courtyard was another safe haven Although ™ flagsonly waved acouple oftimes persemester, w 0)

!" studentsand faculty alike stillutilized the areato bolstertheirmorale.Animportant meeting placein between classes, thecourtyard symbolized friendship and,on beautifuldays, relaxation

From thecourtyard,studentscould see another unchanging favorite, thebald spot,rearing itsshorn top above Lynchburg Worn pathstoo numerous tocount or discovercovered thehillsides, aboon torunners, bikers and tostudents who justneeded toescape forawhile

As dusk settled, some clambered up the Bald Spot to 0

6 appreciate theeye ofheaven sinking behind thedistant Blue Ridge Mountains.

Farabove: Our very own Libertybellwas located nearthe Religion Hallin aserene part ofcampus and served as asymbolic reminder ofthe roleaChristian playsin society. Above: The Vines Center isthe central location ofLiberty'scampus where thestudentsgathered fora varietyofevents, includingweekly convocations, sporting events and concerts

theWould 23


Not Your Ordinary Pep Rally

Nothin g attractsacrowd likea crowd and Liberty

dynamics as everyone else.

Whether gathering around the courtyard flagpoles to pray in the early morning mist or packing into DeMoss 160-161 for an evening prayer, praise, or preaching event, Liberty students usually turned out en masse for on-campus rallies.

This year saw students populating rallies such as "See You at the Pole," Rev. Flip Benham's Abstinence rally and the annual "Jesus is Awesome" rally.

Students gathered at these confabulations for a variety of reasons, from required attendance to a search for meaning. Others, like Junior Tracy Mausseau, went to enjoy the fellowship of peers with the same goals. "Here there are a few hundred students, and there are a lot of people with the same heartbeat as me — to pray for our country," Mausseau said at the "See You at the Pole" rally in September.

Right: Jamey Ragle spoke atthe fall "Jesus is Awesome" rally Below. The Lovettfamily atthe "Jesus is Awesome"rally
24 Set ah

Above: YouthQuest came outto"SeeYou atthe Pole"thisyear toentertain the early morning crowd Far left. Music wasavitalpartof the Jesus is Awesome rally Left A hush ofsilence spread across thecourtyard offlags as students prayed forpersonal and social conerns. Theannual "SeeYou atthe Pole" rally drew hundreds ofLiberty students this year.

the Would 25

Forwhere two orthree are gathered togetherinmy name, there am I inthe midst ofthem.
Matthew 18:20

Reaching the World

for Missions Jim O'Neill described the atmosphere as "focused." The 22nd Annual World Impact Conference, a week-long recruiting drive for world missions, was mutually beneficial for the visiting missions representatives and the student body alike. More than 80 representatives from 45 missions organizations worldwide erected information tables in the DeMoss Hall atrium, each vying for the willing >, hearts and able bodies of

2 Liberty students More than £ 150 students responded to the call, pledging their time and efforts to expanding the knowledge of Christ around the world.

O'Neill, said that the representatives he spoke with were very impressed with the Above: Liberty student B.J. Henderson talked student body's willingness to serve in the with Bonnie Sue Walker, a missionary to Uganda, about the possibility of becoming a missionfields missionary Top: Attracted by the brillant display, Shaun Chelgreen stopped toexamine

"There (were)two things thatour guests some free literatureabout Europe really noticed about thecampus," O'Neill said. "First, (the representatives noticed that) we are a very positive ministry; it was very encouraging to them to see a positive approach to life and the Lord. Second, they sensed a great deal of interest on the part of

the students who have come totalktothem." Gary Holden, the alumni director and the director of public relations for Word of Life, said that several students showed interest in WOL's short-term summer missions trips, and that total response was "as good or better" than at most universities.

In return, the representatives ministered to the students' needs by praying with them. June Nilsen, a missions representative for approximately 15 years, used the opportunity to give something back to the student body.

"Our goal is to inform, recruit and encourage," Nilsen said. " I have been able to pray with number of students and encourage them (this week)."

O'Neill announced a need of $10,000 for church buildings in India and a special publishing project Dr. Elmer Towns planned with the Russian Orthodox Church. The student body gave more than $9,000—the largest student offering ever at Liberty. "The offering indicates, I believe, that the students' hearts are very pliable in the Lord's hands," O'Neill said.

wottfdimpact conference
...thestudents' hearts are very pliable in the Lord's hands.
Jim O 'Neill
26 Selah
ChrisMcMillanfrom Mainland China Mission International showed Liberty student Chris Wilson photographs of recentMCMI missionstrips
tl)e Would 27
Left: Jim O'Neill is the director of the World Missions Center. Far left. Phil Williams, a representative from Food forthe Hungry, shared his recent humorous experiencesonthemission fieldwith AlIngenito.
Right and below: C-91 operation director, Shawn Andrews dedicated histimetomaking sure C-91 stayed on air — a seriousjobthaton occasion caused him toflip his wig.
Seta h
Above: Senior Simeon Searwar got wrapped up in hiswork as host of"The Basement" on C-91 Above right. Jennifer Okamoto took her show to new heights,broadcasting from her desktop. Right Retaininghisradiantradiopersonality, SeniorDan Whitebeamed forthe shutter.

C-9 1 haspermeatedlocal air waves since 1988.

At the time of its founding the station possessed only basic radio equipment and reached only a few dorms on campus.

Dr. Carl Windsor, who was instrumental in starting the station, succeeded in transforming C-91 into a 100-watt station on Feb. 1, 1993, allowing residents of Central Virginia to receive the broadcast.

alittle light

The stationwas on-air 24-7, varying between satellite and live broadcasts. The first half of every semester, as the student DJs were learning their trade, C-91 ran about 40 percent live broadcasts. After midterms the ratio changed to approximately 90 percent according to Shawn Andrews, C-91 operation director.

C-91 broadcast a 130-watt signal during the 1997-98 school year, Andrews said. The station covered 14 Central Virginia counties and there were reports of receptions up to 85 miles away.

Rodney Baylous, advisor of C-91 during 1997-98, said that Liberty University created the station to offer better training for students as well as to provide an educational Christian station for Liberty and the community."

LU'5 Radio Station
the WOKM 29
Topright:SeniorJenniferOkamoto found thatdancingwhileyou DJ helped passthe Wme.Above: Advisor Rodney Baylouswas integralinkeeping C-91 on theair Right. C-91 paid tributeto the oldies butgoodies

Preparing Leaders forthe New


J^^^^ he organizers ofthe 14th H Annual Super Conference

~P^ held in the Vines Center from Oct. 26-29 proclaimed it to be one of the biggest and best conferences ever. More than 3,500 pastors, lay leaders and their spouses attended this year's Super Conference.

Falwell said

"John Maxwell's Leadership Conference was both a first and a very powerful new addition to the conference," Falwell said. "Everyone wants to learn leadership no matter where God calls them. He had the right message and of course several thousand to hear him."

"This year's conference has been a big draw," Super Conference Director Lew Weider said. "We have a lot more variety this year and the hardest thing for attendees to decide is which workshop to go to."

The 1997 conference included many different, specialized tracks for attendees to choose from including prophecy, music and a ladies' conference.

The daily workshops were even more diversified, covering topics such as children's ministry, senior ministry, youth ministry and counseling.

"It's remarkable how Super Conference keeps building every year," Weider said. Although this was the 14th Super Conference, LU Chancellor Dr. Jerry Falwell said that Thomas Road Baptist Church has been sponsoring ministry conferences for the past 30 years. What made this year's conference unique was the Leadership Conference with author and motivational speaker Dr. John Maxwell,

Maxwell said the training of college students in the art of leadership is imperative if they want to change the world. "If I can teach (students) leadership and relationship skills at this age, they have a whole life in front of them that will be awesome to build on," Maxwell said. He said the quickness of overall change, be it technology or methodology, is one of the biggest challenges to face students and pastors in the 21st century. He said most people lag behind the various changes and therefore lose the "impact and significance" of their ministry.

"About the time we get something down, it's already gone," Maxwell said. "We need to learn how to become leadership quality people, because only leaders will stay ahead of change."

The catch phrase of the leadership conference could be summed up in Maxwell's saying, "everything rises and falls on leadership."

SupeR Conference
30 Setah
the Would 31
Left. Paul Lynch was one of the many performers atSuper Conference Below: John Maxwell was the guest speaker for this year's Super Conference.He spoke the lastday for the entireday.

A Little Spiritual Revival

Hundreds of students made life-changing decisionsatthisyear'sSpiritual Emphasis Week.Multitudes ofrepentanthearts flooded theVines Center floorduring thefalland spring events.

Dr.Johnny Hunt conducted the September SEW, encouraging studentstomake surethey had "real faith." Hunt,thepastorofFirstBaptistChurch,Woodstock, Georgia,alsocalled thoseinattendance tomove onto thenextlevelintheirspiritualwalk

Campus PastorDwayne Carson felt thatHunt started offthe school yearon theright note

"(Hunt)setthetonewiththemessage on James 2:26 making sureyou've gotrealfaith,"saidCarson

"And Wednesday night, by calling us alltogo tothe nextlevel, I thought thathe setthetonefortherestof the schoolyear."

The spring SEW featured Rev Dave Early, apastor from Gahanna,Ohio.Early instructedthestudentbody on theprinciplesofdiscipleship Early, who servedas campus pastorwhile atLiberty was laidon theheartsof thecampus pastorsastherightone forSEW, according toCarson.

For the many LU studentswho were from Early's church hisvisitwas asortofhomecoming.

Spiritual Cmpbasis Week

Above: Many students made life-changing decisions atSpiritual Emphasis Week

Whether it was by a song or sermon, many students were personally moved by the message. Left: Dr Johnny Hunt inspired the audience with his moving messages during Spiritual Emphasis Week. Far left. Singer, Alicia Williamson delivered an up-lifting song.

Hebrews 11:6

Butwithoutfaith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
theWould 33

Habitat for Humanity Students Lend a Helping Hand

M ^^B#^^^ an y nan^s made light work as ^ mover 100 Liberty studentsjoined

^ ™ f with Lynchburg volunteers tobuild 14new homes forHabitat for Humanity.

Habitat officialschose toname the new community Jubilee Heights afterLeviticus 25,where God commanded Moses todeclare ayearofjubileeinwhichall lands sold orgiven aspayment ofdebt would be returned totheoriginalowner As thededication ceremony program stated, "Itseems most appropriate thatthisland representsthename it bears:redemption, renewal,release— areleaseofthislandfor homeownership inthis, ourjubilee."

According toconstruction supervisor David Wright, more than 1,600 volunteers aided intheconstruction process over aone week period Amy Canne-Longo,a sophomore atLU and aresidentofdorm 28-1, was impressed with the volunteer effort "Ithinkit's neat how all ofthesepeople arevolunteers," Canne-Longo said

Yolanda King,daughter ofslaincivilrightsleader Martin Luther King,Jr., dedicated the community. King commended thevolunteersforsacrificingtheir time and money inorderthatothers might have ahome.

These values oflove, ofbrotherhood, ofservice, of faith, ofrespectthataretalked about so profoundly in houses ofworship allacrossourcountry arepracticed sopitifully inour lives,"King said. "But asChristians, and aspeople inthe Habitat family, we know better."

34 Selah
Top:Yolanda Kingand asmallfrienddedicatedtheJubileeHeightscommunity. Above It's a roof life Volunteers constructed a community
M $m | the Would 35
Left: A home-builder by day, Albert Fields (center) builtmorethan40housesforHabitat around Lynchburg. Below: Home free, finally a Lynchburg family with their new home builtby HabitatforHumanity Bottom: Many hands make lightwork— volunteersdonated theirtime tohelping the cause.
Right: Andrea Bradley, Jason Rioux, Shane Bowyer, Amy Fincher, Stephanie Holland,Tina Nichols made bread over an open fire. Below left: Amy Lewis enjoyed morning devotionsfrom a balconyoverlooking theforest. Below right: Amy Fincher,Nikki Bowen and Andrea Bradley posed for theirscrapbooks.
Above: Anita Lewis, Jill Collard,and Amy Fincher had an interestinghairday. Right: Stacey Collier, Kelley Walton, Andrea Lattanzio, Chrissy Remsberg,Stephanie Hollard, Andrea Bradley, TravisDruck and Jamaican friends Peterand Mr.Bailey rested afterchopping Bamboo tocover a pit.

Laboring in Paradise

Th e sand,sunandsurfare the typical thoughts that preclude a description of the perfect spring break. Rocks, lumber and bamboo, on the other hand, do not usually enter a description of anyone's


In all of our labor we found that God was in control. We did not have any serious injuries or illnesses. We all discovered the joy of serving God.

I learned that missionary trips are not all springbreak, perfectorotherwise.However, glamorous and fun.However,Ialsofound all of the things mentioned were definitely a part of a spring break I spent in Jamaica that was said, more than just perfect; it was life changing.

Dane Emerick, dean of men, and Anita Lewis led a team of 36 Liberty students on a mission trip to the Jamaican Deaf Village in

thateven when you'redoing some ofthe hardest work you've ever done, you can still have an awesome time when you're doing it for the Lord.

"God taught me that I needed to step out of my comfort zone and win people to the Lord," said freshman Abbey Woiske.

"This was my first trip and God showed me that you don't have to go to another country to be a witness. When you step out of your front door you are on a mission field," said sophomore Jennifer Brown.

"As one of the our other team members said, it's not so much that we changed on this trip, but that we realized who we were," said junior Christa Weisser. by Chrissy Remsberg

SpKind Missions
5 Above: The team presented Christ through f, drama to students in a school for the deaf.
theWould 37
| Left: Dean Dane Emerick and hiscrew pose B fora picturebeforeleaving.

Right. Childrencan bringhappinesstoanyone ThisLU studentfound thatoutforherself. Below. The ElSalvador missionsteam tooktime outtoenjoythemselves.

38 Selah
Above: The missions team did a littlestreetwitnessing to children in El Salvador. Right. A little basketball? Witnessing can be done during a pick-up game too.

Summer Missions

N o t allLiberty students spentthe summer soaking up thesun's light Byventuring forth on one ofseveralLU-managed mission trips,some studentswere abletohelp spread the Son's lightintothefarcorners ofthe world.

A combined totalofalmost 100 LU studentsand stafftraveled toEl Salvador, Hong Kong/China/Hawaii,Mexico, the Philippines and Russia The teams gave approximately 200 presentations, consisted ofmusic,drama,puppets,preaching and evangelism.

While thiswas not an easyjob foranyof thepeople involved,theharvest wasplentiful, leading toapproximately 370 decisions offaith.

Many otherpeople made lifechanging decisions,renewing theirfaith, orfeeling the calltomissions.

The 25 member team toEl Salvador helped LU alumnus Hal Large build achurch inSanta Ana.The team's presentations varied,asthey communicated toamixture of audiences.During atwo week stay inthe country the team saw approximately200 people give theirlivesto Christ.

Stacey Manter enjoyed the tripso much thatshe didn'twant toreturn tothestates. "Our group had agreat spiritofunity,"said Manter "Everyone had arealservant's attitude."

The 12person LIGHT team thattraveled tothePhilippines helped with Vacation Bible School,lead adultBible studies and presented daily programs ofdrama,music and evangelism.

Eugene Caballero, an LU senior who moved totheUnited Statesfrom the Philippines 11 years ago, was excited by the chance toreturn totheland ofhisboyhood Eugene said thatthe tripwas veryeyeopening "Ilearned tobe more thankfulfor what I have intheU.S.,"Caballerostated JuniorEmily Spinelli was impressed with theuniversality oftheGospel "Itwas neat

tosee theway thatalltheway acrossthe world you can find the same beliefs,songs and the same God," mused Spinelli.

Four Liberty studentsand threefaculty members journeyed toRussia forseven days, visiting thecitiesofMoscow and Kaluga The studentshelped with daily programs, and distributed copies inRussian ofDr Carolyn Diemer's book,"What the Bible Teaches about LifeAfterDeath."

The audiences were receptive and funto work with according tojunior Sarena Beasley

"Iwould definitely go back inaheartbeat because oftheministry opportunities and the openness ofthepeople weencountered," said Beasley with a smile

TKipstothefield ^ Mission Possible: j** . .
theWould 39
And hesaiduntothem, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. Mark 16:15

Summermissions overseas

Right: The mission team to Kaluga,Russia. Below: Students saw sights from history like St. Basilthe Blessed inMoscow. Above: Junior Sarena Beasley made a friend atthe nursing home inKaluga,Russia. Right. Russian Army Gen Borisov spoke totheteam ata prayer breakfast. Far Right. SeniorMatt Redmer prepared topresent a lesson tothe Kalugayouth. Selah
Missionary Ti^ips
the Would 41
Above Left. Dr.Carl Deimer goesnative onabusnear Red Square. Above: Senior Christy Behnken handed outRussian copiesof Dr. CarolynDiemer's book at an orphanage. Left Russian children gave the team afond farewell


Th e alarm clock buzzes at6:35 a.m Confusion fills your heavy head as you wonder what day it is. Your eyes are still bloodshot from staring at a computer screen last night that you know gives-off radioactive waves. Your mind is stuffed with terms like "instrumental conditioning" and "blue chip." This scene is all too familiar for college students. What is the heinous cause to these effects? Two words: Finals week. The seven days of torture is experienced by every college student. Whether it's a freshman or a senior, the stress is felt by everyone. Finals week is the time when the rubber hits the road. In other words, it's the time when students know the meaning of stress with a capital, "S."

Junior Jennifer Pillath said, "Finals week is bad because you not only have academics to concentrate on, but you also have financial, relationship and traveling problems to think about." Her cry is

notthe body. Senior around homework when I g. How pain that spend a talking tc same said. S music. "I is very

finals et

CarolineTimmons said, "Igetfrustrated time because some professors assign on top of studying for finals, and that is burned out."

stressful emor mellow; Unforunately

only voice heard throughout the student do lot "stress" c agement victoriou

students find a cure to all this nagging is felt at the end of every semester? "I of time praying, watching TV and my friends who are also experiencing the situations," junior Lezah Crosby Rodger Love prefers to listen to prefer jazz and classical music because it and calming," he added. the words "college student" and an be synonymous, but with time manand a little prayer, anyone can come out

James 1:12

and Coping With Stress
Blessedis themanthatendurethtemptation:
for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them that love him.
42 Selah

Above: It's crunch time. Student, Kyle Harris tried to get some last minute studying done. Far left: Students were found studying around everycorner, including the DeMoss brick wall Aaron Smithwas one of the many who chose the wall as a more comfortable place to study LeftLeslie Bradshawand Helena A Veerkamp decided to study in the traditionallibrary environment during Finalsweek

the Would 43

Above: Eve Bunn was just one of the many freshman who arrived on campus a week earlierthanthe rest ofthe students, butactivities such as Laser Storm were set-up to keep freshma n entertained during Orientation Week. Farright:The white team tookitswalking pyramid 20 feet before itcollapsed into one big pile during the X-treme games held thefirst week of school.

Right: One lost g freshman


<= 44 Sehih


6ac h school yearbrings alargergroup of freshmen to dwell on Liberty's campus.

Back«to the* eginnmg

Each person who comes to school hopes that she planned to look for a job as soon as the and dreams of not only their futures, but more also semester ended.

semester offtofocus on my spiritualwalk,to meet friends and to get good grades," Lane said, adding theircollegeexperience.

Some freshmen, such as Pat Kekic, had great expectations of their first year the moment they reached campus. "It's really big, compared to my high school," he said. Texas native Sarah Lane said the campus was, "Beautiful ... I saw new places opening and new people who would later be my friends."

Most of the freshmen live in the dorms, which shrank their enormous view of the campus. "[The rooms] are smaller than I expected," Kekic said. Besides the room situations, freshmen had to endure sharing their small room with two to three roommates. Lane said that she had prayed for her future roommates since her senior year in high school. "When they came through the door I said to myself, 'Yeah, they are awesome.'"

As the school year began, freshmen began focusing on their class loads. Although majors ranged from business to sports management. freshmen were required to take certain courses such as freshman seminar, biblical ethics and evangelism.

A freshman with ajob and afullcourse load would often struggle while trying to find time for friends or relationships. "It is hard trying to balance school work and a social life," said Renae Claiborne, "but I somehow find the time."

Although freshmen have had their changes within the first month of the school year, each had something about Liberty that seemed important to them. Kekic felt that it was the professors. "To them, you are not just a number, you are a student," he said.

Others felt that it was the student body that made their first year at LU meaningful. "Everyone is like a big family . . . everyone gets along," Lane said.

Then there were the freshmen who believed that it was the spiritual environment that made their first year at Liberty. "There is a great spiritual atmosphere here ... a willingness to serve God," Claiborne said.

Despite the always rocky start, most freshmen adapted to the college scene before the end of the first semester. By November the freshmen had gained that trademark clay-stained, confident look could pay offschool billsand otherdebts.However, thatsignified thetrueLUstudent.

Some freshmen juggled school and a job so they

few students tried toholdjobs theirfirstyearor semester at LU. "My parents wanted me to take this

WetBehindthe Cax&
theWould 45
Below: Junior Marie Aube flew high atthe block party Right: Legal graffiti The spiritrock remains a tradition ofstudent self-expression Far right. Here comes the "Men inBlack".Hilton Harrell combed the audience forany aliensduring thefirstHomecoming Parade.
Above: A student letthe music flow while performing at a Coffee House. Right: "Just don't eat it too fast!"-Dr.Borek eyed a snow cone during the Block Party


Tradition s areapartofevery college campus.No school would be unique without them. Liberty began a few of its own special traditions such as Coffee House, the Block Party and the Spirit Rock, but when did these traditions start?

One activity, Late Night, had been around since the early 1980s, according to Dean of Student Life, Mike Stewart. In the 80s, activities for Late Night included Late Skate at FunQuest, swimming or basketball at the YMCA and partying at Showbiz Pizza. Student Life was in charge of busing students to and from activities. Over the years, the role of Student Life changed to handling after-curfew passes. Also, the format of Late Night changed and the name itself was replaced with "Curfew Breakers."

| Another LU tradition was Open Dorms. While this let LU men see the creativity of LU women, it also allowed the women to see into the crazy lives of the opposite sex. Stewart said that when Open Dorms began, it was part of a Christmas package, which included the Christmas party and Coffee House, that eased students into finals.

Coffee House has been a part of the LU scene since 1990 and allowed students to demonstrate their talent. It was created for those who were not on the platform in convocation or church. Originally held only once a semester, Coffee House became a three or four times a semester event. A variety of show themes allowed students to hear their favorite type of music. The annual Christmas and Valentine's Coffee House were LU's favorites.

The LU Block Party has kicked off the beginning of the semester since 1992. The Party initiated the school year, welcomed returning students, and gave freshmen a much needed break from orientation.

The last item that has become a part of the LU tradition is the Spirit Rock. The idea came about after Stewart and members of the SGA visited Cedarville College and noticed their rock. Liberty adopted the idea. The 20-ton rock was donated by The Blue Ridge Stone Quarry, and the moment it was placed on Liberty campus, LU students attacked it with crazy messages, love letters and anonymous notes.

Liberty continued to invite new traditions and introduced a Homecoming Parade this year. Each class personalized the traditions and passed them on to the next.

Campus Traditions
tlie Would 47


t doesn'thave tobe Valentines's Day Victoria Smith and Wellington Molina for Liberty students to realize that love have not only stood the test of time, but the isintheair Everywhere you turn you will find couples holding hands — in the courtyard, in the cafeteria drink lines and even in your psychology class. And if we should start to think true love is a myth, we

testofdistance Victoria isa seniorpsychology major at Liberty, while Wellington, a former LU student, is a private in the U.S. Marine Corp.

Victoria and Wellington's relationship is arebombarded almost weekly with "Exactly difficultbecause Wellington isstationed how HE proposed"stories.

Is it something in the water or maybe a secret ingredient in Marriott food?

miles away inNorth Carolina Time together is a rare pleasure they only enjoy about every other month.

Yes, many have read their share of Single and Satisfied multiple times, but it is still hard not to envy LU couples, especially when you come across people like seniors Todd Whitaker and Lichiel Critchfield, who

Victoria said that they made up for the physical distance in their three-year relationship by writing and calling each other as much as possible. "Wellington sends me the sweetest cards and letters written in Spanish have been together since theirfreshman year, justtoremind me ofhow much he cares," Todd, a Lynchburg native, and Lichiel, Victoria said.

who is from Alaska, find that the more time When asked what the key to keeping their they spend together the better. The two work relationship intact was Victoria and Wellingat Todd's family's New Life Christian Book- ton concurred that besides keeping God first store almost every day and have many and his word as a guide book, communicaclasses together. "Being with Todd makes me tion is the glue that keeps them together, happy and I like being with him as much as "I talk to Victoria about everything. I possible,"Lichielsaid

On Saturday, November 29 Todd asked for Lichiel's hand in marriage. It was a surprise proposal that Todd planned for an ordinary Saturday night.

Todd and Lichiel both agree that ever since they met God has been the key to the strength in their four-year courtship.

don't spend time trying tohide my feelings from her, and I'm not afraid to let her know just how I feel," Wellington shared.

It is apparent from these two couples that love at LU is not a passing trend. Love can be true and everlasting as long as God is the center of the relationship.

the Would 49
Left: Victoria Smith and Wellington Molinaareproof thatloveis in theair Above: Lichiel Critchfield and Todd Whitaker kept each other warm atthetop ofPeaksof Otter. Top: A gestureof love. Thisis a common sightthat is seen around campus

EWorld is a

TfoeatKei fall
/ :\fVl.
St ^ 50 Selah IV. .-_i*r rV; .i.\ 1 I
Above: Dr Wayne Kompelien as SweeneyToddwhojustrealizedhe hasmurdered hiswife. Above right: Tobias Ragg, played by Edward McDonald, listened as Johanna (Lindy Miller) sang about her life being like that of birds in acage in Sweeney Todd. Right: Edward McDonald in La Boheme as a waiterat theCafe Momus in Paris withMusetta (KristineBiller). Far right: DanLaws, Josh Good, Christy Ohlmann,John Burton, and Gordon Snyder in La Boheme at the Cafe Momusin Paris.
the Would 51
Top left: Dan Laws and Josh Good gaze atMusetta in La Boheme. Top right: John Burton as Rodolfothe poetand Mimi (Christy Ohlmann) recall fond memories in La Boheme. Middle left: Thecastof Sweeney Todd: "Sweene could be THERE!" Above: Sweeney Todd (Dr Wayne Kompelien) considers giving Judge Turpin (Dan Laws) more than he paid for...

SpKing p\ays

The Original "Love Boat 5?

H.M.S.Pinafore Premieres at Liberty

after winter's dreary conclusion, we have come to anticipate the true and tested signs of spring. Lilacs and tulips speckle the campus, leaves add a blush of green to the mountain's sides and Cupid teases the hearts of those usually immune to his antics. So it is with great appropriateness that the Fine Arts Department introduced a play designed to entertain even Cupid, a production designed to capture the essence of spring and its playfulness.

This spring, Director Dr. John Hugo led a cast of veteran performers in Gilbert and Sullivan's play "H.M.S. Pinafore."

"It happened a while ago," Hugo said. "But the plot is very fresh."

It is this tangled web of characters and passions that the audience will join for a brief interlude.

Through broken hearts, misinterpreted actions and romantic longings, the "H.M.S. Pinafore" cast created a plot that each individual can easily relate to.

"We have found the world," continued Hugo. "Now we're bringing it to you."

52 Selah

Welcome to Our Town

he folding chairs in the Lloyd Theater filled up ''rapidly as people entered the rectangular room. In typical Thornton Wilder fashion, the stage remained void of any props or structures that might hinder the meaning of the script. And as the lights dimmed, Director Linda Nell Cooper strolled onto the wooden floor and addressed the audience.


"This play is about how quickly life ends," she began. "I hope that you have the time to ask these questions."

For tonight, the audience would be transported to a time and place not so different from their own as they listened to Q the linesandthewitofWilder's"Our .3 Town".

It was acastwith mixed experience that opened the show. With many newcomers to this thespian crowd, Cooper had the challenge of molding their personalities into Graver's Corners characters.

"She lets you find out for yourself," said Larry Cox, a veteran performer. "You get to discover the characters, which makes it more real."

Perhaps it was this experimentation that made the play a success, or perhaps it was the time enduring message of this play about "our town".

Farabove: Practice forOurTown ranthegamut ofemotions from sad to silly as theactors worked todevelop their roles Above: A simple setfor a simple story Very fewprops were used toperform thisThornton Wilderclassic, so the cast had torely on theiracting skill totell the story
J'TFSF*' ' . KJC f 1 1 '''. .I-*'* »«
/4/bove: The trees surrounding theVines Center provedthatfall had entered the campus Right: The simplicityof fall
54 Selah
Right: The ground accumulated amulticolored covering of leaves as the semester wore on. Far right: Withastroll in nature, senior, Randy King, discovered the beauty ofFall atApple OrchardsFalls.

They M\ Fall Down

he earth issoftand technicolor blankei ofleaves. Above, through thethinning canopy offoliage.

the sky gleams shockingly blue

damp underneathits

The airhas acool, freshtaste, tobe sharper,more vivid A deep inhalationfillsthe mind with apowerful sense oflite. Only thedeath of theyearbrings such afeeling ofawareness in mankind. The fallatmosphere can be enjoyed inmany ways inthe Lynchburg area:with astrollinfiepark,ahike inthe mountains oradrive on the Blue

and everything seems Ridge Parkway,

There seems tobe ageneral contempt for Lynchburg and centralVirginia among Liberty students OftenI hear fellow scholars gripe about low few activities Lynchburg offers, and how the cityhas no winning merits. However, if there ever was astrong argument in favor ofLynchburg, it is autumn beauty oftheregion isaccentuated by Fall'smany hues and crisp air.


While driving through thecity, theeyes see children atplay inleafpilesinfrontofpillared, brick houses Above thetown,bold against the sky, themountains rise, amany fued banner indefiance oftheoncoming drabness ofwin:er

blue backdrop ofthe letting the leaves Van Winkle-like

InLynchburg parksjoggers move alittle faster, feeling theend approaching Leaves glide through the open spaces, covering walkways and drifting intoevery nook and cranny The atmosphere tempts dreamers to iedown near thebole ofan oak, blanket them,and slipintoaRip slumber

j Seasons of COIOK
theWoKld 55
4?v Randy King

LibeKty'5 §cav&mav& T .FearTT Lives Here

Stagnan t fearfilledtheairwith asmothering thickness

Amidst thescreams andcursesuttered intheabsolute darkness ofashoulder-width hallway packed tocapacity with anxiety-ridden individuals, thefunction of "Scaremare: House ofDeath,"could have been called intoquestion.

Holograms,true-to-lifedecapitated heads andthevictimsofsuicideflooded thenine-room circuit. A Prayerand Encouragement Team wasdesigned toconstantly have severalpeople praying forthe House,all nightlong. "There's aroom inthecenterofthehouse upstairs," explained Josh Rice, oneoftheP&Eteam leaders, "Someone'salways scheduled foratime togoupintotheroom and pray. There is always someone inthemiddle ofthehouse, praying forwhat allgoes oninthehouse We're thebehind-the-scenes people."

P&E team member Marie Barrington went ona"hotchocolateand

(continued on 58)

56 Selah
Above right. The Screamer debuts atScaremare Brad Haynes andChris Jenkins werethe men behind the masks Above and right. TheConstruction Room wasa newaddition to this year's Scaremare. From fallen construction beams toflying nails,theScaremare actors portrayed it maybe toorealistically.
2••BBSS 'T^F „ -
Leza h
/Above: Shackled and left for dead. Left. Target practice for a lumberjack Top: Where's theTylenol when you need it?
the Would 57
Middle: JeffPoston puton hisstage make-up He was one ofthe3-D charactersfortheCheckerboard Room.

encouragement" run and her timing and the exactness of her delivery was nothing short of miraculous. Through near complete darkness of the staff hallways, secret doors were located, room workers signaled and a tray of hot chocolate was balanced and transferred. The room workers were a motley crew. A couple of costumed young men from the checkerboard room expounded on the system of house workers. "There's room leaders watching everything that's going on. Each one of them has a walkie-talkie. There's two floor leaders, one for the upstairs and one for downstairs. They let everybody know what's going on."

Josh continued, "There's people watching you [that] you would never know are watching you."

Despite yearly changes in the house, its emphasis remained the same. After experiencing 25 minutes of fright, visitors walked through the crucifixion room with a replication of Jesus Christ on the cross. They were then ushered into tents where the message of salvation and eternal life was communicated by LU students. For some it was the first time they heard the gospel.

Becky Candanoza, a counselor, defined the role of Scaremare counselors. "One of the most important things we do," she explained, "is get their name, address, phone number and age, so that Thomas Road, which is the one who does the follow-up, can plug them into a program."

At the post-function debriefing. Project Coordinator Troy Temple delivered the weekend stats to an exuberant crowd. "We've had 731 decisions for Christ!" he exclaimed. "That is over half as many total decisions as we had all last year, in one weekend." Temple said, "This is a chance for you to be a part of history and see God work and impact the lives of people eternally and to see the kingdom impacted."

(Scaremare continuedfrom 57)
58 Selah
Top: Two furryfriendsfound theirway into theactors'champagne glasses TheDining Room added the rodents intoits wacky theme atthisyear'sScaremare Above: Tim Seward proved how realistica little fake blood and stage make-up can look
the Would 59
Above: The purpose of Scaremare was displayed in the last room of the house: The CrucifixionRoom.Thisnight, Eric Bailey portrayed Jesus. Left. At the entrance of the house a little girl awaited, swinging methodically
60 Set ah
Above left: Ron Kenolyof Integrity Music led the student body in praise and worship Above right: Integrity's Don Moen tickled the ivories intheVines. Middle:Tiffany Arbuckle of Plumb brought a scorching show to Liberty, opening forJarsofClay. Right: All Star United Guitarist Dave Clo worked through thechords atthe Third Day, All Star United and Switchfoot concert. Far right: Andrea Kimmey, of Out of Eden visited LU inSeptember.

The Sound of Music

)^ro m Ron Kenoly toThird Day, ^^p' Liberty Students enjoyed a variety of musical performances this year. The wide range of concerts offered at Liberty was a good example of the diversity among the University's students. Students kicked off the musical year with 6, 4IP*4HJ a show from Out of Eden d NewSong. The

freeconcert was thefirstinan explosive lineup of concerts.

On Sept. 5 Ron Kenoly with Integrity Music drew the largest crowd of the year, with nearly 10,000 in attendance. The concert was recorded live for distribution throughout the United States and 120 nations worldwide.

Third Day appeared in concert for the second consecutive semester, bringing with them hot, new groups; Switchfoot and All Star United. Many Liberty students identified with these up and coming artists of tomorrow and were encouraged by their obvious success. "I thought All Star United put on an excellent show," said senior Randy King. "I thought it was good to have successful young Christian musicians play here."

The last concert in Student Life's lineup for the semester was Jars of Clay with special guest Plumb. Although the only ticketed concert of the Fall semester, it was much anticipated by students. According to Ashley David, a self-proclaimed "hard core" fan of Jars of Clay, "The show [was] one of their best. I'm really excited about finally being able to see them at Liberty."

Would 61

It's Music to

your ears

Above: Outof Eden gotmilitantfor the Messiah. Above right: Dan Haseltine ofJars ofClay bonded with the microphone and the crowd RightThe concertgoers in the Vines didn't seem to mind whatever conspiracy made them attend Third Day's Conspiracy Tour.

•>*•* IT"** ^ C 62 Selah
Top /eft:Three-man-band Sixpence None theRicherrocked theVine's Center. Top right: Liberty Senior Brian Jackson vocalistPaulLynch, SeniorSamuel Anthonyand Ron Kenoly didafourpartharmony. Above: Mac Powelland Brad Avery pf Third Day brought theirnew sound tothe Vines. Middle ght: The Waiting came to Liberty on April 3rd along with right) Sarah Masen and Sixpence None theRicher.
Se la h
Left:LUPD ChiefofPoliceDon Sloan leadtheforcethroughthe changes. Above: One ofthe police officers performed a drug searchindormitoriesaroundcampus. Right: Everythingchecked out negative Below: The change ofname meant new paint for thesquad'svehicles

The Boys in Blue

J I fteryears ofpatrolling the lunges of officialdom, tbe

^ ^LUPD finally decided to become an official police department.

colleges tohave theirown policeforce," Sloan explained.

The change of name didn't alter the duties of LUPD. However, as a police force, LUPD

The team once calledLiberty University gained access tosome equipment from the Emergency Serviceswas renamed the Liberty University Police Department in 1997. The decision to make the change came in November 1996, although results weren't seen until the fall of 1997. Don Sloan, LUPD chief of police, said the decision was made by the Liberty University Board of Trustees, based on an addition to Virginia state code 23-232.1.

"(The code) allows private universities or

Lynchburg Policedepartment,such as lie detectors and "K-9" units.

The name change meant more responsibilities for the department, such as more extensive record keeping and learning to deal professionally with the public. Sloan said that becoming a police department may have caused anxiety for the force. "We're a brand new agency ... there is a lot of expectations placed on (us)." Sloan added that with these higher expectations and judicial conditions, the LUPD has to respond and react differently.

The change seemed to bode well for the department's future. Sloan hoped to see more uniformed LU officers on Virginia Criminal Information Network (VCIN). Sloan said that with more changes, the LUPD would achieve its goal of protecting its main resources: students, faculty and staff. "We're responsible for taking care of people first," Sloan said.

liberty's police DeptiRtment
the Would 65
Rodger Love

fitness on Campus Keeping it

walking orrollerblading around campus,or if they're completely out of their mind, tackling the roads of Lynchburg in sock caps and boots.

Intramural sports also attracted the workout friendly who wanted the competitive edge. Senior Kerrie Rodriguez said, "I enjoy volleyball intramurals because it not only gives me an opportunity to play the sport I love, but also a chance to socialize with fellow LU students."

M Witness,fitness, fitness In August •l^^rLLJ's sidewalks were packed with W eager freshmen determined to avoid the dreaded "Freshman 15." Upperclassmen who caught the "workout spirit" hit the weight room and streets again to stay in shape. The students had a mission: to tackle the "City of Seven Hills" with dedication and determination.

Unfortunately, when October came along, the fitness craze died down as a result of cooler weather, and the trials of attempting to balance a social life on top of everything. Many students quit exercising, but a few diehards were left behind. These were the ones who could be found in the student weight room, running in the Vines Center,

The secret was a lifestyle that included mandatory time set aside for physical activities. Senior Marcie Huffman said that she allowed Tuesdays and Thursdays to be her days for working-out.

lifting, and


said Some students chose to go off-campus to local gyms, but many stayed on campus and used the facilities on campus because of convenience and the cost-cuts.

Senior Lance Smith, worked out at the student weight room located above the Schilling Center. As a former football player, he was concerned with staying in shape and did not want to let himself go now that he is married. "It's a lot more economical to work out at school than at; expensive gym," he explained.

What kept the members of the select crowd active despite the bombardment of the other responsibilities of being on their own?

"I make sure that I don't do anything else during 5-7 p.m. because that is the time block that I set aside for running or weight-

Junior Jason Ingram, said that he brought his own free weights to school, "Because I didn't feeling like paying outrageous gym fees just to stay in shape." For most LU students with the fitness bug, it is a serious matter. Sophomore Jamie Pack spoke for many when she said "I run to keep in shape—definitely not for fun!"

66 Selah
Above: Rollerbladerswere acommon sight at theVines Center. Right: Exercising the cheap way. Travis Druck decided to use histwo feet tostay inshape


Beloved,Iwish above allthings thatthou mayest prosper and be inhealth, even asthy soul prospereth.
Above:Kim Watkins decided toskate around campus instead of walking.
the Would 67
Left. Thestudentgym allowed men and women towork outwithoutspending a lot ofmoney

Living QudivteK Choices

Now, with having monthly bills, you can't spend money as carefreely.
Senior Marcie Huffman Right: Monica Monteroso, Melissa Bensen and ChristineNucifore mightneverhave been soclose if itwasn'tforthedorms. Far right. Facemasks anyone? (from lefttoright) BeckyWalker,MarcieHuffman and CarrieTimmons experienced off-campus livingat its fullest.
68 Selah
Above: Freshman Blayne Curotulostrummed his guitarwhilehisroommate, freshman John Livingston, laid inagony. Right. "I wanna be likeMike."Freshman Jason Smith flewthrough theairwhileattempting a slam dunk.Despite thesmall sizesofdorm rooms,studentsstill managed tofit inmini basketballcourts.

On-campu s versus off-campus living. This debate is something that every senior must ponder at some point. For some it is a hard and time-consuming decision to make and for others it is as easy as picking out their favorite ice cream in a grocery store.

Off Campus On Campus versus

choose tostayon-campus theirsenioryear With off-campus living comes monthly bills. What is the worst part about it? "Now with having monthly bills, you can't spend money as carefree," said off-campus student, Marcie Huffman. "Before my parents took care of room and board because I lived in the dorms.

What makes thisdecision sohard tomake? NowI am incharge ofpaying my bills."

One reason boils down to companionship. On the flip side of the coin are the benefits With on-campus living, one is constantly of off-campus living. "I definitely think that surrounded by his closest confidants. It is like living off-campus is better because I can eat living with a 75-member family, all on one home-cooked meals every day and not be hall. For others, on-campus living provides bothered by the rowdiness on the hall when I benefits that are not quite as obvious. "I like am trying to study," Matt Swinehart said. the fact that I have a ton of wardrobes to The benefits for on and off-campus living choose from instead of just one," quipped one seem to balance out equally, but that should student Alicia Ward. be left up to each student to decide.

Finances are another reason why students by Becky Walker

the Would 69
Right: Guitarist,from the group eyecircleperformedattheBackyard Bash CoffeeHouse. Be/ow.Vroom! Vroom! Dorothy Fuchs and Company,sung abouttheleaderof thepack Above: Kevin Fretzand Kim Busa enjoyed a little snack.
70 Selah
Above: A good'ole ho-down dance broughtafewlaughstothecrowd. Right: A groupcalled(noneotherthan)The Fallwellsflexedits musical muscles


and aCupof Joe

Since its initiation in 1990, Liberty's Coffee House has provided students with arefreshing break from studies and thedollartheater.

As it entered itsseventh year oftalentdisplay, Liberty's Coffee House opened the season with anew feature:theelection ofa new host.

With veteran Steve Kyle's 1997 graduation,Student Life was reluctant toquickly choose thenext host.So,ina rareoccurrence, the hosting duties forthefirstshow ofthe year, the Backyard Coffee House,were athree-part harmony.

Three candidates, the bestofthe applicants forKyle'sposition, hosted the show.At the end ofa show thatincluded old favorites, likeSlo-Mo,intermingled with new acts, such asThe Fallwells and eyecircle, the audience voted forthe new host

The people's choice,Matt Gallagher,assumed theroleofcomedian extraordinaire and "free stuff distributor atthe Late Night Coffee House The show had something foreveryone Gallagher's premiere made alasting impression onthe audience with histop 10 listsinashow whose alternate theme seemed to be variety Southerners,pastCoffee House hosts and the school administration were allsubjected toGallagher's dry wit

Students applauded away 1997 atthe lastshow ofthe year,the Christmas Coffee House.Visitsfrom Santa Claus and the Marriott IceCream Man keptthe audience warmed updespite the dropping temperatures outside

(Continued onthenext page)

the Would 71
Suzie, a.k.a.Gina Miller,ledthecrazy brigade inbeingsilly.

SpRing Coffee Houses and

a Little Entertainment

Love, more love and a scamper down memory lane, followed by the annual showcase of Coffee House stars were themes enjoyed by students at second semester 'Houses.

Maybe it was the air; maybe it was the water. Whatever the reason, declarations of both love and lack thereof entertained the crowd at the Valentine's Day Coffee House.

From the Supremes to the Spice Girls, the performers spread the lov2 with their talent.

"The host with all the love," junior Matt Gallagher, paraded the lighter side of love with his Scooby Doo boxers and Top Ten list of Christian pickup and breakup lines.

Students wondered if they had accidentally walked into convocation at the Then and Now Coffee House, as Blank Page did an Eric Lovett impersonation. But when "Ancient of Days" suddenly became "Johnny Be Good," they realized they were in for a musical smorgasbord. The spring Coffee House season ended with the annual Best of Show, which featured the best acts of the year as chosen by Student Life.

Above: The Supremes halted the show with "Stop inthe Name of Love."
72 Selah
Below: Host MattGallagher wore hisheartonhisshorts

Gallagher's Christian Pickup Lines

a.h.a. Cupid's errors

-* What areyour plans for tonight?Do you feel likeaBible study?

-» You know God? Me too.

-> Did it hurt when you fell from Heaven?

-^Is it a sinthatyou stole my heart?

-» Christians don't shakehands. Christians gottahug.

-> They say you've neverreally dated untilyou've dateda Christian.

-^Excuse me, but I think thatone ofyour ribsbelongs tome

the Would 73
Above: The Spice Girlsspiced up theValentine's Day show Middle left: The hillbilliesspreaded a little love at the Valentine's Day House. Middle right: The prince found his love on V-Day. Left: StudentLifeActivitiesDirectorMoose Piercewent acoustic atthe"Then and Now" Coffee House.

w-4 t w^s) blazes trail A l/i C to change

Th e firethatguttedalaboratoryinthe , science hall one week before Thanksgiving break and caused at least $1 million in damages could do little to quell Liberty's holiday spirits. The administration, faculty and staff banded together to make the most of the disaster, utilizing the clean slate left by the blaze to make several changes to the existing facilities.

Authorities believed that the fire began between 2:30 and 3 a.m. on the morning of Nov. 19, when an electrical system in SH 162 developed what David Young called "a short of some kind." The Lynchburg Fire Department quickly brought the flames under control, and the fire was completely snuffed out by 4:30 a.m., when Young arrived on the scene.

walls, furniture, computers and otherequipment.

"The majority of the damage - if you want to call it that - (is) because of the smoke damage done," Young said.

After assessing the damage, the administration secured the services of an outside contractor and computer restoration specialists to aid in the cleaning process.

Among the damaged computers were several outdated 286 models, so the university's insurance company agreed to replace the aging units. New wiring, carpet and freshly painted walls were also replaced.

According to Young, the administration had planned to revamp the science hall along with the proposed DeMoss Hall renovations. The fire essentially afforded the university the opportunity to receive literally hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of renovations for a mere $10,000 deductible. Truly a blessing in disguise.

"As I understand it, the one lab, room 126, was almost totally destroyed and everything in it, except for one snake," Young said. "He had to be one tough snake." Although the blaze was contained to SH 126, the smoke entered the ventilation system and filtered throughout the science hall, leaving an ebony film on

\b\essing in Disguise
Jason Ingram
74 Set ah
Left: Schedule adjustment notifications fluttered like so many carnival flags from the doors of SH duringtheclosing hoursof the fall semester of1997. Left: BuildingServices had their hands full restoringthelabs. Middle left: A new and improvedcomputerlab replaced the one damaged inthe fire.
the Would
Above:The InformationTechnology ResourceCenter(formerly Academic Computing)expanded greatlyafterthe fire. Left.SH 126 sufferedthe bruntofthe firedamage.

Wa r

Living the Past

a young woman awakens to the frigid temperature ofdew-laden,grassyterrain on an early spring morning As she blinksofftherestlessremnants ofarough night'ssleep shepullsagray shawl overher shoulders and creeps out ofameager tenttowards thecampfire. The smell ofoak and hickory smoke,thenbacon and eggs sizzlingina blackened pan greethera"good morning."An intense, golden sunhasjustthrustforthits initiallightand as Delaniepeersoffintothedistance, hoping toobserve herbeloved father'sfigure, shehearsthefirstcannon's explosive fury asit hurlsgrapeshot at thefrontlineof soldiers.She claspsherhand overhermouth asshe watches helplessly fromafar

The smells,sightsand sounds may be convincing, yetnone ofthesesoldiersdie. Thatprocess ended well overacentury ago,butthehistoryoftheCivilWar lives on through reenactments

Through thereenactments Delanie Rowlette,a Liberty freshman,formed abond with herfatherthat few daughtershave.She and herfather,Kenny Rowlette, both lovetheeraand Delanie hoped thather partinthesereenactments planta similardesireinthe heartsofonlookers toleam more about Civil War history.

"Ifwe read thestorieswithoutputting ourselvesin theirpast, we can'tunderstand them (soldiers and family),"Delanie said. Only when shewalked intheir shoes did shebegin tounderstand all they endured.

76 Selah
Top: Delanie Rowlette infullCivilWar regalia. Above: The Federal Soldiersrested before performing theirreenactment inFt. Branch,North Carolina.
the Would 77
Above pictures: The battlefield, at Oakridge Plantation in Lovingston,Virginia. Left:Kenny Rowlette trekked through the field atthe Oakridge Plantation reenactment. Sometimes the reenactors hiked up to 13 milesa day

Higher Learning

When was the last time your parents paid you foranA on a reportcard?

When was thelasttime thatyou were rewarded justforstudying and writing reportsand taking classes?Well,studentsenrolled inthehonors program at Liberty flashback tothose good old days when anA was worth a dollarora nightout atyour favoriterestaurant. Exceptthis time,payment comes intheform ofscholarship.

With the addition ofseveralextra assignments and some very high GPAs, thehonors studentsreceived a scholarship thathelped them financially make itthrough college.

The honors program gave those who earned theprivilegea chance topursue specialized research on a topic oftheir choosing Topics forhonors papers ran the gamut from the study ofvideo games on youth aggression totheimpact ofthe interneton writing style. More than one hundred thirty studentswere enrolled inthehonors program thisyear and twenty-nine students were accepted intotheprogram fornext year.

Applicants must score atleasta 1270 on the SAT,be in the top ten percentoftheirgraduating classand submit athree to five page paper.Students must maintain a 3.5 GPA tostayin the program

The research served some asa spring board forfurthering theireducation atthegraduate leveland forothers theresearch translated intoan excitingcareer.

78 Seltib Honors PKOgRrtrn

But ofcourse, there areotherless obvious positivestotheprogram. Honors students registeraweek before others and find iteasy tobreeze through theregistrationprocedures.

Specialized honors classesmade foran interesting learning experience. "Honors classes were small and theprofessors spent more time with you,"saidErin Harris, a junior."The classes are more participative and interesting,"she continued

The class sizewas limited totwenty-five students and during theirfirsttwo years of school,honors students were required to take two honors classeseach semester Students petitioned totake upper level honors classes with additional work

Friends made here were thekind forged through thefireofextra labor "You havea bond with them,and you sticktogether," Harris said with asmile."There is a common thread betweenus."

Another benefit tograduating from the honors program,came tothe students who applied forpostgraduate work.

Pepperdine, here I come.

As the Commencement exercised approached and Liberty seniors began to hit the panic button aboutjoining theranks intheworld ofworking adulthood,Tom Inkel remained relax. His future was already determined.Law school.

The end effortoffouryearsof undergraduate work would come wrapped inbows andribbons.Inkel, a psychology and English major,was selected astherecipientofthe Faculty Scholar award,afulltuitionscholarship toPepperdine University in Malibu,California And by full tuition, thisschool means business Besides theapproximate $28,000 intuitionper year, Inkel received a$5,000 stipend "When thedean called up, I'm thinking 'What isthisguy talking Honors studentTom Inkel wanted togoto law about? „, m& } k d i± rf school. He was excepted to prestigious b epper me.

Q n j y ^ Qu r enter j n g f res h ma n from around thecountry were chosen toreceive theaward,with representatives heralding from Harvard,Berkeley,USC and Liberty

"Itwas probably themost beautiful campus I've everbeen on,"said Inkel in reference tohisvisit. "(But)Idid notwant topick a school on thebasisofthat."

Instead,Inkel looked forward toPepperdine's program innegotiation law which ranked as thebestinthenation Also Inkelcommented thatanother pluswas the strong Christian influence among thestaff

"Personally,theirgoal istosee strong Christian lawyers out there,"saidInkel

As farasadvice forthe law-school-bound student, Inkel insiststhatis notjust lists and grades thatscore high with admissionsboards

"You've got to look different,"insisted Inkel "Get involved ineverything,anddo something significant init." Inkelhas been involved inthe Liberty Championas opinion editor, the Resident Life program.PsiChi and Sigma Tau Delta.

the Would 79

KimYeagerand herdatemodeled theirblackand whites fortheshutter Top center: Jason Ingram and Amy CanneLongo enjoyed thefinedining atthe Hotel Roanoke. Far right: Daniel Bowlesand Amy MorrisleftthebanquetasfiancesafterDaniel popped thequestion. Below right: GingerGillenwaterand Jaimie PerezcreatedaJr./Sr. moment thatMattAdkinswasn'tlikelyto forget Right: Manhattan comic David J entertained the banqueters

T y 80 Selah

64 Remembering 55 'Winter Enchantment

Davi d J. stopped in the middle of his monologue and surveyed the crowd before him. "This is a good looking crowd," he exclaimed.

And they were. Clad in formal wear, more than 550 Liberty students, faculty and staff journeyed to the Hotel Roanoke in

downtown Roanoke,Virginia forthe annual Jr./Sr. Banquet. The night recorded the highest attendance in the history of the event according to Student Life.

Once they arrived, they were treated to a photography session with Liberty University Chancellor Dr. ferry Falwell, a fabulous chicken dinner and a performance by J., a comedian from Manhattan, New York. J.'s routine included a series of anecdotes regarding the Liberty Way and an uncanny impersonation of comic guru Jerry Seinfeld, This was the first year that a comedian provided the entertainment. "We just wanted to try something different," said Moose Pierce, Coordinator of Student Activities for Student Life. "We wanted to make it an evening to remember."

After the banquet the more adventurous party goers traveled to the Roanoke Ice Palace, an ice skating rink. A handful of banqueters even ventured onto the ice in their formal attire, drawing the attention of other Liberty students and the rink staff alike.

The combination of fine clothing, fine dining and fine entertainment made the evening a success that no one who attended would soon forget.

JRJSK . banquet
Would 81

The uest for the


hecrown.Thesatinsash. he bouquet of roses. All of these objects symbolize a conqueror,awinner,achampion.To the winner of the Miss Liberty contest, it symbolizes an achievement, not just a title. After the nominees from the class of 1998 had been narrowed down to 21 — the odd number was the result of a tie — the final five ladies were elected by the student body. The five finalists for '97 included Sunday Beckman, Kaley Hill, Trista Pinkard, Sarah St. John, and Jennifer Ward. St. John, a 23-year-old elementary education major from Jacksonville Florida, was chosen as this year's Miss Liberty. Katarina Terzic, Miss Liberty 1996, crowned St. John during the special halftime ceremony at the Homecoming game. St. John said she would like to use this opportunity to speak to young women about self-image.

•^"h e

Above right: Seventeen of the 21 semifinalists lined the steps behind the Vines Center fora group picture two weeks before Miss Liberty was crowned Right: Newly crowned Homecoming Queen Sarah St John posedfor a picture with 1996 Queen Katarina Terzic

09155 Libeiyty
82 Set ah

Strength and honour areher clothing:and she shallrejoiceintime tocome.Favouris deceitful,and beauty is vain: buta woman thatfeareth theLord,she shall be praised.

Proverbs31:25, 30

the Would 83
Above left: Miss Liberty 1997 Sarah St John tooka moment tocompose herselfafterthe announcement was made.Left:Finalists, JenWard,Sarah St.John, TristaPinkard,and Kaley Hillposed together.

Down s

Homecoming A
Dayof Upi
r*_A* * __ L r ^_B^ ^ _ ^ 1 & i 1 _ 1 1 i ms ' ^V '/'t_PV^P *_V « _|B'*'^__P_fc _ l
the Would 85
Top left: Ben Johnson, Kevin Huffman,Jared Trumbo and Head SoccerCoach Bill BellcruisedtheHomecoming Parade in a jeep Top center: The Spirit of the Mountain band marched inthe parade,lending theirspirit and talenttothe festivities. Top right: The Lady Flames basketball team hitcheda rideon apickupfortheHomecoming Parade. Far left: The action ofthe game neverceased.Left center: The LU football team rushedthefieldbeforethebig Homecoming Game Left: A girl's dorm displayedtheircheerleadingskills Oh, wait...those aren'tgirls.... Above:The cast of"Intothe Woods"showed theirschoolspirit bywearingtheircostumes from theplay.

A Day of UpJ, Down s

Hundred s ofLibertystudents, faculty, staff and Lynchburg residents linedUniversity Boulevard on October 11 towitness Liberty'sinaugural Homecoming Day Parade.

Dean ofStudent Development Mark Hine, who cultivated theparade concept with PresidentJohn M. Borek,Jr., saidthat though severalmembers ofthe community attended theevent,theparade was orchestrated mainly topromote campusspirit.

Dr.Borek travelled theparade route atop theL UWaste Management truck."I attribute thesuccess (oftheHomecoming parade) to thestudentsand theirenthusiasm aboutthis

greatuniversity,"Borek said "This is just another signal totheworld thatweare a world class institution."

Parade festivitieswere followed by a devastating overtime lossagainstthe Hampton University'sPirates The lossupset Liberty'sperfectrecord of4-0. The chance tomaintain aperfectrecord slipped away afterHampton scored atouchdown inovertime towin 33-27.

During halftime, theannualMiss Liberty contesttook thefans' minds offthe game for awhile asthey watched Sarah St.John take thetitle ofMiss Liberty 1997

Like always,Liberty fansnever lost their spiritincelebrating this event

86 Selah

Top: The SpiritofThe Mountainmarching band performed during the halftime show Above: Heavyweight Rodney Degrate eluded a defender and zeroed in on his unsuspecting prey. Far left: The action didn'tstop forone moment during the game. Center: LU's cheerleaders keptthe crowd rowdy withtheir stunts and spirited cheers during the Homecoming game Left: HeatherStewartand her milkchocolatey friend wave tothe crowd duringthe Homecoming Parade.

the Would 87

School SpiKit ^TL Number

R ed , whit^and bluepainted faces blurred in|to the background of the game. Banners, posters and signs ills and railings of the building. Shouts ieard through the megaphones, but above all, the crowds

ofencouragement were noise makers resounded drowned outany othernoise thattriedtosneak intothe Vines Center Welcome

LU's sport teams brir

o thehome ofschool spirit. g in thousands of fans to campus every year. Whejther it was watching a women's soccer game or the men's basketball team, the fans came for one reason- to support the teams that they loved

tosee"LU Flames"sprayed on the SpiritRock asthe crowds entered thecampus, or costumes complete with pomNeither was it out of the ; campus wearing the colors of

a group ofmen sporting poms and colorful wigs ordinary to see the whol the American flag. Crowd spirit was what LU students thrived on. They took pride in being the loudest, craziest and most colorful school. They were not concerned about being put-down, they just focused on supporting the team

It was not uncommor rainor shine, lossorwir

88 Selah
Left. Scream ifyou lovethe Flames Red facesand a little yellingcheered on the home team. Below. Where's Waldo? It's likea partythatwouldn't stop—'til half-timeatleast. Far left. Inyour face!Liberty fans got a littlerowdy during a football game. Left. "LU" spelled outwithfingersbecame an LU traditionatgames. Above: Did you recognize the other cheerleaders,you know,the tattooed,snarl-faced ones? the Would 89 Right: Playing around at Marriott. Far right: The main man of Marriott, David Cole. Below. Itisgathering time at the caf Many students do their catching-up over meals.
90 Selah
Above: Santa made a specialstopjust forMarriott Right: Even theusualoldslopcan seem stomachable inthe rightcompany.

Eating at the


y~ mm Yale to UCLA, budding scholars gripe about the food, the cooks and the management of their university eating facilities.We were no exception, fielding our share of complaints about Marriott, Liberty's food service. To deal with the flood of student unhappiness, Marriot offered a channel of communication: comment cards. The only question was who had more wit and eloquence, the students or the ""Marriott Man," Dave Cole, senior director of food service, who often spiced up his replies with a dose of humor. Students posed dilemmas like: "Your veggies are lacking in the following: taste, color, carbohydrates and beta carotene.... Your carrots are wearing T-shirts, your peas are singing, your broccoli are combing their green hair and your beans are wearing neck ties." Cole replied:

""With such talented veggies, we should have bought a 30-second spot for the Super Bowl and done some advertising. It only would have cost $1.3 million. -1 will address our veggies with the cooks. They should have all of those qualities that you mentioned."

Another queried about the ingredients of "Turtle cake." Cole answered: "We quit using turtles several years ago. Between the Humane Society and PETA we had to. They can be a little upset when you start using 'non-traditional' meats."

The Reber-Thomas Dining Hall was a focal point for socializing, a place to chew both food and the fat. Buzzing voices drowned the clank of dinnerware, and few conversations focused on food quality.

QOaKKiott OJvvcbies

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us," (Hebrews 12:1).

This year, like every year, involved many trials and challenges. Obstacles of every kind blocked our way. Through the empowerment of God, we learned perseverance, purpose and patience. He helped us in our race for knowledge and brought us to the finish line victorious.

"Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run that ye may obtain " (1 Cor. 9:24).

The Race

SportsReplay: in case You misse d it

d i I ugust: sweat. Crunching

M^^ B bodieson the turf, squeaking

^ ~ ^ shoeson both sidesofthe net, softpadding ofrunning feetinthe woods.

November:coolnights Scrimmages undertheblazingfieldlights, first-of-theseason competitions on thecourt, battered knee pads and theglory oftournament victory

March:spring Playoffstruggles, dreamingofthedance, thecrack ofbats, painful milesoftrainingruns A coupleofsnapshots could never sayit all, buttheycan keepthe memoriesalive

94 Selah
Above: Sophomore Anthonia Akpama, 1996 Big South Rookie oftheYear,dominated the airwaves. Toprig/if:DecathleteGreg Benhase was named the 1998 Big South Track &Field Male Athlete oftheYear. Above: Senior Mari Kong placed thirdat thejavelinthrow inthe 1998 BSC Track & Field Championships. Above middle: The Spirit of the Mountain Marching Band entertained the crowds athalftime. Right: The LU Cheerleaders tried to fuelthe fans'fireby unfurling the Flames' flag. Top left: Despiteahead injurythatwould requireseven stitches, ErikSorenson returned tothe game against UMBC Above: ClintWillieand Sam Dyer were thebestclad floorsweepers inthe BSC.
^ the Race 95
Top right: Sarah and Sharon Wilkerson opened thebasketballgame withtheNational Anthem. Above: The Liberty Eagle's antics made him the most active mascot in the Conference

tesm n



Western Carolina(A)

Delaware State(A)

Elon College (H)

Hampton University (H)

VirginiaUnion (A)

Charleston Southern (A)



Hofstra University (H)

Appalachian (A)

W/L w w w w LOT w w w w L w SCORE 56-7 17-10 33-17 41-9 27-33 16-8 48-14 49-32 17-6 27-40 25-19 J
^,,1, ' ^ r * • %. * 'a o \ !»•(' • ".1 ^ r'&
Right: Wide Receiver Courtney Freeman pulled some fancy footworkagainstCSU. Below: A verymuch needed fieldfinally made its debutthis yearattheWilliams Stadium

Where PAIN Defined is

W seast seasons, the Flamfes a 9-2 record and a I-AA playoffs

's football team, marked a breakthrough n. After several average finished this year with near trip to the Division came to Hampton 11 and Hofstra Univerof these schools


LU's only losses University on Oct sity on Nov. 15. finished in the top rankings and rece Liberty relied and a balanced off successful season recognized as top Division I-AA

Defensively, L first team and two

15 I-AA national ved a playoff berth. tyeavily on tough defense ensive attack during this Several LU players were performers among the Independents. berty's team earned two second team All-

Independent selections

theRace 97
Left:Coach Sam Rutigliano was the mind behind the machine, as he guided the Flames through theiropponents. Middleleft: Liberty athletes continued to give the glory toGod. Above /eft.TheFlames defense went totown on Hofstra.


First team

WR - Courtney Freeman

LT - Trey Sartin

DE - Rodney Degrate

ILB - Jesse Riley

Second team

ILB - Jamie Christian

i FS - Torrey Rush

Above: QB Ben Anderson used hisarm and accuracy to the Flames benefit Above Right: Wide Receiver Courtney Freeman leavesthepackbehind Middle Right: Running Back WaltHeiligdodges Hofstra'sdefense. Right:The Flamestook some hard falls throughouttheseason,butdidexceptionally well.

98 Selah

Pigskin . persistence

Th e footballteam had an amazing and exciting season with 9-2 record. However, success does not come easy and starting running back Stacy Nobles knows how much hard work it really takes. Nobles started in all eleven 1997 games, averaged 4.4 yards a carry and scored fourteen touchdowns. All the hard work left the Flames with the sweet taste of victory. What was Flames' secret to success? "Unity, and the fact the guys want to play to glorify God and not themselves," Nobles said. Even though Nobles grew-up in a

Christianhome, he did notacceptChrist until he was 15 at a Carmen Concert. It was when he came to Liberty that he began to get serious about his relationship with Christ and grew in his knowledge of the Bible. "I know this is where God wanted me to come, because all the other doors closed and He opened this one." Nobles wants to be remembered as a man who played the sport he loved in hopes of bringing honor and glory to God.

Above: Running Back Stacey Nobles (withball) started inall11 games of1997. Top: KickerPhil Harrelsonsendsanotherball intoorbit. Middle: John Bona runs defense iforAlonzoMatthews. Bottom: Defensive End iDarryl Galmon takes some time out ofthe igame tolook inward.
the Race 99
100 Selah
Above: Jeremy Day was oneof the new crop ofplayers. Above right: SeniorLarryJackson, one ofthefewveteransontheteam, led the team through a tough season. Right: No matterwhat, thefansstill came.

Some G a /e


iberty's91-82 end-of-the-season lossto Radford

University was analogous to the rest of the season, showing how the Flames could get so near, but fail to make it over the hump and win the close games. The year started off on rocky groun J as the team lost four anticipated starters for one reason or another. Then Head Coach

Jeff Meyer resigned as was replaced by Interim Head Coach Randy Dunton with a short list of experienced players

"These kidswho have played this y stabilizethepositives insidetheprogram tokeep thisthing

;arhave done alot to moving," Dunion said.

Liberty's three veterans, Mark Reed, Erik Sorenson and Larry Jackson gave t leir all for the team, despite the holes in the roster.

"Jesus Chri it died for us and gave us his all, and that's what I wanted to do this year," Jackson said.

LU seemed to hit its deepest valley on Dec. 8, in the midst of an eight game losing streak when Division I newcomer Belmont embarrassed tie Flames in the Furnace

One month later, Liberty pulled off the biggest win of the year, and maybe in the history of LU basketball, when it downed the University of Virginia Cavaliers in Charlottesville, Virginia by score of 69-64 handing UVa its first home court loss in twenty years.

"Obviously, the Virginia win was huge for us at the time, but hopefully bettt r things are yet to come," Dunton said. "May I remind you thi.t Cinderella did go to the ball."

However, Dunton's dreams never crystallized, as Liberty finished the seison with a 10-16 record. The Flames only managed to pull dcwn a fourth seed in the Big South Conference Tournament, their lowest in several years.

Above: Senior Eric Sorenson gave all, playing despite a head injury. Left: Senior Mark Reed served as the Flames'captain during lastyear's season. -byRandy King& Matt Keenan the Race 101
102 Selah
Above: EricSorenson reachedfor glory against Radford Above center: LarryJackson stared down an opponent. Above right: Freshman Jeremy Day was a hot new addition tothe Flames. Right: Senior Mark Reed put inplentyof court time his lastyear at LU Far right: Jay Boykinand Adam Hopkins found outthatthree'sa crowd.

Dream Breaker

•^^ he Liberty Flames basketball team concluded it's H season with a42-46 semifinal lossto Big ~P ^ South Tournament opponents,the UNC Asheville Bulldogs intheVines Center Both teams had sub par performances, settingfivenew Big South Tournament low records.

"Obviously thiswas a tough loss,"Interim Head Coach Randy Dunton said."Unfortunately,it wasn't theteam thatscored the most points thatwas going towin,but it was theteam who scored the leastthatwas going tolose."

Although the two teams combined fora tournament record low of 28.5 percent shooting from the field, theFlames did turn up the heat intheFurnace inthefirsthalfas they held theirlargest advantage 16-7 and 21-12 inthefirstquarterofthe game

The 6,655 fans intheVines were starting tothink an upset was in the making,butAsheville was determined not toletLiberty returnto thechampionship game forthe fourth time out ofthe lastfiveyears Still, LU led athalftime 23-20.

Asheville returned tothegame allbusiness,and led forthe majority ofthe second half.

Free throws were vitaltothe game The Bulldogs earned 15 of 29 possible charity points, while Liberty only made four points intheir six tripstotheline

"It'sunfortunate thatyou have a personal foultotalof25 to10," Dunton said."Ifwe could have gotten tothelinea littlemore I think it would have been theother way around."

LU's Larry Jackson led the Flames with 13 points,the only Liberty playertopostdoubledigits.

theRace 103

How canyou dobetter than an undefeated season?

Above: The Lady Flamesstartedeverygame prayerand priorities in order Middle: They were called a three headed monster.Left to right: Sarah Wilkerson ledtheBigSouth in stealsandwasknown for herbreakaways. Elena Kisselevawasfearedforherdefenseaswellasheroffense.Sharon Wilkerson sank three pointers as needed. Right: after thegames Flori Willie andteammatestooktimetosignautographsandanswerquestions from theiryoung admirers

•o*?^ j?^~
104 Set ah

Ahh Perfection

N eithe r scars,opponents nor any amountof strategizing could defeat them.Having passed through the fire and won theBigSouth Conference title last year, theLady Flames knew they would have todefend their crown fromthe beginning of the season,andthey were ready."I really felt thisyearwe were thebestteamin theconference,"

Liberty head coach

Rick Reeves said Lead by second year veterans Sarah and Sharon

Wilkerson and Elena Kisseleva,along with the valuable help ofseniors Erma Jackson, ErinWall and FloriWillie,and freshman Irene Sloof,theteam hadjustthe right combination ofaggressiveness andsportsmanlike conduct toproceed throughthe 1997-1998 season undefeated (26-0),a first inLU history.

To pull down arecord likethisinvolved a lot ofsacrifice ofskin tothefloor."Idon't think ofit assacrificing my body Ijust think ofit asgetting theball,"Sarah

Wilkerson said "Imean,iftheball'son the ground,then that'swhere Iwant tobetoo."

Sloof, who played for anational club team inthe Netherlands before coming to Liberty,commented on LU'sallornothing attitude "Theplayers on LU's squad

Two Years:

1000 Points

Dfiring the perfect ^regular season, Elena Kisseleva broke the 1000-point barrier making herthe sixth highest career scorerin Flames' history.

The memorable eventoccurred Saturday, January 24 ina game againstCharleston Southern.

always go100percent.It'sdifferent, but I like it."

"That's how weplay,"Kisseleva said. "It'snotonly me,it's thewhole team, and it'sourmentality. You give your best on thefloorandoffthe court.. forthe glory ofGod andyou see,"shefinished emphatically,"Itworks!"And it definitely did.

"Iknew I needed fivemore, but Iforgotabout it during thegame," Kisseleva said. It wasn'tuntil she felt atapon hershoulder by AthleticDirectorKimGraham and Dr.JerryFalwell thatshe realized they stopped thegame toaward heraspecial 1000point ball

The milestone comes in only one and ahalf seasons of Kisselevabeing aFlame.

Coach Reeves setthegame planinmotion andrevised asnecessary
theRtict 105
Above left:Senior Flori Willie leapt for the boards against UNCA. Abov e right: Guard Senior Lisa Bateman ledtherestofherteam and severalhundred LU students inprayerfollowing LU's 63-52 defeatof UNCA inthe finalgame. Right: Senior forward Erin Wall shot from out side. Far right: Forward Elena Kisseleva gave it herbestfreeshotagainst UNCA. Selah

Victoryis So Sweet... Again

Same team, same court, same result: a hard-earned championship titlefor Liberty'sfemale hoopsters who claimed a65-53 victory overUNC Asheville (7-22)Saturday,Feb 28,and secured an automatic bid totheNCAA Tournament. LU's "Russian Rocket,"Elena Kisseleva, ledtheway with 23points

Underdog statuswas athingofthepast. The Lady Flames entered the 1998 Pepsi Big South Conference Championship finalsasleague topdogs,defendinglast year'svictory, and trying toadd thefinalseasoning totheir27-game winning streak

The Flames were favored torepeatas Big South champions, butthe6th seeded UNC Asheville Lady Bulldogs entered thetitlebout hoping foraCinderella ending oftheirown

"Our goalallyear was towin theBig South title," Asheville Head Coach Kathleen Weber said."But we came intothisgame knowing we would have ourhands fullwith such atalented

group ofpeople."


CO 2 After starting slowly inFriday's semi-final CO C co match-up with No 4 Charleston Southern(1216),Liberty pulled away 64-54 with astrong seccnd-halfperformance. Sarah Wilkerson shot down 19points, Kisseleva, despite heavy defensive work by theBulldogs,put down 18 points and Irene Sloofkept the Flames inthe game with 10 first-half hoops.

theRace 107
Senior guard and team spirit leaderTiffanyRatcliffwasfirst toclipherpieceof thenetafterthe Big South Championship game. Middle: The Lady Flames mug for the shutter after successfully defending their reign as BSC champions.Left:Sharon Wilkerson hugged team mate Kimmie Reeves.
108 Selah
Top left: Sharon Wilkerson wasn't playing soccerwhen she scored 24 against UT.Top center: Coaches andfriend PatSummit and Rick Reeves meet beforebattle. Top right: On thelineforLiberty,IreneSlooffaced thepressureof playing the nation'stop ranked team Middle left: On the bench Elena Kisseleva,ErinWalls and Tiffany Ratclifffel thepain Below: The Lady Flames and Lady Volsfought inbattleas opponents and prayed togetheraschampions

A trip to theDance

—A Tennessee ^ 1+—

Getting to go to the "big dance" is a big deal. The Lady Flames won a return trip to the NCAA's national playoff game and faced the nation's top ranked team the Lady Volunteers of Tennessee. In the first half Sharon Wilkerson championed the cause, scoring 20 of Liberty's 30 points before intermission. The first points of the game came as she bucketed two from the charity stripe. With sister Sarah, the Wilkerson duo quieted the Tennessee crowd of 12,577 with a quickness that caught the Volunteers slightly off-guard. In the game's opening six minutes the two teams matched basket for basket. Sarah netted four including her signature steal plus lay-in and Sharon nailed shot after shot — three were treys.

But Tennessee returned with a tighter game-plan to defend the LU guards, and slowly stretched its 18-point halftime lead to 44 as the final buzzer sounded a 102-58 UT win. Tennessee Head Coach Pat Summit complemented the Flames' game especially the work of Sharon Wilkerson noting that she hoped her team wouldn't face another guard like her for the rest of the tournament. Tennessee's team, called one the best women's basketball team in NCAA history, plowed its way to a third straight national title defeating Louisiana Tech. After the game the Lady Flames gathered at the center circled for their customary prayer after the game and this time they were joined by the Lady Vols.

"The way the game ended with our kids getting together with the Tennessee kids made it all worth while," Reeves said.

the Race 109
.Above top:Tennessee's Chamique Holdsclaw and LU'sElena Kisseleva clash, all in the name of the game. UT averaged a win margin of 31.4 this year. Above: UT forward Renee Laxton hounds LU forward Elena Kisseleva

Working the Nets

Th e women'svolleyball team secured a top seed heading into the Big South Conference Tournament. The Lady Flames won their final two regular season conference matches. 31 last year, the Flames beat Charleston Southern in three straight games, 15-8,15-6 15-13. Anthonia Akpama had 9 of the Flames' 52 kills and six blocks against CSU.

Then on Nov. 1, LU shut down Coastal Carolina in four games to finish the season at 23-8, 10-2 in the Big South.

final scores were 16-14, 15-10, 5-8,16-4 Liberty finished out its conference on a winning note.

Above: Stacy Collier andKyrie Dornworked the net. Right: Coach Chris Phillips, trainer John "Bubba" Barrick and Jessica Dorn huddledwith the team. Far right: Hi-fivesfor theopposingteam.
110 Selah

Far left: Setter Ashley Fletcher positionedtheballforthe hitters. Left:Kyrie Dorn slammed one down against the Radford Highlanders Bottom: Anthonia Akpama battledatthe backline

theRace 111


Big South

stheLady Flames

volleyball team exited the bus to

members play one lives, the Lai)raMiller 't let a Eon'

ofthebiggest games oftheii words ofassistant coach keptringingintheirears," team that'sleaving the conference take theBig Southtitle."

Liberty's Flames (26-8) courtagainst the University Maryland atBaltimore Courity inthe Big South Conference

took the of (21-9) voiiey-

o | ballTournament's Championship i

-§, round Saturday,Nov 15

LadyFlames SweepTournament

Liberty history was made in the Justice Center ofUNC Asheville as theLady Flames pummeled the Retrievers inthree straightgames

The Flames found themselves down 6-1 inthefirstgame against UMBC. However,LU calleda crucial time-out and when they returned tothecourt, Liberty stifled the Retrievers'offense 15-6

Inthe second game, Liberty jumped out infrontwith a3-0 lead UMB C caught up by scoringthenex sixpoints butthey couldn'tkeepup

Above: Jessica Dorn slammed the ball into UMBC's court Celebrating the victory was sweet The prizes trophy from the Big South went tothe Lady Flames for volleyball
Burnin' upthe
112 Setah

'* UMBC felltothe Flames 6-15

They say the third time is a charm... maybe *• 'tot. The Retrievers made one final reach for a:: he Big South title, but LU cut UMBC off at *: he shoulder as the Flames finished off the ,: ,weep 15-1.

4 Throughout the tournament, Romans 15:5,6

Tournament Trials

Thefirstround oftheNCAA volleyballtournament pittedthechampions ofthe Big East against the champions of the Big South at Fayetteville, Arkansas. Liberty (26-9) was defeated by the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame (24-8) in a three-game sweep 15-9, 15-3. 15-2. The Lady Flames fought hard, but the pressure soon affected them.

"The girls kinda psyched themselves out after the first game," Head Coach Chris Phillips said. "We played well in the first game, but... we didn't pass very well, and you can't win like that. We didn't do a good job adjusting to what they did." Despite their tournament defeat, the road to the NCAAs was full of triumphs. This squad of girls became the winningest in LU history, going undefeated at home.

Ifencouraged the Lady Flames. It reads: "May feiGod who gives endurance and encouragement l)> give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as b-you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart 1; and mouth you may glorify the God and i Father of our Lord Jesus Christ."

^^9 •* i _ , , .f^SWS » - - \f i 4 w^ «_r tt __ J n i __ «.WL •T'n w ,. ».-.»_, i!ia__»__t_a_M__L_-^» V H J
P •'* * ^ P theRace 113
Left: Ashley Fletcher hada huge impactontheteam. Fletcher"set" her way into the record books as she topped the list of LUassistleaders. FacingtheFightingIrish wasa dream come true. Below left: /Athena Sherwood waited fortheserve. Below: Dr.Jerry Falwell joinedthe team in prayer before the matchup against Notre Dame in NCAA competition



l _
George Washington (H) Georgetown (H) VMI (A) Marshall(H) e^ North CarolinaWesleyan (H) UMBC (A) Campbell (H) UNC-Ashville (A) UVa (A) Elon (H) Winthrop (A) South Alabama (H) Radford (H) Coastal Carolina (H) VCU (A) Charleston Southern (H) South Alabama (H) W/L w w w w w w w w L w w L w W L W L SCORE 3-1 1-0 3-2 3-1 4-0 2-1 2-0 3-1 2-5 1-0 2-1 (OT) 0-1 2-1 (20T) 1-0 (20T) 0-1 4-0 0-1 ~l J
114 Selah
Above: Theteam celebrated sweetvictoryafterdefeating Campbell University Right. Kian Brownlee,#13,was amajor contributorin his positionasmidfielder/defender duringthe1997soccerseason

Just for Kicks...

11 good things must end, as did the LU men's soccer season.

The injury-plagued Flames finished the year 134 and headed into the Big South Conference Tournament as the top-seed, earning a first round bye.

Friday, Nov.7, brought the start of semi-final action as Liberty took on the No. 4 seeded team, South Alabama University, which just joined the Big South this year. The Jaguars scored the lone goal of the match just before halftime. Stefan

Thordarson headed-in the ball off of a comer kick by Justin Rosenblad. Despite out-shooting SAU 14-5 on the game. nine of which came in the second half, LU could not get one past Arve Warholm, the Jaguars goalkeeper.

For Liberty though, this loss ended the careers of seven seniors who've played and grown together for years. Flames fans said goodbye to Joe Larson, one of LU's all-time best goalies, Mike Rohrer, Ryan Trumbo, Mark Newton, Kevin Huffman, Kent Dobson and Eli Rogers. After the team's stellar 6-0 start, countless injuries thwarted its progress, but with a strong season performance from Liberty freshmen, the soccer team harbored high hopes for the future.



Kicks aren't just for Kids

Above: The rainyfallmade it aslippery season forthe Flames
116 Selah
right:T\m Wood outmaneuvered anopponent. Below left: GoalieJoe Larson ledthe men's soccerteam as one ofthetop goaliesintheBigSouthConference. Right: Forward DavidThienes gave the ballapieceofhis foot.
theRace 117

Making the Goal

The Lady Flames soccer team ended its postseasonplay with a4-0 losstofirstround Big South Tournament opponentUniversity ofMaryland -BaltimoreCounty on Nov 6at RadfordUniversity

Liberty Head Coach James Price commented, "We didn'tmark tightenough and gave up an early goal We reallydidn't start outthegame with agood teameffort."

The Lady Flames'offensiveefforts included aone-on-one break by Flames seniormidfielderJerri Lucido,butshe wasn'tabletocapitalize. "They're abetter team thanwhen we played them the first time during theregularseason,"Coach Price added.

Afterhisfirstyearasthewomen's head coach,Pricesaidoftheseason asawhole, "We didn'texpecttowin sixgames,and we'revery happy with thataspectofthe season. We startedoutwith promise and potential, and I feelthatis something we can build on fornext year."

The Flames ended theirseason with a613record, tyingtheprogram'srecordfor wins which was previously held by the '89 Flames,(6-9-1)

118 Selah
Below. Forward JerriLucidowent sky-high for the home team Right: Coach James Price prepared theteam before one of its games.
EastCarolina(A) Elon(H) Richmond (A) Appalachian State(H) Howard (H) UMBC (H) High Point(H) UNC Wilmington (A) VCU (A) UNC Asheville(A) Furman(H) KentState(H) Radford (H) South Alabama (A) Charleston Southern (A) Wofford (H) Lenoir-Rhyne (H) Appalachian State(A) UMBC (N) W/L w L L L W L W L W L L W L L L L W L L SCORE 1-0 0-1 0-4 1-4 7-2 1-3 3-1 1-5 1-0 0-2 0-1 3-0 0-1 0-3 1-2 2-4 2-0 0-4 0-4 ~l J
theRace 119
Far left: Forward Jessica Kerth,who ranked seventh on Lady Flamesall-time scoringlist, sentanotheronetowardsthenet. Left JerriLucido played offense aggressively every time she stepped on tothe field Above: Senior Jessica Kerth had the footworkto keep theballaway from thedefense

Baseball Fever

M blames baseballfinished a heart \Bj^^^breaking season with the Big W SouthTournament in 1997. The season startedoutalittle shaky forthe Flames.However,with performerslike Benji Millergoing 6-0 theteam pulled through theslump and startedtobeat some ofthe bestteams inthecountry, includinga memorable 3-0 spring break victory over Florida International University David Benham contributed largely tothe rebound oftheFlames ontheoffensive side by batting .480thesecond halfofthe season.

The tournament summed up theseason fortheFlames.The team performed better than expected but still fellshortduring the tournament. After splitting an end ofthe season threegame serieswith Greensboro 12,theFlames again had tochallengetheir newly realizedrivalsinthetournament.

Triumphing over them inthefirstround 189,theFlames went on tolosethenexttwoin thedouble elimination contest. Then they

Rules the Spring

tasted the painful revenge of Greensboro in thenail-biting 1-2 third round game.

Despite theloss, threeplayersreceived specialrecognition. Third baseman Jason Benham,firstbaseman Ryan McClellan and outfielderMike Giordano were named tothe All-Tournament team

"Itwas aheartbreaker season for us," pitcherPhilKojack said "We lostgames we should have won and won games weshould have lost."

But theseason didn'ttakeallofthe team's heart.Kojack looked forward tothe 1998 season, predicting, "Itcould possibly be one ofthebestteamsever."


UMBC Radford Winthrop Charleston Southern Coastal Carolina UNC Greensboro Big South Tournament Opponent UNC Greensboro Charleston Southern I 120 Selah
Left:Senior Benji Miller led the team in ERAs and wins. Middle: The Flames battled their way through the season. Far left: Adam Hawkey waitedfortheinevitableout. Top: Jason Benham strengthened the Flames' offense. Above: PitcherBrian Harrellrecorded a 5-3 recordwith a 4.43 ERA last year the Race 121

AnAmerican Pastime

Top left: Right Fielder Steve Wright got a hero'swelcome afterdriving onehome.
122 Selah
Top right: Jim Clinton swung on another one Right: Steve Wright rounded third base on ahome run Above: SeniorClayBaileyreached outtotagoutaTexasA&M player.
tlieRace 123
Above left: Firstbaseman Ryan McClellan reached up to snag an out. Above: Senior Jason Benham, a member ofthe allBig South Academic Team,let itrip.Left:Senior Benji Miller slidintobase.
Icando allthings throughChrist which strengthened!me. Philippians4:13 124 Selah
Above: Half-time performances were filled with stunts,flipsand lotsofspirit. Left Trustplays acrucialpartbetween stunting partners. Top: The cheerleaderswarmed up thecrowd with chants andspiritduring football games Top left: Pumped upan doing what they dobest


Dedication, spirit, strength

Change was the key word for Liberty's varsity cheerleading squad this year.

aNew coach Liz Hollyfield took over the 15member squad during Homecoming weekend last year. A former cheerleader member herself, Hollyfield already knew the way things worked. "We had a lot of changes this year, but we ended up with a very close-knit squad," Hollyfield said. "It was good to come into coaching with already having six seniors who had been on the squad since their freshman year."

This year the squad went to Daytona Beach, Florida on March 31 for the annual NCA Collegiate Championship, competing in the Division A category. A 19-member squad called the national squad was specifically formed for the competition. After being out of competition for a year, Hollyfield said she and her squad were definitely ready for competing.

Aside from cheering for football and basketball ca CD a games, the cheerleaders participate every year in a $ camp at Rutgers University in Rutgers, New Jersey.

"We have fund-raisers to raise money for camp," Hollyfield explained. "We held a cheerleading competition for the local high schools last fall. We were able to raise over $2500 for camp."

Six seniors are leaving this year, but plans are already being made to make the up-coming squad even better than the last.

CO en CD CQ 1
Left. Everyone played a crucial part when group pyramids such as this one were performed. Top left: The cheerleaders always made stunting look easy. the Race 125

Firex On

Th e LibertyUniversity Hockey team headed intothe (ACC Hockey Tournament as the defending champs.

The Flames, however, were not prepared for the onslaught of penalties that would come their way. The University of Virginia Cavaliers, who lost to LU in last year's championship, used every weapon in their artillery, including the Men in Black (and white) to snuff out the Flames 7-3.

"It's hard to play 5 on 3,1 find it hard to believe we had 2 in the box most of the game," senior Darren Dick said. Things didn't get better as Hampton checked the Flames with a 7-2 victory in the consolation game.

LU was forced to play without the help of three key players. Two were suspended for fighting: Kirk Handy vs. UVa. and Jon Schubert vs. Hampton. Assistant Captain Andrew Tattrie sat out due to a sliced elbow in the UVa. loss.

126 SeTah
Top left: The Flames assault the Cavaliers' goal.Left: Flames' Goali Joe Barrettestands guard. Above: Steve Clark faces offagainstUJj in theACC Tournament.

When W e Walk in Fields

Below /eft:The stixterspulledsome fancy footwork againstYork Below right: Josh Davis demonstrated the definition ofa full-contactsport.
tlieRace 127
Left: Liberty's 1997 National All-StarLeague lineup Above: Paul Olson pushed pastthe opponent.


Andy Braddock

Ryan Ferguson

Tom Giles

Todd Humrichousor


Young Joo


Dan Meyers

Mark Setsma


John Wolfe


Far Top Left: Senior Andy Weissinger measured his putting range,trying tobe as accurate as possible Top Left: Senior Andy Braddock had to escape the sandtrap duringhis golfgame FarLeft: Senior Dan Willis kept it under par with his short game. Middle: Young Joo took a minutetopose on the greens. Left: SeniorJustin Jenningsdrovetheballdown the fairway.

Golf ng around

Wit h two seniors gone and a young team waiting on the greens, the Liberty golf team embarked on a challenging but exciting season. Entering the 1997 spring season with five juniors, two sophomores and one freshman, the team started racking up the titles. Senior Andy Braddock claimed the individual title at the Washington & Lee Tournament last year, with a two-round total of 146.

Senior Mark Setsma shot a 73 in the opener at the Nevada-Reno Tournament, also gaining the scholastic all-American title.

Juniors Jon Wolfe and Dan Myers led the squad in fall scoring. Wolfe ended the season with a 76.0 average and Myers came out with a 76.3 for the season. "This past fall, Dan made a statement," remarked coach Frank Landrey. "I am very pleased with his final five rounds. These are the kind of scores we need every time out, and not by just one golfer, but from three or four."

Seniors Justin Jennings and Daniel Willis were also crucial to the team as Jennings collected a 71 on the second day of the Nevada-Reno tournament, while Willis' best outing was a 73 on the opening round at Tennesse-Chattanooga.

The team averaged 307.25, which was almost four strokes better than the spring's average of 311.0.

theRace 129

GDiamond s are a rirl' s Best Friend

twas ayearofaccomplishments fortheLady Flames

softball school

• softballteam The Flames won 36 games in 1997, tyingthe school record set the year before, Leslie Inge pitched the school's first perfect game, Katie Phillips pitched back-to-back nohitters and Shannon Tanski finished as the number four home run hitter in the couitry with 17 long balls. In Big South play, LU went 12-4, their best record yet. Unfortunately, the season ended hard, with a five game losing skid. Despite their second place seed, two quick losses struck out the ladies' tournament hopes. However, post season awards were abundant. Senior Shannon Tanski was selected to the all-tournament team for her 7-12 performance in the tournament, and was the VaSID Player of the year. Tanski, Libi Cook, Stacy Radulovich and Kristi Hanna were named to the Big South all-conference team, and Phillips was selected for the second team. Coach Wetmore got his share of glory too, receiving VaSID Coach of the Year again.

- '
130 Selah
Amy Bennett
Top Left. PitcherLeslieIngepossessed avarietyof pitches, which she used towin severalshut-outsduringtheseason. Top: Pitcher Katie Phillips cranked the balltowardsfirst Left Firstbaseman Kim Rutig reached to get a slider out Above: Second baseman Sonja Keith guided the ball towards first. Top Right. Amy Allen scooped up the ballin the nickoftime. Right. Sonja Keithstepped up tothe plate.

Making a Racket

J M ftermonths of intense practice and recruitingefforts, ^^"B the 1997 tennis team had high hopes for the ^ ^^ approaching season. Despite losing two key players from the 1996 year, the team looked stronger than previous years, as freshman Kendall Swartz led LU's squad at the number one position. Junior Brett Clulow, sophomore Greg Scalzini, and junior Chris Devore followed closely behind. All did well throughout the season, but just could not hold on in the Big South Tournament.

In doubles, Liberty did better, with Swartz and Clulow finishing up with eight wins and six losses, but none could pull through down the stretch.

The season also saw the departure of longtime Head Coach Carl Diemer. Diemer completed 14 seasons as LU's head coach and promoted the activity from a club sport to its present position as a NCAA Division I program. Despite his many achievements, Diemer said he felt that it was time to move on. Scott Phillips took over the position to continue the tennis tradition.

132 Selah
Above right: JuniorBrettClulow played atthe number two position forLiberty. Right: Sophomore Greg Scalzini,one ofthe three Australian's on the team. Above: Freshman Kendall Swartzwas leadingtheteamat thenumber oneposition
tlieRace 133
Ted Wooltord

Endurancey strength & Speed

T h e 1997 Cross Country team rolled with academic AilAmerican Chris McGregor and strongrunning sophomore Stephen Githuka. As 1st and 2nd place Big South Championship winners, McGregor was also named to the all-district team, Liberty's first such honor at the NCAA Division I Level.

liberty's strength came from the front runners McGregor and Githuka who competed for the first two spots. Gitiuka's finished his best race in the Virginia 10k at 31:07 and a subsequent hilly course finish of 50:58 where he placed third. His world-ranked brother, Peter, finished at 48:54. Chris finished his best race in the NCAA District III championship where he

finished Furman's 10k in 16thplaceat 31:14.

Overall, the 1997 team had plenty of depth with freshman Stephen Meier, Brent Neiter, Mike Beckner, and Jacob Sweet competing. Training members include red-shirt freshmen, Matt Zealand and Joe DiCarlo.

134 Selah
Above: Michael Prettyman prepared to pole vault He took the IC4A Championship inthe pole vaulting category Aboveright:The look on senior Lora Randolph's face proved the pains involved intrack Right: Audrey Ebanks made record times in theshuttlehurdle relayand the 4 x 400 relay

Above: The men's 10-miler tested the runner's endurance from start tofinish. This year the Liberty men's cross country team took firstplace and the Lady Flames'collectivetimesearned afourthplacefinishintheBigSouth Cross Country Meet Saturday, Nov 1 Below right: Senior Holly Mays-Deem challenged her competition every time she ran the hurdles.Below left: Middle distance runner Chuck Lyngaas came infifthat26:14 inthe 10-miler.

the Race 135

Th e Liberty University


The rankings were determined by calculating the points earned while competing in ADA tournaments.

Debate Team won the national championship in the American Debate Association for the fourth consecutive year. The victory tied George Mason University's record for the most concurrent ADA Rankings Championships. LU also had the first squad ever to finish the season ranked number one in all three divisions (novice, junior varsity and varsity).

John Tilleyand Nick Yingst. (Second row)

Lacy Siegalkoff, Casey Gordon,Leah Frazier, Shana Twigg, Tony Tilley, Brandi Williams,Dr. Brett O'Donnell.

(Back row) Dr Cary Voss, Hannah Vick, Rochelle Ringsmuth, Rick Clark, Katie Walker, Je'Mara Atwood, Jared Woodard, Caryn Farley, RobertBurns

(Not shown: Team Captain Bill Lawrence.)


The team advanced to this level due to the hard work of the individual debaters. The team's brightest star was senior Bill Lawrence.

The LU team set a record this season for the total number of points earned. Its overall number of 416 was more than 100 points ahead of second place finisher George Mason.

The team also finished second in the Cross Examination Debate Association, despite missing the CEDA Nationals

"Bill Lawrence has had the single largest impact on our debate program since I've been coaching," debate team director Dr. Brett O'Donnell said. Bill Meyer

Right: The 19971998 team. (Front rowfrom leftto right)
Proverbs12:18 136 Selah
piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health.
theRace 137
Left: Rochelle Ringsmuth and RickClarkdiscussed an argument. Below left: John Tilley and Je'Mara Atwood exhange evidence Below right: Leah FrazierandNick Yingstdiscussed one ofthe topicsfor thenextdebate.

The Spmit

ow theLord is that Spirit: and where the rit of the Lord is there is Liberty" (II Cor. 7).

From a college of150 students withoutany npus of its own, Liberty grew toa univert of5,700 on-campus students living andaiding classes on its spacious grounds.

Although Liberty endured many physical inges since the first graduating class in 71, Christ remained our cornerstone. No xtter what year it was, each class heldto the principle that without Christ, there is no Liberty.

In this year's graduating class, this spirit set the standardfour ourprojects, ouractivities, ourfellowship and our social lives.

We have the spirit of conquerors. We uphold the Spirit ofLiberty as others have done uefore us, proud to be a part of that special frame ofmind.

n. a orp

Pr ROFESSOR rofiles

Dr.Dale Gibson came toLiberty in 1979 as coach of Liberty's men's basketball team for three years, leading them to national championship in 1980. After achieving that goal, Gibson shifted his focus to another dream. He dreamed of a Sport Management program at Liberty, and has almost single-handedly led the pursuit of this goal.

Dr. Dale Gibson

With the collaboration of two colleagues, Greg Comfort and Roy Yarborough, Dr. Gibson wrote a degree program from scratch.

Who would everdream of starting a singing career after raising a family? Bev Lowry did just that. Although she began writing songs at age 16, she says most of them have remained in "the piano bench." But not all of them. '"/ Thirst", first recorded by the Cathedrals, is still sung in churches around the country.

Mrs. Bev Lowry

Professional Christian singer, speaker and psychology professor Bev Lowry proves that age is only a number.

Liberty's Sport Management program began in 1988 with 24 students, and the program has grown by leaps and bounds to around 350 students at the present time. Under Gibson's supervision it is one of the four certified programs in the entire country. The major now receives an overwhelming list of internship offers from all over the country seeking Liberty Sport Management students.

Gibson has stated that his next goal for the Liberty Sport Management program is for his students to dominate the sport management job market. Judging from student successes thus far and the internship requests that line the hallways of the department, he isn't too far off.

Dr. Gibson is originally from Roanoke, Virginia. He and his wife, Connie, have one daughter, Holly. Gibson himself has earned two bachelor's degrees, one in education from Bryan College, and the other in Bible from Appalachian Bible College. He has his master's from UVa and his doctorate from Virginia Tech.

When Lowry and her husband Charles moved to Lynchburg, Virginia, she was 46 years old and her family was nearly grown. Her husband suggested that she fulfill her lifelong dream of going to college. Lowry thought he had cracked. "Do you know how old I'll be when I graduate?" she asked. "How old will you be in four years if you don't go to college?" was his wise answer. He won that argument, and Lowry became one of Liberty's first nontraditional, older students. "The students would look at me like, my mother's come to class," Lowry said.

The learning bug had bitten, and Lowry went on to earn her master's from Lynchburg College and take courses in child development at the University of Virginia before returning to Liberty to teach psychology.

Anyone who has taken her class knows family comes first. Her son Mark is a nationally-known Christian comedian. He has been seen on television stations all around the country. Through her music career, her PSYC teaching and her community service, she lives life to the fullest.

140 Sc-lah



When you worked on one

of those many research papers that you had to do, you had to go to the library.When you needed help at finding an obscure reference, you had to ask for help. Dr. Russell File answered your qeustions. File, LU's information service librarian, first began working in LU's library when it was located in downtown Lynchburg. In 1980, the library was moved from the education building to the Seminary Library in the Religion Hall. File calls those five years, "The moving years." He has witnessed the library grow from classroom size to its present place in DeMoss with the computer hookup that facilitates nationwide research.

Dr. Kevin Clauson, Chairman of the Government Department, spends his free time working with different organizations and institutions which he feels hold to a conserva-

Dr. Russell File

tiveview ofwhat the government should be.He's the president ofthe Patrick Henry Institute, a Christian public policy "think tank," where he researches and writes about public policy issues which are printed in a periodical, The Christian Statesman. The institute addresses questions regarding the Constitution and its origins as a Christian document.

Dr. Clauson is also a member of the board of the National Reform Association, an organization which dates back to 1864 and publishes The Christian Statesman. The organization is dedicated to the proposition that America will become a Christian nation.

File's motto is, "If a student leaves the library with his information and he feels good about it, then it's a good day." He displays his true love and commitment for LU by dedicating time and energy to helping students find the information they need. Plans for building a new library in the next two to three years is on File's list of things to look forward to doing. File said optimistically, "At the rate things are going now, nothing will be out of reach for our university."

In 1977, while still attending college, he campaigned in Huntington, West Virginia for the position of city councilman. In 1996 he ran for the Republican nomination for the Lynchburg City Council, but lost the nomination by just one vote. So, according to Clauson, one vote really does count.

"When you consider that only a small percentage of people vote, and even though Christians, I think, are a minority, if we all participate in the right way, we can have a voice that is disproportionate to our numbers," Clauson said.

Tiffany Ratcliff

Dr. Kevin Clauson
theSpinit 141

A New President for Ne w Millennium

A I ugust amived inwaves ofmuggy air, compliM^^ M ments of El Nino And along with these ^ ~ ^ meteorological variations. Liberty University was drenched inchange.

A new plan fortheyear 2000,new rulesand a new president. And although El Nino's strength waned astheyear progressed,Liberty University remained aworld influence, due inparttotheleadership ofDr.John M. Borek, Jr.

During hisfirstyearofadministrative dutiesatLiberty, PresidentBorek successfully communicated with the student body.His web site, entitled the"President's Message," was only one ofthechannels used toinform students and address campus problems

Also,afterhismove toLiberty Mountain,Borek brought hisofficeclosertothe studentbody by relocating inthe academic buildings.

"It'ssortofthecenter ofcampus," related Borek "It's easy togo tothecafeteriafrom here.

It makes it worth while tosee students when they arehappy and when they have concerns."

Of course,success inhisposition comes from experience Borek spentyearsin theeducational realm,including work with SACS.

But,even foraman seemingly immune totheroutineofcollege life,some things never changed. "Ithink Iwould ratherhave my mamma's cooking," he chuckled inreference toacafeteriavisit. "I'm likeeverybody else."

Perhaps themost important matter ataChristian university is thecharacter of its leaders And more specifically,theirwalk with God This is what setBorek apartfrom presidentsfrom other universities. His testimony rings true. And that is one ofthefactorsthatledhim toLiberty University.

"Isaw agroup ofmen and women thatwere dedicated toChristian standards," commented Borek,"and agroup offaculty thatshared that desire."

142 Selah
Lezah Crosby by Jennifer Pillath

Seven Years Ag o

P erhap s no other man intherecenthistory of Lynchburg had done as much to shape the landscape of the Hill City ... so naturally, as Dr. Jerry Falwell lay in a hospital bed in Lynchburg General Hospital in early February, almost everyone in the community expressed concern.

Everyone, that is, except for Dr. Jerry Falwell. "In the hospital, I never really felt any deep concern for the ministry here because God has given us some great leadership through the years," Falwell said.

Falwell's medical status, coupled with the presence of "great leadership" at his church and university — namely, son Jonathan, now executive pastor at TRBC, and President John M. Borek, Jr. at Liberty — begged the question:

How much longer will the elder Falwell be involved in the day-to-day affairs of either institution?

"I think that as long as I'm in good health, I'll provide spiritual direction the ministry here," Falwell said. "I don't think that I'll be stepping aside in foreseeable future, but one has to be realistic and have everything in place in the event it is necessary."

Lately, Falwell has dedicated himself to the task of fundraising for Liberty's Next Century Campaign, a massive expansion plan that includes enlarging the DeMoss Hall Learning Center, building new dorms, parking garages and a visitors' center. The NCC only became financially viable in the fall of '97, when a $70 million gift to the university from Art and Angela O)

D Williams absolved most ofLU's debt

As another throwback to "the early days," TRBC will be relocating to Liberty Mountain, a move which Falwell heartily endorses, since Liberly did begin as Lynchburg Baptist College over a quarter century ago under the wings and within the walls of TRBC.

Despite removing himself somewhat from their day-to-day operations, Falwell has stated that he would like to oversee both his ministries' respective pushes into the 21st century.

"I'd like to preside over that next chapter ... and God willing, I by Jason Ingram the Spirit 143

One Score and OiavceWoK
• • •

Clubsand Organizations

advertising club

The Ad Team puts classroom experience tothecrucialtest in national competition.This year's project was presenting Hallmark.The team was judged foritsresearch, focusgroups, creativity and presentation skills.

the champion

rrte champio n

Getting it in print was The Liberty Champion's duty aswriters, photographers,graphic specialists and advertising majors created thetotallystudentrun newspaper.The Champion offered news, sports, feature and opinion articles. From special events such as the Big South Tournament, SGA electionsto smaller ones likeCoffee House — The Liberty Champion was theretorecordit.


University Chorale under the direction ofProfessor Foley is Liberty's largestchoir.

Performances included Handel's Dettingen Te Deum and aMozart choralarrangement.

144 Selah

From contemporary hits to rock alternative, from clubto country, C-91 F M The Light provided acutting edgestudentrun F M station. Affiliated with the24-hour nationalnetwork, The Word inMusic, C-91 trained studentsinprofessional Christianbroadcasting while ministering totheentire community.


This yearthedebate team competed nationally, ranking thirdinthecountry.Club members sharpened memory skills, learned thediscipline of research and mastered the art ofpublic speaking.

fac s club

j~ €\ C- C-1 V3

The Family and Consumer Science club informed FACS majors ofpossiblejob opportunitiesupon graduation invarious fields. It allowed the studentstoreceive hands-on training asthey performed projectssuch asdesigning layoutsfor homes and learned family and social developmentskills.


The ambitious goals ofthe choir included spreading the good news ofthe gospel of Jesus Christthrough song and overcoming racial barrierstoreach theworld for Him. The choir sang inconvocation,Sunday services, concerts and special services atchurches throughout the community.

"To develop anappreciation forthebeautyof mathematics"was the statedpurpose ofthis specialized honor society formathematics.

Kappa Delta Piisan International honor Society inEducation thatemphasizesthe ideals offidelity tohumanity, science and service, while maintaininga Christian perspective.

wshi p choir el]
kapp a delta pi
- J L •
kapp a m u epsiloi
146 Selah

The Korean Christian Campus Church provided a specialtime forinternational students tofellowship together.


king' s player s res

The witnessing drama team, King's Players, presented thegospel and moral values athome on theLiberty stageand atlocalchurches. Forthefirsttimein several years,theKing's Players took theiract on theroad during the summer.

The Nursing club provided an outlet for nursing majors togather together andtrain and learn thebestquality health careand programs thatdeal with currentprofessionalissues.

_^_h_. w./k _H_ H WwL^~ -• 1 1 * J^Br ^ H HHL//: _ l r *ll_k | I ^>1 1 -*- • ^ • -,"5B ^_ l 1 1 \fl i ' nursin g clu b nuRSirfig cli*k>
kcc c KCCC
tlie Spirit

The Psyc Club and Psi Chi work togethertomake psychology majors aware oftheopportunitiesand options intheir field ofstudy.

Projects such asaclothing drives were also sponsored by the clubs.

psycholog v club

The Psychology Club works togetherwith PsiChi andgives psychology majors away touse theirskillsand training to help thecommunity through such events asHabitatfor Humanity and other community-relatedactivities.

college republicans

The College Republicans campaigned forvarious congressmen and hosted speakers such asVirginia'sAttorney General, Mark Earley and other conservative figuresinthestateand surrounding community.

ps i chi
148 Selah


The goal of YouthQuest is to "recruit, train and place professional youth leadersall over the world." The YouthQuest singerstoured around thecountry, ministering and fellowshipping inchurches and rallieswhereverthey stopped.

The Student Government Association represented the studentbody totheadministrationfrom nominating and gettingbillsapproved toholding town meetings toallow the studentbody tovoice its opinions.

Spanish club

The Spanish club, a student-run club advised byDr.Towles,allowed students theopportunity tolearnmore aboutthe Spanish culture, history and language. Each semester, theTowles family would open upits home foranightofgames, singing and fellowship foranyone who was interested.

sg a
tlieSpiKit 149


whether we startedschool last fall orthreeyears ago, we feellikeveterans now. True,ourtime here isn'tover. We arestill being molded and shaped intheforge calledLiberty.

But we learned totake life's pitfallsand mountaintopsrelativelyinstride. And we now use our studentID numbers more than 1-800-COLLECT®.

Basked inthe spotlight,we waited eagerly forourtime in the sun. Look at ourfaces, takenote ofournames.We have dreams thatwillsoon break outand shake theworld toitsfoundations.

Look at us and seetheconquerorsofthe future.

» .*.•//:•//.,'.. .* ^//i\ '4\ >/'.'.••/y "4 //.-v..'/Z(-/,.. • .': .x. ';.::
Lora Randolph prepared forherown battle
150 Selah
Les Schofer

Duane Aagaard Jr

LisaAbee Jr

Abraham Abich Fr

Tim Acoff Jr

Danessa Adams

Gary Adams Fr

NicoletteAdams Fr

Mandy Adkins Fr

Matthew Adkins Jr

AnthoniaAkpama So

Gregory Alexander Fr

Tarah Alkire

Amy Allen Jr

Mary Allen

Talitha Allen Jr

KateAllison Jr

PatrickAllred Fr




AndreArchibald Jr

Harold Babb


Jill Ballou

Rebekah Barber Fr

Ben Barker Jr

CharlesBarker Jr

Andrew J. Barnes Jr

Steven Barnes

David Baroi Fr

tlieSpiRit 151

In Training



Holly Baugh So

OtisBelle Jr

Marvin Benjamin Fr

JonathanBenka So


Nichole Berube Fr

JulieBintz Jr

Taryn Blake So

David Blessing

KirstynBliss So

Wallace Blunt, Jr Jr

Juan C.Bocanegra

John Bona

Shannon Booker A.Bottle

BrianBordeaux Fr

ShantalaBoss So

Roy Boudoin

NicholeR Bowen

Rebecca Bowles Jr

Rick Boyer Jr

Jay Boykin Jr

MichaelBrady Fr



Minnie Bradner

Deborah Brannan

152 Selah

LoriBridgewater Jr

Jeremy Brightbill Jr

EricaBriley So

Jonathan Brindle Fr

Judy Brinkley So

Angie Brookshire Jr

Dana Brown Fr

James Brown So

JeffBrown Fr

Jennifer Brown

Kevin Brown Jr

Sharon Brown

Kian Brownlee So

LarryT Buchanan Jr

Tavi Burgess Fr

Amanda Burke

Gaylon Burns

PatriciaHicks Burton

Kimberly Busa

KristinaCabalo Jr

HeatherCairo Fr

GabrielCaldwell Jr

NicoleCaldwell Jr

Glen Camlin So

Susan Cardin Fr

PattiCarico Jr



Karen Carmichael

Jefferey Carver

tlie Spirit I

In Training

James Paul Carvana

PhillipCason Jr

David Cate

JoseL.Chacon Jr

Ramone Chacon Jr

Kay Chandler So

Suk-Jin Chang Grad

Jeanine Chappell

EliseeCharles Jr

Glendinning Charles Fr

Ryan Chatterton Jr


Daryl Cherry So

Scott Cheeseman

Olya Cheunaleva Fr

Yoo Chan Choi Grad

Jamie Christian So

Angela Circle Grad

Brian Clark Jr

Jim Clinton So

BrettClulow Jr

Ed Coello

Jaime Coey

Maretta Colagione

Charity Cole Kelly Cole

Angie Coleman

Sephanie Collins

Deborah Colon Fr

Damaris Conapcion

154 Selah

Tammy Conibs Fr

Bryan Cook So

LibiCook Jr

Wendi Core Fr

MichealCortes Jr


StephanieCosta Jr

Jeff Couch Fr

JasonCraft Grad

Amanda Cruse Jr


Lori D'Angostine

Donna Davies

Shane Davis Fr

Michael Davis Jr

Jeremy Day Fr


Amy Dell


ChrisDevore Jr


Tyrone Dixon Fr

Jason Dodd Jr

Rachel Donofrio

Thomas Donovan

Kyrie Dorn So

JessicaDressier Jr

Stephen Dudley Fr

Mimlyn Dulcio

Brannan Duncan So

tlie Spirit 155

In Training

MattDuncan So

Shelby Dunson Fr

EricaEastlake Jr

Jonathan Edewards

Johnathan Edwards

Shawn Eldridge Fr

Naomie Elgin So

HeatherElkes So



ChijiokeEsokawu Fr

Anthony Evans So

Viness Eugene

Janel Falvey So


Glenwood Ferebee So

Emily Ferguson

John Ferguson

Amy Fernandez Fr

BrianFink Jr

CharlotteFink So

Timothy JFitzwilliams Fr

Carolyn Ford

CharlesFord Fr

Amy Foster Fr

PeterFoy So

Amy Friend So

Casey Fuller So

MelissaFuquay Fr

Grover Gaddy Fr

156 Selah

Darryl Galmon So

PaulGarner Fr

Timothy Geisland Jr

Dana Giani Fr

KarriGibson Fr

Rebecca Gilbert

James Gildersleeve

Adam Gillis

Stephen Githuka So

Richard Gokey So

Thomas Gold

Chris Goldsborough

Anthony Grant Fr

Amer Grayyade

Charity Green So

Kimberly Griffin

TravisGriffin Jr

Sarah Groen

Heather Guilliams

TeriJoGunter So

Erin Hachey

Roberty Michael Hayes Grad

Ryan Hakenbury So

BrianHagerman Jr

Todd Hampton

Cheryl Handwerker So

Donald Haneline

KristiHanna So

Corina Hansen So

Laura Harkinson

tlie Spirit 157

In Training

Thomas E.Harlan

Brian Harrell Jr

PhilipHarrelson Jr


Beth Harrison Jr

Deborah Hart


Marcus Harvey So

ChrisHatton So

JohnHaun Fr

Nathan Havens So

Adam Hawkey Fr

Leta Haynes

JoshHeath So

Melissa Heck


Jonathan Hegedus

WaltHelig So

Paul Hembd

Kelly Hemeon

JoelHenderson Jr

M. Henry

Brooke Herrmann Fr


Shawn Hipps Jr

JenniferHodges Jr

CarlHolcomb Jr

Tim Holland Fr

Derek Hollenbeck

Jeff Howard So

158 Selah

Jennifer Howard

Jeremy Howe So

Polly Huntoon Jr

Paige Hurley Jr

Robert Hurley

Damion Hutchins Fr

Chibuzo Ilo Fr

LeslieInge So

Michael Jason Ingram Jr


JenniferJackson So

Nathan Jacobs So

Stephanie James

Nathan Jarnagin Fr


JenniferJess So

Linda Jeune Fr

David Johnson Fr

Eric Johnson

James Johnson So


JoelJohnson Jr

Lorando Johnson Fr


Thomas Johnson So

ChrisJohnston Jr

Mary Beth Johnston

Ben Jones Fr

Glen Jones

Josh Jones Jr

theSpirit I

In Training

D.J. Jordan So

LarryJordan So

Katie Kanzler Jr

GeraldKariuki Fr

Tammy Karp

Matthew Keenan Fr

NathanKeib So

SonjaKeith Jr

rian Kenna Jr

Mary Kessler So

JohnKhan So

Ung Kheng

BethyKifle So

Hyun Sook Kim

DaeYoung Kim Grad

DaeneeKim Grad

Dong-Kyung Kim

II Hoon Kim So

Kyung SoolKim Grad

Seung Si Kim LBI

TaekSoo Kim Grad

WonjaeKim Grad


Richmond Kinnard LBI

James Kirk

ChandaKisner Fr

ElenaKisseleva Fr

BruceKite Fr

Godwin Kiveu Fr

Kristine Klahn

160 Selah

DanielKonicek Fr

Holly Kopila Fr

Michael Kostiew, II So

CarolyneLabeso So

ChrisLambright Jr

AngelaLampart So

JustinLand Fr

BrentLandowski Jr

LindsayLandowski Fr


HolleyLatour Jr


Rebekah Lauro

MylesLawhorn So

Amber Lawrence So


Athen Lee So

JoonWoo Lee Grad

JoungWook Lee Grad

Kon Woo Lee Grad

Nangwoo Lee

David Lenehah

JustinLett Jr



Zhong Liu Grad

James P Lockemer Jr

ShaneLogan Fr

Thomas A Loving Jr

Bonnie Low

theSpiKit 161

In Training

EricLowe Jr


Kendra Lytah Jr

Summer Lytle Jr

James Maclean Jr

Jill E.Madden Fr

MichaelR. Magnin

Kenny Mahan Fr

Stacey Manter

Stella Marangu Jr

Edward Marks So

John Maria

AllisonMarston Fr


Anthony Martelli Jr

Kathryn Martin

Ben Martin So

ShalinaMartos So

ReeceMashaw Fr

Heather Mason

NichelleMason So

RachaelMason So

Patricia Massiah-Basco Jr


Alonzo Matthews So

Megan Mayak Fr

Angela Mayer Fr

Ryan McClellan Jr

Ethan McCracken So

Owen McCullough Jr

162 Selah

Kyle T.McDaniel Fr

Denise McDonald

JasonMcDowell So

Randy McDowell So

Suzanne McDuffie Fr

PhilipRodney McFarland Fr

Regina McFarland

Josh McFarlin So

Warren McGrath

Wendy Mcintosh Jr

Bonita McLaskey

Troy McLean Jr

George Meadows III So

Renato Mendez Fr

Matt Mercer Fr

Ryan Mick So

ChristinaMihailovich Fr

Tom Mihailovich So


Anna Miller

Caleb Miller Jr

Gina Miller Jr

JeannieMiller So

John EricMiller

Melissa Miller Fr

Trey Miller Fr

Jaime Mills

James Mills

Amy Miskell So

James Mitchell So

theSpfmt 163

In Training

Dorothy Mooney

Michael Mooney

Ramsey Moore So

UlyssesMoore Jr

Mike Morris Ryan Morris Jr

ChrystalMoyer Fr

Julie Ann Moyer


JoeMueller So

JoelleMuirhead Fr

Dan Myers

Kelly Myers Jr

BrianNash Fr

Sarah NeffSo

David J Nelles Grad

LisaNelson Fr

MichaelNelson Grad

Shay Nelson Jr

Jeremy New Jr

Stephanie Newcomb

EricNewkirk Grad

ChristianNewsome Fr

Kimutai Ngeno Fr

JackNicholson Fr


Donna Nix

StacyNobles So

LuisNodul Fr

James Nolette So

164 Selah

Mary North


Debbie Oglesby

Randy Oglesby

Hyun Cheol Oh Grad

Amberly Dana Oliver

Jeremiah Oliver

Dan Olsen LBI

Irene Ominbe

Dan Orr So

Bradford Overton

Beau Owen Jr

Fabian Owens Fr

Rhonda Owens

Rick Palma So

NataliePalmer Fr

Sung Chul Park Grad


Devon Parks Fr

Ben Parrish Jr

KarianPartello-Horn So


Dorothy Pass

Gerald L. Pass

Hugh D Patrick

Lynn Paul

Beth Sue Pearson

Koustautiu Penner Fr

Bernie Perce Jr

Jaime Perdew Jr

tile Spirit 165

In Training

Gary Perdue

Amy Peters

EtzaAnn Peters So

JessicaPeterson So

Kenneth A Perez Jr

Marc Pettograsso Jr

KatiePhillips Jr

Kent K.Piskel


Joy Phipps

Jack Pierce So

Kodi Pollard Fr

ChrisPoluikis So

Bonnie Pond Jr

ChristinaPopoff Grad

Jackie Praasma


Laura Price Jr

Christy Prince So

John M Privett

Steven Puckett

Kenneth P. Queen Jr Fr

Stacy Radulovich Jr

Meredith Rainbow Jr

John S. Ramsey

Shanda M Ramsey

Joshua Ranes Fr

Amanda Ratliff Fr

Daniel Read Fr

166 Set ah

Dolly Reber Jr


Kimmie Reeves So

S. Alpheausc Reeves

JulieReinwald Jr

ChristinaRemsberg So

Levi Renno So

Amber Reuter Jr

Tiffany Reuter So

AntoniaC Reyes

Sarita A. Reyes

AllisonRhodes Fr


Don J Rich

JesseRiley Jr


Eddie Rivera Jr

Derek Robertson So

Ben Rogers Fr

Kimberly Rogers Fr


JenniferRoyer So

Erin Rukes Jr

Torrey Rush So

WillRussell Jr

Kim Rutig So

Jamul Sabot Jr

KristinSabula So

Joey Sackett Jr

Meuy Tsoon Saechao

the Spirit 167

In Training

Thomas T.Saechao Jr

Brian Sale So

Bechal Salvador

JenniferSanders Fr

Brian Kiprono Sangutei Jr

JoeSanitateJr LBI

ClaudiaJimena Saravi


Tremaine Saunders Jr

Greg Scalzini So

Vicky Scearce

Kimberly Schenck So

Andrea Schnelle Jr

Jevon Scott So

Laura Scott Jr

Tamara Scott

Emma Scruse

Billy Seals So

Christine Sershen

Angela Seward Fr

Pathera Seymour So


Bonnie Sharrer

David Shelor Jr

Athena Sherwood So

Daryl Shetterly So

Sally Shugart

Graham Sikes Fr

Karen Simon

168 Selah

B.J Skipper So

XavierSlade Jr

IreneSloof Fr

MichelleSmall Fr


Chemeka Smith Fr

Cherilynne Smith

James M. Smith Fr

L.P Smith

Sarah Smith

Tim Smith Fr



Ebony Spencer

JulieSpurling Jr

JessicaStaal So

Betsy Stacy Fr

L. Steinke

Martha Stejanko So

Matt Stewart Fr

Havelyn Stogner Jr

Dorothy M. Stokes Fr


Cory Strand

Matt Strawn Fr

Tim Strong Fr

Abby Stump Jr

Amy Sturgill So

Jay Sullenger So


the Spirit 169

In Training

JanellSwartz So

LoriTalbot Jr

Marlon Tanner Fr

Wesley Tanner Fr

Rose Tanui So


KrystalTaylor Fr


Damain Terry So

JannieTeufel So

David Thienes Jr

Jeremy Thomas


MichelleTolsma Jr

EricToy So

Rebecca Trammel Fr


The Faithful Departed

JaredTrumbo So

ShelleyTumlin So

JenniferTurk Jr

Angela Umbenhaur

"A wound is inflicted. That's what death does. A wounded heart has to heal. As the days and nights go by, the wound heal. But our lives will never be the same because Michael is not here," Freddy Vicks, Michael Harris's senior said at the LU junior's funeral on April 20, 1998. Harris, a youth ministry major, died of complications resulting from an automobile accident suffered while returning to Liberty from his church in Danville, V.A.

Approximately 500 family and friends, many from Liberty, attended the memorial service at Third Avenue Congregational Christian Church.

770 Selah

Udodirim Ume

CarlosUribe Jr

David Vallette Fr

Jill Vandeventer Jr

Marilyn Van Hannegeyn

St. JulianVan Hannegeyn

TiharaVargas Fr

Michelle Vetter

Leah Wagoner

Dave Walls So


Xin Wang Jr


Lon ClaytonWarner

Michael Wasch

Desmond Washington So


BrianWeakley Fr

Rob Weaver Jr


DanielWeddington Fr

Christa Weisser

Andy Weissinger

JasonWells Fr

RandallWenger Fr

Bill Wenner Fr

Amy Westcoat

MarcellaWestfall Fr

ChrisWeston Fr


tlie Spirit 171

In Training

Jeff Westra

Sarah Wilkerson Fr

SharonWilkerson Fr

AerrinWilliams So

Anthony Williams Fr

Cathy Williams Jr


Ramone Williams Fr

Robin Williams Fr

Tim Williamson II Jr

Dan Willis

A Wilson

PatriciaWilson Fr

Levelle Windsor

Robyn Wisor Jr

Jon Wolfe

Wang & Ye Wong Grad

Tim Wood Jr

Cherad Woodyard Fr

JoshuaWoodyard So

Mark Woof Jr

Burton Wray

Karen Wright Fr

Nick Wright Fr

SteveWright Jr

SteveWright So


SiyYelder Fr

Saba Yohannes

172 Selah



Pansies are perennials. Despite the weak connotation oftheir name, theflowers are a strong and hearty plant. The changingseasons bring winds, storms andfrozen rain which torment the seemingly delicate petals ofthe pansy, butit continues to thrive on day after day.

Just like thisflower, the underclassmen ofLiberty come backyearafter year, stronger and more resiliant thanthe yearbefore. They enter the campus in overweight cars, readyto unloadforthe nine months ofschool that awaits. Theyfinish eachyear until that monumental day when they can call themselves graduates. And when this happens, they may leave the garden, buttheir roots arestill with Liberty.

i \v f ">' i:/ f „ * ^ ^
JonathanYoungSo Mike Zealand JasonBryant Zug Lezah Crosby
tlieSpirit 173

Class Of 1998 for the

/^^^r^ m orethan 1400

^k • Wdays ago (give or ^^ ™ f take a few)we arrived atLiberty, bewildered yet trying tobebrave.Standing in line, tramping through the clay and struggling through thefirst days ofclass, we learned toadjusttoournew surroundings andsoon claimed them for our own.Inthistraining ground,we questioned,we challenged andwe learned.

Now we're attheend ofthisroad, looking intothefuture, which is still veiled butbecoming everclearer.

Exiting stageleft, we're enteringa world asconquerors,trained to change theworld.W e areLiberty seniors and we areleaving thisschool equipped with the armor and strengththatthe battlewill demand.

174 Selah
Capped and readyfor the battle Les Schofer Gerry Abel BusinessMarketing JasonAllison PhysicalEducation Shawn Andrews Communications Rahel Atsbaha Health Promotion Tarik Abnbaker Math / Missions Melissa Adams Psychology Ben Anderson ExerciseScience JulieAnderson Nursing Samuel Anthony FACS Nii-SakiArthur Communications Clay Bailey Psychology Christy Bakken Psychology Derek Allardice Psychology Teresa Anderson ExerciseScience Kenneth E.Ashley Religion
tlieSpirit 175
Marie Barrington Missions/Youth Robert Bartels Government Lisa Bateman Missions / Psychology Betty Beaubrun Nursing Ansley Beggs FAC S Christy Behnken English David Benham History Steven Bergin Communications Lauren Blanay Psych./Human Services Beth Blanchette Psychology Kimberly Boiling FACS Ada m Bonus Religion
jfl BSE%* nv l_ r " ' fr |j ^ f \-|
Daniel Bowles Government Sunday Beckman FACS Jason Benham History James Bloser Business Management
776 Selah
Andrew Braddock Latisha Brewer ExerciseScience Kimberly Brunett MusicEducation Bryan Byler Business Cynthia Cephas Health Promotion Todd Brewer Mathematics Lisa Browder Biblical Studies Hosein Burch SportsManagement Craig Burmeier SocialSciences Eugene Caballero Mathematics HeatherCantrell Elementary Education Nikki Chandler Youth Ministry JenniferChiavelli Elementary Education Owen L. Brown Mathematics Robert Butz Jason J. Casertano Government
the Spirit 177
Chris Ciamaichelo Nursing Byron Clark Business Management Michael Clark Sacred Music Stephen Clark Physical Education William Clark Government / History Julie Coke Elementary Education Stacy Collier Elementary Education Josh Cox Education
"^v \ _ _ri "P Bw M ».. i.JP I •K ^ . m _ _K'<>v B_k
Cory Culleton Communications Dave Cummings Communications Susie Daghfal Nursing David Dalton Business Marketing Krystina Dangel Missions Mark Daniel PastoralStudies Tressa Davis Psychology Daniel Dawson Exercise Science
178 Selah
Melissa Dean Business Rodney Degrate Government / Psychology Vladimir Dinovich Business India Dozier Nursing Matt Derrick SportsMgt./Comms David Dershimer Education Kent Dobson English Jim Dollar Psychology Summer Drake English Ryan Duncan Brenton Drew Ellenburg Sports Management Mary Elizabeth Ellenburg Business Marketing John Endlich Business Lisa Deur Nursing Michael E Dougherty Psychology Timothy Stephen Dunevant Mathematics
the Spirit 179
Lydia England English EllenA. Evans Elementary Education Ann E Felty Communications CaraliseFoley Psychology Stephanie Evensen History Brenyn Fay English Patrick Fay Communications Leigh Fischer Education YvetteFleming Communications Ashley Fletcher Exercise Sc / SportsMgt Jackson Fong Church Ministry Melissa Forman Elementary Education John Foster PhysicalEducation Diane Fox Communications Jason Fredrich Youth Ministry
180 Selah
Courtney Freeman Suzanna Fulks Communications GingerGillenwater History Karen Grevengoed Psychology ShelleyS.Gamory Psychology Marc Gegner Communications Patrick Gilmore Business Joseph Xavier Gorman SportMgt / Criminal Law Joy KatherineGriffin Communications Scott Grimm Biblical Studies Amy Hammer Business Jennie Hammond Nursing Tim Harrell Missions Heather Geiser Psychology Janet Gray Psychology David Guthrie Communications
the Spirit 181
Graham Harrison Psysi. Ed/Business Andrew Hartfield Religion Richard S. Haskell PastoralStudies _ « I Stephen Headley Sports Management Lisa Henderson Elementary Education William Henderson III BiblicalStudies James Highsmith Daniel Heideman Business Marketing Kaley Hill Elementary Education Sharon Himeback Music Education Stacey Hodge FACS Amanda Holbrook Elementary Education
' :.v^:: 4 it x >.__M _ % <_?"T_I ;^lill__B i mm _ y T •tf i •___.
Randy Holly Psychology
182 Selah
Adam Hopkins James Holtz BiblicalStudies/ Business Susan Horr Business Management Chad Jeffrey Hubert Education Gina Hughes Government Erma Jackson Corporate Law Andrew Johnson Youth Ministry Tim Johnson Business Management Meron Huiiuka Health Promotion Shannon Hutchison PhysicalEducation Larry Jackson Business Management Tanya Jamison Nursing Benjamin E.Johnson Mathematics/ Education Ben Johnson Lori Ingram Communications Marlon John Exercise Science Dennis Johnson SportsMedicine Virginia M Johsnon Elementary Education Rebecca Marie Jones Psychology
tlieSpirit 183
Flo R Kelley Psychology JessicaKerth ElementaryEducation Hansup Kim Government JungA Kim FACS Paul Kim Business Phillip Kojack Business Douglas Kruhm Communications JanetKincaid Psychology ForrestRandolph King Governernment/Pre-Law Mari Kong Exercise/Health Science Stella Korir Business Amy Kull English Jacquelyn Kumer MusicEducation Mee Young Kim Missions Tanya Kinney Music PetruKrizbai Biology
184 Selah
MichelleLackey Psychology Nancy E. Lahue ElementaryEducation JulieLalonde LalieLane Communications Bret Larson YouthMinistry Robert G. Lawrence PhysicalEducation Joe Larson SportsManagement Matthew Laughlin Communications Dan Laws Music Perform.& Edu. NatalieLefler Communications AllisonLeinster Psychology Anita Lewis Psychology Ivy Langat Nursing Christine Lawrence Missions Melody Joy Leight FACS
We Spirit 185
Ben Lilliendahl Psychology Wanda Liquori Elementary Education Stephen Loomis History
ii 1 1WI «3 ^^Hl
:':;;' .
Chuck Lyngaas Business
Yiren Liu Business ChristineLiverpool Accounting Rodger Love Communications JeffLovelace Biology:Pre-Med Dante Marchitelli Communications Kathryn Marks EnglishEducation
JeffMartindale Sports Management Selah Melissa Matherly BiblicalStudies Paul Mattx Sports Mangament Amanda Lofgren Government Ryan Lucas Business Management Jessica Marlowe Business Grace Maweu Government Holly Mays-Deem Paul McCafferty Religion Jennifer McCain Nursing Andrew McFadden Education Chris McGregor BusinessFinance Clay McSwain BusinessFinance Michael Merrina Nursing Leana Miller English BenjiMiller Sport Management Michael Misjuns Business Managment Marlene Mitchell Psychology Amy Morris Health Promotion Kathleen McCann Communications Aaron L. Meeks Youth Ministry JoelMills Religion
tlie Spirit
J.D Myers Communications Ann Nagy Elementary Education Keith J. Novoting Business Administration JenniferA Okamoto Communication/Biblical St Lauren E Neary Health Promotion Linda Michelle Newton Psychology Mark Newton ExerciseScience Christina O'Donnell Psychology Heather Oellermann Government Christy Ohelmann VocalPerformance Eric Olsen Psychology John Paul Olsen Mathematics
M .41191 J 1 _fl Ww • > ST \ %
Nathan Oukley Communications MichellePatterson Communications Shane M Paulsen Youth Ministry
188 Selah
KellyPerkoski Communications Christi-AnnaPettograsso JenniferPillath Communications Trista Pinkard Elementary Education Cedric Pollard History Nikki Pons Communications Somar Presson Government Jon R. Pross Psychology Angela Faith Pugh Nursing PhilQuagliariello Psychology Tiffany Ratcliff Communications Sarah Pollak Communications David Provost Business Managment Matthew Rawlins SocialScience Matt Redmer Communications Mark Reed SportMgt / PhysicalEd
the Spirit 189
Reggie Reynolds Accounting Josh Rice Communications Wendi Rice Health Promotions Gele D Richardson Business Finance Erin Rierson Biology Martin Riley Religion EliRogers Exercise Science Mike Rohrer Biology Ingrid Rosario Health Promotion Jason Rose Communications Michael Sanchez Accounting Sarah Sanchez Accounting Claudia J. Saravia Government Gerese Richardson Biology Vivian Rogers Psychology Carlos Ruilla Biology
190 Selah
Joey Sarinana Communications Trey Sartin DjamilaSilvano Communications April Smith Education Mark Setsma Michie Sherman Communications Ryan Simmons Religion Becky Slay MusicEducation Damon Smith Biology J. Leanne Smith FACS Rohan Sobby Biology Erik Sorenson Sports Management Frank Sotomayor SportsMangaement Julie Siegmund Elementary Education EricSmall Communications VictoriaSmith Psychology
theSpirit 191
ReneeSpiegel Health Promotion Mary A. Spurgeon Communications CourtneyA Stevens Marketing
JenniferStokes Psychology
M _ Br > f * l^ j ^ft^H _^___ *',trj^i-f •••••••••1 Bv H»| • ^B .. __L_
DebraStaiger FACS Michelle Starr Psychology Phillip Stevens Biblical Studies CharuStokes FACS JoeStone
1 •/•* _ j|
Joseph Straube, Jr Biblical Studies
792 Selah
Joanna Strzalkowska Business Joan Sumbeiywo BusinessManagement CarolSvacha Psychology Ira Steele Business/Finance Deborah Stokes Psychology ShandaStrickland KristineN.Swanson Communications NeilSwanson LaurenTaylor Nursing Jon Swenson Accounting ChristianTanner Business RebeccaTaylor Communications Daniel Teets Communications Branoi Thorpe Nursing Caroline Timmons English Ryan Trumbo Psychology Karen Vanderwaal Elementary Education Jennifer Vaughn Nursing Helena Veerkamp Nursing Heather Taylor FACS Janelle Temple Biology Kheng Ung ElementaryEducation
the Spirit 193
Anita L. Vines Education RyanVisco Government Cheri Walters ElementaryEducation AliciaWard FACS CarrieWentworth ElementaryEducation Rebecca M Walker Communications ErinWall Exercise Science/Govt. H_ mat . r Chris Walters Math/ComputerScience MElizabethWanjau FACS Jennifer Ward ElementaryEducation Amy MelissaWatson General St./Elementary KerryWalls MusicEducation IWendy Warbuton Communications MichaelWells General Studies DanielWhite Communications JonathanWilliams History
194 Selah
ToniShackleford-Williams General Studies Flori Willie ExerciseScience/Fitness Kimberly Yeager Psychology Michael S. Winter Business Management Ted Woolford Sports Management Amy Zagorski Biology Michael Zea Psychology Eric Wright Biology Brandon Zeches Business Management Sarena Beasley
tiieSpirit 195
With the sun cast over our shoulders, we will walk into the world, ready for the battle that lies ahead . . .

Aagaard,Duane 151

Abee, Lisa 151

Abel, Gerry175

Abich, Abraham 151

Abnbaker, Tarik 175

Acoff,Tim 151

Adams, Danessal51

Adams,Gary 151

Adams,Melissa 175

Adams,Nicolette 151

Adkins, Mandy 151

Adkins, Matthew10, 80,151

Advertising Club


Alexander, Gregory 151

Alkire, Tarah 151

Allardice, Derek 175

Allen, Amy 131,151

Allen, Mary 151

Allen, Talitha 151

Allison, Jason 175

Allison, Kate 151

Allred, Patrick 151

Alpheausc, S. Reeves 167

Anderson, D'arcie 13

Anderson, Ben 98, 175

Anderson, Julie 175

Anderson,Stacey 151

Anderson, Teresa 175

Andrews,Patrick 151,204

Andrews,Shawn 28,175

Ann,EtzaPeters 166

Ann,JulieMoyer 164

Anthony,Samuel 175

Aplasca, Jeanny 151

Archibald, Andre 151

Arthur, Nii-Saki 175

Ashley,Kenneth E. 175

Atsbaha, Rahel 175

Barnes, Steven 151

Baroi, David 151

Barrick, John "Bubba" 110

Barrie, Eric 152

Barrington, Marie 175

Bartels, Robert 176

Bateman, Lisa 106,176

Battle, Laurie 152

Baugh,Holly 152

Baylous, Rodney 29

Beasley, Sarena 204

Beaubrun, Betty 176

Beckman,Sunday 176

Beggs, Ansley 176

Behnken, Christy 176

Belle, Otis 152

Benham,David 176

Benham,Jason 121,123,176

Benhase, Greg 94

Benjamin, Marvin 152

Benka, Jonathan 152

Bergin, Jennifer 152

Bergin, Steven 176

Berube, Nichole 152

Beth, Mary Johnston 159

Bintz, Julie 152

Blake, Taryn 152,205

Blanay, Lauren 176

Blanchette, Beth 176

Blessing, David 152

Bliss, Kirstyn 152

Bloser, James 176

Blunt, Wallace, Jr152

Bocanegra, JuanC. 152

Boiling, Kimberly 176

Bona, John 152

Bonus, Adam 176

Booker, Shannon 152

Bordeaux, Brian 152

Borek, Dr 19,142

Bortle,A 152

Boss,Shantala 152

Boudoin, Roy 152

Bowen,Nichole R 152

Bowles, Daniel80,176

Bowles,Rebecca 152

Bowyer,Shane 76

Boyer, Aegis 12,78

Boyer, Rick 152

Boykin, Jay 102

Boykin, Jay 152

Bridgewater, Lori 153

Brightbill, Jeremy 153

Briley, Erica 153

Brindle, Jonathan 153

Brinkley, Judy 153

Brookshire, Angie 153

Browder,Lisa 177

Brower, Todd 79

Brown,Dana 153

Brown,James 153



Brown,Kevin 153

Brown,Owen L. 177

Brown,Sharon 153

Brownlee, Kian 153

Brunett, Kimberly 177

Bryant, JasonZug 173

Buchanan, Larry 79

Buchanan, LarryT 153

Burch, Hosein 177

Burgess, Tavi 153

Burke, Amanda 153

Burmeier, Craig 177

Burris, Gaylon 153

Busa,Kimberly 153

Butz, Robert 177

Byler, Bryan 177

Charles, Elisee 154

Charles, Glendinning 154

Chatterton, Ryan 154

Cheeseman,Scott 154

Chelgreen, Shaun 26

Cheol, Hyun Oh 165

Cherry, Christie 154

Cherry, Daryl 154

Cheunaleva,Olya 154

Chiavelli, Jennifer 177

Chorale 144

Christian, Jamie 154

Chul,Sung Park 165

Ciamaichelo, Chris 177

Circle, Angela 154

Clark, Brian 154

Clark, Byron 178

Clark, Michael 178

Clark, Stephen 178

Clark, Steve 126

Clark, William 178

Clayton, Lon Warner 171

Clinton, Jim 122,154

Clulow, Brett 132,154

Coello,Ed 154

Coey, Jaime 154

Coke,Julie 178

Colagione, Maretta 154

Cole, Charity 154

Cole, Kelly 154

Cole, David 90

Coleman, Angie 154

Collard, Jill 76

CollegeRepublicans 148


Caballero, Eugene 177

Cabalo, Kristina 153

Cairo, Heather 153

Caldwell, Gabriel 153

Caldwell, Nicole 153

Camlin, Glen 153

Canne-Longo, Amy 80

Cantrell, Heather 177

Cardin, Susan 153

Carico, Patti153

Carlisle, Jake 153

Carlton, L 153

Carmichael, Karen 153

Carver, Jefferey 153

Casertano, JasonJ. 177

Cason, Phillip 154

Collier, Stacy 76,110,178

Collins, Sephanie 154

Colon, Deborah 154

Conapcion, Damaris 154

Conibs, Tammy 155

Cook,Bryan 155

Cook,Libi 155

Core.Wendi 155

Cortes, Micheal 155

Cosby,Sara 155

Costa, Stephanie 155

Costin, Jeanette 4

Couch, Jeff155

Cox,Josh 178

Craft, Jason 155

Crosby, Lezah 204,205

Cruse, Amanda 155

Babb,Harold 151

Baber, Robert 151

Bailey, Clay 122,175

Bakken, Christy 175

Ballou,Jill 151

Barber, Rebekah 151

Barker, Ben 151

Barker, Charles 151

Barnes, Andrew J. 151

Braddock, Andrew 129,176

Bradford,S 152

Bradley, Andrea 76

Bradley, Patricia 152

Bradner, Minnie 152

Brady, Michael 152

Brannan, Deborah 152

Brewer, Latisha 177

Brewer, Todd 177

Cate, David 154

Cephas, Cynthia 177

Chacon, JoseL 154

Chacon, Ramone 154

Chan, Yoo Choi 154

Chandler, Kay 154

Chandler, Nikki 177

Chang,Suk-Jin 154

Chappell, Jeanine 154

Cullen, Katie 155

Culleton, Cory 178

Cummings,Dave 178

196 Selah

Daghfal, Susie 178

Dale, Dr. Gibson 140

Dalton, David 178

Dana, Amberly Oliver 165

Dangel, Krystina 178

D'Angostine, Lori 155

Daniel, Mark 178

Davies, Donna 155

Davis, Michael 155

Davis, Shane 155

Davis, Tressa 178

Dawson,Daniel 178

Day, Jeremy 100,155

Dean,Melissa 178

DebateClub 145

Degrate, Rodney 87,179

Delice, Monica 155

Dell, Amy 155

Derrick, Matt 179

Dershimer, David 179

Deshane, Jennifer155

Deur, Lisa 179,204

Devore, Chris 155

Diallo, Abdoulage 155

Dinovich, Vladimir 179

Dixon, Tyrone 155

Dobson,Kent 179

Dodd,Jason 155

Dollar, Jim 179

Donofrio, Rachel 155

Donovan,Thomas 155

Dorn, Jessica 110

Dorn, Kyrie 110,111,155

Dougherty, Michael E. 179

Dozier, India 179

Drake,Summer 179

Dressier, Jessica 155

Drew,Brenton Ellenburg 179

Druck, Travis76

Dudley, Stephen 155

Dulcio, Mimlyn 155

Duncan,Brannan 155

Duncan,Matt 156

Duncan,Ryan 179

Dunson,Shelby 156

Dyer,Sam 95

Eldridge, Shawn 156

Elgin, Naomie 156

Elizabeth, Mary Ellenburg 179

Elkes, Heather 156

Ellis, Christopher 156

Emrich, Junell156

Endlich, John 179

England, Lydia 179

Eric, John Miller 163

Esokawu,Chijioke 156

Eugene, Viness 156

Evans, Anthony 156

Evans, EllenA 180

Evensen,Stephanie 180

Gaddy,Grover 156

Gallagher, Matt 72

Galmon,Darryl 157

Gamory,Shelley S.181

Gamer,Paul 157

Gegner, Marc 181

Geiser, Heather 181

Geisland, Timothy 157

Giani, Dana 157

Gibson, Karri 157

Gilbert, Rebecca 157

Gildersleeve, James 157

Gillenwater, Ginger80,181

Gillis,Adam 157

Gilmore, Patrick 181

Githuka, Stephen 157

Glover, Sylvia204

Hartfield, Andrew 182

Hartless, Larry 158

Harvey, Marcus 158

Haskell, Richard S 182

Hatton, Chris 158

Haun,John 158

Havens, Nathan 158

Hawkey, Adam 121,158

Hayes, RobertMichael 157

Haynes,Brad 56

Haynes, Leta 158

Headley, Stephen 182

Heath, Josh 158

Heck, Melissa 158

Hefner, Christina 158

Hegedus, Jonathan 158

Heideman, Daniel 182

Helig,Walt 158

Hembd,Paul 158

Hemeon,Kelly 158

FACS Club 145

Falvey, Janel 156

Falwell, Dr Jerryl9,l 13,143

Fay, Brenyn 180

Fay, Patrick 180

FellowshipChoir 146

Feltner, Jennifer 156

Felty.AnnE. 180

Ferebee, Glenwood 156

Ferguson, Emily 156

Ferguson, John 156

Fernandez, Amy 156

Fincher, Amy 76

Fink, Brian 156

Fink, Charlotte 156

Fischer, Leigh 180

Fitzwilliams, Timothy J 156

Fleming,Yvette 180

Fletcher,Ashley 111,113,180

Foley, Caralise 180

Fong, Jackson 180

Ford, Carolyn 156

Ford, Charles 156

Forman,Melissa 180

Foster, Amy 156

Foster, John 180

Fox, Diane 180,204

Foy, Peter 156

Fredrich, Jason 180

Freeman, Courtney 96,98,180

Friend, Amy 156

Fulks, Suzanna 181

Fuller, Casey 156

Fuquay, Melissa 156

Gokey, Richard 157

Gold, Thomas 157

Goldsborough, Chris 157

Grant, Anthony 157

Gray, Janet181

Grayyade, Amer 157

Green, Charity 157

Grevengoed,Karen 181

Griffin, Kimberly 157

Griffin, Travis 157


Groen,Sarah 157

Guilliams, Heather 157

Gunter, TeriJo 157

Guthrie, David 181

Henderson, B.J 26

Henderson, Joel 158

Henderson, Lisa 182

Henderson, William III182

Henry, M. 158

Herrmann, Brooke 158

Hertzler, Neil 158

Hicks, PatriciaBurton 153

Highsmith, James 182

Hill, Kaley 83,182

Himeback,Sharon 182

Hipps,Shawn 158

Hodge,Stacey 182

Hodges,Jennifer 158

Holbrook, Amanda 182

Holcomb, Carl 158

Holdsclaw, Chamique 109

Holland, Tim 158

Hollard, Stephanie76

Hollenbeck, Derek 158

Holly, Randy 182

Hachey, Erin 157

Hagerman,Brian 157

Hakenbury, Ryan 157

Hammer,Amy 181

Hammond,Jennie 181

Hampton, Todd 157

Handwerker, Cheryl 157

Haneline, Donald 157


Hansen, Corina 157

Harkinson, Laura 157

Harlan, Thomas E 158

Harrell, Brian 121,158

Harrell.Tim 181

Holtz, James 182

Hoon,II Kim 160

Hopkins, Adam 102,182

Horr, Susan 182


Howard,Jennifer 159

Howe,Jeremy 159

Huffman,Kevin 85

Hughes,Gina 183

Huiiuka, Meron 183

Huntoon,Polly 159

Hurley, Paige 159

Hurley, Robert 159

Hutchins, Damion 159

Eastlake, Erica 156

Ebanks, Audrey 134

Edewards, Jonathan 156

Edwards,Chris 10

Edwards.Johnathan 156

Harrelson, Philip99,158

Harris, Erin 158

Harrison, Beth 158

Harrison, Graham 181

Hart. Deborah 158

Hutchison, Shannon 183

Index 197

Ilo, Chibuzo 159

Inge, Leslie 131,159

Ingram, Jason 80

Ingram, Lori 183

IntotheWoods 85

Irby, Robert 59

Kanzler, Katie 160

Kappa DeltaPi 146

Kappa EpsilonMu 146

Kariuki, Gerald 160

Karp, Tammy 160

Katherine, Joy Griffin 181

KCCC 147

Keenan, Matthew 160

Keib, Nathan 160

Keith, Aslon 79

Keith, Sonja 131,160

Kelley, Flo 183

Labeso, Carolyne 161

Lackey, Michelle 184

Lahue, Nancy E. 185

Lalonde, Julie 185

Lambright, Chris 161

Lampart, Angela 161

Land, Justin 161

Landowski, Brent 161

Landowski, Lindsay 161

Lane, Lalie 185

Langat, Ivy 185

L'Apaglia, Janelle161


Maclean, James 162

Madden, Jill E. 162

Magnin, MichaelR. 162

Mahan,Kenny 162

Manter, Stacey 162

Marangu, Stella 162

Marchitelli, Dante 186

Jackson, Erma 183

Jackson, Jennifer11

Jackson, Jennifer 159

Jackson, Larry 100,102,183

Jacobs, Nathan 159

James,Stephanie 159

Jamison, Tanya 183

Jarnagin, Nathan 159

Jarrell, Richard 159

Jason, Michael Ingram 159

Jeffrey, Chad Hubert 182

Jenkins, Chris56

Jennings, Justin 129

Jess, Jennifer 159

Jeune, Linda 159

Jimena, Claudia Saravi 168

John, Marlon 183

Johnson, Andrew 183

Johnson, Ben 85,117,183

Johnson, Benjamin E 183

Johnson, David 159

Johnson, Dennis 183

Johnson, Eric 159

Johnson, James 159

Johnson, Jennifer 159

Johnson, Joel 159

Johnson, Lorando 159

Johnson, Rakia 204

Johnson, Scott 159

Johnson, Thomas 159

Johnson, Tim 183

Johnson, VirginiaM. 183

Johnston, Chris 159

Jones, Ben 159

Jones, Glen 159

Jones, Josh 159

Joo, Young 129

Jordan, D.J 160

Jordan, Larry 160

Joy, Melody Leight 185

Julian, St Van Hannegeyn 171

Kenna, Rian 160

Kerth, Jessica 119,184

Kessler, Mary 160

Kevin, Dr Clauson 141

Khan, John 160

Kheng, Ung 160

Kifle, Bethy 160

Kim,Daenee 160

Kim,Dong-Kyung 160

Kim,Hansup 184

Kim,JungA. 184

Kim,Paul 184

Kim, Wonjae 160

Kimmer,John 160

Kincaid, Janet 184

King, Randy 184,203,204

King'sPlayers 147

Kinnard, Richmond 160

Kinney, Tanya 184

Kiprono, Brian Sangutei 168

Kirk, James 160

Kisner, Chanda 160

Kisseleva, Elena 104,106,109,160

Kite, Bruce 160

Kiveu, Godwin 160

Klahn, Kristine 160

Knowles, Jason 204

Kojack, Phillip 184

Kong, Mari 94,184

Konicek, Daniel 161

Kopila, Holly 161

Korir, Stella 184

Kostiew, Michael, II161

Krizbai, Petru 184

Kruhm,Douglas 184,204

Kull,Amy 184

Kumer, Jacquelyn 184

Kunene,Sikhumbuzo 79

Larson, Bret 185

Larson, Joe 116,185

Latour, Holley 161

Lattanzio, Andrea 76

Laughlin, Matthew 185

Laundt, Daniel 161

Lauro, Rebekah 161

Lawhorn, Myles 161

Lawrence, Amber 161

Lawrence, Christine 185

Lawrence, RobertG 185

Laws,Dan 185

Laxton, Renee 109

Leanne, J Smith 191

Leary, Jeffrey 161

Lee, Athen 161

Lee, Nangwoo 161

Lefler, Natalie 185

Leinster, Allison 185

Lemaster, Roxanne 185

Lenehah, David 161

Lett, Justin 161

Lewis, Amy 76

Lewis, Anita76,185

Lewis, Virginia 161

Lilliendahl, Ben 185

Linnon, Jennifer 161

Liquori, Wanda 186

Liu.Yiren 186

Liu, Zhong 161

Liverpool, Christine 186

Lockemer, James P 161

Lofgren, Amanda 186

Logan,Shane 161

Loomis,Stephen 186

Love,Rodger 186,204

Lovelace, Jeff186

Loving, Thomas 79,161, 204,205

Low,Bonnie 161

Lowe,Eric 162

Lowry,Mrs.Bev 140

Lucas, Ryan 186

Lucido, Jerri118,119

Lukasik, Jeffry 162

Lyngaas, Chuck 135,186

Marie, RebeccaJones 183

Marks, Edward 162

Marks,Kathryn 186

Maria, John 162

Marlowe,Jessica 186

Marston, Allison 162


K Lytah, Kendra 162 Lytle, Summer 162
Eric 162 Martelli, Anthony 162 Martin, Ben 162 Martin, Kathryn 162 Martindale, Jeff186 Martos, Shalina 162 Mashaw,Reece 162 Mason,Heather 162 Mason,Nichelle 162 Mason,Rachael 162 Massiah-Basco, Patricia 162 Masteller, Crystal 162 Matherly, Melissa 186 Matthews, Alonzo 99,162 Mattx, Paul 186 Maweu,Grace 186 Mayak,Megan 162 Mayer, Angela 162 Mays-Deem,Holly 135,187 McCafferty, Paul 187 McCain, Jennifer 187 McCann,Kathleen 187 McClellan, Ryan 123 McClellan, Ryan 162 McCracken,Ethan 162 McCullough,Owen 162 McDaniel,KyleT 163 McDonald,Denise 163 McDowell,Jason 163 McDowell,Randy 163 McDuffie, Suzanne 163 McFadden, Andrew 187 McFarland, Regina 163 McFarland,Rodney 163 McFarlin, Josh 163 McGrath, Warren 163 McGregor,Chris 187 Mcintosh, Wendy 163 McLaskey,Bonita 163 198 Selah

McLean, Troy 163

McSwain,Clay 187

Meadows,George III163

Meeks, Aaron L 187

Mendez,Renato 163

Mercer, Matt 163

Merrina, Michael 187

Mick, Ryan 163

Mihailovich, Christina 163

Mihailovich, Tom 163

Miley, Rita 163

Miller, Anna 163

Miller, Benji 121,123,187

Miller, Caleb 163

Miller, Gina 163

Miller, Jeannie 163

Miller, Leana 187

Miller, Melissa 163

Miller, Trey 163

Mills, Jaime 163

Mills, lames 163

Mills, Joel 187

Misjuns, Michae 1187

Miskell, Amy 163

Mitchell, James 163

Mitchell, Marlene 187

Mooney,Dorothy 164

Mooney,Michael 164

Moore, Allison 204

Moore,Ramsey 164

Moore,Ulysses 164

Morris, Amy 80,187

Morris, Mike 164

Morris, Ryan 164

Moyer,Chrystal 164

Mueller, Christine 164

Mueller, Joe 164

Muirhead, Joelle 164

Myers,Dan 164

Myers, J.D.187

Myers,Kelly 164

Newton,Nicci 13

Newton , Linda Michelle 1!

Ngeno,Kimutai 164

Nichols, Jessica 164

Nichols, Tina 76

Nicholson, Jack 164

Nix, Donna 164

Nobles,Stacy 164

Nodul, Luis 164

Nolette, James 164

North, Mary 165

Novoting,KeithJ 188

Ntini, Busani 165

Null, Jaynie 13

Nursing Club 147 o

O'Donnell, Christina 188

Oellermann,Heather 188

Oglesby, Debbie 165

Oglesby,Randy 165

Ohelmann,Christy 188

Okamoto,Jennifer28,29, U

Oliver, Jeremiah 165

Olsen, Dan 165

Olsen, Eric 188

Olson, Paul 127

Ominbe,Irene 165

O'Neill, Jim 27

Orr, Dan 165

Oukley, Nathan 188

Overton, Bradford 165

Owen,Beau 165

Owens,Fabian 165

Owens,Rhonda 165

Penner, Koustautiu 165

Perce, Bernie 165

Perdew, Jaime 165

Perdue, Gary 166

Perez, Jaimie 80

Perez, Kenneth A. 166

Perkoski, Kelly 188

Peters, Amy 166

Peterson, Jessica 166

Pettograsso, Christi-AnnaIS

Pettograsso, Marc 166

Phillips, Chris 110

Phillips, Katie 131,166

Philpott, Toni 166

Phipps, Joy 166

Pierce, Jack 166

Pierce, Moose 73

Pillath, Jennifer 189

Pinkard, Trista83,189

Piskel, Kent K. 166

Pollak, Sarah 189

Pollard, Cedric 189

Pollard, Kodi 166

Poluikis, Chris 166

Pond,Bonnie 166

Pons, Nikki 189

Popoff, Christina 166

Poston, Jeff57

Praasma, Jackie 166

Presson, Somar 189

Preston, Eric 166

Prettyman, Michael 134

Price, James 118

Price, Laura 166

Prince, Christy 13,166

Privett, John M. 166

Pross JonR 189

Provost, David 189

PsyChi 148

Psychology Club 148

Puckett, Steven 166

Pugh, AngelaFaith

Ranes,Joshua F 166

Ratcliff, Tiffany 107,108,189

Ratliff, Amanda 166

Rawlins. Matthew 189

Read.Daniel 166

Reber Dolly 167

Redmer, Matt 189

Reed,Mark 101.189

Reeves, Justin 167

Reeves, Kimmie 107,167

Reeves,Rick 108

Reinwald.Julie 167


Renno, Levi 167

Reuter, Amber 167

Reuter, Tiffany 167

Reyes, AntoniaC. 167

Reyes,SaritaA 167

Reynolds,Reggie 189

Rhodes, Allison 167

Rice, Josh 190

Rice, Rebecca 167

Rice, Wendi 190

Rich, Don J. 167

Richardson, Gele D 190

Richardson, Gerese 190

Rierson, Erin 190

Riley, Jesse 167

Riley, Martin 190

Ring, Isaac 167

Rioux, Jason 76

Rivera, Eddie 167

Robertson, Derek 167

Rogers, Ben 167

Rogers, Eli 190

Rogers,Kimberly 167

Rogers, Vivian 190

Rohrer, Mike 117,190

Rosario, Ingrid 190

Rose, Carrie 167

Rose, Jason 190

Royer, Jennifer 167

Ruilla, Carlos 190

Rukes,Erin 167

Rush, Torrey 167

Nagy,Ann 188

Nash,Brian 164

Neary, Lauren E. 188

Neff, Sarah 164

Nelles, David J.164

Nelson, Lisa 164

Nelson,Michael 164

Nelson, Shay 164

New,Jeremy 164

Newcomb Stephanie 164

Newkirk,Eric 164

Newsome,Christian 164

Newton.Mark 117,188

Palma, Rick 165

Palmer, Natalie 165

Parker, Stephanie 165

Parks, Devon 165

Parrish, Ben 165

Partello-Horn. Karian 165

Pascoe, Janice 165

Pass, Dorothy 165

Pass, Gerald L 165

Patrick Hugh D 165

Patterson. Michelle 188

Paul. James Carvana 154

Paul, John Olsen 188

Paul,Lynn 165

Paulsen, Shane M. 188

Quagliariello, Phil 189

Queen,Kenneth P 166

QRussell, Dr File 141

Russell, Will 167

Rutig, Kim 131,167

Radulovich,Stacy 166

Rainbow,Meredith 166

Ramsey,John S 166

Ramsey.Shanda M. 166

RSabot, Jamul 167

Sabula,Kristin 167

Sackett, Joey 167

Saechao. Thomas T 168

Sale, Brian 168

Salvador, Bechal 168

Index 199

Sanchez, Michael 190

Sanchez, Sarah 190

Sanders, Jennifer 168

Sanitate, JoeJr168

Saravia, ClaudiaJ 190

Sarinana, Joey 190

Sartin, Trey 191

Sattler, G 168

Saunders, Tremaine 168

Scalzini, Greg 132,168

Scearce, Vicky 168

Schenck, Kimberly 168

Schnelle, Andrea 168

Scott, Jevon 168

Scott, Laura 168

Scott, Tamara 168

Scruse, Emma 168

Seals, Billy 168

Searwar, Simeon 28

Sershen, Christine 168

Setsma, Mark 191

Seward, Angela 168

Seymour, Pathera 168

SGA 149

Shackleford-Williams, Toni 194

Shaffer, Christine 168

Sharrer, Bonnie 168

Shelor, David 168

Sherman, Michie 191

Sherwood, Athena 113,168

Shetterly, Daryl 168

Shugart, Sally 168

Si, Seung Kim 160


Sikes, Graham 168

Silvano, Djamila 191

Simmons,Ryan 191

Simon, Karen 168

Skipper, B.J 169

Slade,Xavier 169

Slay, Becky 191

Sloof, Irene 108,169

Small, Eric 191

Small, Michelle 169

Smart, April 169

Smith, April 191

Smith, Chemeka 169

Smith, Cherilynne 169

Smith, Damon 191

Smith, James 169

Smith, L.P 169

Smith, Sarah 169

Smith, Tim 169

Smith, Victoria191

Smithers, Heidi 169

Sobby, Rohan 191

Soergel, Rachel 169

Soo, TaekKim 160

Sook, HyunKim 160

Sool, Kyung Kim 160

Sorenson, Eric 101,102

Sorenson, Erik95,191

Sotomayor, Frank 191

Sounds OfLiberty 19

SpanishClub 149

Spencer, Ebony 169

Spiegel, Renee 191

Spurgeon, Mary A 192

Spurling, Julie 169

St. John, Sarah 83

Staal, Jessica 169

Stacy, Betsy 169

Staiger, Debra 192

Starr, Michelle 192

Steele, Ira192

Steinke, L 169

Stejanko, Martha 169

Stephen, Timothy Dunevant 179

Stevens, Courtney A. 192

Stevens, Phillip 192

Stewart, Heather 87

Stewart, Matt 169

Stogner, Havelyn 169

Stokes, Charu 192

Stokes, Deborah 192

Stokes, Dorothy 169

Stokes, Jennifer 192

Stone, Joe 192

Strait, Kimberly 169

Strand, Cory 169

Straube, Joseph,192

Strawn, Matt 169

Strickland, Shandal92

Strong, Tim 169

Strzalkowska, Joanna 192

Stump, Abby 169

Sturgill.Amy 169

Sue, Beth Pearson 165

Sullenger, Jay 169

Sumbeiywo, Joan 192

Summit,Pat 108

Sutphin, R. 169

Svacha, Carol 192

Swanson, KristineN 192

Swanson, Neil 193

Swartz, Janell170

Swartz, Kendall 133

Swenson, Jon 193

Taylor, Jack 170

Taylor, Krystal 170

Taylor, Lauren 193

Taylor, Rebecca 193,204,205

Teets, Daniel 193

Telford, Joseph 170

Temple, Janelie193

Terry, Damain 170

Terzic, Katarina82

Teufel, Jannie 170

TheChampion 144

Thienes, David 116.170

Thomas, Jeremy 170

Thorpe, Branoi 193

Timmons,Caroline 193

Tollison, April 170

Tolsma, Michelle 170

Towns,Dr Elmer 19

Toy, Eric 170

Trammel,Rebecca 170

Tripper, Karen 170

Trumbo, Jared85,170

Trumbo, Ryan 193

Tsoon, Meuy Saechao 167

Tumlin, Shelley 170

Turk, Jennifer 170 u

Umbenhaur, Angela 170

Ume,Udodirim 171

Ung,Kheng 193

Uribe, Carlos 171

Wagoner, Leah 171

Walker, RebeccaM 194,203,204

Wall, Erin 106,194

Walls, Dave 171

Walls, Kerry 194

Walters, Cheri 194

Walters, Chris 194

Walton,Kelley 76

Waltz, Stacy 171

Wang,Xin 171

Wanjau, Elizabeth 194

Warbuton, Wendy 194

Ward, Alicia 194

Ward, Jen 83

Ward, Jennifer 194

Warner, Jean 171

Wasch, Michael 171

Washington, Desmond 171

Watkins, Lisa 171

Watson, Amy Melissa 194

Weakley, Brian 171

Weaver, Rob 171

Webster, Katrina 171

Weddington, Daniel 171

Weisser, Christa 171

Weissinger, Andy 129,171

Wells, Ebony 4

Wells, Jason 171

Wells, Michael 194

Wenger, Randall 171

Wenner, Bill171

Wentworth, Carrie 194

Westcoat, Amy 171

Westfall, Marcellal71

Weston, Chris 171

Westra, Angela 171

Westra, Jeff172

White, Dan 28

White, Daniel 194

Vallette, David 171

Van, Marilyn Hannegeyn 171

Vanderwaal, Karen 193

Vandeventer, Jill J171

Vargas, TiharaFr 171

Vaughn, lennifer 193

Veerkamp, Helena 193

Vetter, Michelle 171

Vines, AnitaL 193

Vines, Dr.19

Visco, Ryan 194

Wilkerson, Sarah 104,172

Wilkerson, Sharon 95,104,107,108,172

Williams, Aerrin 172

Williams, Anthony 172

Williams, Cathy 172

Williams, Jonathan 194

Williams, Paul 172

Williams, Phil27

Williams, Ramone 172

Williams, Robin 172

Williamson, Alicia33

Talbot, Lori 170

Tanner, Christian 193

Tanner, Marlon 170

Tanner, Wesley 170

Tanui, Rose 170

Taylor, Heather 193

Williamson, Tim II172

Willie, Clint95

Willie, Flori 104,106,195

Willis, Dan 129,172

Wilson, A. 172

Wilson, Chris27

w V
200 Selah

Wilson, Patricia 172

Windsor, Levelle 172

Winter, Michael S 195

Wisor, Robyn 172

Wolfe, Jon 172

Wong, Wang & Ye 172

Woo, JoonLee 161

Woo,KonLee 161

Wood, Tim 116

Wood, Tim 172

Woodyard, Cherad 172

Woodyard, Joshua 172

Woof, Mark 172

Wook, Joung Lee 161

Woolford, Ted 195,204

WorldImpactConference 26

Wray, Burton 172

Wright, Eric195

Wright, Karen 172

Wright, Nick 172

Wright, Steve 122,172

Holiday House Florist

special hank s

We love you so very much and pray God's richestblessings upon you asyou begin your life in Christ together.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Lauren

In pulling together all the pieces of this yearbook, there are peoplewho helpedthat werenot part of the official staff, but whose assistance and contributions wereinvaluable Thank you for your generosity and giving spirits.

Shawn Andrews

Mr. Cam Davis

Ginger Gillenwater

Mrs.Allyson Goodman

Erin Harris

Mrs.Sharon Hartless

Yavuz, Sella 172

Yeager, Kim 80

Yeager, Kimberly 195

Yelder, Siy 172

Yohannes, Saba 172

Young, Dae Kim 160

Young, Jonathan 173

Young, Mee Kim 184

YouthQuest 149

Shanda Strickland

We are so proud of you! God bless youin China. Love, Dad, Mom, Sonia, Don andNathan.

Hebrews 13:8

Zagorski, Amy 195

Zea, Michael 195

Zealand, Mike 173

Zeches, Brandon 195

Ziacoma, Bianca 173

Zinchenko, Oksana 173

Zack Felter

Continue your dreams. You have surpassedours.

- Love, Mom and Dad

Mrs.Pat Heerspink

Katie Huff

Kelsey Huff

Jason Ingram

Dr.Wayne Kompelien


Mr.Mike Montoro


Mrs Jenny Reams

Les Schofer

Stacy Schofer

Laura Sipple

Steven Welch

And everyone who submitted candids—even thosewe didnotusedue tolimited space


May God continue to bless you inamighty way

Love. Dad and Mom

1971 University Blvd. ° Lynchburg, VA 24502-2269 °(804)582-4690
Xavier, Joseph Gorman 181 Sarah and Brandon Jones Dillahunt, Jr.
index 201

d m sthelastchanges aremade,thefinal crop M^ l marks drawn and theenvelopes sealed with our W ^kisses,the 1997-1998 yearbook hasfinally come toaclose And what atask it hasbeen — butwell worthit

For it isthrough thisbook thatmemories such asthat crazy government professor,roommates,classmates and friends and events likefootball games and theJr/Sr Banquet arecaptured onpages tobe remembered every time you turn the them.

Years from now when you come across thisbook tucked away onadusty shelf, you willtake it down to thumb through it asyou arenow.And if something causes youto smile orchuckle softly toyourselfwhile flipping through thiscollection ofthisyear inyour life— well,then we have done ourjobs

We preserved your memories onpaper and learned the value oftime and itsmany treasures inthe process

1997-1998 Selah Editors

Th e 25thvolumeofSelah

waspublishedby WalsworthPublishing Company,306North KansasAvenue, Marceline, Missouri64628. Publisher representativeswereJoanAndrewsand JohnLanze.

Pictures weretakenbyJeffBotz of UniversityPhotographersofChapel Hill, 202 Selah


LesSchoferofSchoferDigital and Shawn EldridgeandThomasLovingof Selah, LibertyUniversity.

Colorprocessingwasproducedby Winn-DixieofLynchburg, Virginia

Unlessotherwisenoted, all black and whitephotography wasprocessedand printedby Selahstaffmembers.

The staffutilizedtypestyles and

designtechniquesavailablethroughthe Macintoshcomputersystemusing WordPerfectandAldus PageMaker programs.

Forty-eightpagesarefull color and 158pagesareblackandwhite. Headlines are TimesandElixirMediumand body copy, captions, subheadsand photo credits are in Times.

Le t mesay my few lastwords. I will begin by stating that I am ecstatic that it's all over. Finito. Put to bed. Hasta pasta. However, I can't say that I am ready to go through the day without getting a glimpse of at least someone from the yearbook staff. We have had our share of hilarities, laughs and taunting which I will miss.

So, before I am just another name posted on the alumni list, I would like to thank several people before I make the few last changes in this 206 page book of memories.

To Mrs. Huff: The Queen. The question that is asked yearly by each of your staff members is, "How do you do it?" A mother,

a wife,ateacher, awriter, an adviser and finally a friend. And you take on all of these roles with dedication and perseverance.

Thank you for your patience, encouraging words, snacks and most importantly ... never giving up on us. I will miss working with you.

To Randy: One of the most insane people that I will probably meet during my lifetime. It was the best of times and the worst of times — and somehow we managed to survive through it all. Thanks for everything.

To Thomas: Oh, my. Aside from having class, the paper and working on the yearbook with you, I have come to a conclusion

You areone crazy Hawaiian.Mayyoube blessed with plenty of Sci-Fi books, pineapples and more legible handwriting in the many years of your exciting life that lies ahead.

t f patiencecomes through tribulation, then I learned some patience this year. For 1997-1998 was a year of tribulation for me. Setting my non-Selah related trials aside, this yearbook added to my prematurely grey hair, stooping shoulders, faltering gait, and thus, I suppose, my patience.

To Rebecca, Taryn, Sarena and Lezah: It has been a year full of struggles, deadlines and late nights, but what great stories we can tell our children later on. Well, maybe we'll keep a few of them to ourselves. To Jen and Jason: Thank you for allowing us to take advantage of your awesome writing abilities. Good luck and I love and will miss you both! Paste-up room now!

And intheend, looking back over my shoulder at the rutted, rocky road that is finally starting to fade in my memories, I am thankful that it is behind me now. But I know that once Icrestthispeak,therewillbe anothersuch hazardous path, and Iamequally thankfulthat the experience I gained here will ease my passage on the rough roads of the future. And the patience that I've earned through these trials will stand me well in the future.

Finally, my apologies to my friends and roommates whom I was never able to spend as much time with as I would have like to due to the fact that I was imprisoned in an office for two semesters. Well, I'm breaking out.

I have seen the light!!!

Randy King Co-editor WftA/'/'/'/i kLfr/fiif/* RebeccaWalkeer Co-editor
Staff 203

Saren a Beasley , Co-editor,


Over these past three years, I have learned an abundance of lessons that will carry me through the remainder of my life. Upon my departure from this beloved yearbook staff, I would be doing an injustice to those who will be leaving and to those who will come behind if I failed to reveal these much coveted secrets:

To Mrs. Huff: You can NEVER have too much Saran Wrap, but if you think you do, aluminum foil works just as well.

To Randy and Becky: Good luck to both of you in all of your future legal endeav-

L/ul 4 i/iM pit retail an d sprin g staff, 1997-1998

The fall stafffirst initiatedthe endandthespring semester goton idea for the 1997-1998 yearbook. its way. We soon found ourselves After several days of brainstorming, under deadline again, playing discussing and finally voting for the catchup and struggling to keep theme of the yearbook —"Much ahead of things. More Than Conquerors" was chosen. The spring staff took over and After the theme was worked out, attempted to finish up the remaining the pictures, copy and other nit-picky pages before going off for summer. jobs needed to be completed. Sound easy? Well, it wasn't, but we As we sat in a pile of computer are glad it's done. printouts, mugs of people from campus and an stared at an empty "finished pages box," we became a little apathetic. But, as always, we finished half of the yearbook and awaited the next semester to come along, so we could finish our next set of deadlines. Christmas break quickly came to an 204 Selah

ors. And Randy, stay away from crime scenes — you may get yourself framed. To the future yearbook editors/staff: In order to save yourselves from much harassment, finish the yearbook before spring break.

To Leeza: I hope someday you will be able to work in an environment where everyone knows how to spell your name! And finally to Shawn, Thomas and the other photo editors: Stay away from the darkroom drain!

Love, Captain Moonlight.

The springstaff. (Standingfrom lefttoright) — Nii Saki Arthur, Jason Knowles, Thomas Loving andRandy King. (Sitting from leftto right)— Lezah Crosby, Lisa Deur, Sarena Beasley, RebeccaTaylor, BeckyWalker, Doug Kruhm andSylviaGlover. Missing: Haruka Miyao and NikkiCooper The fallstaff.(Left to right)— Diane Fox, Becky Walker, Rakia Johnson, Ted Woolford, Rodger Love, PatrickAndrews, Allison Moore and Randy King. Missing: Michele Patterson, Matt Nichols and Sylvia Glover, Ann Felty and Lance Olshovsky.

Taryn Blake, Business Editor

To allthose concerned,I leaveonly my fortheyearbook asbusinesseditorhasbeen presence. (I've got two more years.) extremely interesting. Because of this, I In life you must always remember, the become more interesting every day. most irritating moments, people, events, etc., Forgive me. will always be the most interesting. Working

£7/ih £Vxcy$fo\' ezah Crosby, Co-editor, Ifapicture


is worth athousand words, I've said a lot. Everyone views the world differently, but I hope you've enjoyed the view through my lens.

To next year's editors (Shawn, Thomas, Eric and Myles) I leave developer stains, late nights and deadlines. Get as much sleep as

you can before Sunday and pray Mrs. Huff provides breakfast on Monday! Beez. much thanks for hanging with me. Venting is a good thing! Thanks to this year's staff and good luck in the future. Good-bye and best wishes to all my graduating friends. I'll miss you! See the rest of you next semester!

Thomas Loving, Asst. Editor, Photography

T Loving wasagood man. He always snapped pictures without complaining and we heard that he even ate his peas at dinner. We heard that now he is somewhere on the road with a CB in one hand and a book in the other. But he'll be back. Oh, you'll see.

No comment
•V * Rebecca Taylor, designeditor
Staff 205
Above: Typical facial gestures seen on theeditors' faces— apathy and confusion

he sun set to introduce another night, ending another day of changes at LU. Maybe it was a student who decided to join the mission field or another bright flower that was planted in the courtyard. No matter how large or small, change took place.

Liberty invited change because without it, the university would have never outgrown the walls of Thomas Road Baptist Church to become the campus that it is today.

We changed. Freshmen who entered Liberty metamorphisized from a social security number into the class of 1998. Now not just college graduates but Liberty alumni.

We struggled but finally realized that we could not walk alone. We needed God by our side with every step that we took. He became our guide, our constant companion and our armor of righteousness. Through him we became much more than conquerors.

We conquered the trials and frustrations that each day brought, we mounted up with wings like eagles and soared past the daily grind of homework, financial and relationship problems to reach our final destination: Another completed year.

mvcb mow
than conififenons
For I a m persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come , nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God , which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:38-39
m Wtdswortti Publishing Company 30 6 North Kansas Avenu e / Marcdine Missouri 6465 8 US A
that loved us 1971 Univers Lync u University Boulevard VA 24502 Walsivorth

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