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past present futureACADEMIC S

Intheirphysical science lab two students take theirclass work inthe hallfora little bit ofworking room.

Students inCLST meet with the professor inthe Bruckner Learning Center forthefirst few minutes ofclass, and then they work individually forthe restofthe period.

Prof William Honeycutt callson studentsto sharetheirpersonal opinionsofthe issuesdiscussed inhis GNED 101 class

Students break up intosmall groupsto discussand interactwith different theoriesofcommunications in their COMS 210 class, Communications Perspectives.

M 0 D E R N D A Y H E R 0 SE ev don They don't get alotof recognition. There'srarelyenoughgratitudegiven. So many timestheiractionsgo unnoticed, maybeevenseeminglyunappreciated. They investtheirtime, effort, knowledge andtheirlivesintoeachone oftheir students...andnow theyget the recognitiontheydeserve.

Four times a year, a faculty or staff member ishonored for his orher dedicationwiththe Modern Day Hero Award. What issospecialaboutthese exceptionalindividuals,isthattheyare chosenbystudents. Studentsare giventhe criteriathatthe persontheynominate shouldhaveahighimpactfor the Kingdom whilekeepingalowprofile. More than60facultyand staffmembers werenominatedthisyearbut onlyfour individualscouldactuallyreceivethe title ofbeinga"hero".

To all of those who were nominated, we thankyoufor yourserviceandfor your willingnessto make adifferencein the livesofstudents.To thosefew who receivedthisaward,we congratulateyou forthe hardworkyouhavedoneand we encourageyouto persistbecauseyou have touchedlives.

Dr. Harvey Hartman

Afterteaching for 24years,Dr. Harvey Hartmanreceived the Modern Day Hero awardfor his impact for the kingdom. He states"IlovewhatI teach."Among some of his classesareOld TestamentSurvey, Joshua-Judges,and Genesis. Hisdesireis thathis studentswill grow in character and integrity.

Dr. Steve Troxel

"Don'ttaketheeasy way. Stretchyourself. Do morethanyou thinkyou can," isDr. Troxell'sadviceto students.He alwayshas timetohelp,especially iftheyneedassistance to reviewfor atest.

Addingvalueto people'slivesishis favorite partof his job whichincludesbeinga Communications professorandfaculty directorof LUTV.

As arecipientof the ModernDay Hero Award, Dr.Terry Spohnsaidhefelt"sort ofuncomfortable," althoughhewas pleasedto be recognized.Hestates, "I'mjustdoingexactly whatI'msupposed to be doing."Asa sixyear-oldboy, hehadan incurablediseaseand wasgivenonlythree monthsto live. He was healedmiraculously andgrewup toearn his doctorateandhas been abiologyprofessor since 1987.

"IfGod called me to be a teacher I would notstooptobe aking!

Toteachastudentis the highestvocation onecouldtake. Itisthe way God communicated. He usedsmall groups.

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