1 minute read
We celebrate your graduation!
"Your WORD is a LAMP unto my Feet ana aLIGHT unto my Path . . .
Allyour Words areTRUE, allyour Righteous Lawsare ETERNAL . . .
Great PEACE have they whoLOVE your law, ana NOTHING can makethem Stumble . . .
Psalm 119
On behalf of the Board, or Directors, Starr, ana Myself, please accept our congratulations on your Graduation rrom Liberty University as a Music and Communications Major.Your Work Etnic and tne Integrity or your Character reflecttne Values and Commitment or your Family.
Although your Father has since gone to he with our Lord, I know he is Proud and Grateful that you have hlossomed into a Godly Woman. Along with Mom, Frank,Julianne,Melanie,Darren and Stephan,we at CIM give Thanks to God for His Favor upon your Lire.
Rev. Louis A. LaGatta President, Caleb International Ministries