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Mrs.Oughton teaches Advance Graphic Design She is an "awesome person and agreat teacher," said HeatherOrange.
A new addition tothefaculty, Mr. Timothy Wommack teachesspeech.The classspeechescan causeagreatdeal of controversy and debate,butthe students reallyenjoy them.
Mark Hine remembersliving downtown asastudent.He came on board in1979 He hasworn several hats,however,he is currentlyVice PresidentofStudent Affairs
Barbara Sherman teaches education classes. She hasagreat rapportwith studentsand sets a godly example.She expresses concern and sympathy forthe students, and it hasearned hera reputation asa person thatreally getsinvolved.
MM. limml PLftat. "AcU aiwaifi.been ia kind." SaAa cMolcambe
Ml. Scott Battel "amayina. teache/i, wtmdenlftdintellect." /We* <Jaka/i
2)4. <Jlax4>l "jiAdt fAo^eiian. ta nealhf. believe in mtf aJuUtiei. and aiftl in the a>iea oft linoaJcaiiintf.." Slica Jlie
Ml. PicJfUnf "ii the. teacher 9 wideutoai the wait." Rtfon jbanieli
PlO^tUoH 3>m£o*if "9 picked my, c&sieen. in kii, claAA oft1 fLiAfcUolafif,." j/aeJzie Gollini
MM. NutUn "Uiiened, a fVuceleU attribute." flu&tin MOQAMKMM.
3fk AUiitm "kai complied me wtteu 9'oe tabbed auet the ciaAAei. in the letjiittcM'i.
Alliian Rhode*
In the Education Department Dr. Carolyn Deimer haswritten the plan of salvation inRussian. She has made severaltrips to Russia and has had the opportunity to passout Biblesand meet many top Russianofficials.
One ofthe classesMrs.Janice DeLong teaches is Children's Literature She lovesto read children'sstoriesto her class.
Whatwould you do?
Dr Beck is currentltyAssociateVice PresidentforAcademic Affairs. He started the Philosophy Department in 1978 He "still lovesteaching,"but his time is taken heading the department offivefull-timefaculty members.
Dr.Cecil Kramer,Department Chair ofCommunications,discusseswith new students and students currently inthe Communications Department the new Communications program and requirements Cameo Ray stated, "He was very helpful inhelping me find sourcesand develop thepilot study for my future honorsthesis."
I was busy cleaning up the lab one day, and Ireachedacrossthecounterto grabaone-literbottle ofnitric acid. It had aciddripson theoutside, andI was inahurry, soinsteadofwashingit carefullyfirst,thenpickingitup carefully, Ijustheldon tothelid, whichwasclean. Butthelidwasnot on carefully, and inmid-airitpopped off and thebottlecame crashingontothe cornerofthecounter. My firstthought was,"Didanybodyseeme beingthat stupid?" Fortunatelyno one had, so I setabout rinsingoffthelittle bit of acidthathad splashedon my hands As Istoodatthesink, wondering howI was goingtocleantheacidoffthe floor beforeitate thewax offthe tiles, Inoticedthattherewas alittlehazein theair. Ilookeddown and realizedthat my labcoatwas smoking. Rats, I spilledsome on my labcoat Itookit offand threwitinthesink More haze Rats, my pantsaresmoking Now what todo?I can'ttakethem off Now, I alwaystellmy studentsthatiftheyspill alargeamount ofacidon themselves thatIwillmake them getinthe emergency showerand rinseitoff beforetheygochange. It'sbetterto walkacrosscampussoakingwetthan withacidonyourclothes. Ihad exerciseclothesinmy van-sweatpants and asweatshirt-IthoughtIcould go changeintothem. ButshouldIgetinto theshowerfirst5 Me,walk across DeMoss soakingwet'No way.So holdingmy pantlegsoutaway from me I runthrough DeMoss intothe parkinglot, tomy van. Ijump inand thinkhow gladI am fortinted windows.
Do not forgetthe lessonsyourprofessorshavetaughtyou inandout ofthe classroom.
Donotforgetthe work the Lordhas placedbeforeyoutodayandtoliveeachday-mayit be tocompleteapaper,smiletoa friend...getsome sleep. Do not forgettouse these lessonsasaspringboardtogiveyouahopeandafuture.