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Associate professor of English, is an active participant in what he calls, "commemorating history."Rowlette joined the eleventh Virginia Company G. Lynchburg Home Guard in1989, agroup thatparticipatesin Civil War reenacting. The originalunit, which foughtin the CivilWar,was involved inthe BattlesofGettysburg, Manassas and thesurrenderatAppomattox.Because there aren'tas many Northern re-enactors,Rowlette occasionally dons the blue tofight forthe 45thNew York unit, which originiallywas composed ofGerman immigrants Rowlette participates insixto eight reenactmentsayearand theyincludedemonstrations forthepublic, ladies'teas, period balls, Sunday church services and,ofcourse,a battle.

A love of history and the factthatreenacting is agreatfamily activitydrew Rowlette totheevents. HisdaughtersDelanieand Karen participatewithhim. If the Civil Warwere being fought today, Rowlette saysthathewould fightfortheNorth. However, could he travelback intime,Rowlette saysinthe 1860's he would have fought forthe South. ,

It runs inthe family. Kenny Rowlette and hisdaugher, LU graduate Delanie Rowlette,pose with a fellow CivilWar reenactor.

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept trie Taitn* ? TIMOTHY A-7 2 TIMOTHY 4:7

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