1 minute read
Pu\>r J.ric(\>,
We are veryproud of you and your accomplishments. May GOD use you tobring honorand gloryto Himalone.
We are so proud of you and love you somuch!
Dad & Worn
W e are so proud of you
All our love, Mom,Dad and Jeff
gratulations! Ron Forch
We areso proud ofyou andyour accomplishments. You havebrought somuch joy to our lives.
May God alwayskeepyou in His care. All ourLove, Mom, Dad and Kim
Iam soveryproud of your accompllishments Continue todelightin theLord and he will giveyou what you desire.
From thefirstdayof Nursery Schooltoyour lastdayatLibertyU.you have been ourjoyand blessing. May God bless you asHe guidesyour future. Love,