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Sounding Off, On e Step at a Time

The Marching Band "Spiritofthe Mountain" hadan awesome year with agreat show, great members andan exciting tripto New York. The theme was "Not Superficial." This exemplified the members abilitytohandle problems and situations,alike. A Christ-like attitudewas exhibited by all the members which made theyear a rewarding one.

"God has trulyblessed the band program overthe past few years and I can'twaittosee the band grow, not onlyin membership, but also through God,"said Andrew Marks, head Field Commander.

Partner stunts are spectacular to watch, but require hoursof work andprecision to execute.

"Go Big Blue!"

Pumping upmany fans atfootball games with crowds reaching upto 8000people.

The cheerleaders work together as a 'ift team, astheyshowoff i their skills for the 1 crowd.

Thesquad puttogetf new stunts for the homecoming game, which required hours of practice.

"hirdyearcheerleader \ hows herschool spirit stunting with senior BobbyWalker.

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