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Th e Ultimate Sacrifice
Former Muslim Impacted The World As A Leading Chiristian Evangelical
As ateenager, Dr. Ergun Mehmet Caner, member ofaSunni Muslim family, made adecision thatsevered him from hisparents, friends, culture and heritage. "Inmost Islamic countries, you areput todeath forconversion,"he said "I was completely disowned because we were livinghere inAmerica.Ilosteverything inone singlemoment."
After emigrating with hisfamily from Turkey toToledo, Ohio, Caner was befriended by aChristian high schooler, JerryTackett, who persistently reached outtohim and ledhim toChrist "Though Idressed differently, looked differently, atedifferently and spoke differently, Tackett kept afterme foralmost fouryears-witnessing and inviting me tochurch He reached me for the gospel by not giving up on me," Caner said Caner's father, adevout Muslim architectwho had worked on the mosque inColumbus, Ohio, never forgave hisson forturning from hisfamily'sreligion Ina paraphrase ofRomans 9:3, Caner revealed hiscryforthose, likehisfather, who did not believeon Jesus Christ. "I wish Icould be damned so my kinsmen according tothe fleshcould be saved,"hesaid Caner's gratefulness forGod's grace and unconditional love- a concept non-existent inIslam -pressed him todedicate his life tospreading the gospel message. Upon accepting the positionas president ofour Theological Seminary,Caner became thefirst former Muslim tohold aposition ofleadership atan evangelical seminary He brought hisevangelistic fervorwith him "Evangelism is required for the believer. Without it, you are justlazyand ungrateful The Seminary motto reflectsthis-'Preach, Teach,
Reach orShut Up and Get Out oftheWay,'" hesaid
Before arriving inLynchburg,Caner pursued an extensiveeducation, culminating inaDoctorate ofTheology from theUniversityof South Africa. He had previousteaching experience and had pastored churches inKentucky, North Carolina, Indiana, Colorado andTexas
He made the move toLynchburg completely assured that this was where God wanted him "I knew itthe moment I walked on campus,"he said. "This is livingmy dream, every singleday. I have been here forseven yearsand thesheen has notworn off one bit."
Despite death threatsfrom Muslims,Caner did not shirkthe spotlight Instead, he embraced it A Christian apologist, he debated Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and Bah'aiacross the world.He authored numerous booksincluding, "Unveiling Islam,""Voices Behind theVeil"and a book co-authored with hisbrother, EmirFethi Caner, "Christianjihad : two former Muslims look atthe Crusades and killinginthename of Christ." MM
Working atacollege, pastoring and speaking tostudents, Caner loved the unquenchable passion and eagerness he saw in young people "Every singleday, Igettobe around these studentswho would crawlacrossa live minefield towin someone toChrist," he said "They arecompletely sold outtoChrist They devourtheirBibles They hungerto know God more deeply and they believetheword ofGod."
His Wednesday night church servicesdrew thousands each week ashe spoke toan enthusiastic audience drawn tohishumor, energy and spiritualwisdom "Inmost places, Iam likeanchovies -an acquired taste Here, Ifit inperfectly," he said ST<«YBYAUBREYBL-ANKENSHP