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Matthew Raposas

Matthew Raposas

A Professorand His Wifedirectedthe Specialolympicsfortheirfirsttime

Athletes practiced putting and chipping at the local Poplar Forest Golf Club while others bumped volleyballs ina small YWC A gymnasium downtown They defied odds to improve their skillsand set the new season of Lynchburg's Special Olympics in motion. Dr.Jim Schoffstall, co-coordinator and coach, was excited about the upcoming year

"Most think that Special Olympic athletes can't do a whole lot," Schoffstall said "However, I've seen some Special Olympic basketball teams that could compete well in varsity level competitions."

Schoffstall and his wife Heather worked at the University and teamed up to coordinate Special Olympics in Lynchburg for the firsttime.

"Let me win, but ifI cannot win,let me be brave inthe attempt" isthe Special Olympic motto uttered by over two million children and adults with intellectual disabilities worldwide Schoffstall said the athletes "get a true sense ofjoy insports It'snot about the competition."

"Ontheroad,inhotels,atthevenues—theathletesareprettyuninhibitedandlots offun,"Schoffstallsaid."ltteachesmetobethankfulforwhatlhave.Anyoneinvolved inathleticshasinjuries.[Theseathletes]havetoovercomesomuchmorethanthat."

In addition to their three-year-old son Toby,the Schoffstall's fostered four kids,ages 10 to 21, most of whom participated in Special Olympics.

Whenhewasnotpassingvolleyballs.hetaughtHealthScienceandKinesiology SeniorJessGlausersaid,"Ineach classhe isverythorough,wellversed in the information and confident indemonstrating procedures and protocols."

Junior Jane Kim said,"He's not just a teacher,he's experienced inthe field that he isteaching."

Schoffstall explained his philosophy behind hisactions He said,"Being a Christian,I see it as a chance to share and help use my gifts,really giving back to people who can use the gifts we have been blessed with."



"Ithought I had a lot ofpatience before entering into Special Education, but everyday isa challenge Working with special needs people has taught me how toloveunconditionally and seethe potential ineveryone."KerriPorter, SR

"Working at Camp Daniel, with people ofall ages andall kindsof disabilities, has taught me the essence ofhaving a childlikefaithand worshiping without inhibition. Ithas been not only a humbling experience but ithas challenged me in examining my own faithby making sure I don'tget so comfortable inmy walk with God that I begintoignore hiscorrection and voice ofdiscipline."ErinReynolds,SR

"Iworked ata camp overthe summer fortroubled, special-needs, inner-city kids. It was tiring but I was blessed witha good group ofkids and itwas cooltosee breakthroughs happen inthe livesofthe kidswe had been working with." Jared Brown,SR

"Leadership is a great ministry to get "Ireally like the verse Psalm 27:14 It has am a full time minister and theonline tosit directly under a professor and really involved in It helps you to get to know taught me a lotabout being patient and classes provide theflexibilityI need with get toknow them." girlson the hall that you may have never waiting on the Lord " -Kittery Maine,SO my schedule."-Terry Lanford,GS -Nick Dodson,Grad Student reallytalked tobefore."-KristiCress,FR

"Ienjoy theonline program because I "Being a GA ina great job,you are able

After the volleyball match,senior Kyle Bryant follows inlineshowing good sportsmanship by offering a high-fiveto the opposing team "I volunteered with the Special Olympics because of my professor Dr Schoffstall He works with special needs people all the time and strongly encouraged us toget involved forexperience inour future field I was blown away by the ability levelof some of the special needs athletes,"he said

Students volunteer with the Special Olympics at a Young Women's Christian Association gymnasium in downtown Lynchburg Senior Morgan Goodson said, "I thoroughly enjoyed working with the Special Olympics The people nvolved have the greatest attitudes and really enjoy life They surprised me inhow well they played volleybal together and inspired me inhow well they look beyond the physicaldisabilities and see who people are at the heart"

"Phihppians 4 13 is one of my favorite "Every time I go to Doc's Diner is it a "My Coach Carey Green says 'those "One thing I always try to remember is to verses itreminds me that no matter what unique experience" - Crystal Kern FR quickest to change are quickest to never give up" - Devon Brown FR

I face all things are possible with God's succeed " - Rachel Hammond, SR strength" - Sarah McDonald JR

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