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D rape d on the wall in Samuel Murray'sroomwas a full-size Israeli flag, and on his top shelfwere boxesofgospel tracts Murray, a sophomore, was an Intercultural Studies major with acallingto goto Israel
Though from Bridgeport,West Virginia, Murray's^-" Star-of-David necklace,beard,and occasional yamaka made people ask if hewas Jewish "No," Murray would reply, "But my God is."Murray considered himself "Messianic,"explaining that he turned the Jewish traditions intoa"focus of • • what God has done for usthrough hisSon."
Murray compared Christianity toatree, saying that the church should nourish itshistorical roots inorder to grow "That's how my faith hasbecome a Hebrew styleofChristianity—going back to its **••,.. original roots,"said Murray Hefollowed Kosher laws and observed the Jewish feasts "He's notafraid to bewhoheis," said hallmate Brian Strathdee.
Murray said he'd received the calltobea * ' missionary to the Holy Land in2007 "My outreach is to the Jewish people,"hesaid Hisvision was to bring warrelief, help the growing number of orphans and witness to the Israelis Murray said he adopted Jewish customs tobecome all things toallpeople •
In2008, Murray began following hiscall Heactively ministeredto Jewsoffcampusandalsocultivatedfriendships withinternationalstudentson campus, includingMuslims He wasregularly active inCampuSERVE, a campus ministry that shared the gospel around Lynchburg.
Murray stood out because hewasso passionate about taking the gospel to the people of Israel. "He's got aheart for missions andevangelism. He's trusting God forsome pretty impossible things inour eyes," hallmate Chad Simpson said.
Murray had hisheart set onthe peopleof Israelandhishope set onthe God of Israel.
"Ultimately I want toberemembered by the phrase'He pleased God'." NTAYLOR
•jps. onboard surgeriesandothi medicalcare."David Kapu sophomore, said