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Matthew Raposas

Matthew Raposas

Students Followed Their Passions And Took The Unconventional Route

Students considered many factors inchoosing acollege and major Some chose topursue careers such asBusiness, Nursingor Education Forothers, amore unconventional routewaschosen

Courtney Landwerlen,ajunior Theatre major, knew that although her major wasunique,shewaspursuing herGod-given passion.

After areconstructive surgery onherankle, Landwerlen decided on Theatre ashermajor. "This surgery and decision somewhat changed my lifelong dream ofbecoming aprofessional dancer andtriggered my interestinbecoming amore well-rounded performer,"shesaid.

"I likedthe idea ofattending ahuge Christianschool, and unlike many Christian schools,[this] theatre dept had a great reputation I alsoknew I'dhave more opportunities here because it isn'tascut-throat,"Landwerlen said

Senior Emma Vought,aWorship major, believedthe Worship program was"unlike anyinthe country." Shesaid it "offersmore than atraditionalchurch music degree inthat it teaches students how towork inacontemporary setting."

ForVought,classeswere notjustclassesbutpreparation forfuture ministry "It wasthisprogram that drew me to this school simply because it wastheonly program that would prepare me bestforwhat Godis callingme to do."

Kevin VanDuser,ajunior Sports Management major, said, "I wanted tobeabletogosomewhere thatwasgoing togive me ministry experience, aswellasteach me how tomanage."

No matterwhat the major, every student tookthe same required faith-based core classes. VanDuser said, "I like the integration ofBiblicalprinciples inoureverydayclasses."

Professor Linda Cooper,Chair ofthe Theatre Arts Dept., believed thatincorporating those principals prepared students forlife after college Shesaid, "We trainthe studentstochange theculture instead ofbecoming part ofthe culture." STOW BY

"I likeattending here because it is aplace "Scmetimes it'sa struggle to be so far

"After three years here I am stillcertain I "I really likegoingtofootball gamesbecaus where I canconnect withyoung Christians away from home I know this isa place I made therightchoice I love it somuch I it is atimeoffellowshipwithother student like me who share ambitions like mine." cangrow inGod and I love itmore than haverecruited my brotherand mycousin." oncampus."- JosieMcCuiston, FR -Sarah Morgan, JR anything."- ErickaMaynard,SO - AliciaMacLeod, JR

A student walks down the runway modeling anoriginal designat the student fashion show located inthe Schilling Center. Every spring the Family and Consumer Science department has held a student fashion show givingthe opportunity toexperience the process of fashion design Similary, the music department has held concerts each semester which allowed students to showcase their musical abilties. Senior Jenn Smith, a Vocal Performance major,said, "God supplied allreason for me to come to Liberty and provided understanding for me tostudy music I only pray that Godwill use the knowlege that I've gained these past four years tospread His love thorugh music."

Starringasthe Fiddler, seniorNatalie Bealsexpresses both heracting and fiddletalentsin "Fiddleron the Roof."Junior Laura Zaloom,aTheater Education major, said, "Inthesecular world, many people say 'Theater is my life.' I say, Jesus is mylife.' Whenit comes toacting everyone knows the chances ofmaking it big areveryslim. but I feelif God instills apassion in you and you commit touse it forHis glory He will open any doornecessary."

Taking thelead role, juniorJason IrizarryplaysTevye in thesceneentitled "Anatevka"from "Fiddleron theRoof."

Senior KatieKnight wrestled with declaring hermajor "I waited two years tochange mymajortoWomens' Ministry asmany warned meI would not beable tofindajobaftergraduation I finally realized that if I followed thepassion God had given me then He would provide an avenue in which touse it," shesaid.


"Because of the basic nutritional background I already have asa result of being diabetic,I cangointo this particular field andbecreative and fun in presenting nutritionto various areas such as universities, nursing homes,restaurants, government agencies,daycare centers or wherever Godmaylead Itismy desire to be self-employed, which would give me the option of working from home as wellas traveling around when necessary."

Rachael Lake, JR

Major: Family and Consumer Science, Nutrition Concentration

Minor: Business

"Iwant to beacommercial pilot and then eventually bea private pilot transporting famous people as well as my family,working minimal hours and having my ownfamily." Lauren Balken, FR

Aviation Major

"Broadway of course,but ona smaller note,I would liketobe the choreographer of a professional theatre aswell asanactress in the theatre." Sarah Seaman,JR

Double Major: Math / Musical Theatre Arts, Musical Theatre Concentration

"I am in theNursing program and love "You can't goanywhere elseinthe coun- "Ilikegoing to the Lahaye Ice Center Its "Myfavorite part about dorm lifeis gethow helpful the professors are and tryand find thekind of people-friendly relaxingafteratough day ofclassesand it tingtoknow differentpeopleand cultures how much they want you to succeed" environment you findhere"' is fun toskatewith friends." from all around theworld."


"Ibegan te old I taught and guitar • about five years and at one point I had about twenty-eight students It prepared me and gave me discipline and the mindset I needed to have my own business for the future I learned how to keep contracts with my customers and book records to keep track of payments and income."

Jenni Blanzy- Sophomore


Toby McKeehan: A professional musician, producer,and songwriter also known as Toby Mac Hewas firstknown forbeing one third oftheChristian music group

Dc Talk, with Kevin Max and MichaelTait, whom hemet while attending Liberty University Hehascontinued asuccessful solo career with therelease ofthree studio albums;Momentum (2001),Welcome to Diverse City (2004),and Portable Sounds (2007),aswell astwo remixed versionsof hisfirst two albums,Re:Mix Momentum, and Renovating Diverse City


Anthony Richard "Tony" Perkins: A graduate from Liberty University is an American Republican politician From 1996-2004, heauthored legislationto require public schools to install Interne filtering software,provide daily silent establish the firstcovenant marriagela' and to authorize theAmerican History Preservation Act,the state ,to"preventcc

•itaqe" inpublic schools

Bernard Eric Green: A former professional American footbal the 1stround of the NFL Draft by t the enc

Mitchell Bryant, sophomore, became interested inphotographyafter a basicphotographyclass in high school Herealizedhisartwasgood enough to sellafter someoneofferedtohire him.

"I trytomake things thatareordinary look awesome I alsotrytomake everyshot unique and differentfrom everyshootinthepast," Bryant said.

As for thefuture,Bryantwasunsureif he would make photographyhiscareer."If that happens forme, I would bethrilled And even if it doesn't turnoutto bemymeans for living, I still thinkI'll shootaslong asI'mable to."

After growing up ina house full of girls, juniorAnna Gonzalez became interested incutting and stylinghair Gonzalez received customers through word of mouth.She began charging people after her mom and others reassured her that her talentwas worth money

"I took up an interest when my mom letme cut my sistershair attheage oftwelve I have sincelearned and perfected my skillsthrough practice,"Gonzalez said Gonzalez desired to use her skill postcollege.She said,"Ihope to open up my own shop someday inthe future, after I graduate."

From the age of12, sophomore Logan Johnson found an interest inInformational Services with hisfamily's company He took a two-year internship in Dallas, Texas then decided to attend college.

"After much self-taught education I decided it was time to get a four-year college degree to both further my technician skills and alsolearn how to affectively run a business,"Johnson said

Johnson hoped to continue hisbusiness as a career He said, "Ihave a passion forwhat I do,I'm good at it and it pays extremelywell."

A unique variety fills the boxfrom

The Bakery Dorm 22-2 is not alone in theirefforts toreach theLynchburg community Senior Kelsey Baker regularly participates inthe Campus Serve Ministry

"I believe that it is extremely important to show the love of Christ tothose who do notseeit on a daily basis I have been able tobuild relationships with thekids, take them tofootball games,outtolunch and tothe movies By showing them that I care,they are willing tolistentowhat have to sayabout my relationship with ;<Jesus I would encourage students to get involved and show the love of Christ."


"Mine is vanilla glazed with colorful dotsprinkles."-Eric Reynolds,SO

"My favorite kind of doughnut is a Boston creme."- Jeremy Bourdon, SO

"A long John vanilla pudding filleddoughnut with white icing."- Wade Roberts, FR

"Boston creme is my favorite type of doughnut." -TimTalley, SR

"I likechocolate-covered doughnuts with sprinkles."-Clay Lindner, SR

"My favorite doughnut is glazed."- Luke Sarchet, FR

"I likeworking with thekids It'ssomuch "I reallyenjoy getting toimpact the lives of "The area surrounding Dr Falwell's "I wanted todo something I enjoyed as m fun They're sofriendly and I've heard a kids and seehow they grow and change Memorial is such a fantastic display of Christian Service [Working with kids] is lotof good things about CampuSERVE." overtime." God's artistry." more funand thekids have more energy."

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