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Matthew Raposas

Matthew Raposas

Students with parents in the campu s spotlight speak out W e noticed them around campus. "Hey, isn'tthat the campus pastor's daughter?" And,"There goes my professor's son." Have you ever wondered what itisliketo be one ofthose students? Some ofthem shared their perspectives on being recognized forwho their parents were These are theirstories..

"IfI could invitesomeone tospeak atconvo I would inviteJoni Eriksen Tada,because I always looked up toher"- Danielle Puig, SR

"My favorite professor is Dr Volk He "Atthiselection theresults were reallycares about hisstudents and wants trulyamazing It said we asa nation them tosucceed inlife and psychology areready forchange I'm proud of He'salways there totalkwhenever thepeople" - Shaoneke Kelly, JR anyone needs him."- Nikki Libby, JR

"I've always wondered what it would look liketobein ahelicopterlookingatthevines centerrightafterconvoandseeingeveryone flood outofvines"KristiTaylor, JR

NAME: Meagan Van Engen,FR

RELATIVE:Dr RobertVan Engen

Q: What isit like being related to a popular professor?

A:"Being related to my dad is great I love my dad and it'sso nice to have him so close to me while I'm at school There have been numerous times where I've justneeded to chilland hisoffice is a great place to do that He's such a great influence on me too,and is always encouraging me to grow closer to God I couldn't have a better dad I love when we go to sporting events and the kids recognize him and actually acknowledge him with a,'Hey Van Engen!'It'sniceto know that I'm not the only one that thinks my dad rocks."

NAME: KristiCarson, FR

RELATIVE: Dwayne Carson

Q: What are some things you don't necessarily like about being "in the shadow" of a campus pastor?

A:"I was a littleworried about people viewing me differently and being known as 'Dwayne Carson's daughter'instead ofjust Kristi But that has not been an issue atall. People joke about it and make itseem likea big deal,but they know it'snot and they treat me like justanother student,because I am justanother student.There probably could be a lotof negatives to being inhis shadow, but I haven't found one yet."

NAME: Dana Wheeler,JR

RELATIVE: Dr.David Wheeler

Q: What are some positive aspects of being "in the shadow" of a professor?

A: "My dad is an amazing role model not only for my family and me, but forhisstudents Itmakes me so proud when students come up to me and tellme how much they love him and how he has helped them grow in their relationship with the Lord."

NAME: Trevor Rasberry, SR

RELATIVE: Professors Rick and Tamera Rasberry

Q:What is it likebeing related to popular professors?

A: "Ihave the greatest parents inthe world and I have relationships with them that I wouldn't trade foranything. Having parents that are faculty has also allowed me to develop friendships and relationships with other faculty members that are friends of my parents Getting to see the way the professors act around each other, other faculty and students outside ofthe classroom gives me a very candid look at the livesand hearts ofa good bit ofthestaff."

"Themost rewarding partofmy job asa student worker in theParent Programs Officeis theenvironment and people They make an afternoon at work enjoyable"- Chelsey Lester, SR

"I would want tobe stranded on a desert "Basketballgames areveryexciting island with Chris Deitsch because I think because oftheexcitementthe he's hilarious " Libby Acree, JR fansbring I lovewhen it getsloud and thatseems tospark theteam toawin"- ChrisCrigler, SR

"God continuestoblessLiberty m academics, athleticsand in preparing young men and women to make a differencein their respected areas ofstudy"- ChrisMandell SR

Senior Brittany Cross blows blueberry and lemon scented bubbles with achild from an orphanage inGuatemala. The organization thatfounded themission siteis called Esperanza de Vida,Hope ofLifeMinistries Senior Krista Gillikin, who had been on a similartrip, said "I went toSoutheast Asia forthe summer where I worked mainly withMuslims I learned a lotabout trusting God Trusting him with my activities,my confusion, where he wanted me to go and notgo and my life It was extremely difficult attimes, but was ultimatelyan unforgettable experienceofa lifetime."

"It's like taking a testand grading it with no answer key, something that can'tbe simulated in the classroom," Nathan May,ajunior, said May was the firstengineering student tocomplete an internship He gained experience at Advanced Manufacturing Technology,Inc., inLynchburg

"I help get an ideafrom paper tothe assembly line, optimize workflow and design and layout the prototypes fornew market products,"May said Thisexperience allowed May to "have'realworld'encounters with actual products,"hesaid

Senior Lindsay Beth Ethridge, a worship major, interned ata Baptistchurch inArkansas.She ledworship, conducted the orchestra and taught privatevoicelessons

"It was a totallydifferentenvironment, just totake what I learned inclassand actually be part ofit inministry,"Ethridgesaid

"I would want to be stranded on adesert island with Michael Miller, because he would be abletofinda door from reality intoNarnia."- Matthew Bryant, SO

Sarah Wilson,ajunior BiblicalStudies major and InterculturalStudies minor, journeyed to Ecuador forher internship She helped with variouschildren and youth ministriesand taught vacation Bibleschool fortwo months

"I learned how to relateto people, and it helped me a lot to learnabout another culture," Wilson said "It definitely gave me more ofa perspective on long-term missionsand how you can impact someone's life more as a long-term missionary than a short-term missionary."

Senior Sport Management major,NicoleSullivan, improved her marketing techniques sellingtickets over the phone forthe Orlando Magic NBA team

"I learned patience working insales because you've got to have that,"Sullivansaid

Experientialeducation through internships allowed students to put what they learned into practice Sullivansaid, "It validated forme that I'm definitely inthe right field."

"My favoriteplace tohang out on campus "I lovestudying atPeaks View Park is thenew thirdfloorlabarea. It hasagreat because it's so relaxing I lovebeing atmosphere for hanging out or studying." outside, so sittingon a picnicblanket

-TiffanyAllan, SR barefoot inthe park is my favoriteplace tostudy"- Victoria Doughty,SR

"I lovebeing abletohelpfirst time college parentsfeelatpeace withleaving theirstudent It's greattosee their faces change from astateofuncertaintyto being confident."- Emily Smith, Staff

LU ABROAD:/ Brittan yHerrSR

Where did you go and what did you do?

"Iwent to Saints Bible Institute in San Lorenzo,Italywhere my window looked out onto the Alps I took twelve credits infour weeks during June."

What was thebest part ofyour experience?

"Getting the chance to study church history where it happened and then go and see the actual churches where so much took place willforever be cemented inmy memory."

Junior Sarah Payton holds young Mimi in her arms The girlsPayton worked with were called the Manposas,orbutterflies They were the youngest girlsat the orphanage Senior William Wittenbrook also got a taste of reallifethrough his intership inWashington, D.C I interned atthe International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) I was assigned to intern with the Research Center Directorate where I did research on gun violence inseveral cities throughout the United States I was also able to travel with the IACP to Chicago,III and Madison,Wis to assist them with Law Enforcement Leadership Roundtables on Gun Violence Reduction.I really enjoyed my internship, and I foundit to be extremely complementary to my degree inCriminal Justice,"he said SeniorSarah Haslund blowsbubbleswitha little orphan girl She explained her intership by stating, "I spenttwo months in Guatemala this pastsummer withtheLibertyUniversity Spanish Institute Forthefirst month we took Spanishclasses and worked in villages ministeringand evangelizing The second month I livedwithafamilyand worked at aschool I, along withtwo othersfrom Libertyhelped teach Englishfor aclass of girls trainingtobe bilingualsecretaries This was such arewarding experiencewhere I wasabletoservetheLord while learning Spanish."

How hasit challenged you?

"Getting out of your comfort zone, learning and really going foran in-depth study on one classata time was such a refreshing way to learn something."

Would you recommend thisprogram to others?

"Definitely!You learn so much about yourself,your views of lifeand how other people liveand theirget to experience different cultures, allof which ispriceless Not to mention if you have to take the class, why not take it inan amazing location!

"The most rewarding aspect of my job is the people I work with I work with a dynamic set of individuals,focused on exemplifying Christ'sactions through serving."- Jonathan Micol Staff

"Ikind of knew Obama would win In the debates he shmed and spoke well on the topics I was happy,but not really surprised" - Breland Grant SO

"Homecoming was a pretty sweet experience This ismy firstyear at LU and the homecoming rush, the seas of red everybody justenjoying themselves it's great!- Kyle Powers FR

"I really love the worship at Common Ground The atmosphere is very encouraging and Christ centered" - Ashley Beck SO


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